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Dr. Ravi Bhushan Mishra
Professor (Retired)
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Area of Interest: 
Artificial Intelligence, Multiagent Systems, Semantic Web,Robotics

Date of Birth:  14-01-1953

Official Address:  Professor (Retired), Department of Computer Sc. & Engineering, IIT (BHU), Varanasi-221005

Academic Qualifications: 
B.Sc (Engg) Bihar Institute of Technology,Sindri,Dhanbad,Jharkhand.
M.Tech Control System (IT-BHU).
PhD (AI in medicine) (IT-BHU)

Subjects Taught: Artificial Intelligence, Multiagent Computing, Robotics, Machine Learning, Microprocessors

Teaching Experience:  Teaching :36+ years

  • Madan Mohan Malviya Engineering College, Gorakhpur. Electrical Engg. Deptt. (July 79- July80)
  • IT-BHU. Electrical Engg. Deptt. (July 80- Jan 93)
  • IT-BHU.Reader Computer Engg. Deptt. (Jan 93-15 December,2008)
  • Professor Computer Science and Engineering, IIT(BHU)

Broad Areas of Research:

  1. Artificial Intelligence- Machine Translation(MT), Multi Agent System (MAS), Semantic Web Services(SWS), Medical Computing, Intelligent Tutoring Systems(ITS), E-commerce, Learning System in Computer Education.
  2. Cognitive Computing & Computational Bioinformatics.Cognitive Computing & Computational Bioinformatics.

Journals:  International/National


  1. Sudhakar Tripathi, R. B. Mishra, “Computation of Induction current in a set of Dendrites”, WASET International Journal of Medical, Health, Biomedical, Bioengineering  and Pharmaceutical Engineering, Vol. 9,No. 6,2015,pp:497-502
  2. Shahnawaz and R.B.Mishra, “An English to Urdu Translational Model Based on CBR, ANN and Translational rules”, International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms, Vol. 7, No.1, 2015, pp 1-23. (IGI Publications)


