Recently, the UCSI University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia has conferred me the position of Adjunct Professor.
I have been figured among the WORLD'S TOP 2% SCIENTISTS in a world database created by the Stanford University, California, USA.
I have supervised Twenty Five Scholars (25) for their Doctoral Programme and Thirty One students (31) during their Post Graduate Programme. Presently, Eleven Research Scholars and Three Post Graduate Students are working under my supervision. One Post doctoral student has completed his research work under my supervision in the area Dynamical system during the period 2016-2019.
I have the experience to work as Deputy Co-ordinator, SAP, UGC. I have completed projects from the Funding Agencies like BRNS, BARC, Govt. of India, SERB, Govt. of India and TCS, India. Recently, my Three project proposals have been sanctioned by the BRNS, BARC, Govt. of India, SERB, Govt. of India under the MATRICS scheme and NBHM, DAE, Govt. of India.
One of my research articles has just been Accepted in "Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A". Another of my recent articles has been published in "IEEE Transaction of Neural Networks and Learning Systems" (Impact Factor: 14.255).
My institute IIT (BHU) has conferred me the “Excellence in Teaching Award” for the session 2016-17.
I am one of the Editors of the Chinese Journal of Physics (CJP) published by Elsevier (SCI journal) and also an Associate Editor of the STRPM - An International Journal published by Begell House (Scopus indexed journal).
I have the experience of working as the Chairman, GATE and Chairman, JAM of our institute for three consecutive years 2019, 2020, 2021.
- MA 101: Engineering Mathematics
- MA 202: Probability & Statistics
- MA 203: Mathematical Methods
- CSM 321: Mathematical Modelling & Simulation
Fracture Mechanics :
- S. Das and B. Patra, Moving Griffith Crack at the interface of two dissimilar orthotropic Half-Planes, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, V. 54, 523-531 (1996).
- S. Das and B. Patra, Stress Intensity Factors and Crack Energies for a Cruciform crack in an Orthotropic elastic plane, Bulletin of Calcutta Mathematical Society, V. 89, 59-64 (1997).
- S. Das, B. Patra and L. Debnath, Diffraction of SH-Waves by a Griffith Crack in an infinite Orthotropic medium, Applied Mathematics Letters, V. 12, 57-61(1997).
- S. Das and B. Patra, Stress Intensity Factors for a pair of equal parallel interfacial cracks on a layer sandwiched between two dissimilar Half-planes, Proceeding of the 10th Mathematical Conference, Bangladesh Mathematical Society, V. 89, 59-64 (1997).
- S. Das, B. Patra and L. Debnath, Stress Intensity Factors for an interfacial crack between an Orthotropic Half-plane bonded to a dissimilar Orthotropic layer with a punch, Computers and Mathematics with applications, V. 35, 27-40 (1998).
- S. Das and B. Patra, Stress Intensity Factors for moving interfacial crack between bonded dissimilar fixed orthotropic layers, Computers and Structures, V. 69, 459-472 (1998).
- S. Das and B. Patra, Interaction between three Line Cracks in a Sandwiched Orthotropic Layer, International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering, V.3, 249-269 (1997).
- S. Das, B. Patra and L. Debnath, Stress Intensity factors for an interfacial Griffith crack in composite media, International Journal of Engineering Science, V. 37, 453-475(1999)
- S. Das and B. Patra, A pair of equal collinear interfacial Griffith Cracks, International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering, V. 4, 97-112 (1999).
- S. Das and B. Patra, Stress Intensity Factor around a Griffith Crack in Orthotropic Punched Layer, Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, V. 30, 1003-1015 (1999).
- S. Das and L. Debnath, Interaction of Elastic Waves by an interfacial Griffith Crack, International Journal of Computers and Mathematics with applications, V. 38, 151-158(1999).
- S. Das, B. Patra and L. Debnath, Stress Intensity Factors around two coplanar Griffith Cracks in an Orthotropic layer sandwiched between two identical Orthotropic Half-planes, International Journal of Engineering Science, V. 38, 121-133(2000).
- S. Das and L. Debnath, Study of static cruciform crack in an Orthotropic elastic media, Computers and Mathematics with applications, V.40, 569-575(2000).
- S. Das, B. Patra and L. Debnath, Diffraction of SH-Waves by collinear Griffith cracks in an infinite transversely Isotropic medium, Canadian Applied Mathematics Quarterly, V. 8, 17-26 (2000).
- S. Das, B. Patra and L. Debnath, Interaction between Griffith cracks at the interface of elastic media, Korrean Journal of Comput. and Applied Math., V.8, 59-69(2001).
- S. Das, Three interfacial Griffith cracks between bonded dissimilar elastic media, International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering, V. 6,133-149(2001).
- S. Das, On a moving interfacial Griffith crack at the interface of two bonded dissimilar Orthotropic Half-Planes, ZAMM. Z. Angrew. Math. Mech., V. 81,281-287(2001).
- S. Das and L. Debnath, Stress Intensity Factor around a moving Griffith Crack in a Punched Orthotropic Layer, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, V.33, 957-963(2001).
- S. Das, Interaction between line cracks in an Orthotropic Layer, International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, V.29, 31-42(2002).
- S. Das and L. Debnath, Interaction between Griffith cracks in a sandwiched Orthotropic layer, Applied Mathematics Letters, V.16, 609-617(2003).
- A. Baksi, S. Das, and R. K. Bera, Impact Response of a Cracked Orthotropic Medium- Revisited, International Journal of Engineering Science, V.41, 2063-2079(2003).
- S. Das and B. Patra, A Pair of equal collinear Interfacial Cracks between bonded dissimilar fixed Isotropic Layers - International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering, V.8, 167-175 (2003).
- S. Das, Moving Interfacial Griffith cracks between bonded dissimilar Orthotropic Half Planes, Canadian Applied Mathematics Quarterly, V.12, 303-322 (2004).
- S. Das, B. Patra and L. Debnath, On Elastodynamical problem of Interfacial Griffith Cracks in Composite Media, International Journal of Engineering Science, V.42, 736-752 (2004).
- A. Baksi, S. Das and R. K. Bera, Interaction of moving Interfacial cracks between bonded dissimilar elastic strips under antiplane shear - International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, V.15, 13-24 (2004).
- S. Das, Pair of Collinear interface cracks between dissimilar fixed orthotropic layers, International Journal of Computational Civil and Structural Engineering, V.1, 65-78 (2005).
- S. Das and S. Mukherjee, Moving Interfacial Griffith Crack between dissimilar Media, Journal of Applied Mathematics, V.2005, 289-299 (2005).
- S. Das, Elastodynamic Response of a Cracked Orthotropic Medium under Impact loading, Computational Materials Science, V.37, 187-192 (2005).
- S. Mukherjee and S. Das, Moving Griffith Crack in an Orthotropic Strip with Punches at boundary faces, International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, V.19, 3157-3167 (2005).
- S. Mukherjee and S. Das, Weight Function for a crack in an Orthotropic medium under Normal Impact loading, International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering, V.11, 915-928 (2006).
- S. Das, Interaction of moving interface collinear Griffith cracks under Antiplane Shear, International Journal of Solids and Structures, V.43, 7880-7890 (2006).
- S. Das, Weight function for a crack in a two-dimensional Orthotropic medium under impact shear loading, International Journal of Fracture, V. 142, 331-338 (2006).
- A. Baksi, S. Das and R. K. Bera, A Note on thermo elastic problem of two collinear Griffith cracks in an Orthotropic medium, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, V. 36, 365-374 (2007).
- S. Das and B. Patra, Impact Response of a Cracked Orthotropic Strip, International Journal of Computational Civil and Structural Engineering, V.1, 36-46 (2007).
- S. Mukherjee and S. Das, Interaction of three interfacial Griffith cracks between bonded dissimilar orthotropic half planes, International Journal of Solids and Structures, V.44, 5437-5446 (2007).
