UG Course Structure for Mechanical Engineering (2018-2019)

Programme Components
Recommended        (V Years)
Humanities and Social Science*
Institute Requirement Engineering/ Pharmacy*
Engineering Drawing (Manual and Computer Aided), Manufacturing Practices and Practice course of Department/ School*
Language and Management*
DC/ MC 0 Department/Programme Core (Includes Stream Courses) 156 105 155
DE/ BE 0 Department/Programme Elective (Includes Stream Courses) 45 30 60
OE 0 Open Elective (Interdisciplinary Stream courses from Science/ Engineering/Pharmacy)(Room for Minor with some additional Credits) 36 35 80
DP 0 Project/ Industrial visit/ Training 30 20 50
DT 0 Dissertation 0 0 0
    Total (UG) 454 430 460
    Total (Hons.) 474 450 480
L: Lecture Hours, T: Tutorials Hours, P: Practical Or Laboratory Hours, C: Credits
List of Streams in Mechanical Engineering
    Machine Design        
    Thermal and Fluid Engineering        
    Production Engineering        
    Industrial Management        
One course to be selected, for respective stream in corresponding semester, on recommendation of DUGC            
Stream - 1
    Machine Design        
UG PT. III (V sem.) ME 312 Vibrations 3 0 0 9
ME 313 Materials for Tribological  Applications 3 0 0 9
ME 314 Mechatronics 3 0 0 9
UG PT. III (VI sem.) ME 323 Composite Materials 3 0 0 9
ME 324 Biomaterials 3 0 0 9
ME 325 Smart materials and structures 3 0 0 9
UG PT. IV (VII sem.) ME 412 Fracture Mechanics 3 0 0 9
ME 413 Experimental Mechanics & NDT 3 0 0 9
ME 511 Optimization for Engineering Design 3 0 0 9
ME 512 Computer-aided Design 3 0 0 9
ME513 Theory of elasticity 3 0 0 9
ME 514 Theory of vibrations 3 0 0 9
ME 515  Advanced composite materials 3 0 0 9
ME 516 Mechanics of fracture and fatigue 3 0 0 9
ME 517 Vehicle Dynamics 3 0 0 9
UG PT. IV (VIII sem.) ME 411 Finite Element Method 3 0 0 9
ME 421 Control Systems  Engineering 3 0 0 9
       ME 525 Tribology 3 0 0 9
ME 526 Impact Dynamics and Crashworthiness 3 0 0 9
ME 527 Theory of Plasticity 3 0 0 9
    Thermal and Fluid Engineering        
UG PT. III (V sem.) ME 331 Combustion Technology 3 0 0 9
ME 332 Thermal Management of Electronic System 3 0 0 9
UG PT. III (VI sem.) ME 342 Refrigeration & Air-conditioning 3 0 0 9
ME 343 Non-Conventional Energy Resources 3 0 0 9
UG PT. IV (VII sem.) ME 432 Automobile Engineering 3 0 0 9
ME 433 Computational Fluid Dynamics 3 0 0 9
ME 531 Advanced Thermodynamics 3 0 0 9
ME 533 Advanced Heat & Mass Transfer 3 0 0 9
UG PT. IV (VIII sem.) ME 441 Internal Combustion Engine 3 0 0 9
ME 442 Bio Transport Mechanism 3 0 0 9
ME 443 Power Generation 3 0 0 9
ME 444 Wind Power Meteorology 3 0 0 9
ME 445 Applied CFD 3 0 0 9
    Production Engineering        
UG PT. III (V sem.) ME 352 Mechanical Behaviour of  Engineering Materials 3 0 0 9
ME 353 Lasers in Manufacturing Technology 3 0 0 9
UG PT. III (VI sem.) ME 361 Tribology of Manufacturing Processes 3 0 0 9
UG PT. IV (VII sem.) ME 453 Manufacturing Systems 3 0 0 9
ME 454 Rapid Design & Manufacturing 3 0 0 9
ME 559 Casting and Welding 3 0 0 9
UG PT. IV (VIII sem.) ME 451 Unconventional Machining Processes 3 0 0 9
ME 452 Theory of Abrasive Machining  3 0 0 9
ME 583 Simulation for Decision making 3 0 0 9
ME 461 Robotics 3 0 0 9
    Industrial Management        
UG PT. III (V sem.) ME 579 Engineering Economics (DE1) 3 0 0 9
ME 574 Production Planning and Control (DE1) 3 0 0 9
UG PT. III (VI sem.) ME 587 Forecasting and Time Series Analysis (DE2) 3 0 0 9
ME 485 Operations Research (DE2) 3 0 0 9
UG PT. IV (VII sem.) ME586 Facility Planning : Layout and Location 3 0 0 9
ME 573 Supply Chain Management(DE3) 3 0 0 9
ME 453 Manufacturing Systems(DE3) 3 0 0 9
UG PT.IV(VIII sem.) ME 582 Total Quality Management (DE4) 3 0 0 9
ME 583 Simulation for Decision Making(DE4) 3 0 0 9
ME 584 Marketing Management (DE4) 3 0 0 9
ME 581 Management Information System (DE5) 3 0 0 9
ME 585 Design of Production System(DE5) 3 0 0 9
ME 563 Green Manufacturing(DE5) 3 0 0 9
UG Course Structure for Mechanical Engineering (2018-2019)
Course Code Course Name (L-T-P) Credits
H101 Universal Human Values - I: Self and Family 2 0 0 6
PE101 Elementary Physical Education 0 1 3 5
CP101 Creative Practices # 0 1 3 5
  Total 2 2 6 16
HL101 Basic English* 2 0 1 7
  Total 4 2 7 23
#Creative Practices course to be announced by Dean Academic Office
Mechanical Engineering  :  4-Year B.Tech. I-Semester
PHY 101 Physics -I Classical,Quantum & Relativistic Mechanics 3 1 2 13
MA 101 Engineering  Mathematics- I 3 1 0 11
CY 101 Chemistry -I 2 1 2 10
ME103 Engineering Thermodynamics 3 1 0 11
ME105 Manufacturing Practice I 0 0 3 3
ME104 Engineering Drawing 1 0 3 6
  Total Credits 12 4 10 54