  1. Sudhakar Tripathi, R.B.Mishra, “A Computational Model of Episodic Memory Encoding in Dentate Gyrus Hippocampus Sub Region as Pattern Separator Using ART Neural Network”, Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 1( Version 2), January 2014, pp.451-460.
  2. Babita pandey, R.B. Mishra, ”An Intelligent Model for Two Level Diagnosis of neuromuscular diseases”, International journal of Knowledge Engineering and Soft Data Paradigms, Vol. 4,Issue 3,2014,pp. 199-226. InderScience.
  3. Mohit Gangwar., R. B. Mishra, R. S. Yadav, “Application of Data Mining Models in the Diagnosis of Neuropsychiatric Diseases”, International Journal of Data Mining And Emerging Technologies, Volume 4, Issue. 2,2014.
  4. Marwan Akeel and R.B. Mishra, "ANN and Rule Based Method for English to Arabic Machine Translation" ,International Arab Journal of Information Technology, Volume 11, No. 4, July 2014.
  5. Shahnawaz and R.B.Mishra, “ English to Hindi Machine Translation system using factored translation model”,  International Journal of Translation(IJT): Special issue on Machine Translation among Indian languages, 2014.
  6. Mohit Gangwar ., R. B. Mishra., R. S. Yadav, ”Classical and Intelligent Computing methods in Psychiatry and Neuropsychiatry”, International Journal of Advanced Research in IT and Engineering(2278-6244)Vol. 3, No. 12 , December 2014.
  7. Arwind Tiwari and R.B. Mishra, “Protein Function Prediction using Vector Machine”, International Conference of Computational bioinformatics and Silco modelling, 2013 Vol. 2, No. 5, pp. 233-244
  8. Hatem Al-Dois , A. K. Jha& R. B. Mishra “Task-based design optimization of serial robot manipulators, Engineering Optimization”, Taylor and Francis, Volume 45,  Issue 6, pp 647-658, 2013.      
  9.  Sami Ahmed Mohammed Al-Radaei, R.B. Mishra, ”Multi-Agent Paradigm for Semantic web service in E-learning System”, International Journal of Agent Technologies and Systems(IJATS), Vol. 5,Issue 4,2013,pp. 20-43. IGI Publications.
  10. Shahnawaz and R.B.Mishra, “ Rule based approach for handling case markers in English to  Urdu/Hindi translation”,  International Journal of knowledge engineering and soft data paradigm(IJKESDP), Vol. 4, No. 2, 2013 ,pp.. 182-203, Inderscience.
  11. Babita Pandey,R.B. Mishra: Performance index assessment of intelligent computing methods in EMG-based neuromuscular diseases Int. J. Knowledge Engineering and Soft Data Paradigms, Int. J. of Knowledge Engineering and Soft Data Paradigms, Vol.4, No.1, pp.42 – 71, 2013 Inderscience.
  12. Vimal Mishra and R. B. Mishra, Divergence handling in English to Sanskrit machine translation, International Journal of Information and Communication Technology , 2012 Vol. 4, No.2, pp.168 – 184. InderScience.
  13. R.B.Mishra, “AI based Conceptual Frame work in Design and Development of Expert Systems”, Journal of IMS Group,ISSN-0973-824X,2013.
  14. Gupta B., Mishra R. B., “Characterization and Functions of Gene-Gene Interaction to Predict Disease”, International Journal of Information and Computation Technology(IJICT),ISSN No. 0974-2239 Vol.3, No. 1, 2013.pp. 12-14. Inderscience.
  15. Sudhakar Tripathi, R.B.Mishra, “Comparison of Rule Based Classifiers by Pre-Learning for Clustering of Gene Expression Data”, International Journal of Computational Bioinformatics and In SilicoModeling, Vol. 2, No. 6 (2013): pp. 257-261
  16. Sudhakar Tripathi, Arvind Kumar Tiwari and R.B.Mishra, ”Protein Function Prediction using Artificial Neural Network (Dynamic) Model” , Journal of Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics ISSN0973-385X Volume 6, Number 2 (2013) pp. 93-102
  17. Hatem AI-Dois., Jha A .K., Mishra R. B., “Parametric Design Optimization and Performance Evaluation for 3-R Spatial Serial Robot Manipulator”, International Journal of Manufacturing  Technology and Research(IJMTR), ISSN No. 0973-0281 Vol. 9, No. 1, Jan – June 2013 pp. 23-36.
  18. Mishra R. B., “AI Based Conceptual Frame Work in Design and Development of Expert Systems” , Journal of IMS Group, ISSN No. 0973-824X Vol. 10, No. 1, Jan -June 2013, pp. 01-10.
  19. Shahnawaz and R.B. Mishra, “Statistical Machine translation system for English to Urdu”, International Journal of Advanced Intelligence paradigms(IJAIP), Vol. 5, issue 3,  September 2013, pp. 182-203, Inderscience .
  20. Mohit Gangwar, R. B. Mishra, R. S. Yadav, B. Pandey, “Intelligent Computing Methods for The Interpretation of Neuropsychiatric Diseases Based on RBR-CBR-ANN Integration”, International Journal of Computers & Technology, Volume 11, No.5,October 2013.pp. 2277-3061.
  21. Gupta B., Mishra R. B., “Neuro-psychiatric Disease prediction Using Support Vector Machine”, International Journal of Computational Bioinformatics and In Silico Modelling volume-2, No. 6 December 2013, pp.297-301.
  22. Gupta B., Mishra R. B., ”Protein Network for Associating Genes with Dementia”, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975-8887) volume-83, no. 10, December 2013.
  23. Gupta B., Mishra R.B., “Gene Networks for Neuro-psychiatric Disease”, International Journal of Emerging Engineering Research and Technology (IJEERT) Vol no. 1, ISSUE.2,. December 2013 pp. 33-37.
  24. SudhakarTripathi, R.B.Mishra, “Two Phase Integrated Rule based Model (TPC-IRBM) for Clustering of Gene Expression Data of CA1 Region of Rat Hippocampus”,  International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 84 – No 6,pp 23-29, December 2013.
  25. H.A. Al-Dois, A.K.Jha, R.B.Mishra, “ Application of Industrial Robots for Producing Cores in a Foundary: Task Time Optimization ”,  Journal of Applied Science  Engineering, Taiwan,O, 2013, Vol. 16 No. 2, pp. 177-186.