- S. Das, S.Chakrborty, N.Srikanth and M.Gupta, Symmetric Edge Crack in an Orthotropic strip under normal loading, International Journal of Fracture, V.153, 77-84 (2008).
- S. Das, Elastodynamic Response of Cracked Orthotroppic Strip under Impact Loading, International Journal of Fracture, V.153, 177-184 (2008).
- S. Das, Weight function for an Edge Crack in an infinite Orthotropic strip under normal point force loading, ZAMM. Z. Angrew. Math. Mech., V.90, 271-277(2010).
- S. Das, S. Mukhopadhyay and R. Prasad, Stress Intensity Factor of an edge crack in bonded orthotropic materials, International Journal of Fracture, V.168, 117-123 (2011).
- S. Das, S. Mukhopadhyay and R. Prasad, Stress intensity factor of an edge crack in composite media, International Journal of Fracture, V. 172, 201–207 (2011).
- S. Das, S. Mukhopadhyay and R. Prasad, Boundary integral equation formulation for coupled thermo-elasticity with three phase-lags - Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, V.18, 44-58 (2013).
- S. Das, S. Mukhopadhyay and R. Prasad, A two dimensional problem of Mode-I crack in a type III thermoelastic medium, Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, V. 18, 506-523 (2013).
- P. K. Mishra, S. Das and M. Gupta, Interaction between interfacial and sub-interfacial cracks in a composite media - Revisited, ZAMM. Z. Angrew. Math. Mech., V.96 (2016) 1129–1136.
- P. K. Mishra and S. Das, Interaction between interfacial collinear Griffith cracks in composite media under thermal loading, Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A, V. 71, 465–473 (2016).
- P. K. Mishra and S. Das, Two interfacial collinear Griffith cracks in thermo-elastic composite media, Thermal Science, doi:10.2298/TSCI151017210M (2016).
- P. K. Mishra, P. Singh and S. Das, Study of thermo-elastic cruciform crack with unequal arms in an orthotropic elastic plane, ZAMM. Z. Angrew. Math. Mech., V. 97, 886-894 (2017).
- P. K. Mishra, P. Singh and S. Das, Interaction of three interfacial cracks between an orthotropic half-Plane bonded to a dissimilar orthotropic layer with punch, Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A, V.72, 1021-1029 (2017).
- Anuwedita Singh, S. Das and E-M. Craciun, Thermal stress intensity factor for an edge crack in orthotropic composite media, Composites Part B, V. 153, 130-136 (2018).
- Anuwedita Singh, P. K. Mishra and S. Das, Dynamic stress intensity factors of an interfacial crack in orthotropic elastic strips under impact loading conditions, ZAMM. Z. Angrew. Math. Mech., V.99, e201800143 (2019).
- A. Singh, S. Das and E.–M. Craciun, The effect of thermo-mechanical loading on the edge crack of finite length in an infinite orthotropic strip, Mechanics of Composite Materials, V.20, 285-296 (2018).
- N. P. Lazarev, S. Das, M. P. Grigoryev, Optimal control of a thin rigid stiffener for a model describing equilibrium of a Timoshenko plate with a crack, Siberian Electronic Mathematical Reports, 1485-1497 (2018). doi:10.33048/semi.2018.15.123.
- A. Singh, S. Das and E.–M. Craciun, Semi-infinite crack in an orthotropic strip sandwiched between two identical half planes, Journal of Mechanics, V.36, 149-158 (2020).
- E.M. Craciun, A. Rabaea and S. Das, Cracks interaction in a pre-stressed and pre-polarized piezoelectric material, Journal of Mechanics, V.36,177-182 (2020).
- A. Singh, S. Das, H. Altenbach and E.–M. Craciun, Semi-infinite moving crack in an orthotropic strip sandwiched between two identical half planes, ZAMM. Z. Angrew. Math. Mech., V.100, e201900202 (2020).
- Ritika Singh and S. Das, Investigation of interactions among collinear Griffith cracks situated in a functionally graded medium under thermo-mechanical loading, Journal of Thermal Stresses, V.44, 433-455 (2020).
- N. Trivedi, S. Das and H. Altenbach, Study of collinear cracks in a composite medium subjected totime-harmonic wave disturbance, ZAMM. Z. Angrew. Math. Mech., V.101, e202000307 (2021).
- Ritika Singh and S. Das, Transient response of collinear Griffith cracks in a functionally graded strip bonded between dissimilar elastic strips under shear impact loading, Composite Structures, V.263, 113635 (2021).
- Neha Trivedi, S. Das and E. M. Craciun, The mathematical study of an edge crack in two different specified models under time-harmonic wave disturbance, Mechanics of Composite Materials, V.263, 113635 (2021).
- Ritika Singh and S. Das, Mathematical study of an arbitrary-oriented crack crossing the interface of bonded functionally graded strips under thermo-mechanical loading, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, V.117, 103170 (2022).
- Ritika Singh and S. Das, Schmidt method to study the disturbance of steady-state heat flows by an arbitrary oriented crack in bonded functionally graded strips, Composite Structures, V.287, 115329 (2022).
- Anshika Tanwar, Ritika Singh, S. Das and H. Altenbach, Interaction Among Offset Parallel Cracks in an Orthotropic Plane Under Thermo-mechanical Loading, ZAMM. Z. Angrew. Math. Mech., V.102, e202100593 (2022).
- Neha Trivedi and S. Das, Semi-infinite Moving Crack under Anti-plane Shear Loading, Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik, Accepted (2022).
Mathematical Modelling :
63. S. Das, Solution of Fractional Vibration Equation by the Variational Iteration Method and Modified Decomposition Method, Int. J. of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, V.9, 361-366 (2008).
64. Rajeev, K.N. Rai and S. Das, Numerical Solution of a Moving Boundary Problem with variable latent heat, Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, V.52, 1913-1917 (2008).
65. S. Das, Analytical approximate solution of diffusion equation of fractional order by Variational Iteration Method, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, Accepted (2009).
66. Das, Solution of Vibration Equation by Variational Iteration Method and Modified Decomposition Method, International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering, V. 9, 361–366 (2009).
- S. Das, A Numerical Solution of the Vibration Equation using Modified Decomposition Method, Journal of Sound and Vibration, V. 320, 576-583 (2009).
- K.N. Rai, Rajeev and S. Das, Solution of one dimensional moving boundary problem with periodic boundary conditions by Variational Iteration Method, Thermal Sciences, V.13, 199-204 (2009).
- S. Das, Analytical Solution of a Fractional Diffusion Equation by Variational Iteration Method, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, V. 57, 483-487 (2009).
- S. Das, P. K. Gupta and Rajeev, A Fractional predator-prey Model and its Solution, Int. J. of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, V. 10, 873-876 (2009).
- S. Das, A Note on Fractional Diffusion Equations, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, V. 42, 2074 - 2079 (2009).
- S. Das, P.K. Gupta, V.S. Pandey and K. N. Rai, Application of He’s Homotopy Perturbation Method to fractional Diffusion Equation, Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A, V. 65a, 53-58 (2009).
- V. Srivastava, K.N. Rai and S. Das, Analytical approach to micro scale bio-film heat transport using homotopy perturbation method, Int. J. of Applied Mathematics and Computation, V.1, 148-158(2009).
- S. Das and P.K. Gupta, An Approximate Analytical Solution of the Fractional Diffusion Equation with Absorbent Term and External Force by Homotopy Perturbation Method, Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A, V. 65a,182-190 (2010).
- D. Tripathi, S. K. Pandey and S. Das, Peristaltic Flow of Viscoelastic Fluid with Fractional Maxwell Model through a Channel, Applied Mathematics and Computation, V. 215, 3645-3654 (2010).
- S. Das, A Note on Fractional Schrodinger Equation, Nonlinear Science, Letter A, V.1, 91-94 (2010).
