- Academic Background and Brief Resume
- Details of Employments
- Sponsored Projects
- Major Awards / Accolades/ Invitations
- Patents and Publications
- Administrative Experience
- Student Guidance
Thesis Pedestal workplace: CSIR-IGIB Title of thesis: DNA biosensor for diagnosis of rheumatic heart disease
PhD : Institute of Biophysio Sensor Technology (IBST) and Department of Chemistry, Pusan National University, South Korea
Title: Development of Electrochemical Biosensors for Cancer Diagnosis Based on Conducting Polymers and Nanomaterials
PDF : Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel.
Topic: Silicon based Sensors, Reflective Interferometric Fourier Transform Spectroscopy (RIFTS)
Dr. Chandra is recipient of many prestigious awards, covated honours, and fellowships such as; Fellow of Indian Chemical Society (FICS), Shakuntala Amir Chand Prize 2020 by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), EAT RIGHT RESEARCH AWARD 2022 - FSSAI, DST Ramanujan fellowship (Government of India) ; Early Carrier Research Award (ECRA) (DST, Government of India) ; BK -21 and NRF fellowship, South Korea ; Technion Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Israel ; Nano Molecular Society India Young Scientist Award ; Biotech Research Society India (BRSI) Young Scientist Award ; Young Engineers Award 2018 ; ACS / Elsevier Outstanding Reviewer Awards ; HIGHLY CITED Corresponding authors in The ROYAL SOCIETY OF CHEMISTRY (RSC), Cambridge, London ; Top 10% cited article in the General Chemistry Section RSC Jounal, Cambridge, London, Gandhian Young Technology Innovation Award (GYTI) 2020, Selected as Member of National Academy of Sciences (MNASc) etc. Dr. Chandra also Listed among the WORLD'S TOP 2% SCIENTIST in a report by Stanford University, USA. He is reviewer of about 50 international journals and expert project reviewer of various national / international funding agencies. He is an Associate Editor of Sensors International published jointly by Elsevier and Chinese Academy of Sciences and Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, Lausanne, Switzerland. He is also the Editorial Board Member / Guest Editor of Materials Science for Energy Technologies ; Molecules (Impact Factor: 3.26); Green Analytical Chemistry; World Journal of Methodology, USA ; Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology (Impact Factor: 3.64) ; Reports in Physical Sciences, Singapore etc. He has delivered several Invited Lectures in National and International Conferences and presented the Keynote Lecture in RUSA "राष्ट्रीय उच्चतर शिक्षा अभियान", (A Centrally Sponsored Scheme of MHRD, Govt. of India) on the theme “Transforming Technology to Commercial Products".
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Note: Interested PhD Students and Post-Docs are welcome to contact Dr. Chandra to join the research group following institute norms.
1 | School of Biochemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU) Varanasi | Assistant Professor and Ramanujan Fellow | December 2019 | Till Date |
2 | Department of Biosciences and Bioengineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati | Assistant Professor and Ramanujan Fellow |
July 2015 |
December 2019 |
3 | Institute of Biophysio Sensor Technology, Pusan National University, South Korea | Visiting Assistant Professor | May 2017 | June 2017 |
4 | Institute of Biophysio Sensor Technology, Pusan National University, South Korea | Visiting Scientist |
July 2015 |
July 2015 |
5 | Technion-Israel Institute of Technology (IIT), Haifa, Israel | Post Doctoral Research Fellow | June 2014 | June 2015 |
6 | Amity University, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India | Assistant Professor | March 2013 | June 2014 |
7 | Pusan National University, South Korea | Senior Research Associate | July 2012 | January 2013 |
8 | Amity University, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India | Lecturer | July 2008 | February 2009 |
Sr. No | Funding Agency | Project Theme / Area | Role |
1 | Department of Health, Indian Council of Medical Research, Government of India | Nanobiosensors Design for a Paracytic Disesse | Principal investigator (Ongoing) |
2 | IIT (BHU), Varanasi | Facile Development of Nanoengineered Surfaces for Direct Detection of Some Clinically Relevant Biochemicals | Principal investigator (Ongoing) |
3 | Department of Science and Technology, Government of India | Bacterial exotoxin detection | Principal investigator (Ongoing) |
4 | Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Government of India | Development of electrochemical sensor integrated microfluidic system for label free multiplex detection of neurotransmitters in neuronal cell line | Principal investigator |
5 | Department of Science and Technology, Government of India | Nonenzymatic aptamer based electrocatalytic biomedical device prototype for diagnostic and therapeutic applications | Principal investigator |
6 | Department of Science and Technology, Government of India | Paper based point-of-care biomedical devise prototype for pathogenic microorganism detection | Mentor |
7 | IIT Guwahati | Development of electrochemical genosensor for detection of biological warfare agents | Principal investigator |
- Listed Among the WORLD'S TOP 2% SCIENTIST - YEAR 2021. List prepared by the Stanford University, USA
- Awarded "Shakuntala Amir Chand Prize 2020" by the INDIAN COUNCIL OF MEDICAL RESEARCH (ICMR).
- Elected as FELLOW of Indian Chemical Society (FICS) http://indianchemicalsociety.com/
- Received EAT RIGHT RESEARCH AWARD-2022 by FSSAI - FDA Bhawan on the "World Food Safety Day" from the Honorable Union Minister of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, Dr. Mansukh Mandaviya.
- Selected for the Indian Society of Chemists and Biologists (ISCB http://www.iscbindia.com/) YOUNG SCIENTIST AWARD In BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES Section for the Year 2022.
- Selected as Member of the Indian National Young Academy of Sciences (INYAS) (https://inyas.in/), a body of INSA, New Delhi.
- Listed Among the WORLD'S TOP 2% SCIENTIST - YEAR 2020. List prepared by the Stanford University, USA
- Advisor for the Biomedical Sensors Domain and Sensor Networks Systems at the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), Michael Faraday House, Six Hills Way, Stevenage, LONDON, United Kingdom
- Editors-in-Chief: Handbook of Nano bioelectrochemistry: Application in Devices and Biomolecular Sensing, Springer Nature LINK
- Book "Diagnostic Strategies for COVID-19 and other Coronaviruses" has been Listed among TOP 9 (No. 5 position) in the area of #Medicine > Medical Science Books (Virology) #World Wide to read in 2022, as featured on CNN, Forbes and Inc – Book Authority, United States. LINK
- Associate Editor, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, Lausanne, Switzerland (Specialty Section: Biosensors and Biomolecular Electronics) (Indexing in Scopus / SCIE etc: Impact Factor: 5.89), 2021.
- Editorial Board Member of "Scientific Reports, Nature Publication Group (Indexing in SCI etc: Impact Factor: 4.37), 2021.
- Associate Editor, Sensors International, CAS-Elsevier Science
- Guest Editor along with Prof. Akiyoshi Taniguchi National Institute for Materials Science, Japan and Prof. Yen Nee Tan Newcastle University, Newcastle, UK in the Journal MOLECULES (Indexing in Scopus, Impact Factor: 4.41), 2021.
- Guest Editor of International Journal of Biological Macromolecules on the theme: Nano-bio-engineered macromolecules and surfaces fabrication for biosensing applications. (Impact Factor: 8.02), 2022.
- Editorial Board Member of Material Science for Energy Technologies, CAS-Elsevier Science (Indexing in Scopus)
- Editorial Board Member "PLOS ONE" 2021.
- Editorial Board Member of Frontiers in Sensors, Lausanne, Switzerland (Specialty Section: Micro- and Nano- Sensors), 2021.
- Editorial Board Member "Green Analytical Chemistry", Elsevier, 2021.
- RAMANUJAN FELLOWSHIP from Department of Science and Technology, Government of India
- Early Career Research Award (ECRA), Department of Science and Technology, Government of India.
- Gandhian Young Technology Innovation (GYTI) Award 2020 on "Paper based portable kit for the naked eye detection of milk pasteurization indicator based on alkaline phosphatase"
- Selected as a Member of National Academy of Science (MNASc), India (NASI), Prayagraj, India, 2020.
- Selected as a Member of Royal Society of Chemistry (MRSC), London 2022.
- Dr. O. P. S. Sengar Memorial Young Scientist Award – 2016 by Nano Molecular Society
- Coveted Honour of the Biotech Research Society of India (BRSI) Young Scientist Award - 2017
- Young Engineers Award – 2018 by the Senior Engineers Forum-Guwahati
- Coveted Honour of ‘Young Scientist Award - 2019 ’ of the Society for Bioinformatics and Biological Sciences (SBBS).
- HIGHLY CITED Corresponding author in The ROYAL SOCIETY OF CHEMISTRY, Cambridge, London in Top 10% cited articles.