  1. H.A. Al-Dois, A.K.Jha, R.B.Mishra: Dynamic Manipulability of 3-RRR Planner Manipulator, journal of Institution of Engineers,India,Ser.C, Vol.93,issue 3,pp 257-267,2012 Springer .
  2. H.A. Al-Dois, A.K.Jha, R.B.Mishra, “ Modeling and Simulation Package for Serial Robot manipulators”, International Journal of engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), Vol.5, Issue 2, pp 131-146,2012.
  3. H.A. Al-Dois, A.K.Jha, R.B.Mishra, “ Design of Serial Robot Manipulators for Optimal Agility in a Manufacturing Cell ”, International Journal of Agile Manufacturing (Old Dominion Univ., USA), vol.12, Issue1, 2012.
  4. Mohit Gangwar, R.B Mishra and R. S yadav Intelligent Computing Method for the Interpretation of Neuropsychiatric Diseases. International Journal of Computer Applications 55(17):23-31, October 2012. Published by Foundation of Computer Science, New York, USA.
  5. Shahnawaz and R B Mishra. Article: A Neural Network based Approach for English to Hindi Machine Translation. International Journal of Computer Applications 53(18):50-56, September 2012. Published by Foundation of Computer Science, New York, USA.
  6. Shahnawaz and R.B.Mishra,” English to Urdu and hindi machine translation system using translation rules and neural network”, International journal of Artificial Intelligence and Computational Research(IJICR),2012.
  7. Shahnawaz and R.B.Mishra,” A statistical machine translation model  for English to Urdu machine translation”, Computer Trendz journal, ISSN 2230-9152, 2012.
  8. Al-Radaei, Sami & R.B.Mishra,”Learners performance Evaluation based on knowledge extracting and ontology”, International journal of computer application(0975-8887) Volume 54-No.3, Sep 2012.
  9. Al-Radaei, Sami & R.B.Mishra,”Assesment of lerning content in courseware  using computational semantic values”, International journal of  Knowledge management and E-learning.(July-Dec 2012).
  10. Al-Radaei, Sami & R.B.Mishra,” Learners performance Evaluation and Knowledge extracting using ontology reasoning”, International journal of advances in engineering and technology,(IJEAT),Sept 2012.391 Vol. 4 ,Issue 2, pp 383-391 ISSN: 2231-1963.
  11. DubeyA.D.,Mishra R. B.,Jha A.K., “ Designing and path Planning of a Pick and Place task oriented mobile robot”, International journal of computer science and technology(IJCST) Vol. 3 issue 2, Ver. 1, April- June 2012.
  12. DubeyA.D.,Mishra R. B.,Jha A.K., “Task time optimization of a robot manipulator using artificial neural network and genetic algorithm”, International journal of computer applications.Vol 51/number13(ISBN:973-93-80869-96-4).
  13. DubeyA.D.,Mishra R. B.,Jha A.K., “Path planning of mobile robot using reinforcement based artificial neural network”, International journal of advances in engineering and technology,(IJEAT),2012.
  14. DubeyA.D.,Mishra R. B., “ Comparative analysis of image segmentation method”, Computing Trendz,ISSN 2230-9152,2012.
  15. Vimal Mishra and R. B. Mishra, Performance Evaluation of English to Sanskrit Machine Translation System, International Journal of Computer Aided  Engineering and Technology (IJCAET), Vol.4, No.4, pp 340-359, 2012, InderScience
  16. Vimal Mishra and R.B.Mishra, “ English to Sanskrit Machine Translation system: A rule based approach,”International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms 2012 - Vol. 4, No.2  pp. 168 - 184, 2012, Inderscience


  1. R. B. Mishra and Sandeep Kumar, “ Reasoning in semantic web Languages”,  Int. Jr. of Artificial Intelligence Review Journal, Springer Verleg,Vol.35 No.4 pp. 339-368, 2011.
  2. Shahnawaz and R.B.Mishra:,”Translation Rules and ANN based Model for English to Urdu Machine Translation”, INFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science, vol. 10, no.3, pp.36-47, 2011..
  3. H.A. Al-Dois,A.K.Jha,R.B.Mishra, “ Investigations into the Parameters Influencing the Dynamic Performance of 3-RRR Planar and Articulated Robot manipulators”, Tamkang Journal of Science and Engineering ( Tamkang Univ., Taiwan), Vol.14, Issue4, pp. 313-322,2011.
  4. Al-Radaei,S.A.M. &R.B.Mishra: A Heauristic method for learning path sequencing for intelligent tutoring system(ITS) in E-Learning.[10.4018/jiit.2011100104] International journal of Intelligent information technologies,7(4),65-80.2011 IGI Publication.
  5. Kiran Mishra & R.B. Mishra:Characteristic factors and components of different modules in expert system for intelligent tutoring system, Vol.3,No.3,pp14-42,2011. Int. Jr of. Advanced Intelligence paradigms, InderScience.
  1. BabitaPandey and R.B. Mishra, “Data mining methods for EMG based detection of neuromuscular diseases, International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology, Volume 6, Number 2,  2011 , pp. 109-128(20)Inderscience.
  2. Babita Pandey and R.B. Mishra,” Case-based reasoning and data mining integrated methods for the diagnosis of some neuromuscular diseases”, Int. J. of Medical Engineering and Informatics, 2011 Vol.3, No.1, pp.1 - 15 InderScience.
  3. Vimal Mishra and R.B.Mishra, “ Handling of Gerunds in English to Sanskrit Machine Translation”,  International Journal of  Natural Computing Research(IJNCR),Vol.2, Issue 4, IGI Publication,2011.
  4. Vimal Mishra and R. B. Mishra, Performance Evaluation of English to Sanskrit Machine Translation System Using Average Weighted Sum Evaluation Score, International Journal of Translation (IJT): Special Issue on Machine Translation among Indian Languages, Vol.23, No.1, pp 139-158, Jan-Jun 2011.
  5. Vimal Mishra and R. B. Mishra, Handling of Divergence Patterns in English to Sanskrit Machine Translation, International Journal of Translation (IJT): Special Issue on Machine Translation among Indian Languages, Vol.23, No.1, pp 49-77, Jan-Jun 2011.