- S. Das, R. Kumar and P. K. Gupta, Homotopy Analysis Method for Fractional Diffusion Equation with Absorbent Term and External Force, Journal of Nonlinear Systems and Applications, V. 1, 141-145 (2010).
- S. Das and Rajeev, Solution of fractional diffusion equation with a moving boundary condition by Variational Iteration Method and Adomian Decomposition Method, Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A, Vol. 65a, 793-799 (2010).
- S. Das, R. Kumar and P. K. Gupta, An approximate analytical solution of the fractional diffusion equation with external force and different type of absorbent term – Revisited, Applications and Applied Mathematics: An International Journal, Special Issue No. 1, 101-109 (2010).
- K. Rajeev and S. Das, A Numerical Study for Inward Solidification of a Liquid Contained in Cylindrical and Spherical Vessel, Thermal Sciences, V.14, 365-372 (2010).
- S. Das, R. Kumar, P.K. Gupta, Approximate analytical solutions for fractional space- and time- partial differential equations using homotopy analysis method, Applications and Applied Math. V. 5, 1641-1659 (2010).
- S. Das, P.K. Gupta and K. Vishal, Approximate approach to the Das Model of Fractional Logistic Population Growth, Applications and Applied Mathematics, V. 5, 1702-1708 (2010).
- S. Das, S. Kumar and O.P. Singh, Solutions of Nonlinear Second Order Multi-point Boundary Value Problems by Homotopy Perturbation Method, Applications and Applied Mathematics, V, 05, 1592-1600 (2010).
- S. Das, and R. Kumar, An Approximate Analytical Solution of One-Dimensional Phase Change Problems in a Finite Domain, Applied Mathematics and Computation, V.217, 6040-6046 (2011).
- S. Das, Approximate analytical solutions of time-space fractional diffusion equation by Adomian Decomposition Method and Homotopy Perturbation Method, Communications in Fractional Calculus, V.2, 29-35 (2011).
- S. Das and P.K. Gupta, Application of Homotopy Perturbation Method and Homotopy Analysis Method to Fractional Vibration Equation, Int. J. of Computer Mathematics, V. 88, 430-441 (2011).
- 81. S. Das and P.K. Gupta, Homotopy Analysis Method for Solving Fractional Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations, Int. J. of Computer Mathematics, V. 88, 578-588 (2011).
- 82. D. Tripathi, P.K. Gupta and S. Das, Influence of Slip Condition on Peristaltic Transport of a Viscoelastic Fluid with Fractional Burgers’ model, Thermal Sciences, V. 15, 501-515 (2011).
- H. Jafari, S. Das and H. Tajadodi, Solving a multi-order fractional differential equation using Homotopy analysis method, Journal of King Saud University (Science), V.23, 151-155 (2011).
- S. Das, R. Kumar, and P.K. Gupta, Analytical approximate solutions of space- and time- fractional diffusion equation with a moving boundary condition, Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A, V. 66a, 281–288 (2011).
- D. Tripathi, S.K. Pandey and S. Das, Peristaltic transport of a generalized Burgers' fluid: Application to movement of chyme in the small intestine, Acta Astronautica,
V. 69, 30-38 (2011)
- S. Das, H. Jafari and P.K. Gupta, Approximate analytical solution of the Fractional predator-prey model for n–species by Homotopy Analysis Method, J. Adv. Res. Sci. Comput., V. 3, 15-30 (2011).
- S. Das, R. Kumar and P.K. Gupta, The homotopy analysis method for fractional Cauchy reaction–diffusion problems, International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, V. 9, 1542-6580, (2011).
- S. Das and P.K. Gupta, A Mathematical Model on fractional Lotka-Volterra equations, Journal of Theoretical Biology, V. 277, 1-6 (2011).
- S. Das, P.K. Gupta and P. Ghosh, An approximate solution of nonlinear fractional reaction-diffusion equation, Applied Mathematical Modelling, V.35, 4071-4076 (2011)
- S. Das, K. Vishal and P.K. Gupta, Solution of the nonlinear fractional diffusion equation with absorbent term and external force, Applied Mathematical Modelling, V.35, 3970–3979 (2011).
- S. Das, K. Vishal, P.K. Gupta and A. Yildirim, An approximate analytical solution of time-fractional telegraph equation, Applied Mathematics and Computation, V.217, 7405-7411 (2011).
- S. Das, K. Vishal, P.K. Gupta, and S. Saha Ray, Homotopy Analysis Method for solving Fractional Diffusion equation, Int. J. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 7, 28-37 (2011).
- S. Das and R. Kumar, Approximate analytical solutions of fractional gas dynamic equations, Applied Mathematics and Computation, V. 217, 9905-9915(2011).
- S. Das, An approximate analytical solution of Schrodinger equation, Nonlinear Science, Letter B, V.1, 129-133 (2011).
- N. A. Khan, M. Jamil, A. Ara and S. Das, Explicit Solution for Time-Fractional Batch Reactor System, Int. J. of Chemical Reactor Engineering, V.9, A 91(2011).
- K. Vishal, S. Kumar and S. Das, Application of Homotopy Analysis Method for Fractional Swift Hohenberg Equation- Revisited, Applied Mathematical Modelling, V. 36, 3630-3637 (2011).
- S. Das, An approximate analytical solution of nonlinear fractional diffusion equation, International Journal of Nonlinear Science, V.12, 339-346 (2011).
- N. A. Khan, M. Jamil, A. Ara and S. Das, Compact on Solutions of Nonlinear Dispersive K(n,n) Equations with Time fractional Derivatives, World Applied Science Journal, Accepted (2011).
- K. Vishal and S. Das, Solution of the nonlinear fractional diffusion equation with absorbent term and external force using optimal homotopy-analysis method, Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A, V.67a, 203-209 (2012).
- P. Ghosh, A. Sarkar and S. Das, Analysis of film condensation along a vertical flat plate under sinusoidal G-Jitter, Microgravity, Science and Technology, Springer, V.25, 95-102 (2012).
- R. Kumar and S. Das, Fractional diffusion equations in the presence of reaction terms, Communications in Fractional Calculus, Accepted (2012).
- S. Das, Approximate Solution of Fractional Diffusion Equation – Revisited, International Review of Chemical Engineering, V. 4, 501-504 (2012).
- S. Das, K. Vishal and P. K. Gupta, Approximate analytical solution of diffusion equation with fractional time derivative using optimal homotopy analysis method, Surveys in Mathematics and its Applications, V.8, 35-49 (2013).
- S. Das and S. P. Ansari, Stability analysis of fractional order water-borne epidemic model, Communications in Fractional Calculus, V.4, 25-31 (2013).
- P. K. Singh and S. Das, Approximate analytical solutions of the time-fractional coupled Burger equations and KdV equations using homotopy perturbation transform method, Problems of Nonlinear Analysis In Engineering Systems, V.19, 58-67 (2013).
- K. Vishal, S. Das, S. H. Ong and P. Ghosh, On the Solutions of Fractional Swift Hohenberg Equation with dispersion, Applied Mathematics and Computation, V. 219, 5792-5801 (2013).
- V. Mishra, K. Vishal, S. Das, and S. H. Ong, On the solution of the nonlinear fractional diffusion-wave equation with Absorbtion: Homotopy approach, Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, V.69, 135-144 (2014).
- V. Mishra and S. Das, Solution of Variable order fractional differential equations using homotopy analysis method, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, Accepted (2015).V. Mishra, S. Das, H. Jafari and S. H. Ong, Study of fractional order Van der Pol Equation, Journal of King Saud University-Science, Elsevier, V. 28, 55–60 (2016).
- S. Das, P. Kar and V. Mishra, Solution of Nonlinear Fractional diffusion equation using similarity transform and homotopy analysis method, International Review of Chemical Engineering, V. 7, 22-28 (2015).
- S. Das, N. K. Tripathi, S. H. Ong, H. Jafari, Solution of higher order nonlinear time-fractional reaction diffusion equation, Entropy, V. 18, 329-339 (2016).