- Post-doctoral research fellowship of Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
- Life member of Biotech Research Society India. LM: 2006
- Brain Korea-21 Fellowship, Pusan National University, Busan South Korea
- National Research Foundation (NRF) Fellowship, MEST, South Korea
- International travel grants of 1500 USD from Technion- Israel Institute of Technology (IIT), Israel.
- Outstanding Faculty Award in terms of Teaching and research 2013.
- Certificate of reviewer recognition by the AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY
- Outstanding Reviewer Award from various journals of Elsevier
- INVITED SPEAKER in the self-financed short-term course on “Molecular Techniques in Biotechnology” organized by Department of Biotechnology, National Institute of Technology-Allahabad (NIT-A), 16-22 January 2015.
- INVITED SPEAKER CSIR-IICT Platinum Jubilee International Conference on Biotechnological Research and Innovation for Sustainable Development XV BRSI Convention 22-25 November, 2018.
- Expert Resource Person for the UGC sponsored Refresher Course in “Nano Science & Nano Technology” organized by Human Resource Development Centre (HRDC), Guwahati University, Assam. 22nd March – 11th April, 2017
- Research work done as Principal Investigator has been highlighted in 450+ News agencies in India, USA, China, Canada, Taiwan, Singapore, UK, Ireland, Malaysia, etc).
- Invited as Visiting Scientist at Institute of Biophysio Sensor Technology, Pusan National University, South Korea in July 2016.
- External Expert for Project evaluation for Kerala State Council for Science, Technology, and Environment under “back to lab” women scientist division.
- KEYNOTE SPEAKER in RUSA "राष्ट्रीय उच्चतर शिक्षा अभियान", (A Centrally Sponsored Scheme of MHRD, Govt. of India) sponsored Pre- conference workshop on “Transforming Technology to Commercial Products”.
- KEYNOTE SPEAKER in International Conference on “Advanced Technologies for Societal Applications” during 20-21 December 2016, supported by राष्ट्रीय उच्चतर शिक्षा अभियान (RUSA), BOARD OF RESEARCH IN NUCLEAR SCIENCES (BRNS), and Solapur University.
- Travel grant of 1200 USD in June 2017 from Pusan National University to visit as visiting scientist in the Institute of Biophysio Sensor Technology
- INVITED SPEAKER in the DBT Stake-holders Meeting to evolve a comprehensive Cancer Research program in NER during 26th – 27th October’ 2017, Hotel Palacio Guwahati.
- INVITED SPEAKER in the School of Biomedical engineering, North Eastern Hill University (NEHU) is a Central University, Shillong, Meghalaya during 15-16 March 2018.
- Outstanding Reviewer Award for Contribution to the quality of the journal “Vacuum” (Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands), June 2018.
- Expert Reviewer of Indo-French Centre for the Promotion of Advanced Research (IFCPAR/ CEFIPRA) under Department of Science and Technology (DST), GoI and Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) of France.
- INVITED SPEAKER in International Conference on Frontiers in Chemical Sciences (FICS - 2018) from 6- 8th December, 2018. Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Guwahati 781039, Assam, India
- BEST PAPER AWARD in Material Science for Energy Technologies, Elsevier – CAS. 2018.
- INVITED SPEAKER in New Horizon in Food Processing Technology and Nutrition” (NHFPTN-2019) during SLIETCON-2019, Under TEQIP - III (Twinning Program) organized by S.L. Institute of Engineering& Technology (MHRD, Govt. of India), Punjab, India. March 1-2, 2019 at National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research (NITTTR), Chandigarh.
- INVITED SPEAKER in 2nd International Conference on Computational Methods in Manufacturing (ICCMM 2019), Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, India, March 8-9, 2019
- INVITED EXPERT SPEAKER in Next Generation Diagnostics Summit, 13 - 14 APRIL 2019 | THE PARK, HYDERABAD under the Auspices of CME Foundation of India. Title: Nano-bioengineered Sensors: An Innovative Tool for Next Generation Point-of-Care Clinical Diagnostics
- INVITED SPEAKER, Department of Biochemistry, North Eastern Hill University (NEHU) is a Central University, Shillong, Meghalaya. 19th April 2019.
- Appointed as External Examiner for PhD evaluation in Biotechnology, Faculty of Science (FOS) Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Ref:UBD/FOS/N3(i), April 2019.
- Appointed as External Examiner for PhD evaluation in Bioengineering, Sathyabama Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai, India.
- Appointed as External Examiner for PhD evaluation for Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow, India
- Appointed as External Examiner for PhD evaluation for Indian Institute of Technology (BHU) Varanasi - Uttar Pradesh 221005, India
- INVITED SPEAKER in 4th Annual Conference of Indian Society of Nanomedicine "NANOBIOTECK 2019" Global BIOINDIA during 20th - 23rd November 2019. Aerocity, New Delhi. Title: Nano-Bio-Engineered Surfaces for Point-of-Care Diagnostics
- 3 Biotech volume 9, Article number: 57 (2019), Springer listed among the TOP three highly cited article of 2019.
- INVITED SPEAKER in the international webinar on “Challenges and Scientific Advances for SARS-COV-2” organised by Department of Microbiology Assam University in Collaboration with Springer Nature and Society of Environmental Sustainability 27th August 2020. Title: Nanobioengineered Sensing Systems and Their Prospects in COVID-19 Diagnosis
- Expert Reviewer of the R&D Proposals under CSIR-Fundamental & Innovative Research in Science of Tomorrow [CSIR-FIRST] Scheme.
- Expert Reviewer of the various R&D Proposals for Department of Biotechnology (DBT),Government of India.
- Expert Reviewer for project under Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences (BRNS) under Department of Atomic Energy (DAE),Government of India.
- Expert Reviewer of projects under Israeli Ministry of Science and Technology, Israel.
- INVITED SPEAKER in the Short Term Course (STC) on "Recent advances of 3D printing and its Bio-medical Engineering Applications" jointly organized by the National Cheng Kung University Hospital (NCKUH), Taiwan, North Eastern Hill University (NEHU), Shillong, Meghalaya, India and Royal Global University, Guwahati, Assam, India from 12th to 16th October, 2020 Title: Nanoengineered 3D Dendrites and their Composites for Biomedical Applications
- INVITED EXPERT LECTURE at BIRAC's SITARE BIIS (Biotech Innovation Ignition School-6) Webinar , organized by SRISTI in collaboration with BIRAC (Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council, Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India) 10th October, 2020. Title: Application of nanotechnology in biosensing devices
- INVITED EXPERT LECTURE at BIRAC's SITARE BIIS (Biotech Innovation Ignition School-8) Webinar , organized by SRISTI in collaboration with BIRAC (Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council, Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India) 9th February, 2021. Title: Paper Based Diagnostics: Emerging Technologies and Commercial Aspects
- INVITED SPEAKER in the National Conference in Biosensing, organized by Hansraj College, University of Delhi on 3rd April, 2021. Title: Bio / Nano Engineering aspects in Design and Development of Commercially Viable Sensor Systems.
- INVITED SPEAKER in International Webinar on "Emerging Trends in Biomedical Applications of Nanostructured Materials" organized by Department of Physics, Ranjiv Gandhi Cnetral University, Arunanchal Pradesh on 14th July, 2021. Title: "Nanobioengineering Approaches in Point-Of-Care and Personalized Diagnostics".
- INVITED SPEAKER in "KARYASHALA: One Week Online High-End Workshop on Advancements in In vitro Diagnostic Methods in Healthcare " under Accelerate Vigyan Scheme of DST-SERB from 19th-25th July 2021. Organised by Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad.Title: Nanobioengineering Approaches in Bedside and In vitro Diagnostics.
- INVITED SPEAKER in the Faculty Development Program (FDP) from 4th - 8th August 2021, in 'Smart and Functional Nanomaterials' at National Institute of Technology Calicut. Title: Nanobioengineered Diagnostic Technologies for Ultrasensitive Detection of Clinically Relevant Molecules.
- RESOURCE PERSON to deliver Expert Talk in the "Indo- Korea Joint Webinar" on "Advances in BIOSENSORS" jointly organized by Shastra University and Sungkyun University, South Korea. The event is organized under the umbrella of MHRD-SPARK Gov. Of India and NRF South Korea.
- DISTINGUISHED SPEAKER in the Shiksha Sanskriti Utthan Nyas (शिक्षा संस्कृति उत्थान न्यास) (North-East) Expert Lecture Series, 25th Sept 2021. Title: Role of Research & Innovation for AatmaNirbhar Bharat (आत्मनिर्भर भारत).