Course Code Course Name (L-T-P) Credits
MA 102 Engineering  Mathematics- II 3 1 0 11
CSO101 Computer Programming 3 1 2 13
ME102 Engineering Mechanics 3 1 0 11
ME 221 Mechanical Measurement$ 3 0 0 9
ME106 Manufacturing Practice II 0 0 3 3
ME 222 Machine Drawing 0 0 3 3
H105 Philosophy* 2 1 0 8
H106 Education and Self*
  Total Credits 14 4 8 58

Course Code Course Name (L-T-P) Credits
EO101 Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering 3 1 2 13
ME214 Mechanics of Materials 3 1 0 11
ME 231 Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machinery 3 0 2 11
ME251 Manufacturing Technology 3 0 2 11
ME252 Materials for Mechanical Engineerning 2 0 0 6
H103 History & Civilization* 2 1 0 8
H104 Development of Societies*
  Total Credits 16 3 6 60


Semester- IV
Course Code Course Name (L-T-P) Credits
MA 201 Numerical Techniques 3 1 0 11
ME 223 Kinematics of Machines 3 0 0 9
ME 224 Mechanics of Deformable Solids 3 0 2 11
ME 241 Heat and Mass Transfer 3 0 2 11
ME 261 Metal Machining & Machine Tools 3 0 2 11
ME 291 Exploratory Project 0 0 5 5
  Total Credits 15 1 11 58


Course Code Course Name (L-T-P) Credits
MA 202 Probability and Statistics 3 1 0 11
ME 311 Fundamentals of Machine Design 3 0 0 9
ME 351 Tool Design and Metrology 3 0 2 11
ME312 Dynamics of Machines 2 0 3 9
OE - 1 Open Elective -1 3 0 0 9
DE - 1 Department Elective 1 (Design/ Thermal/Production/Industrial) 3 0 0 9
  Total Credits 17 1 5 58
ME391S Stream Project 0 0 10 10
  Total (Hons. Students) 18 1 15 68
Department Elective -1 Courses
ME 312 Vibrations 3 0 0 9
ME 313 Materials for Tribological  Applications 3 0 0 9
ME 314 Mechatronics 3 0 0 9
ME 331 Combustion Technology 3 0 0 9
ME 332 Thermal Management of Electronic System 3 0 0 9
ME 352 Mechanical Behaviour of  Engineering Materials 3 0 0 9
ME 353 Lasers in Manufacturing Technology 3 0 0 9
ME 579 Engineering Economics 3 0 0 9
ME 574 Production Planning and Control 3 0 0 9