- S. Jaiswal, M. Chopra, S. H. Ong and S. Das, Numerical solution of one-dimensional finite solute transport system with first type source boundary condition, International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics, doi:10.1007/s40819-016-0280-6 (2016).
- S. Jaiswal, M. Chopra and S. Das, Numerical solution of space fractional order solute transport system, Journal of Porous Media, V. 21, 1–16 (2018).
- N. K. Tripathi, S. Das, S. H. Ong, H. Jafari and M. Al Qurashi, Solution of time- fractional Cahn-Hilliard equation with reaction term using Homotopy analysis method, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, V. 9, 1–7 (2017).
- S. Das, Anup Singh and S. H. Ong, Numerical solution of fractional order advection-reaction-diffusion equation, Thermal Science, V.22, S309-S306 (2018).
- S. Jaiswal, M. Chopra and S. Das, Numerical Solution of Two-dimensional Solute Transport System using Operational Matrices, Transport in Porous Media, V. 122, 1–2 (2018).
- Anup Singh and S. Das, Study and Analysis of Spatial-time Nonlinear Fractional order reaction- Advection-diffusion Equation, Journal of Porous Media, V.22, 787-798 (2019).
- S. Jaiswal, M. Chopra and S. Das, Numerical Solution of Non-linear Partial Differential Equation for Porous Media using Operational Matrices, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, V. 160, 138-154 (2019).
- Anup Singh, S. H. Ong, H. Jafari and S. Das, Numerical solution of nonlinear reaction-advection-diffusion equation, ASME Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, V. 14, 41003-41009 (2019).
- Anup Singh, M. Chopra and S. Das, Study and analysis of a two-dimensional non-conservative fractional order aerosol transport equation, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, V. 52, 2939-2948 (2019).
- S. Jaiswal and S. Das, Numerical solution of linear/nonlinear fractional order differential equations using Jacobi operational matrix, International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics, V. 5(2), 42 (2019).
- Kushal Dhar Dwivedi, Rajeev and S. Das Fibonacci Collocation Method to Solve Two-dimensional Nonlinear Fractional Order Advection-Reaction Diffusion Equation, Special Topics & Reviews in Porous Media, V.10, 569-584 (2019).
- P. Pandey, S. Kumar and S. Das, Approximate analytical solution for coupled fractional order reaction-advection-diffusion equation, The European Physical Journal Plus, V.134, 364 (2019).
- S. Kumar, P. K. Pandey and S. Das, Gegenbauer wavelet operational matrix method for solving variable order non-linear reaction-diffusion and Galilei invariant advection-diffusion equations, Computational and Applied Mathematics, V.23, 2045-2052 (2019).
- P. K. Pandey, S. Kumar, H.Jafari and S. Das, An Operational Matrix for solving time-fractional order Cahn-Hilliard equation, Thermal Science, V.23, 2045-2052 (2019).
- Kushal Dhar Dwivedi and S. Das, Numerical Solution of Nonlinear Diffusion Equation by Using Non-Standard/Standard Finite Difference and Fibonacci Collocation Methods, The European Physical Journal Plus, V.134, 608 (2019).
- Anup Singh, Kushal Dhar Dwivedi, S. Das and S. H. Ong, Study of one-dimensional space-time fractional order Burgers-Fisher and Burgers-Huxley fluid models, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 1-13 (2019).
- Kushal Dhar Dwivedi, Rajeev, S. Das and Dumitru. B., Numerical solution of nonlinear space-time fractional order advection reaction-diffusion equation, ASME Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, V.15, 061005 (2020).
- S. Kumar, P. Pandey, S. Das and E-M. Craciun, Numerical solution of two dimensional reaction-diffusion equation using operational matrix method based on Genocchi polynomial, Part I: Genocchi polynomial and Opperatorial matrix, Proceedings of the Romanian Academy, Series A, V. 20, 393-399 (2019).
- E-M. Craciun, S. Kumar, P. Pandey and S. Das, Numerical solution of two dimensional reaction-diffusion equation using operational matrix method based on Genocchi polynomial, Part II: Error bound and Stability analysis, Proceedings of the Romanian Academy, Series A, V.21, 147–154 (2020).
- S. Kumar, P. Pandey and S. Das, Operational matrix method for solving nonlinear space-time fractional order reaction-diffusion equation based on Genocchi polynomial, Special Topics & Reviews in Porous Media, V. 11, 33-47 (2020).
- Kushal D. Dwivedi, Rajeev, S.Das and J. F. Gomez-Aguilar, Finite difference/collocation method to solve multi term variable-order fractional reaction–advection–diffusion equation in heterogeneous medium, Numer. Methods for Partial Differential Equations, V.37, 2031–2045 (2021).
- M. Singh, S. Das, Rajeev and E-M. Craciun, Numerical solution of two-dimensional nonlinear fractional order reaction-advection diffusion equation by using collocation method, Analele Stiintifice ale UOC, Seria Matematica, V. 29, 211–230 (2021).
- P. Pandey, S. Das, E-M. Craciun and T. Sadowski, Two-dimensional nonlinear time fractional reaction-diffusion equation in application to sub-diffusion process of the multicomponent fluid in porous media, Meccanica, V.56, 99-115 (2021).
- S. Jaiswal, S. Das, R. Dubey and A. K. Tiwari, Jacobi Collocation Technique to Solve Nonlinear Reaction-Diffusion Equation, Int. J. for Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics, V.22, 208-215 (2021).
- S. Kumar, S. Das, and Ong, S.H., (2021). Analysis of tumor cells in the absence and presence of chemotherapeutic treatment: The case of Caputo-Fabrizio time fractional derivative, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, V. 190, 1-14 (2021).
- Kushal D. Dwivedi, S. Das, Rajeev and D Baleanu, Numerical solution of highly non-linear fractional order reaction advection diffusion equation using the cubic B-spline collocation method, International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, Accepted (2021).
- Anup Singh, S. Das and S. H. Ong, Study and analysis of nonlinear (2+1)-dimensional solute transport equation in porous media, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, V. 192, 491-500 (2022).
- S. Jaiswal, S. Das, J. F. Gómez-Aguilar, A new approach to solve the fractional order linear/non-linear two-dimensional partial differential equation using Legendre collocation technique, Few-Body Systems, V. 63, 1-19 (2022).
- Chetna Biswas, S. Das, Anup Singh and M. Chopra, Solution of fractional order reaction-advection-diffusion equation arising in porous media, Journal of Porous Media, Accepted (2022).
- M. Singh, S. Das, Rajeev and S. H. Ong, Novel operational matrix method for the numerical solution of nonlinear reaction-advection-diffusion equation of fractional order, Computational and Applied Mathematics, V. 41, 1-18 (2022).
- Chetna Biswas, S. Das, Anup Singh and H. Altenbach, Solution of variable-order partial integro-differential equation using Legendre wavelet approximation and operational matrices, ZAMM. Z. Angrew. Math. Mech., Accepted (2022).
Nonlinear Dynamics :
- M. Srivastava, S. K. Agrawal and S. Das, Synchronization of chaotic fractional order Lotka-Volterra systems, Int. J. of Nonlinear Science, V.13, 482-494 (2012).
- S. K. Agrawal, M. Srivastava and S. Das, Synchronization of fractional order chaotic systems using Active control, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, V. 45, 737-752 (2012).
- S. K. Agrawal, M. Srivastava and S. Das, Synchronization between fractional order Ravinovich-Fabrikant and Lotka-Volterra system, Nonlinear Dynamics, V. 69, 2277-2288 (2012).
- S. K. Agrawal, M. Srivastava and S. Das, Hybrid Synchronization between different fractional order Hyperchaotic systems using Active control method, Journal of Nonlinear System and Application, V.2013, 70-76 (2013).