- KEYNOTE SPEAKER in the program आत्मनिर्भर भारत organised by Shiksha Sanskriti Utthan Nyas (शिक्षा संस्कृति उत्थान न्यास) (Maharashtra Unit) and Agnihotri School of Technology, Wardha, Maharashtra 7th October 2021. Title:AatmaNirbhar Bharat : Research & Innovation for (आत्मनिर्भर भारत: अनुसन्धान तथा नवाचार ).
- INVITED SPEAKER in the The 32nd Annual General Meeting of Material Research Society of India (MRSI) and the 3rd Indian Materials Conclave, December 20-23, 2021 organised by Indian Institute of Technology Madras Title: Nanobioengineering Approaches in Point-Of-Care and Personalized Diagnostics Devices.
- INVITED SPEAKER in The National Academy of Sciences, India, 91st Annual Session & Symposium on ‘Interface Between Biological and Physical Sciences Towards Atmanirbhar Bharat’ Date: 4-6 December. 2021. Title: A Handheld optoelectronic Nanobiosensing Device for Point of Care Clinical Diagnostics
- INVITED SPEAKER in Industry Expert Lecture Series, Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Engineering & Technology, Rama University. Date: December 7, 2021 Title: Healthcare Sensing Technologies: Story from Idea to Commercial Products.
- NASI-Swarna Jayanti Puraskar and Second Prize in poster (BIO/PS/2021/018) presentation
by Ms. Rohini Kumari (PhD Student) in the The National Academy of Sciences, India, 91st Annual Session & Symposium on ‘Interface Between Biological and Physical Sciences Towards Atmanirbhar Bharat’ Date: 4-6 December. 2021. Title: Nanoengineered surface comprising dendrite for biomolecular analysis in clinical perspective.
- KEYNOTE SPEAKER in the Three-Day International Conference On “Electrochemical Techniques and their Applications in the Development of Sensors” (ETADS-22) organized by Madurai Kamaraj University, Tamil Nadu, India, 20-22nd, January-2022. Title: Three Dimentioanl Nanoengineered Materials for Molecular Sensing.
- INVITED SPEAKER in the faculty development programme “On Precision Agriculture and Nano- technology: Making Agriculture Future Ready” 20-24th Jan, 2022, sponsored by AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy Faculty Development Programme NOIDA INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY. Title: Nansensors: Design and Implication in Agriculture.
- INVITED as "GUEST SPEAKER" in the TECHNICAL FEST "PLEXUS'22" on 28 Jan' 2022 organised by Shaheed Rajguru College of Applied Science For Women ,University of Delhi, India. Title: Biosensors: An intelligent Diagnostic Tool.
- Receive SECOND PRIZE in poster presentation in Three-Day International Conference On “Electrochemical Techniques and their Applications in the Development of Sensors” organized by Madurai Kamaraj University, Tamil Nadu, India, 20-22nd, January-2022. presented by
Ms. Daphika S Dkhar (PhD Student). Title: Nanoengineering of Bioreceptor in Clinical Settings for Fasciola gigantica Detection.
- INVITED to deliver "EXPERT TALK" under the flagship programme of "Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav / आजादी का अमृत महोत्सव " organised by Central University of Haryana Mahendergarh (Haryana)-123031, INDIA, 11 February'2022. Title: Sensor based Healthcare Devices : Design and Commercial Impact in India.
- GUEST SPEAKER on "National Science Day" function - 28th February, 2022 in Live National Webinar Session organized by IES College of Technology Bhopal affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya (RGPV), Bhopal in association with Madhya Pradesh Council of Science and Technology. Title: Application of Biosensors
- GUEST SPEAKER on "National Science Day" function - 28th February, 2022 organized by Shodh Prakalp (Assam) Shiksha Sanskriti Utthan Nyas (शिक्षा संस्कृति उत्थान न्यास ), Title: Science, Technology, and Its Protection Via Patents.
- INVITED SPEAKER at BioSangam 2022: “International Conference on Emerging Trends in Biotechnology” on March 10-12, 2022 organised by Department of Biotechnology Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj-211004 (UP) India. Title: Nanoengineered Systems for Tracking Biomarkers In Miniaturized Settings.
- INVITED SPEAKER in the "Advanced Research Strategies for Sustainable Development" during 3-4 June' 2022 Organised by: Career College, Bhopal and Research Foundation of India & RFI-CARE Title: Sustainable stratagies for develpment of miniaturized sensing devices.
- KEYNOTE SPEAKER in the "International Congress of Biotechnology 2022" during 10 - 11 June' 2022 Organised by Dr. B. Lal Institute of Biotechnology, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur. Title: Nanoengineered Sensing Systems for Detecting Biomarkers In Miniaturized Settings.
- INVITED SPEAKER / RESOURCE PERSON in the Faculty Development Program on “FUTURISTIC INTERVENTIONS IN BIOTECHNOLOGY: THE ROADMAP AHEAD” organized by Amity Institute of Biotechnology, Amity University Chhattisgarh from 4th-8th July 2022. Title: Intelligent Nanobioengineered Surfaces for Biomolecular Sensing
- GUEST SPEAKER in the All India IGEM Meet (AIIM) 2022 at The Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore, India. 23rd–25th July 2022. Title: Nanoengineered Smart Sensors : Design Engineering and Commercial Impact
- GUEST SPEAKER in the iGEM'22-Workshop - Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Mohali (IISER_Mohali), India. 30th July 2022. Title: Emerging role of Aptamers in Diagnosis and Therapeutics.
- GUEST SPEAKER in the ASPIRE-BioNEST BIG Partner program "Guidance Session for BIG 21st Call" orgasised by University of Hyderabad in collaboration with Society for Innovation & Entrepreneurship -SINE Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay.
- MENTOR for Elvikon India Pvt Ltd, Hyderabad, through KIIT-TBI, under BIG-BIRAC.
- MENTOR in the NIDHI Scheme (NATIONAL INITIATIVE FOR DEVELOPING AND HARNESSING INNOVATIONS) of Department of Science & Technology, Government of India at CoE, KIIT Technology Business Incubator.
- Committee Member for the DST-NIDHI’s PRomoting and Accelerating Young and ASpiring technology entrepreneurs (PRAYAS).
- Screening Committee Member for the Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology [MeitY], under TIDE 2.0 [Technology Incubation & Development of Entrepreneurs].
1. Sensor for detecting multidrug resistance cancer cell and detecting method of multidrug-resistant cancer cell using the same. South Korean Patent (Registration No.: KR20170030686A: 2017-07-11, Inventor : Yoon-Bo Shim and Pranjal Chandra, Details at :
2. Biosensor for detecting cancer cell treated anti-cancer drug and preparation method thereof. South Korean Patent (Registration No.: KR101478896: 08-01-2015, Inventor : Yoon-Bo Shim and Pranjal Chandra, Details at
3. A portable colorimetry sensing device for point of care diagnostics. Indian Patent (Application No.: 202111046586: 2021-10-12). Inventor : Pranjal Chandra, Supratim Mahapatra, and Amit Thakur. (Status: Filed)
4. An Anti-leishmanial steroidal alkaloid drug compound (Application No.: 202211049337: 2022-08-29). Inventor : Vikash Kumar Dubey, Pranjal Chandra, Naveena Menpadi (Status: Filed)
Books Published / In press
1. Book Title: Diagnostic Strategies for COVID-19 and other Coronaviruses
ISBN: 978-981-15-6006-4
Editors: Pranjal Chandra and S Roy. Publisher: Springer Singapore, ©Springer Nature, Year: 2020
2. Book Title: Immunodiagnostic technologies from laboratory to point-of-care testing
ISBN: 978-981-15-5822-1
Editors: P Suman and Pranjal Chandra. Publisher: Springer, Singapore, ©Springer Nature, Year: 2020
3. Book Title: Nanobiomaterials Engineering: Concepts and Their Applications in Bio-medicine and Diagnostics
ISBN: 9781771886673
Editors: Pranjal Chandra and R Prakash. Publisher: Springer, Singapore, ©Springer Nature, Year: 2020
4. Book Title: Advances in Microbial Biotechnology: Current Trends and Future Prospects
ISBN: 9781771886673
Editors: P Kumar, JK Patra, Pranjal Chandra. Publisher: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, USA Year: 2018
5. Book Title: Next generation point-of-care biomedical sensors technologies for cancer diagnosis
ISBN No: 978-981-10-4725-1
Editors: Pranjal Chandra, TY Nee, SP Singh. Publisher: Springer, Singapore, ©Springer Nature, Year: 2017
7. Book Title: Oxidative stress: Diagnostic methods and application in medical science
ISBN No: 978-981-10-4710-7
Editor: PK Maurya and Pranjal Chandra. Publisher: Springer, Singapore, ©Springer Nature, Year: 2017