Semester- VI
Course Code Course Name (L-T-P) Credits
ME 321 Design of Machine Elements 3 0 2 11
ME 341 Energy Conversion Systems 3 0 2 11
ME471 Industrial Management 3 0 0 9
ME 322 Computational Mechanics 0 0 3 3
OE - 2 Open Elective - 2 3 0 0 9
DE - 2 Department Elective (DE)-2 (Thermal/Design/Manufacturing/Industrial) 3 0 0 9
ME392/         ME392S Stream or UG Project 0 0 10 10
  Total Credits 15 0 17 62
Department Elective-2 Courses
ME 323 Composite Materials 3 0 0 9
ME 324 Biomaterials 3 0 0 9
ME 325 Smart Materials and Structures 3 0 0 9
ME 342 Refrigeration & Air-conditioning 3 0 0 9
ME 343 Non-Conventional Energy Resources 3 0 0 9
ME 361 Tribology of Manufacturing Processes 3 0 0 9
ME 587 Forecasting and Time Series Analysis 3 0 0 9
ME 485 Operations Research 3 0 0 9
Mechanical Engineering: 4-Year B.Tech. Summer Semester
ME 497 Industrial Training/ Project/Training 0 0 0 5
   Total 0 0 0 5



Course Code Course Name (L-T-P) Credits
MO102 Transport Phenomena 3 1 0 11
OE - 3 Open Elective - 3 3 0 0 9
ME 431 Turbomachines 2 0 0 6
DE - 3 Department Elective(DE)-3 (Thermal/Design/Manufacturing/Industrial) 3 0 0 9
ME 492/         ME 492S Stream or UG Project 0 0 10 10
LM Language & Management course 3 0 0 9
  Total Credits 11 0 10 54
Department Elective-3 Courses
ME 412 Fracture Mechanics 3 0 0 9
ME 413 Experimental Mechanics & NDT 3 0 0 9
ME 511 Optimization for Engineering Design 3 0 0 9
ME 512 Computer-aided Design 3 0 0 9
ME513 Theory of elasticity 3 0 0 9
ME 514 Theory of vibrations 3 0 0 9
ME 515  Advanced composite materials 3 0 0 9
ME 516 Mechanics of fracture and fatigue 3 0 0 9
ME 517 Vehicle Dynamics 3 0 0 9
ME 432 Automobile Engineering 3 0 0 9
ME 433 Computational Fluid Dynamics 3 0 0 9
ME 453 Manufacturing Systems 3 0 0 9
ME 454 Rapid Design & Manufacturing 3 0 0 9
ME586 Facility Planning : Layout and Location 3 0 0 9
ME 573 Supply Chain Management 3 0 0 9
ME 453 Manufacturing Systems 3 0 0 9
Semester- VIII
Course Code Course Name (L-T-P) Credits
OE - 4 Open Elective - 4 3 0 0 9
DE - 4 Department Elective(DE) - 4 3 0 0 9
DE - 5 Department Elective(DE) - 5 3 0 0 9
ME 401 Mechanical Engineering Lab 0 0 3 3
LM Language & Management course 3 0 0 9
Total Credits 12 0 3 39
ME 492S Stream Project 0 0 10 10
  Total Credits (Hons.) 12 0 13 49
Department Elective - 4 Courses
ME 411 Finite Element Method 3 0 0 9
ME 526 Impact Dynamics and Crashworthiness 3 0 0 9
ME 527 Theory of Plasticity 3 0 0 9
ME 441 Internal Combustion Engine 3 0 0 9
ME 442 Bio Transport Mechanism 3 0 0 9
ME 451 Unconventional Machining Processes 3 0 0 9
ME 452 Theory of Abrasive Machining  3 0 0 9
ME 461 Robotics 3 0 0 9
ME 583 Simulation for Decision  Making 3 0 0 9
ME 582 Total Quality Management 3 0 0 9
ME 584 Marketing Management 3 0 0 9

Department Elective - 5 Courses
ME 421 Control Systems  Engineering 3 0 0 9
ME 525 Tribology 3 0 0 9
ME 443 Power Generation 3 0 0 9
ME 444 Wind Power Meteorology 3 0 0 9
ME 445 Applied CFD 3 0 0 9
ME 461 Robotics 3 0 0 9
ME 581 Management Information System 3 0 0 9
ME 585 Design of Production System 3 0 0 9
ME 563 Green Manufacturing 3 0 0 9