- M. Srivastava, S. K. Agrawal and S. Das, Adaptive anti-synchronization between different hyperchaotic systems with uncertain parameters, Differential Equations and Control Processes, V.4, 92-110 (2012).
- S.K. Agrawal and S. Das, A modified adaptive control method for Synchronization of some fractional chaotic systems with unknown parameters, Nonlinear Dynamics, Springer, V.73, 907-919 (2013).
- S. Das, M. Srivastava and A.Y.T. Leung, Hybrid phase synchronization between identical and non-identical three-dimensional chaotic system using active control method, Nonlinear Dynamics, V.73, 2261-2272 (2013).
- S.K. Agrawal and S. Das, Projective Synchronization between different fractional order hyperchaotic systems with uncertain parameters using Proposed Modified Adaptive Projective Synchronization Technique, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, DOI: 10.1002/mma. 2963 (2013).
- M. Srivastava, S.K. Agrawal, K. Vishal and S. Das, Adaptive projective synchronization between different chaotic systems with parametric uncertainties and external disturbances, Pramana - Journal of Physics, Springer, V.81, 417-437 (2013).
- M. Srivastava, S. K. Agrawal and S. Das, Reduced-order anti-synchronization of the projections of the fractional order hyperchaotic and chaotic systems, Central European Journal of Physics, 11(10), 1504-1513 (2013).
- M. Srivastava, S. P. Ansari, S. K. Agrawal, S. Das and A. Y. T. Leung, Anti-synchronization between identical and non-idetical fractional order chaotic systems using Active control method, Nonlinear Dynamics, 76, 905-914 (2014).
- M. Srivastava, S.K. Agrawal, K. Vishal and S. Das, Chaos control of Fractional order Ravinovich-Fabrikant System and Synchronization between chaotic and chaos controlled Fractional order Ravinovich-Fabrikant system, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 38 (13), 3361-3372 (2014).
- S. P. Ansari and S. Das, Projective Synchronization of time-delayed chaotic systems with unknown parameters using Adaptive Control Method, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, V. 38, 726-737 (2015).
- S. K. Agrawal and S. Das, Function Projective Synchronization between four dimensional Chaotic Systems with Uncertain Parameters Using Modified Adaptive Control Method, Journal of Process Control, V.24, 517-530 (2014).
- S. P. Ansari and S. Das, Phase Synchronization between fractional order chaotic systems with uncertainties and external disturbances, Proc. American Institute of Phys., Accepted (2015).
- K. Vishal, S. K. Agrawal and S. Das, Hyperchaos control and adaptive synchronization with uncertain parameters for fractional order Mathieu-Van der Pol systems, Pramana - Journal of Physics, Springer, V. 86, 59-75 (2015).
- S. P. Ansari, S. K. Agrawal and S. Das, Stability Analysis of fractional order Generalized Chaotic SIR epidemic model and Its Synchronization using Active Control Method, Pramana - Journal of Physics, Springer, V.84, 23-32 (2015).
- V. K. Yadav, S. K. Agrawal, M. Srivastava and S. Das, Phase and anti-phase synchronizations of fractional order hyper-chaotic systems with uncertainties and external disturbances using nonlinear Active control method, International Journal of Dynamics and Control, 1-10, 11 June (2015).
- S. Das and V. K. Yadav, Chaos control and function projective synchronization of fractional order systems through backstepping method, Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, V. 189 (2016) 1430-1439.
- A. K. Singh, V. K. Yadav and S. Das, Synchronization between fractional order complex chaotic systems, International Journal of Dynamics and Control, 1-15, 29 January (2016).
- V. K. Yadav and S. Das, Stability analysis, Chaos control of Fractional order Vallis and El Nino systems and its Synchronization, IEEE Journal of Automatica Sinica, V.4 (2017) 114-124.
- A. K. Singh, V. K. Yadav and S. Das, Comparative study of synchronization methods of fractional order chaotic systems, Nonlinear Engineering – Modeling and Application, V.5 (2016) 185-192.
- V. K. Yadav, N. Srikanth and S. Das, Dual function Projective synchronization of fractional order complex chaotic systems, Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 127 (2016) 10527-10538.
- A. K. Singh, V. K. Yadav and S. Das, Dual combination synchronization of the fractional order complex chaotic systems, ASME Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, V. 12 (2016) 0110171-8.
- V. K. Yadav, S. Das and D. Cafagna, Nonlinear synchronization of fractional-order Lu and Qi chaotic systems, IEEE Int. Conf. on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS), IEEE Publication, 596 – 599 (2016). doi:: 10.1109/ICECS.2016.7841272.
- A. K. Singh, V. K. Yadav and S. Das, Synchronization between fractional order complex chaotic systems with uncertainty, Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, V. 133 (2017) 98-107.
- V. K. Yadav, G. Prasad, T. Som and S. Das, Combined synchronization of time-delayed chaotic systems with uncertain parameters, Chinese Journal of Physics, V.55, 457-466 (2017).
- V. K. Yadav, S. Das, A. K. Singh, B. S. Bhadauria and M. Srivastava, Stability analysis, chaos control of fractional order chaotic chemical reactor system and its function projective synchronization with parametric uncertainty, Chinese Journal of Physics, V.55, 594-605 (2017).
- A. K. Singh, Vijay K. Yadav and S. Das, Synchronization of time-delay chaotic systems with uncertainties and external disturbances, Discontinuity, Nonlinearity and Complexity, V.8, 13-21(2019)
- A. K. Singh, Vijay K. Yadav and S. Das, Nonlinear control technique for dual combination synchronization of complex chaotic systems, Journal of Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, V.8, 261-277 (2019).
- Vijay K. Yadav, Vijay K. Shukla, S. Das, A.Y.T. Leung and M. Srivastava, Function projective synchronization of fractional order satellite system and its stability analysis for incommensurate case, Chinese Journal of Physics, V.56, 696-707 (2018).
- Vijay K. Yadav, G. Prasad, M. Srivastava, S. Das, Combination-Combination phase synchronization among non-identical fractional order complex chaotic systems via nonlinear control, International Journal of Dynamics and Control, V. 7, 330–340 (2019)..
- Vijay K. Yadav and S. Das, Combination synchronization of fractional order n-chaotic systems using active backstepping design, Nonlinear Engineering – Modeling and Application (NLENG), V. 8, 597–608 (2019).
- Vijay K. Yadav, S. Das and D. Cafagna, Complex Projective Synchronization of Fractional Complex Systems Using Nonlinear Control Method, IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering, 1-6 (2018).
- Vijay K. Yadav, Vijay K. Shukla, M. Srivastava and S. Das, Stability analysis, control of Simple chaotic system and its hybrid projective synchronization with fractional Lu system, Journal of Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, V. 9, 93-107 (2020).
- Vijay K. Yadav, Vijay K. Shukla, M. Srivastava and S. Das, Dual phase synchronization of chaotic systems using nonlinear observer based technique, Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems Theory, V.19, 209-216 (2019).
- Vijay K. Yadav, R. Kumar, A. Y. T. Leung and S. Das, Dual phase and dual anti-phase synchronization of fractional order chaotic systems in real and complex variables with uncertainties, Chinese J. of Physics, V. 57, 282-308 (2019).
- Vijay K. Yadav, Vijay K. Shukla and S. Das, Difference synchronization among three chaotic systems with exponential term and its chaos control, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, V.124, 36-51(2019).
- Vijay K. Yadav, G. Prasad, M. Srivastava and S. Das, Triple compound synchronization among eight chaotic systems with external disturbances via nonlinear approach, Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, doi: 10.1007/s12591-019-00477-9 (2019).
- R. Kumar and S. Das, Weak, modified and function projective synchronization of Cohen Grossberg neural networks with mixed time-varying delays and parameter mismatch via matrix measure approach, Neural Computing and Applications, V.32, 7321–7332 (2020).