8. Book Title: Nanobiosensors for personalized and onsite biomedical diagnosis.
ISBN No: 978-1-84919-950-6
Editor: Pranjal Chandra
Publisher: The Institution of Engineering and Technology, Michael Faraday House, London, United Kingdom. Year: July 2016
10. Book Title: Advanced Micro and Nano Manufacturing Technologies: Applications in Biochemical and Biomedical Engineering
ISBN: 978-981-16-3644-8
Editor: Shrikrishna Nandkishor Joshi and Pranjal Chandra
Publisher: Springer, Singapore, ©Springer Nature
11. Book Title: Nanosensing and Bioanalytical Technologies in Food Quality
ISBN: 978-981-16-7028-2
Editor: Pranjal Chandra and Parmjit S. Panesar
Publisher: Springer, Singapore, ©Springer Nature
12. Book Title: Nanobioanalytical Approaches to Medical Diagnostics
ISBN: 978-032-3851-47-3
Editor:Pawan Kumar Maurya and Pranjal Chandra
Publisher: Elsevier Science, UK
13. Book Title: Miniaturized Biosensing Devices: Fabrication and Applications
ISBN: 978-981-16-9897-2
Editor: Pranjal Chandra and Kuldeep Mahato
Publisher: Springer, Singapore, ©Springer Nature
14. Book Title: Book Title: Biosensing and Micro-Nano Devices: Design Aspects and Implementation in Food Industries
ISBN: 978-981-16-8332-9
Editor: Pranjal Chandra
Publisher: Springer, Singapore, ©Springer Nature
Following books are in press / final stage :
15. Book Title: Nanobioelectrochemical Approach in Biomolecular Analysis
Publisher: Springer, Singapore, ©Springer Nature
16. Book Title: Surface Engineering and Multifunctional Nanomaterials for Point-of-Care Integrated Bio-analytical Systems
Publisher: Springer, Singapore, ©Springer Nature
17. Book Title: Protein Biomarkers: Discovery and Applications in Clinical Diagnostics
Publisher: Springer, Singapore, ©Springer Nature
Citations: 5140 +; h-index: 45; i10-index: 85, (* = Corresponding author) Scholar Link
124. Integrated Biosensors Towards Clinical and Point-of-Care Diagnostics. Eden Morales-Narváez*, Can Dincer*, P Chandra*, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. doi: 10.3389/fbioe.2022.1008603, 2022 (Impact factor: 6.06)
123. Nanohybrid comprising gold nanoparticles - MoS2 nanosheets for electrochemical sensing of folic acid in serum samples. D. Yadav, S. Verma, J. Choudhary, H. Kaur, P. Tiwari, S. Singh , P. Kushwaha , P. K. Dubey , P Chandra*, S. P. Singh*, Electroanalysis, 2022 (Impact factor: 3.07)
122. Engineered Three-Dimensional Au-Cu Bimetallic Dendritic Nanosensor for Ultrasensitive Drug Detection in Urine Samples and in vitro Human Embryonic Kidney Cells Model. B Purohit, A Kumar, K Mahato, A Srivastava, P Chandra* ,176, 107239 Microchemical Journal, 2022 (Impact factor: 5.30)
121. Ligand conjugated lipid-based nanocarriers for cancer theranostics. R. Kumar, D. S. Dkhar, R. Kumari, Divya, S. Mahapatra, A. Srivastava, V. K. Dubey, P Chandra*. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 2022 (Impact factor: 4.39)
120. Ultrasensitive Aptasensors for the Detection of Viruses Based on Opto-Electrochemical Readout Systems Divya, DS Dkhar, R Kumari, S Mahapatra, R Kumar, P Chandra*. Biosensors (Basel), 12(2),81, 2022 (Impact factor: 5.74)
119. Onsite Quality Controls for Food Safety Based on Miniaturized Biosensing, K Mahato, A Kumar, B Purohit, A Baranwal, KY Goud, P Chandra*. Miniaturized Biosensing Devices, Imprint: Imprint Springer, Singapore, 2022
118. Nano-bioengineered Sensing Technologies for Real-time Monitoring of Reactive Oxygen Species in in vitro and in vivo models R Kumari, DS Dkhar, S Mahapatra, Divya, R Kumar, P Chandra* Microchemical Journal, 107615, 2022 (Impact factor: 5.30)
117. Engineering Design, Implementation, and Sensing Mechanisms of Wearable Bioelectronic Sensors in Clinical Settings DS Dkhar, R Kumari, S Mahapatra, Divya, P Chandra*. Electroanalysis, 2022 (Impact Factor: 3.223)
116. Ultra-sensitive Detection of Tizanidine in Commercial Tablets and Urine Samples Using Zinc Oxide Coated Glassy Carbon Electrode, LS Killedar, MM Shanbhag, SJ Malode, GB Bagihalli, S Mahapatra, NP Shetti*, P Chandra*. Microchemical Journal, 106956, 2022. (Impact factor: 5.30)
115. Design and development of Lactoferrin conjugated lipid-polymer nano-bio-hybrid for cancer theranostics, R Kumar, N Varshney, S Mahapatra, SK Mahto, VK Dubey, P Chandra* Materials Today Communications, 31, 2022, 103548 (Impact Factor: 3.66)
114. Commercial Aspects and Market Pull of Biosensors in Diagnostic Industries, A Kumar, K Mahato, B Purohit, P Chandra*. Miniaturized Biosensing Devices, Imprint: Imprint Springer, Singapore, 2022
113. Marine Biological Macromolecules as Matrix Material for Biosensor Fabrication Namita Bedi, DK Srivastava, A Srivastava, S Mahapatra, DS Dkhar, P Chandra* , A Srivastava* Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 2022 (Impact factor: 4.530)
112. Materials for wearable sensors, B Purohit, Divya, N P.Shetti, P Chandra*. in Wearable Physical, Chemical and Biological Sensors Fundamentals, Materials and Application, Pages 5-40, 2022.
111. Nano-Bio-Engineered Silk Matrix-based Sensing Devices for Molecular Bioanalysis. A Sammi^, Divya^, S Mahapatra, R Kumar, P Chandra*. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 2022 ^Equally Contributed (Impact factor: 4.530)
110. Continuous Glucose Monitoring for Diabetes Management Based on Miniaturized Biosensorsensors, B Purohit, A Kumar, K Mahato, P Chandra*. Miniaturized Biosensing Devices Imprint: Imprint Springer, Singapore, 2022
109. Lipid-based nanocarriers: Production Techniques, Concepts, and Commercialization Aspect, R Kumar, DS Dkhar, R Kumari, Divya, S Mahapatra, VK Dubey, P Chandra* Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, 74, 103526, 2022 (Impact Factor: 5.06)
108. Advanced Microchannel Fabrication Technologies for Bio-medical Devices, U Sarma, P Chandra, SN Joshi. in Advanced Micro- ]and Nano-manufacturing Technologies. Materials Horizons: From Nature to Nanomaterials. Springer, Singapore. 127-143, 2022
107. Potential of Nanotechnology in Food Analysis and Quality Improvement. Anuradha Saini, Divyani Panwar, Parmjit S. Panesar, P Chandra*. in Potential of Nanotechnology in Food Analysis and Quality Improvement. Springer, Singapore. 169–194, 2022.
