Latest News
- Mr Sameer Ranjan Singh joins as AR (Faculty Affairs)
- Selection Committees for faulty appointment being held regularly
- Selection Committees for 10 departs scheduled in August '19
- Selection Committees for 6 departments completed in July '19
- IFACs for 9 departments scheduled.
- Departments processing Assistant Professor applications received between 01 Dec '18 and 30 June '19
- Faculty selection interviews for cutoff date 30 Nov '18 in progress.
- Director interacts with Assistant and Associate Professors on 13-12-18
- IFAC meetings for 7 departments held on 25-10-2018
- Series of IFAC meetings for several departments held on 1 Sept 18
- Prof Pramod Jain, IIT-R appointed as Director IIT(BHU)
- Lecture series by the Director, 19-21 July '18, Topic: IIT (BHU): Retrospective and Prospective Us
- Presentations for (pre-revised) PB-3 to PB-4 movement to be held on 04-June-2018
- Procurement of laptop/desktop/tablets or devices of similar nature from CPDA is not allowed.
- Record retention schedule for the documents pertaining to Faculty Recruitment.
- Composition and responsibilities of Institute Faculty Affairs Committee (IFAC).
- Composition and responsibilitles of Institute Standing Faculty Affairs Committee (ISFAC).
- Regarding exemption for Air Travel in Airlines other than Air India in Individual cases, Dated 31.12.2018
- Minimum essential requirements for shortlisting of candidates for faculty recruitment/placement of faculty member in higher pay level in the institute dated 28.12.2018.
- Guidelines for processing of applications for Faculty Recruitments
- Departmental Faculty Affairs Committee (DFAC).
- Leave provision in respect of faculty members.
- To Accord exemption for Air Travel in Airlines other than Air India in Individual cases, Dated 10.10.2018.
- To Accord exemption for Air Travel in Airlines other than Air India in Individual cases.
- In the self appraisal form providing students feedback data is OPTIONAL.
- Formal welcome of the Director by the faculty: 13.8.18
- Minimum essential requirements for shortlisting of candidates for faculty recruitment/placement of faculty member in higher pay level in the institute dated 01.08.2018.
- Rate of honorarium of Visiting Faculty, Institute Professor, Institute Associate Professor and Institute Assistant Professor.
- Minimum essential requirements for shortlisting of candidates for faculty recruitment/placement of faculty member in higher pay level in the institute dated 28.07.2018.
- New emolument rates for non-regular faculty.
- Modified leave provision in respect of faculty members.
- Workshop on 'Teaching-Learning Best Practices' under TLC' IIT(BHU) from 12.01.2018 to 17.01.2018 in ABLT Complex, IIT(BHU) Varanasi.