- R. Kumar, S. Sarkar, S. Das and J. Cao, Projective synchronization of delayed neural networks with mismatched parameters and impulsive effects, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, V.31, 1211 - 1221 (2020).
- R. Kumar and S. Das, Exponential stability of inertial BAM neural network with time-varying impulses and mixed time-varying delays via matrix measure approach, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, V. 81, 105016 (2020).
- R. Kumar, S. Das and Y. Cao, Effects of infinite occurrence of hybrid impulses with quasi-synchronization of parameter mismatched neural networks, Neural Networks, V. 122, 106-116 (2020).
- Umesh Kumar, S. Das, J. D. Cao, Fixed time synchronization of quaternion-valued neural networks with time varying delay, Proceedings of the Royal Society, London, Series A 476, 20200324 (2020).
- R. Kumar , Umesh Kumar , S. Das , J. Qiu and J. Lu, Effects of heterogeneous impulses on synchronization of complex-valued neural networks with mixed time-varying delays, Information Sciences, V.551, 228-244 (2021).
- A. K. Mishra, S. Das and V. K. Yadav, Finite-time synchronization of multi-scroll chaotic systems with sigmoid non-linearity and uncertain terms, Chinese Journal of Physics, (2020).
- Vijay K. Yadav, Vijay K. Shukla and S. Das, Exponential synchronization of fractional-order complex chaotic systems and its application, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, V. 147, 110937 (2021).
- A. Kumar, V. K.Yadav, S. Das and Rajeev (2021). Global Exponential Stability of Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Cohen-Grossberg Neural Network with Time-varying Delays, IEEE Control Systems Letters, V.6, 325-330 (2022).
- A. Kumar, S. Das, Rajeev and V. K. Yadav, Global exponential synchronization of complex-valued recurrent neural networks in presence of uncertainty along with time-varying bounded and unbounded delay terms, International Journal of Dynamics and Control, 1-15 (2021).
- A. Kumar, S. Das, V. K. Yadav, Rajeev, J. D. Cao and C. Huang, Synchronization of fuzzy cellular neural networks with proportional time-delay, AIMS Mathematics, V.6, 10620-10641 (2021).
- A. Kumar, S. Das, V. K. Yadav and Rajeev, Global quasi-synchronization of complex-valued recurrent neural networks with time-varying delay and interaction terms, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, V.152, 111323 (2021).
- Sunny Singh, U. Kumar, S. Das and J. D. Cao, Synchronization of Quaternion valued neural networks with mixed time delays using Lyapunov function method, Neural Processing Letters, 1-17 (2021).
- Md Arzoo Jamal, Rakesh Kumar, S. Mukhopadhyay, S. Das, Fixed-time stability of dynamical systems with impulsive effects, Journal of The Franklin Institute, Accepted (2022).
- A. Kumar, S. Baluni, S. Das and V. K. Yadav, Global quasi-synchronization of fuzzy cellular neural networks with time varying delay and interaction terms, International Journal of Systems Science, Accepted (2022).
- S. Baluni, S. Das, V. K. Yadav and J. D. Cao, Lagrange alpha-exponential synchronization of non-identical fractional-order complex-valued neural networks, Circuits, Systems & Signal Processing, Accepted (2022).
- Shiv S. Chouhan; Rakesh Kumar; S. Sarkar and S. Das, Multistability Analysis of Octonion-Valued Neural Networks with Time-Varying Delays, Information Sciences, Accepted (2022).
- S. Balunia, V. K. Yadav, and S. Das, Quasi projective synchronization of time varying delayed complex valued Cohen-Grossberg neural networks, Information Sciences, Accepted, V. 612, 231-240 (2022).
- Sunny Singh, Umesh Kumar, S. Das and J. Cao, Global exponential stability of inertial Cohen-Grossberg neural networks with time-varying delays via feedback and adaptive control schemes: Non-reduction order approach, Neural Processing Letters, Accepted (2022).
Book Chapters
206. S. Das and K. Vishal, Homotopy Analysis Method for fractional Swift-Hohenberg equation, Advances in the Homotopy Analysis Method, Editor - S. J. Liao, World Scientific Publisher, 2014.
207. Vijay K. Yadav, Vijay K. Shukla, M. Srivastava and S. Das, Backstepping control for combined function projective synchronization among fractional order chaotic systems with uncertainties and external disturbances, Nonlinear
dynamical Systems with self-excited and hidden attractors, Springer Publisher (2017).
208. Vijay K. Yadav and S. Das, Dual combination synchronization scheme for non-identical different dimensional fractional order systems using scaling matrices, Linear and Nonlinear Fractional Order Systems, Elsevier Publisher (2018).
209. S. Das and Anuwedita Singh, Interfacial crack in composite media, Encyclopedia of Continuum Mechanics, edited by Holm Altenbach and Andreas Öchsner, Springer Publisher (2019).
- Executed a Project entitled “Study of Interaction Between Griffith Cracks in Isotropic/Anisotropic Composite Media”, under the Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of West-Bengal, India.
- Executed a Project entitled “Study of Interaction between cracks in Orthotropic Composite Media”, under the Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of West-Bengal, India.
- Acted as Deputy Coordinator in the Special Assistance Program (SAP), UGC of the Department of Applied Mathematics, IT, BHU.
- A MoU has been signed with TCS, India by virtue of which one of my research scholars Ms. Sana P. Ansari received scholarship of Rs. 23,000/- per month for a period of two years (Jan 2014 – December 2015).
- One of the Team members of the research project sub programme sponsored by University of Malaya research programme. Title of the proposed programme: Stochastic dynamics, processes and models for dispersion. Programme leader: Prof. S. H. Ong. Research grant: RM 179,900 per year for duration three years.
- Executed the project titled “Study of Some Engineering problems in Fractional order Dynamical Systems” under Institute Research Project Scheme for a period of two years (2015 – 2017); Research grant: Rs. 4,02,500/-.
- Executed the project titled “Fractional calculus approached solutions for two dimensional ground water contaminations in unsaturated media” sanctioned by Board of Nuclear Science (BRNS), BARC, Govt. of India for a period of Four years (2014 – 2018); Research grant: Rs. 22,95,750/-.
- Executed the project titled “Study and Analysis of Mathematical Models of Nonlinear Fractional order Diffusion Equations” sanctioned by SERB, Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India for a period of three years (2015 – 2018); Research grant: Rs. 16,92,000/-.
- Project titled "Existence and Stability analysis of periodic solutions of variable time impulsive neural networks" has been sanctioned by SERB, Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India under the MATRICS Scheme for a period of three years (2021 – 2024); Research grant: Rs. 6,60,000/-.
- Project titled "Study and Analysis of Interfacial cracks in composite media" has been sanctioned by NBHM, DAE, Govt. of India for a period of three years (2022 – 2025).
- Project titled “Study of Two Dimensional Fractional Order Nonlinear Transport Phenomena Problems in Porous Media” has been sanctioned by Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences (BRNS), BARC, Govt. of India for a period of three years (2022 – 2025); Research grant: Rs. 14,84,800/-.
Ph.D. Thesis Supervision (Awarded: 25, Ongoing: 11)
1. Dr. Subir Mukherjee (Supervisor: S. Das), Topic: Some Crack Problems in orthotropic Media, Year: December, 2008 (in Jadavpur Univ., W.B.)
2. Dr. Sunil Kumar (Co-supervisor: S. Das), Topic: Numerical Solutions Of Generalized Abel Integral Equation And Some Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations by Homotopy and Operational Matrix Methods, Year: July, 2011.
3. Dr. Kumar Vishal (Supervisor: S. Das), Topic: Study of Some Crack Problems Fractional Calculus, Year: March, 2013.
4. Dr. R. Prasad (Co-supervisor: S. Das), Topic: Some Studies on generalized Thermo-elasticity and Crack Problems, Year: April, 2013.
5. Dr. Rajnesh Kumar (Supervisor: S. Das), Topic: Fractional Calculus and its Applications in Engineering Problems, Year: August 2, 2013.