106. Nanobioengineered Sensing Technologies Based on Cellulose Matrices for Detection of Small Molecules, Macromolecules, and Cells. Divya, S Mahapatra, VR Srivastava, P Chandra*. Biosensors, 11 (6), 168, 2021 (Invited) (Impact factor: 5.74)
105. Amberlite XAD-4 based electrochemical sensor for diclofenac detection in urine and commercial tablets. M M Shanbhag, D Ilager, S Mahapatra, N P Shetti*, P Chandra*. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 273 , 125044, 2021 (Impact factor: 4.77)
104. Glucose modified carbon paste sensor in the presence of cationic surfactant for mefenamic acid detection in urine and pharmaceutical samples. PR Vernekar, B Purohit , NP Shetti*, P Chandra*. Microchemical Journal, 2021. (Impact factor: 5.30)
103. Clinically comparable impedimetric immunosensor for serum alkaline phosphatase detection based on electrochemically engineered Au-nano-Dendroids and graphene oxide nanocomposite K Mahato, B Purohit, A Kumar, P Chandra*. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 148, 111815, 2020. (Impact factor: 12.54)
102. Diagnostic Strategies for Early and Point-of-Care Detection of COVID-19 in clinical and personalized settings. S Mahapatra, B Purohit, MM Shanbhag, NP Shetti, SK Mahto, R Prakash, P Chandra*. The Coronavirus Pandemic and the Future: Virology, Epidemiology, Translational Toxicology and Therapeutics, Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge. 2021 Featured in the News Room of Chemistry World, Cambridge (# Invited article)
101. Electrochemical Biosensors for Monitoring of Bioorganic and Inorganic Chemical Pollutants in Biological and Enviornmental Matrices. Uday Pratap Azad , Supratim Mahapatra, Divya, Ananya Srivastava, Nagaraj P. Shetti, P Chandra*. Elsevier Press, USA, 2021 (# Invited article)
100. Clinically Practiced and Commercially Viable Nanobio Engineered Analytical Methods for COVID-19 Diagnosis. S Mahapatra, P Chandra* Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 165, 112361, 2020. (Impact factor: 12.54)
99. Nanostructured Ba/ZnO modified electrode as a sensor material for detection of organosulfur thiosalicylic acid. MM Shanbhag, NP Shetti*, RM Kulkarni, P Chandra*. Microchemical Journal, 105409, 2020. (Impact factor: 5.30)
98. Mutational studies on Leishmania donovani dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase (LdBPK291950.1) indicates that the enzyme may not be classical class-I pyridine nucleotide-disulfide oxidoreductase. AK Chiranjivi, J Prakash, G Saha, P Chandra, VK Dubey. International journal of biological macromolecules, 2020. (Impact Factor: 8.02)
97. Biosensor Nanoengineering: Design, Operation, and Implementation for Biomolecular Analysis. B Purohit, PR Vernekar, NP Shetti, P Chandra*. Sensors International (Scopus), 100040, 2020
96. Design and Development of Ultrafast Sinapic Acid Sensor Based on Electrochemically Nanotuned Gold Nanoparticles and Solvothermally Reduced Graphene Oxide. A Kumar, B Purohit, K Mahato, S Roy, A Srivastava, P Chandra*, Electroanalysis, 31, 2020. (Impact Factor: 3.2)
95. Miniaturized Label-free Smartphone Assisted Electrochemical Sensing Approach for Personalized COVID-19 Diagnosis. P Chandra*. Sensors International (Scopus), 100019, 2020
94. Electroanalytical techniques for investigating biofilms: Application in biosensing and biomolecular interfacing. NP Shetti, SJ Malode, S Roy, KR Reddy, S Chatterjee, P Chandra*. Nanomaterials in Diagnostic Tools and Devices, 11,Print ISBN: 978-0-128-17924-6, Imprint: Elsevier. 2020. (# Invited article)
93. Paper-based Biosensors for Clinical and Biomedical Applications: Emerging Engineering Concepts and Challenges K Mahato, B Purohit, A Kumar, P Chandra*. Paper Based Sensors, Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry, 89, Print ISBN: 978-0-444-64345-2 Imprint: Elsevier. 2020. (# Invited article)
92. Nanomaterial Functionalization Strategies in Bio-Interface Development for Modern Diagnostic Devices. K Mahato, A Kumar, B Purohit, S Mahapatra, A Srivastava, P Chandra*. Biointerface Engineering: Prospects in Medical Diagnostics and Drug Delivery, ISBN: 978-981-15-4790-4, Imprint: Springer Nature. 2020
91. Bio-Nano-Interface Engineering Strategies of AuNPs Passivation for Next-Generation Biomedical Applications. A Kumar, B Purohit, K Mahato, S Mahapatra, A Srivastava, P Chandra*. Biointerface Engineering: Prospects in Medical Diagnostics and Drug Delivery, ISBN: 978-981-15-4790-4, Imprint: Springer Nature. 2020
90. Next-generation immunosensing technologies based on Nano-bio-Engineered paper matrices. K Mahato, B Purohit, A Kumar, A Srivastava, P Chandra*. Immunodiagnostic Technologies from Laboratory to Point-Of-Care Testing,ISBN: 978-981-15-5823-8, Imprint: Springer Nature. 2020
89. Advanced Biosensing Methodologies for Ultrasensitive Detection of Human Coronaviruses. S Mahapatra, A Baranwal, B Purohit, S Roy, SK Mahto, P Chandra*. Diagnostic Strategies for Coronavirus (COVID-19) and other Coronaviruses, ISBN: 978-981-15-6006-4, Imprint: Springer Nature. 2020
88. Insights into novel Coronavirus and COVID-19 outbreak. A Baranwal, S Mahapatra, B Purohit, S Roy, P Chandra*. Diagnostic Strategies for Coronavirus (COVID-19) and other Coronaviruses, ISBN: 978-981-15-6006-4, Imprint: Springer Nature. 2020
87. Microfluidic Devices as Miniaturized Analytical Module for Cancer Diagnosis. NK Vishwakarma , P Chaurasia , P Chandra, SK Mahto. Advanced Microfluidics Based Point-of-Care Diagnostics: A Bridge Between Microfluidics and Biomedical Applications, ISBN: Imprint: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis. 2020. (# Invited)
86. Novel sensing assembly comprising engineered gold dendrites and MWCNT‐AuNPs nanohybrid for acetaminophen detection in human urine. B Purohit, A Kumar, K Mahato, P Chandra*. Electroanalysis, 2019. (Impact Factor: 3.2)
85. Novel electrochemical biosensor for serotonin detection based on gold nanorattles decorated reduced graphene oxide in biological fluids and in vitro model. K Mahato, B Purohit, K Bhardwaj, A Jaiswal, P Chandra*.Biosensors and Bioelectronics 142, 111502, 2019. (Impact Factor: 12.54)
84. Smartphone assisted personalized diagnostics devices and wearable sensors. B Purohit, K Mahato, A Kumar, P Chandra*. Current Opinion in Biomedical Engineering, 13, 42-50, 2019. Elsevier. (# Invited) (Impact Factor: 4.16)
83. Sputtering enhanced peroxidase-like activity of a dendritic nanochip for amperometric determination of hydrogen peroxide in blood samples. B Purohit, K Mahato, A Kumar, P Chandra*. Microchim Acta, 186, 658, 2019. (Impact Factor: 6.232)
82. Gold‐Iron Bimetallic Nanoparticles Impregnated Reduced Graphene Oxide Based Nanosensor for Label‐Free Detection of Biomarker Related to Non‐Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. A Kumar, B Purohit, K Mahato, R Mandal, A Srivastava, P Chandra*. Electroanalysis, 31,12, 2417-2428, 2019. (Impact Factor: 3.2)
81. Engineered Nanomaterial Assisted Signal‐amplification Strategies for Enhancing Analytical Performance of Electrochemical Biosensors. A Kumar, B Purohit, PK Maurya, LM Pandey, P Chandra*. Electroanalysis, 2019. (Impact Factor: 3.2)
80. Red blood cells as an efficient in vitro model for evaluating the efficacy of metallic nanoparticles. R Wadhwa, T Aggarwal, N Thapliyal, A Kumar, P Yadav, V Kumari, BSC Reddy, P Chandra, PK Maurya. 3 Biotech, 9 (7), 279, 2019. (Impact Factor: 2.4)
79. Uricase grafted nanoconducting matrix-based electrochemical biosensor for ultrafast uric acid detection in human serum samples. S Verma, J Choudhary, KP Singh, P Chandra, SP Singh. International journal of biological macromolecules, 130, 333-341, 2019. (Impact Factor: 8.02)
78. When milk turns sour: A new analysis Kit. Kuldeep Mahato and P Chandra*. Vol 23, No. 03, Asia Pacific Biotech News, World Scientific Publishing, Singapore 2019 (Appeared on Front Cover Page)
77. A Disposable Biosensing Device for Naked-Eye Detection of Milk Pasteurization Indicator. Kuldeep Mahato and P Chandra*. Science Trends, USA, 2019. http://doi.org/10.31988/SciTrends.47118
76. Paper-based miniaturized immunosensor for naked eye ALP detection based on digital image colorimetry integrated with smartphone. K Mahato, P Chandra*. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 128, 9-16, 2019. (Impact Factor: 12.54)
75. Gold nanoparticle surface engineering strategies and their applications in biomedicine and diagnostics. K Mahato, S Nagpal, MA Shah, A Srivastava, PK Maurya, S Roy, A Jaiswal, R Singh, P Chandra*. 3 Biotech, 9 (2), 57, 2019. (Impact Factor: 2.4)
74. Electrodeposition of metallic nanostructures for biosensing applications in health care. B Purohit, A Kumar, K Mahato, P Chandra*. Journal of Scientific Research, 64, 1, 2019. (# Invited)
73. Novel Therapeutics and Diagnostics Strategies Based on Engineered Nanobiomaterials. S Karmakar, V Saxena, P Chandra, LM Pandey. Nanotechnology in Modern Animal Biotechnology, 1-27, Print ISBN: 978-981-13-6003-9; Online ISBN: 978-981-13-6004-6, Imprint: Springer, Singapore. 2019. (# Invited)
72. Modernization of Biosensing Strategies for the Development of Lab‐on‐Chip Integrated Systems. S Roy, SJ Malode, NP Shetti, P Chandra*. Bioelectrochemical Interface Engineering, 325-342, Imprint: Willey Press. 2019 (#Invited)
71. Cancer Cytosensing Approaches in Miniaturized Settings Based on Advanced Nanomaterials and Biosensors. B Purohit, A Kumar, K Mahato, S Roy, P Chandra*. Nanotechnology in Modern Animal Biotechnology: Concepts and Applications, 133-147, Imprint: Elsevier. 2019. (#Invited)
70.Nanotherapeutics: A Novel and Powerful Approach in Modern Healthcare System. A Kumar, S Roy, A Srivastava, MM Naikwade, B Purohit, K Mahato, VGM Naidu, P Chandra*. Nanotechnology in Modern Animal Biotechnology: Concepts and Applications, 149-161ISBN: 978-0-12-818823-1Imprint: Elsevier. 2019 (#Invited)
69.Advance Engineered Nanomaterials in Point-of-care Immunosensing for Biomedical Diagnostics. A Kumar, B Purohit, K Mahato, P Chandra*. Immunosensors, 238-266, Print ISBN: 978-1-78801-437-3; Online ISBN: 978-1-78801-882-1, Imprint: Royal Society of Chemistry, London. 2019 (#Invited)
68. Clinical implications and electrochemical biosensing of monoamine neurotransmitters in body fluids, in vitro, in vivo, and ex vivo models. A Baranwal, P Chandra*. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 121, 137-152, 2018. (Impact Factor: 12.54).
