DoFA Staff: Work Distribution of DOFA staff
(Intranet access only)
(Intranet access only)
Sri. Bipin Kumar Panday | |
Designation : Superintendent Email: Mob. No. : 8210722191 Duty assigned:- All Supervisory Work of DOFA Unit. |
Sri. S M H Rizvi | |
Designation: Junior Superintendent Email : Mob: 9565927863 Duty assigned:- 1. Faculty Recruitment 2. IFAC & ISFAC Meeting 3.Online application for Faculty Positions 4.BOG Matters 5. DFAC Matters 6. Faculty Selection Committee Matters. 7. HAG Scale(Revised Pay Level 15) related work. Any other work as assigned by the superior authority from time to time. |
Sri Abhishek Mishra | |
Designation: Junior Superintendent Email : Mob: 9935207036 Duty assigned:- 1.Matters related to CPDA & Issue of NOC for Visa Purpose. 2.Forwarding of applications for various Awards, Fellowship & Honorary Positions, etc. 3.Coordination with the Technical Team for Faculty Recruitment Online Portal. 4.Matters related to Relocation Charges of Faculty Members. 5. Accommodation related matters. |
Sri Ritesh Singh | |
Designation: Senior Assistant Email : Mob: 9026713959 Duty assigned:- 1.RTI Matters and Reports 2.Forwarding of applications & NOC for Outside Employment 3.Disposal of letters/emails received from MHRD, Lok Sabha/Rajya Sabha(related to Faculty data). 4.Action on Minutes regarding confirmation, regularization and placement from Pay Level 12 to 13A1 5.Maintaining data of all regular faculty members and Monthly DOFA Portal regarding faculty list. 6.Disposal of Grievances/Complaints received from Public Grievance Portal 7.Disposal Of Internal Complaints/Query (Faculty Members) on various matters. 8.Any other work as assigned by the superior authority from time to time. |
Smt. Ravisha Raghuvanshi | |
Designation :Senior Assistant Email: Mob. No. : 7275468190 Duty assigned:- 1. All kind of Leave matters of regular faculty members. 2. Any other work as assigned by the superior authority from time to time. |
Sri. Sonu Kumar | |
Designation: Senior Assistant Email : Mob: 9792822438 Duty assigned:-
Sri. Vikram, MTS | |
Designation : Skilled Staff (Ex-cadre) Email: Mob. No. : 7499634906 Duty assigned:- 1.Faculty Recruitment Related Work. 2.Diary of all Inward Dak. 3.Dispatch of Dak 4.Dispatch of application forms for faculty position to concerned Departments/Schools. 5.Record management of all applications received and dispatched to the Departments/School. 6. Any other work as assigned by the superior authority from time to time. |
Sri. Durga Das Sahani | |
Designation : Daily wager Email: Mob. No. : 9005840352 Duty assigned:- 1. NOC for Passport and its confirmation. 2. Various Recoveries of faculty members on Deputation. 3.No Dues Certificate for Retirement/Terminal Benefits. 4.Circulation of joining reports of new faculty members. 5. Maintaining of annual immovable property of faculty members 6. Sending of ACR/APAR of Faculty Members for regularization/confirmation/Placement from Pay Level 12 to 13A1 and action thereon. 7. Matters related to Relocation charges of faculty members. 8.Rajbhasha Report 9. Any other work as assigned by the superior authority from time to time. |
Ms. Anchal Chaurasia | |
Designation : Data Entry Operator Email: Mob. No. : 7651843037 Duty assigned:- 1, Leave Matters. 2. Any other work as assigned by the superior authority from time to time. |
Sri Ravi Kumar Singh | |
Designation : Unskilled (Contractual Staff) Email: Mob. No. : 8005161033 Duty assigned:- All Supporting work |