6. Dr. Saurabh Kumar Agrawal (Supervisor: S. Das), Topic: Application of Fractional Calculus on Chaos and Synchronization, Year: 2014.
7. Dr. Mayank Srivastava (Supervisor: S. Das), Topic: Some problems in Chaos and its synchronization, Year: 2014.
8. Dr. Piush Kr. Singh (Co-supervisor: S. Das), Topic: Approximate Solutions of Some Physical Problems in Fractional order Systems and Abel's Integral Equation, Enrollment No. : 329061.
9. Dr. Sana P. Ansari (Supervisor: S. Das), Topic: Study of Chaos and Synchronization in Dynamical Systems, Enrollment No. : 340871.
10. Dr. Vivek Mishra (Supervisor: S. Das), Topic: Applications of fractional order derivatives in nonlinear systems, Roll No. : 12612EN011.
11. Dr. Prasant K. Mishra (Supervisor: S. Das), Topic: Some problems of Fracture Mechanics, Roll No. : 13121002
12. Dr. Vijay Kr. Yadav (Supervisor: S. Das), Topic: Study of some problems of Chaos and synchronization in Dynamical systems, Roll No. : 13121001
13. Dr. Ajit K. Singh (Supervisor: S. Das), Topic: Study of synchronization in chaotic systems, Roll No. : 13121011.
14. Dr. Ghanashyam Prasad (Co-supervisor: S. Das), Topic: Study of some problems of Dynamical systems and Fractional calculus, Roll No.: 11612EN002.
15. Dr. Shubham Jaiswal (Supervisor: S. Das), Topic: Study of some transport phenomena problems in porous media, Roll No. : 13121007
16. Dr. Neeraj K. Tripathi (Supervisor: S. Das), Topic: Study of nonlinear problems in fractional order system, Roll No. : 13121012
17. Dr. Gopal Kumar Gupta (Co-supervisor: S. Das), Topic: State dependent arrival in bulk service queue with and without vacation, Roll No. : 13121006.
18. Dr. Pragya Singh (Supervisor: S. Das), Topic: Study of some problems of fracture mechanics, Roll No. : 13121013.
19. Dr. Vijay K. Shukla (Supervisor: S. Das), Topic: Some problems on synchronization of chaotic systems, Roll No. : 13121004.
20. Dr. Anup Singh (Supervisor: S. Das), Topic: Nonlinear fractional order diffusion equations, Joined as a Project Scholar, Roll No. : 16121004.
21. Dr. Anuwedita Singh (Supervisor: S. Das), Topic: Study of some problems of fracture mechanics, Roll No. : 16121005.
22. Dr. Rakesh Kumar (Supervisor: S. Das), Topic: Problems of stability and synchronization of neural networks, Roll No. : 16121006;
23. Mr. Kushal Dhar Dwivedi (Co-supervisor: S. Das), Topic: Behaviour of solute concentration in porous media, Roll No. : 16121504;
24. Mr. Prashant Pandey (Supervisor: S. Das), Topic: Study of dynamics of fluid in porous media, Roll No. : 17121012;
25. Mr. Sachin Kumar (Supervisor: S. Das), Topic: Numerical study of fractional diffusion equations and its applications, Roll No. : 17121021;
26. Mr. Umesh Kumar (Supervisor: S. Das), Topic: Neural Network, Roll No.: 18121014; e-mail:
27. Ms. Neha Trivedi (Supervisor: S. Das), Topic: Fracture Mechanics, Roll No.: 18121002; e-mail:
28. Mr. Sunny Singh (Supervisor: S. Das), Topic: Dynamical system, Roll No.: 18121504;
29. Mr. Shiv Shankar Chouhan (Supervisor: S. Das), Topic: Dynamical system, Roll No.: 18121518;
30. Ms. Ritika Singh (Supervisor: S. Das), Topic: Fracture Mechanics, Roll No.: 19121008; e-mail:
31. Ms. Chetna Biswas (Supervisor: S. Das), Topic: Porous Media, Roll No. : 19121018;
32. Ms. Sapna Baluni (Supervisor: S. Das), Topic: Dynamical system, Roll No. : 19121010;
33. Ms. Anshika Tanwar (Supervisor: S. Das), Topic: Fracture Mechanics, Roll No.: 19121502;
Supervised at the level of Post-doctoral (Completed: 01)
1. Dr. Vijay Kr. Yadav has acted as a Post Doctoral Fellow (PDF) in the Institute Sponsored Project “Fractional order dynamical system” under my supervision for a period of Three years (2016 - 2019).
M.Tech. Thesis Supervision (Awarded: 28)
1. Mr. Bharat Dhaker (Supervisor: S. Das), Topic: Modeling of Fractional Logistic Equation and Good Random Number Generators, Year: May, 2010.
2. Mr. Vineet Sharma (Supervisor: S. Das), Topic: Effect of Order of Derivative on Chaos Synchronization of Fractional Order Differential Equations, Year: May, 2011.
3. Mr. Anuj Kaushik (Supervisor: S. Das), Topic: Effect of Order of Derivative on Chaos Synchronization of Fractional Order Differential Equations, Year: May, 2011.
4. Mr. Gaurav Goel (Supervisor: S. Das),Topic: Applications of Finite Automata and Turing Machine Simulation using C++ Prog, Year: May, 2012.
5. Mr. Arpit Srivastava (Supervisor: S. Das), Topic: Modeling Populations and Studding Their Mathematical Behavior through Simulations, Year: May, 2012.
6. Mr. Manoj Kumar (Joint Supervisors: S. Das and Om P. Singh), Topic: Study of Some Problems of Econophysics, Year: May, 2012.
7. Mr. Raj Barethia, (Supervisor: S. Das), Topic: Analysis of Image Encryption scheme using Fractal Images as keys, Year: May, 2013.
8. Mr. Ashish Sharma (Joint Supervisors: S. Das and V. S. Pandey), Topic: Study of SIR models and vaccination strategies, Year: May, 2013.
9. Mr. Aniket Pathak (Supervisor: S. Das), Topic: Prediction of Stock Movement using Linear Statistical Learning, Year: May, 2014.
10. Ms. Samridhi Khurana (Supervisor: S. Das), Topic: Dynamics of Synchronization and Modularity in Complex Networks, Year: May, 2014.
11. Ms. Lipi Kundan (Supervisor: S. Das), Topic: Study of Nonlinear diffusion equation in Porous medium, Year: May, 2015.
12. Ms. Asha Jyoti (Supervisor: S. Das), Topic: Study of the applications of finite Automata and Turing machine simulation, Year: May, 2015.
13. Mr. Agam Tomar (Co-supervisor: S. Das), Topic: Analysis and physical parameter identification of structural systems, Year: May, 2016.
14. Mr. Nripesh Trivedi (Supervisor: S. Das), Topic: Keep the Conversations going: Engagement based customer segmentation on Online social service platforms, Year: May, 2016.
15. Mr. Ankit Jain (Supervisor: S. Das), Topic: Applications of finite Automata and Turing machine simulation using C++ programming, Year: May, 2016.
16. Mr. Saurabh Rajiv Shah (Supervisor: S. Das), Topic:Solutions of the Cahn-Hilliard problem, Year: June, 2017.
17. Mr. Shashi Kumar (Supervisor: S. Das), Topic: Applications of finite automata and turing machine simulation using C++ programming, Year: June, 2017.
18. Mr. Dheerendra Singh (Supervisor: S. Das), Topic: Synchronization of complex valued neural networks with time delay using LMIs approach, Year: May, 2018.
19. Mr. Shivam Tyagi (Supervisor: S. Das), Topic: Projective synchronization of identical chaotic neural networks with mixed time delays, Year: May, 2018.
20. Ms. Shreemoyee Sarkar (Supervisor: S. Das), Topic: An application of chaos theory in financial markets - detection of market crashes, Year: June, 2019.