67. Spectroscopic determination of intracellular quercetin uptake using erythrocyte model and its implications in human aging P Kumar, R Wadhwa, R Gupta, P Chandra*, PK Maurya. 3 Biotech, 8 (12), 498, 2018. (Impact Factor: 2.4)
66. Design and characterization of novel Al-doped ZnO nanoassembly as an effective nanoantibiotic V Saxena, P Chandra, LM Pandey, Applied Nanoscience, 8 (8), 1925-1941, 2018. (Impact Factor: 3.67)
65. Synthesis and Application of PHT‐TiO2 Nanohybrid for Amperometric Glucose Detection in Human Saliva Sample S Kadian, BD Arya, S Kumar, SN Sharma, RP Chauhan, A Srivastava, P Chandra*, SP Singh Electroanalysis 30, 1-11, 2018. (Impact Factor: 3.2)
64. Ultrasensitive dual-probe immunosensor for the monitoring of nicotine induced-brain derived neurotrophic factor released from cancer cells, MH Akhtar, KK Hussain, NG Gurudatt, P Chandra, YB Shim, Biosensors and Bioelectronics 116, 108-115, 2018. (Impact Factor: 12.54)
63. Synthesis, characterization and in vitro analysis of α-Fe2O3-GdFeO3 biphasic materials as a therapeutic agent for magnetic hyperthermia applications, S Deka, V Saxena, A Hasan, P Chandra, LM Pandey, Materials Science and Engineering: C, 92, 1, 932-941, 2018. (Impact Factor: 7.32)
62. Prospects of using nanotechnology for food preservation, safety, and security VK Bajpaia, M Kamle, S Shukla, DK Mahato, P Chandra, SK Hwang, P Kumar, YS Huh, YK Han, Journal of Food and Drug Analysis, Elsevier 26, 4, 1201-1214, 2018
61. Evolving trends in bio/chemical sensors fabrication incorporating bimetallic nanoparticles, R Mandal, A Baranwal, A Srivastava, P Chandra*. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 117, 15, 546-561, 2018. (Impact Factor: 12.54)
60. Design of commercially comparable nanotherapeutic agent against human disease-causing parasite, Leishmania, A Baranwal, AK Chiranjivi, A Kumar, VK Dubey*, P Chandra*. Scientific Reports 8 (1), 8814, 2018. (Impact Factor: 4.37)
59. Engineered nanoporous materials mediated heterogeneous catalysts and their implications in biodiesel production S Sharma, V Saxena, A Baranwal, P Chandra*, LM Pandey, Materials Science for Energy Technologies, 1, 1, 11-21, Imprint: Elsevier-CAS 2018 (#Invited)
58. Chitosan stabilized gold nanoparticle-mediated self-assembled glip nanobiosensor for diagnosis of invasive Aspergillosis. I Bhatnagar, K Mahato, KKR Ealla, A Asthana, P Chandra*. International journal of biological macromolecules, 110, 449-456, 2018. (Impact Factor: 8.02)
57. Prospects of nanostructured materials and their composites as antimicrobial agents, A Baranwal, A Srivastava, P Kumar, VK Bajpai, PK Maurya, P Chandra*. Frontiers in microbiology, 9, 422, 2018. (Impact Factor: 6.06)
56. Shifting paradigm of cancer diagnoses in clinically relevant samples based on miniaturized electrochemical nanobiosensors and microfluidic devices, K Mahato, A Kumar, PK Maurya, P Chandra*. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 100, 411-428, 2018. (Impact Factor: 12.54)
55. Fundamentals and commercial aspects of nanobiosensors in point-of-care clinical diagnostics, K Mahato, PK Maurya, P Chandra*. 3 Biotech, 8,149, 2018. (Impact Factor:2.4)
54. Chitosan: An undisputed bio-fabrication material for tissue engineering and bio-sensing applications, A Baranwal, A Kumar, A.Priyadharshini, G S Oggu, I Bhatnagar, A Srivastava, P Chandra*. International journal of biological macromolecules, 110, 110-123, 2018. (Impact Factor: 8.02)
53. Nanoengineered material based biosensing electrodes for enzymatic biofuel cells applications, A Kumar, S Sharma, LM Pandey, P Chandra*. Materials Science for Energy Technologies, Elsevier -CAS. 1 (1), 38 - 48, 2018. (#Invited)
52. Electrochemical Immunosensors: fundamentals and applications in clinical diagnostics, K Mahato, S Kumar, A Srivastava, PK Maurya, R Singh, P Chandra*. Handbook of immunoassay technologies: approaches, performances, and applications, 359–414, ISBN: 978-0-12-811762-0, Imprint: Elsevier. 2018. (#Invited)
51. A systematic study on phyto-synthesized silver nanoparticles and their antimicrobial mode of action, A Baranwal, A Srivastava, P Chandra*. Microbial advances in Agriculture and Human Health, 538–553, ISBN: 978-1-351-24891-4,Imprint: CRC Press, USA. 2018.
