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  • B.Tech
    Department of Mechanical engineering offers 4-year bachelor of technology program to the students admitted through JEE (Advanced) with a total intake of 120 students every year. The department offers wide range of optional courses to the students to pursue their interest. The curriculum is Show(+)
  • Dual Degree (IDD)
    Department has strong undergraduate program in mechanical engineering offering B.Tech. and M. Tech dual degree 5-year program called Integrated Dual Degree (IDD). Students take up a major research project for 1 year after completing their 4 years of BTech programme. Show(+)
  • M.Tech
    Mechanical engineering department offers 2 years full time postgraduate (Master in Technology) programs in following 4 areas. Show(+)
  • Ph.D.
    Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) program is a department’s flagship program that attracts motivated students from different parts of the country. Interested students can choose their research areas from broad discipline of machine design, thermal and fluid engineering, production engineering an industrial engineering. PhD program comprises of course work for prescribed credits with a minimum prescribed performance and a research dissertation reflecting original and independently performed research contributions in the respective area. To get admission into the Ph.D program, students need to qualify both written exam and interview Show(+)

  • Machine Design There are many groups in the department working on problems ranging from bio-tribology, finite element method, optimization, vibrations to composite materials, structural health monitoring etc. Click for details...
  • Thermal & Fluid Engg Thermal group of the department is actively involved in research and development of technology in variety of problems. Research problems on nanofluids, altenate fuels, renewable energy, refrigeration, CFD, Cryotherapy, IC engine etc. are being carried out by the various faculty and research students of the department Click for details...
  • Production Engg Production Engineering also called as Manufacturing Engineering is a Research based discipline having combination of manufacturing technology, Design engineering sciences & production management sciences. The group woks on the problems of the Manufacturing, Design & management challenges related to Manufacturing such as: Additive manufacturing, Unconventional manufacturing, Metal forming, Material characterizations, Welding Technology, Robotics, Computer Aided Manufacturing, Computer Integrated manufacturing, Machine tools & Machining sciences, product design & development etc. The group is engaged in Teaching, Research & Consultancy & Ind. Training work. Click for details...
  • Industrial Management Industrial management group works on the problems, which deals with business administration that are necessary for the success of companies within the manufacturing sector and the encompassing services (operations management, marketing, and financial management).  Click for details

Historical Background

The Department of Mechanical Engineering came into existence in 1919 under the leadership of Professor Charles A. King, the first Head of the Department and Principal of the erstwhile Banaras Engineering College. Over the last ninety nine years, the department has grown four folds to become the largest department in IIT (BHU),. Show(+)