marshal.bme's picture
Dr. Marshal
Associate Professor
School of Biomedical Engineering
Area of Interest: 
Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering, Stem Cell Reprogramming, Bio-MEMS and Biosensors, Biophyiscs, Nano-medicine, Plasma Physics


  • Ph.D., University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST), Manchester, England, 2004
    Thesis: Plasma treatment and deposition of polymeric materials with applications in life science.
    Thesis Advisor: Professor James W. Bradley
    M.Sc., University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, India, 1998
    Research Project: Development of a plastic scintillation detectors for β-ray detection.
    Project Advisor: Professor Y.K. Vijay
    B.Sc., University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, India, July 1996 (College Topper)

Significant Research Contributions   

Development of Implantable Artificial Human Organ on Chip
Our lab in collaboration with Dr Aleem A Khan's group  developed human pancreatic islets by transdifferentiating human hepatic progenitor cells on transplantable nanostructured chips. The pancreatic islets showed functional response by producing adequate insulin to reverse hyperglycemic condition. The work has its uniqueness in preventing cytokines response while transplanted intraperitoneally in a non-immunocompromised mice model system. Currently, we are working in advancing our understanding of biomaterial science and its role in regenerative medicine, enabling the utilization of available drugs in cancer therapy more effectively by changing their mode of acceptance by the cellular system and  finding their new applications (Ref: Advance Therapeutics, 1900205 (2020) doi:

Reversal of Drug Resistance of Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Drug resistance in cancer cells is one of the major barrier in clinical treatment and several researchers are working on finding ways to overcome drug resistance. Our research group has uniquely identified a way of reversal of drug resistance in human hepatocellular carcinoma cells. The study demonstrated bypassing efflux of drug molecules due to non-functional response of drug receptors. The initial study provides a new dimension to further understand the mechanisms for reversal of drug resistance in cancer cells along with combating and treating drug resistance cells. (Ref: Scientific Report, 7, 8539, 2017 doi:

Developing Methods for Quantification of Cell Surface Markers Without the Use of Fluorescence Microscopy 
Our group developed a new method that can be an alternative to fluorescence-based techniques used to quantify cell surface markers. The method quantifies charge transportation due to antibody interaction with antigen expressed at the viable cell’s surface. This method does not require fluorophore-tagged secondary antibodies. This technique will provide a new direction for assessing time-dependent kinetic of antigen-antibody interaction. Our group demonstrated a real-time methodology that can be used to identify surface markers in the viable cell population (Ref:, Biosensors and Bioelectronics 206,114134 (2022) doi:


Associate Professor, July 2017 – Present
School of Biomedical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology (B.H.U.), Varanasi, India
Senior Scientist, 2013 –  2017
CSIR- Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB), Hyderabad, India
Scientist, 2009 – 2013
CSIR- Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB), Hyderabad, India
Senior Fellow, 2008 – 2009
Department of Bioengineering, University of Washington, Seattle, USA
Scientist Fellow, 2006 – 2008
CSIR- National Physical Laboratory (NPL), New Delhi, India
Research Professor, 2004 – 2006
Biology Research Center for Industrial Accelerators
Dongshin University, Naju, South Korea

Institutional Responsibilities and Leadership Roles

Member, Board of Studies, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Central University of Rajasthan (2022-2024).
Elected Life Member of "The National Academy of Science, India" (NASI) one of India’s oldest and prestigious academy, 2022 in Life Sciences.
Faculty Coordinator (International Exchange), Student Counselling Service, IIT (BHU)-2019.
Chairman, PhD Admission Committee, School of Biomedical Engineering, IIT (BHU) 2022.
Member, Board of Studies, Department of Biomedical Engineering, SRM University, Sonipat, Haryana, India (2020-2022).
Member, Departmental Faculty Affairs Committee, School of Biomedical Engineering, IIT (BHU)-2020-2022.
Chairman, M.Tech Admission Committee, School of Biomedical Engineering, IIT (BHU) 2019-2021.
Convenor, Department Undergraduate Committee, School of Biomedical Engineering, IIT (BHU)- 2020-2021.
Faculty representative, School of Biomedical Engineering in the Training Placement Cell of IIT(BHU)-2020.
Convenor, Department Annual Report Preparation, School of Biomedical Engineering, IIT (BHU)- 2018 to 2020.
Faculty Coordinator (Wellness), Student Counselling Service, IIT (BHU), from 2018-2019.
Convenor, Department Undergraduate Committee, School of Biomedical Engineering, IIT (BHU)- 2018-2019.
Convenor, Exploratory Project, School of Biomedical Engineering, IIT (BHU) – 2017-2019.
Committee Member, MEMS/NEMS Technical Group, American Vacuum Society (AVS) International Symposium & Exhibition, USA, 2006-2018.
Editorial Advisory Board Member, The Open Electrochemistry Journal published by Bentham Open, 2008.
Guest Editor, Journal of Scientific Conference Proceedings published by American Scientific Publishers (Volume 1), 2008.
Scientific Advisory Board Member, 5th Anniversary Congress of International Drug Discovery Science and Technology: Advances and Challenges toward Major Diseases, China, 2007.
Guest Editor, Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology published by American Scientific Publishers (Volume 2), 2006.
Program Chair, MEMS/NEMS Technical Group, American Vacuum Society (AVS) 53rd International Symposium, San Francisco, CA, USA, November 2006.
Chair, Nano Biomaterial and Biotechnology Session, International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Gawanju, Korea, 2005.
President, UMIST India Society, Manchester, England (2001-2003).
Have been a member of several professional societies such as the Institute of Physics, American Vacuum Society, Society for Vacuum Coaters, Indian Cell Biology Society, etc.

Short Visits for Research Collaboration and Talks

Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST), Okinawa, Japan, 2015
In the laboratory of Professor Mukhles Ibrahim Sowwan.
University of Aveiro, Portugal, Europe (2011)
In the laboratory of Professor Sushil Kumar Mendiratta, Department of Physics
University of Bristol, England (2011)
In the laboratory of Professor Mervyn Miles, Centre for Nanoscience and Quantum Information, Department of Physics.
Chonnam National University, Gawanju, South Korea (2010)
In the laboratory of Professor HB Gu, Department of Electrical Engineering.
Washington State University, USA (2009)
In the laboratory of Professor Susmita Bose, School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering.
Chonnam National University, Gawanju, South Korea (2008)
In the laboratory of Professor HB Gu, Department of Electrical Engineering.
Stanford University, USA (2006)
In the laboratory of Professor Yoshio Nishi at Stanford Nanofabrication Facility.
University of Louisville, USA (2006)
Department of Physics and Chemistry, University of Louisville.
University of California, Berkeley, USA (2003)
In the laboratory of Professor Michael A. Lieberman, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA (2003)
In the laboratory of Professor Ian H. Hutchinson, Plasma Science & Fusion Center.
Research Centre Rossendorf, Dresden, Germany (2001)
In the laboratory of Professor Miller at Institute, Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research.