50. Highly sensitive in vitro biosensor for enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli detection based on ssDNA anchored on PtNPs-Chitosan, K Gupta, S Bansal, A Jyoti, K Mahato, P Chandra, R Prakash, Electroanalysis, 29, 1-8, 2017. (Impact Factor: 3.2)
49. Development of a bifunctional nanobiosensor for screening and detection of chemokine ligand in colorectal cancer cell line, S Chung, P Chandra, J P Koo, YB Shim, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 100, 396-403, 2017. (Impact factor: 12.54)
48. Paper-based diagnostics for personalized health care: Emerging technologies and commercial aspects, K Mahato, A Srivastava, P Chandra*. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 96, 246-259, 2017. (Impact factor: 12.54)
47. Smart materials in biosensing applications, K Mahato, A Baranwal, A Srivastava, PK Maurya, P Chandra*. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Societal Applications, Mechatronics, Micro-Nano Related for Bio and Societal Applications, 421-431, Print ISBN: 978-3-319-53555-5; Imprint: Springer, Cham, Switzerland. 2017. (#Invited)
46. Omics and Its Application in Clinical Nanotechnology and Nanodiagnostics, R Srivastava, S Sharma, A Srivastava, P Suman, P Chandra*. Marine OMICS Principles and Application, 497-512, ISBN: 978-1-315-37230-3, Imprint: Taylor & Francis Group, CRC Press, USA. 2017. (#Invited)
45. CD 59 targeted ultrasensitive electrochemical immunosensor for fast and noninvasive diagnosis of oral cancer, M Choudhary, P Yadav, A Singh, S Kaur, P Chandra*, K Arora, SP Singh. Electroanalysis, 28, 10, 2565–2574, 2016. (Impact Factor: 3.2)
44. Bioinspired composite materials: applications in diagnostics and therapeutics, A Prasad, K Mahato, A Srivastava, SN Joshi, PK Maurya, P Chandra*. Journal of Molecular and Engineering Materials, World Scientific, Singapore, 4, 1, 1- 22, 2016. (#Invited)
43. An amperometric nanobiosensor using a biocompatible conjugate for early detection of metastatic cancer cells in biological fluid, R Palella, P Chandra, NH Bog, YB Shim, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 85, 883-890, 2016. (Impact Factor: 12.54)
42. Age-dependent detection of erythrocytes glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and its correlation with oxidative stress, PK Maurya, P Kumar, P Chandra*. Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry, 122(2):61-66, 2016. (Impact Factor: 4.07)
41. Nanobiosensors: Next Generation Point-of-Care Biomedical Devices for Personalized Diagnosis, K Mahato, A Prasad, PK Maurya, P Chandra*. Journal of Analytical & Bioanalytical Techniques, 7, 2, 1000e125, 2016. (#Invited)
40. Phtyofabricated metallic nanoparticles, and their clinical applications, A Baranwal, K Mahato, A Srivastava, PK Maurya, P Chandra*. RSC Advances, 6, 107, 105996-106010, 2016. (Impact Factor: 4.06)
39. Multi-target detection of oxidative stress biomarkers in quercetin and myricetin treated human red blood cells, PK Maurya, P Kumar, S Nagotu, S Chand, P Chandra*. RSC Advances, 6, 58, 53195-53202, 2016. (Impact Factor: 4.06)
38. Biomaterials for Biosensing Applications, A Prasad, K Mahato, PK Maurya, P Chandra*. Journal of Analytical & Bioanalytical Techniques, 7, 2, 1000e124, 2016. (#Invited)
37. Biomedical potential of Marine Sponges, S Sharma, R Srivastava, A Srivastava, PK Maurya, P Chandra*. Marine Sponges: Chemicobiological and Biomedical Applications, 329-340, Print ISBN: 978-81-322-2792-2; Imprint: Springer, 2016. (#Invited)
36. Influence of Dietary Capsaicin on Redox Status in Red Blood Cells During Human Aging, P Kumar, S Chand, P Chandra, PK Maurya. Advanced Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 5 (4), 583 – 586, 2015. (Impact Factor: 0.9)
35. Ultrasensitive detection of drug-resistant cancer cells in biological matrixes using an amperometric nanobiosensor, P Chandra, NH Bog, R Palella, YB Shim.Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 70, 15, 418-425, 2015. (Impact Factor: 12.54)
34. Biomarkers of oxidative stress as a function of human age, PK Maurya*, P Kumar, P Chandra*. World Journal of Methodology, USA. 26; 5(4): 216-222, 2015. (#Invited)
33. Control of Bacterial Biofilms in Industrial and Medical Settings, V Malhotra, P Chandra*, PK Maurya*, GERF Bulletin of Biosciences, 6(1):1-4, 2015. (#Invited)
32. Advance diagnosis of drug resistance in cancer: Towards point-of-care electronic nanodevice, P Chandra*, Journal of Analytical & Bioanalytical Techniques, 6, 3, e120, 2015. (#Invited)
31. Electrochemical nanobiosensors for cancer diagnosis, P Chandra*, Journal of Analytical & Bioanalytical Techniques, 6, 1, e119, 2015. (#Invited)
30. Marine biomaterials in therapeutics and diagnostic, A Srivastava, A Srivastava, A Srivastava, P Chandra*, Springer Handbook of Marine Biotechnology, 56,1247-1263, Print ISBN: 978-3-642-53970-1,Springer, Germany. 2015. (#Invited)
29. In vitro chloramphenicol detection in a Haemophilus influenza model using an aptamer-polymer based electrochemical biosensor, SK Yadav, B Agrawal, P Chandra, RN Goyal, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 55, 15, 337-342, 2014. (Impact Factor: 12.54)
28. Prospects and advancement in c-reactive protein detection, P Chandra*, P Suman, H Airon, M Mukherjee, P Kumar, World Journal of Methodology, 26; 4(1), 2014 (ISSN: 2222-0682). (#Invited)
27. Detection of norfloxacin and monitoring its effect on caffeine catabolism in urine samples, B Agrawal, P Chandra, RN Goyal, YB Shim. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 47, 1, 307-312, 2013. (Impact Factor: 12.54)
26. A Review on Determination of Steroids in Biological Samples Exploiting Nanobio-Electroanalytical Methods, SK Yadav, P Chandra, RN Goyal, YB Shim, Analytica Chimica Acta, 762, 31, 14-24, 2013. (Impact Factor: 6.91)
25. Simultaneous detection of antibacterial sulfonamides in a microfluidic device with amperometry, SY Won, P Chandra, TS Hee, YB Shim, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 39, 1, 204-209, 2013. (Impact Factor: 12.54)
24. Investigations on the downregulation of dopamine by acetaminophen administration based on their simultaneous determination in the urine, P Chandra, NX Son, HB Noh, RN Goyal, YB Shim, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 39, 1, 139-144, 2013.(Impact Factor: 12.54)
23. Ultrasensitive and selective electrochemical diagnosis of breast cancer based on hydrazine-AuNP-aptamer bioconjugate, Y Zhu, P Chandra, YB Shim, Analytical Chemistry, 85, 2, 1058–1064, 2013. (Impact Factor: 8.00)
22. HER2 protein biomarker-based sensor systems for the breast cancer diagnosis, P Chandra, P Suman, M Mukherjee, P Kumar, Journal of Molecular Biomarkers & Diagnosis, 5, 1, e119, 2013. (#Invited)
21. Advances in Clinical Diagnosis through Electrochemical Aptamer Sensors. P Chandra*. Journal of Bioanalysis and Biomedicine, 5, 3, 2013. (#Invited)
20. Miniaturized multiplex electrochemical biosensor in clinical bioanalysis, P Chandra*. Journal of Bioanalysis & Biomedicine, 5, 5, e122, 2013. (#Invited)
19. Gold nanoparticles and nanocomposites in clinical diagnostics using electrochemical methods. , P Chandra*, J Singh, A Singh, A Srivastava, RN Goyal, YB Shim, Journal of Nanoparticles, 2013. (#Invited)
18. Cancer cell detection based on the interaction between an anticancer drug and cell membrane components, P Chandra, HB Noh, YB Shim, Chemical Communications,RSC , Cambridge, 49, 1900-1902, 2013. (Impact Factor: 6.22) (Appeared on Front Cover Page)
17. Chromatography based determination of anabolic steroids in biological fluids: future prospects using electrochemistry and miniaturized microchip device, SK Yadav, P Chandra, RN Goyal, YB Shim, Chromatographia, 76, 1439-1448, 2013. (Impact Factor: 2.0)
16. A Simple separation method with a microfluidic channel based on alternating current potential modulation, HB Noh, P Chandra, YJ Kim, YB Shim, Analytical Chemistry, 82, 9738–44, 2012. (Impact Factor: 8.00)
15. Label-free detection of kanamycin based on aptamer-functionalized conducting polymer/gold nanocomposite, Y Zhu, P Chandra, KM Song, C Ban, YB Shim, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 36, 1, 29-34, 2012. (Impact Factor: 12.54)
14. Electrochemical evaluation of binding affinity for aptamer selection using the microarray chip, Y Zhu, P Chandra, KM Song, C Ban, YB Shim, Electroanalysis, 24, 5, 1057-1064, 2012. (Impact Factor: 3.2)
13. In vivo detection of glutathione disulfide and oxidative stress monitoring using a biosensor, HB Noh, P Chandra, JO Moon, YB Shim, Biomaterials, 33, 9, 2600-2607, 2012. (Impact Factor: 12.54)
12. In Vitro monitoring of i-NOS concentrations with an immunosensor: the inhibitory effect of endocrine disruptors on i-NOS release, P Chandra, WCA Koh, HB Noh, YB Shim, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 32, 1,278-282, 2012. (Impact Factors 12.54)
11. Application of a Cu-Co alloy dendrite on glucose and hydrogen peroxide sensors, HB Noh, KS Lee, P Chandra, MS Won, YB Shim, Electrochimica Acta, 61, 36-43, 2012. (Impact Factor: 7.33)
10. Biosensors based on the Conducting Polymer Nanocomposites and Applications, P Chandra, DM Kim, HB Noh, YB Shim, Korean Journal of Sensors, 2, 1, 06, 13-14, 2012. (#Invited)
9. Strategy of marine viruses in global ecosystem, A Singh, M Trivedi, P Chandra, RN Goyal, Marine Microbiology, 33-42 Print ISBN: 978-3-527-33327-1, Imprint: Willey-Blackwell, Germany. 2012. (#Invited)
8. Allergy and its remedies from marine sources, R Pallela, I Bhatnagar, P Chandra, SK Kim, Marine Pharmacognosy: Trends and Applications, 325-336, ISBN: 978-1-439-89229-9, Imprint: CRC-Taylor & Francis, USA. 2012. (#Invited)
7. Conceptualization of Converging Nanotechnology and Bioinformatics: Applications in Medicine, A Shukla, P Chandra*, P Somvanshi, BN Mishra, Applied Computational Biology and Statistics in Biotechnology and Bioinformatics, ISBN: 978-9-380-23592-9 Publisher: New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi, India. 2012
6. Determination of atenolol at multi-walled carbon nanotubes modified glassy carbon electrode, RN Hegde, P Chandra, ST Nandibewoor, Research Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 1(2):75-86, 2011.