21. Mr. Vikhyat Chadha (Supervisor: S. Das), Topic: Optimal Pairs trading strategy using chaos theory, Year: June, 2019.
22. Mr. Rajat Mittal (Supervisor: S. Das), Topic: Question and answer matching for a closed domain system, Year: June, 2020.
23. Mr. Phanideep Gampa (Joint Supervisors: S. Das and K. Lakhsmanan), Topic: An algorithm for continuous state space MDP and Application of deep contextual bandits to ranking, Year: June, 2020.
24. Mr. N. Tudu (Supervisor: S. Das), Topic: Stock Market Crash due to Rational Bubble & Asset Miss Pricing, Year: June 2020.
25. Mr. Rampreet Singh (Joint Supervisors: S. Das and V. K. Singh), Topic: Gesture recognition using hybrid CNN-RNN, Year: May 2021.
26. Mr. Vikas Patidar (Joint Supervisors: S. Das and V. K. Singh), Topic: Fake news detection, Year: May 2021.
27. Mr. Apoorv Bansal (Joint Supervisors: S. Das and V. K. Singh), Topic: Stock prices prediction using LSTM, Year: May 2021.
28. Mr. A. Singh (Supervisor: S. Das), Topic: Performance review of TDNN training algorithm for speech recognition, Year: August 2021.
29. Mr. Omansh Mathur (Supervisor: S. Das), Topic: Pollution forecasting using long short-term memory neural network, Year: June 2022.
30. Mr. Vipul Gupta (Supervisor: S. Das), Topic: India’s electricity generation forecasting, Year: June 2022.
31. Mr. Yash Patel (Supervisor: S. Das), Topic: Taxi demand prediction using long short-term memory neural network, Year: June 2022.
- Presented a paper entitled ‘Stress Intensity Factors for a pair of equal parallel Interfacial Cracks on a layer sandwiched between two dissimilar Half-planes’ in the 10th Bangladesh Mathematical Conference organized by Bangladesh Mathematical Society in University of Dhaka in 1995.
- Selected as a participant in attending the Summer School course on “Non –linear Hyperbolic Equations’ conducted by CIMPA (France) was held in Beijing (China) from September 9-26, 1998.
- Selected as a participant in attending the 31st Symposium on Mathematical Physics, institute of Physics, Nicholas Copernicus University, May 18-21, 1999, Torun, Poland.
- Selected as a participant in attending the Quantum Symposium in Thermal Physics and Mathematics (School) CIMPA – UNSA – UNESCO - ARGENTINA San Carlos de Bariloche (Argentina), January 10-24, 2000.
- Participated in the CIMPA School course on “Mathematical Problems arising from thin Structures” held in Sanghai (CHINA), August 20-31, 2001.
- Selected as a participant in the International conference on Smart technology demonstrators and devices in Edinburgh (U.K.), December 12-14, 2001.
- Selected as a participant in the Satellite conference of ICM, 2002 Beijing on Scientific computing (SCSC) held in Xian, CHINA, during August 15-18, 2002.
- Delivered a lecture in the Laboratory of the Faculty of Engineering in Shizuoka University, JAPAN, during December 5 - 7, 2004.
- Participated in the CIMPA School course on “Kinetic Equations: from Theory to Applications” held in Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica, Taipei (Taiwan), during December 8 – 20, 2004.
- Participated in the NSF – CBMS Conference on “New Perspectives for Boundary Value Problems and their Asymptotic” held in University of Texas, USA during May 16-20, 2005.
- Had been an Academic Visitor to the Department of Mechanical Engineering at National University of Singapore (NUS) from June 03-June 10, 2007.
- Presented a paper titled “Interaction of moving Interfacial cracks in composite media under antiplane shear” at ICIAM’07 held at ETH, Zurich, Switzerland during July 16 – July 20, 2007.
- Had been an Academic Visitor to the Department of Applied Mathematics at ICTP, Trieste, Italy from July 21-July 29, 2007.
- Had been an Academic Visitor to the Department of Mechanical Engineering at National University of Singapore (NUS) from June 13-June 25, 2008.
- Presented a paper titled “Solution of time-space fractional diffusion equation with Absorbant term” at ICCSA 2009 held at University of Le Havre, Le Havre, Normandy, France during June 29 – July 02, 2009.
- Had been an Academic Visitor to the Department of Mechanical Engineering at National University of Singapore (NUS) from June 16 - June 30, 2010.
- Had been an Academic Visitor to the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Hong Kong Polytechnique University from February 12 - February 19, 2011.
- Had been an Academic Visitor of the Institute of Mathematical Sciences, University of Malaya, Malaysia from June 15- July 14, 2011.
- Had been an Academic Visitor of the Department of Civil and Construction Engineering at City University, Hong Kong during February 29 - March 10, 2012.
- Had been an Academic Visitor of the Institute of Mathematical Sciences, University of Malaya, Malaysia from June 15- July 14, 2012.
- Had been an Academic Visitor of the Department Mechanical Engineering, Tokyo University of science, Tokyo, Japan during June 8-17, 2013.
- Had been an Academic Visitor of the Department of Civil and Construction Engineering at City University, Hong Kong during June 17-23, 2013.
- Had been an Academic Visitor of the Institute of Mathematical Sciences, University of Malaya, Malaysia from July 3-16, 2013.
- Had been an Academic Visitor to the Department of Mechanical Engineering at National University of Singapore (NUS) from April 3 – April 10, 2014.
- Had been an Academic Visitor of the Institute of Mathematical Sciences, University of Malaya, Malaysia from June 17-30, 2014.
- Presented a paper titled “Phase Synchronization between fractional order chaotic systems with uncertainties and external disturbances” at International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM 2014) held at Rhodes, Greece during Sept 22 – 28, 2014.
- Presented a paper titled “Chaos control and function projective Synchronization of fractional order systems through backstepping method” at International Conference of Physics and Mathematics of Nonlinear Phenomena (PMNP 2015) held at Gallipoli, Italy during June 20 – 27, 2015.
- Had been an Academic Visitor of the Institute of Mathematical Sciences, University of Malaya, Malaysia during July 12-22, 2015.
- Delivered one day workshop on “Fractional order nonlinear equations and their solutions” to the faculty members and research scholars during the stay as an Academic Visitor in Institute of Mathematical Sciences, University of Malaya, Malaysia from October 02- 09, 2017.
- Had been an Academic Visitor of the Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore during December 06-12, 2017.
- Had been an Academic Visitor of the Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of South Africa, Johannesburg, South Africa during March 14-20, 2018 and delivered a talk titled “Fractional order nonlinear diffusion equations”.
- Presented a paper titled “Semi-infinite crack in an orthotropic strip sandwiched between two identical half planes” at 28th International Workshop on Computational Mechanics of Materials (IWCMM 28) held at Glasgow, Scotland and went for an Academic interaction in London, England during Sept 10 – 16, 2018”.
- Had been an Academic Visitor of the Institute of Mathematical Sciences, University of Malaya, Malaysia during December 16-23, 2018.
- Presented a paper titled “Moving interfacial Griffith crack in composite medium” in the International Conference on Nonlinear Solid Mechanics (ICoNSoM 2019) held in the University ROMA, Rome, Italy during June 16-19, 2019.
- Received 2011 IT-BHU Publication Award under 1st Prize category for the faculty presented by IT-BHU Global Alumni Association.
- Received 2012 IT-BHU Publication Award under 1st Prize category for the faculty presented by IT-BHU Global Alumni Association.
- Received 2013 IIT (BHU) Publication Award under 1st Prize category for the faculty presented by IIT (BHU) Global Alumni Association.
- Received 2014 IIT (BHU) Publication Award under Star Prize category for the faculty presented by IIT (BHU) Global Alumni Association.
- Received “Excellence in Teaching Award” for the session 2016-17 from Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi-221005.