5. Electropolymerized self-assembled layer on gold nanoparticles: detection of inducible nitric oxide synthase in neuronal cell culture, WCA Koh, P Chandra, DM Kim, YB Shim, Analytical Chemistry, 16, 6177-83, 2011. (Impact Factor: 8.00)
4. Separation and simultaneous detection of anticancer drugs in a microfluidic device with an amperometric biosensor, P Chandra, SA Zaidi, HB Noh, YB Shim, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 28, 1,326-332, 2011. (Impact Factors: 12.54)
3. Detection of daunomycin using phosphatidylserine and aptamer co-immobilized on Au nanoparticles deposited conducting polymer, P Chandra, HB Noh; MS Won, YB Shim, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 26, 11, 4442-4449, 2011. (Impact Factor: 12.54)
2. Gold Nanoparticles in Diagnostics and Therapeutics, P Chandra*, D Das, AA Abdelwahab, Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 5, 2, 363 – 367, 2010. (Impact Factor: 0.96-SCIE)
1. Diagnosis of rheumatic infections caused by group A Streptococcus pyogenes: future investigation by nanotechnology, P Chandra*, PK Maurya, P Kumar, P Tripathi, AK Srivastava Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 4, 4, 645 – 650, 2009. (Impact Factor: 0.96-SCIE)
Administrative experiences outside the Institute
- EXPERT MEMBER in PARAKH program of All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi
- MENTOR in the NIDHI Scheme (NATIONAL INITIATIVE FOR DEVELOPING AND HARNESSING INNOVATIONS) of Department of Science & Technology, Gov. of India at CoE, KIIT Technology Business Incubator.
- Committee Member for the DST-NIDHI’s PRomoting and Accelerating Young and ASpiring technology entrepreneurs (PRAYAS) PROGRAM.
- Screening Committee Member for the Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology [MeitY], under TIDE 2.0 [Technology Incubation & Development of Entrepreneurs] Scheme.
- MENTOR for Elvikon India Pvt Ltd, Hyderabad, through KIIT-TBI, under BIG-BIRAC.
- EXPERT MEMBER in Central Government Funding Agencies
- Expert Reviewer of Indo-French Centre for the Promotion of Advanced Research (IFCPAR/ CEFIPRA) under Department of Science and Technology (DST), GoI and Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), France.
- Expert Reviewer for Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) German Research Foundation Kennedyallee 40 53175 Bonn, Gernany
- External Expert for Project evaluation for Kerala State Council for Science, Technology, and Environment under “back to lab” women scientist division.
- External Expert for PhD evaluation Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Powai, 400076 Mumbai, Maharashtra
- External Expert for PhD evaluation in Biotechnology, Faculty of Science (FOS) Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Ref: UBD/FOS/N3(i), April 2019.
- External Expert for PhD evaluation in Bioengineering, Sathyabama Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai, India.
- External Expert for PhD evaluation in School of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, SASTRA University, Tamil Nadu, India.
- External Expert for PhD evaluation for Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow, India
- External Expert for PhD evaluation for Indian Institute of Technology (BHU) Varanasi - Uttar Pradesh 221005, India
- External Expert for PhD evaluation for Assam University (Central University),Silchar Assam, India
- Expert Reviewer of the R&D Proposals under CSIR-Fundamental & Innovative Research in Science of Tomorrow [CSIR-FIRST] Scheme.
- Expert Reviewer of the various R&D Proposals for Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Government of India.
- Expert Reviewer for the project under Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences (BRNS) under Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), Government of India.
- Expert Reviewer of projects under Israeli Ministry of Science and Technology, Israel.
- Expert Reviewer of grants under DBT/Wellcome Trust India Alliance
- External Expert for Biosensor syllabus design of MTech (Medical Devices) course at NIPER-Guwahati.
- External Examiner for setting the question paper for Central University of Haryana.
At Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi
- Senate Member, IIT(BHU), Varanasi: March 2021- till date
- Convener : Departmental Postgraduate Committee (DPGC) September 2022 - till date
- Chairman : PhD Admission BCE 2022-2023 ODD Semester
- Chairman : M.Tech Admission BCE 2022-2023 ODD Semester
- Chairman : M.Tech Admission BCE 2021-2022
- Member: Institute level IPR Committee 2022- till date
- Expert Member in the Project Assessment Panel (PAP) under the "Design Expertise to Manufacturing MSME Sector", IIT(BHU). Implemented through the office of Development Commissioner, Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME), Government of India. 2021- ongoing
- Nodal Member, BCE Institute Annual Report 2020-21
- Nodal Member, BCE Institute Annual Report 2021-22
- Member Secretary, Purchase Committee, School of Biochemical Engineering. 2020- 2021
- Member, Purchase Committee, School of Biochemical Engineering. 2020- till date
- Member, Departmental Undergraduate Committee (DUGC). 2020- ongoing
- Member, Departmental Postgraduate Committee (DPGC). 2020- ongoing
- School of Biochemical Engineering Representative in the Institute Library Committee. 2020- 2022
- Exam Convener, School of Biochemical Engineering. 2020- ongoing
- Joint - Convener, Website Maintenance, School of Biochemical Engineering. 2020- ongoing
- Deputy Presiding Officer (Year 2022-2023) for Election duty for Student Parliament.
At Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
- Member, PhD Admission 2015-2019
- BTP Coordinator, 2016 – 2018
- Faculty Advisor, 2018 M.Tech BT batch
- Member, Institute Post Doctoral Fellowship short listing committee for BSBE
- Member, Department Postgraduate Programme Committee (DPPC) 2018 - 2019
- Faculty coordinator of the course Nanobiotechnology
Current group members
Sr. No. | Name | Course Name | Broad Research Area |
1 | Supratim Mahapatra | PhD | Nanomaterials, Sensor-based disease detection, Sensing Devices |
2 | Divya Choudhary | PhD | Biofilaments, Optoelectronic Microdevices |
3 | Rahul Kumar | PhD | Cancer Theranostics and Nanobioconjugates |
4 | Naveena Menpadi | PhD | Enzyme / Analytical Biochemistry |
5 | Darshana | PhD | Tissue engineering and Regenerative medicine |
6 | Rohini Kumari | PhD | Polymeric Sensor Systems |
7 | Daphika S Dkhar | PhD | Immunosensors and Material Design |
8 | Nandika Bhat (Joint PhD with IIT Guwahati) |
PhD | Peptide Engineered Nanosensors |
* In addition, several B.Tech / IDD students are working in the laboratory for their short projects.
Former group members
Sr. No | Name | Passing Degree | Year | Placement |
1 | Anupriya Baranwal | M.Tech | 2016 | PhD at Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia |
2 | Shubham Verma | B. Tech | 2017 | Executive, Amul, India |
3 | Dipansh Mathur | B. Tech | 2018 | Co-founder @Plio |
4 | Riddhipratim Mandal | M.Tech | 2018 | PhD at NUS Singapore |
5 | Monalisa Ghosh Dastidar | M.Tech | 2019 | PhD at The Australian National University, Australia |
6 | Naikwade Mastan Mukram | MS Pharm | 2019 | Audit Supervisor, Quality Council of India, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India. |
7 | Dr. Sharmili Roy (Guide) |
Postdoc | 2019 | Post Doc, Stanford University, USA |
8 | Dr. Kuldeep Mahato (Guide) |
PhD | 2019 | Post Doc, University of California San Diego ,USA |
9 | Dr. Adarsh Kumar (Co-Guide) |
PhD | 2019 | PostDoc, The University of Notre Dame, USA |
10 | Dr. Buddhadev Purohit (Guide) |
PhD | 2020 | Post Doc, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark |
11 | Dr. Ashutosh Kumar (Guide) |
PhD | 2021 | Joining Post doc in UK in July 2021 |
12 | Vinish Ranjan Srivastava | M.Tech | 2022 | ----- |
13 | Ajay Mahich | IDD | 2022 | LNT |
* In addition, several undergraduate students and training students visited the laboratory for short term training.