  1. Sandeep Kumar, and R. B. Mishra, “Web based Expert Systems and Services, Journal of Knowledge Engineering Review”,  vol 25(2) pp 167-198, 2010 Cambridge press UK.
  2. H.A. Al-Dois,A.K.Jha,R.B.Mishra, “ Dynamic Behavior of Multi-Degrees-of-Freedom Robot manipulators for Optimal Performance in a Precision Forging Work Cell: An overview”, An International Journal of  Manufacturing Technology and research, Vol.6, Issue1, pp. 19-32,2010.
  3. Kiran Mishra & R.B. Mishra  Multi-agent based Selection of tutor-subject- student paradigm  in Intelligent tutoring system Jan,  2010  Vol6(1 ) pp.46-70 Int. Jr. of Intelligent Information  Tech.
  4. Kiran Mishra & R.B. Mishra :  Heuristic method for performance evaluation of learning in intelligent tutoring system, Vol.9 ,No.2,pp1-7,june,2010, INFOCOMP journal of computer science.
  5. B.D. Majumdar& R.B. Mishra Customer Orietatation Based Multi-Agent Negotiation for B2C e-Commerce International Journal of Agent Technologies and Systems 2(2),pp 24-48, April-June 2010.
  6. Vimal Mishra and R. B. Mishra, Handling ofInfinitives in English to Sanskrit Machine Translation, International Journal of Artificial Life Research (IJALR), Vol. 1, No.3, pp 1-16,  July-September 2010, IGI Publication
  7. Vimal Mishra and R. B. Mishra, Approach of English to Sanskrit Machine Translation based on Case Based Reasoning, Artificial Neural Networks and Translation Rules, International Journal of Knowledge Engineering and Soft Data Paradigms (IJKESDP),, Vol.2, No.4, pp 228-248, 2010. InderScience.
  1. Vimal Mishra and R. B. Mishra, ANN and Rule based model for English to Sanskrit Machine Translation,INFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science, Vol. 9(1), pp 80-89, 2010.
  2. BabitaPandey and R.B. Mishra, An integrated intelligent computing method for the detection and intepretation of ECG based cardiac diseases, International Journal of Knowledge Engineering and Soft Data Paradigms (IJKESDP), Vol. 2, No. 2, 2010  pp 182-203 InderScience
  3. BabitaPandey and R.B. Mishra, Data mining  and case-based reasoning integrated methods in medicine: A review, International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics, Vol.2(2)pp 205-218,2010 InderScience
  4. B.D.Majumdar& R.B. Mishra Data Mining based negotiation in a B2C process, “Int. Jl. of Intelligent InformatioTechnology, Jan, 2010 Vol. 6, No. 1 61-82 IGI Publication.
  5. Babita Pandey and R.B. Mishra, “Integrated Intelligent Computing Models in Medicine,” International Journal of Computational  Intelligence and Healthcare informatics, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2010, pp. 49-54.
  6. Vimal Mishra and R.B.Mishra, “Gerunds in English to Sanskrit Machine Translation”,  MES journal of  Technology and Management: special issue on Int. Cnf. On Computational Engineering practices and Techniques(iCONCEPT2010), Vol. 1, No.2, pp 36-41, Kerala, india, 2010.


  1. BabitaPandey and R.B. Mishra, An integrated intelligent computing model for the interpretation of EMG based neuromuscular diseases”, Expert Systems with Applications 36 (2009) 9201–9213, Elsevier
  2. BabitaPandey and R.B.Mishra, Knowledge and intelligent computing system in medicine, Computers in Biology and Medicine 39 (2009), pp. 215 – 230. Elsevier
  3. Sandeep Kumar, and R. B. Mishra,” An approach to Multi Attribute Negotiation between Semantic web services, Int. Jl. of Web Engineering and Technology, Volume 5, Number 2/Pages 162-186 , 2009 InderScience .
  4. B.D. Majumdar& R.B. Mishra ,Multiagent paradigm for the agent selection and negotiation in a B2C process, Int. Jr. of Intelligent  Information. Technology, Jan, 2009 Vol. 5, No. 1 61-82 IGI Publication
  5. Sandeep Kumar, and R. B. Mishra, Towards A Framework For Classification And Recommendation Of Semantic Web Service Composition Approaches. ACTA International Journal of Computers and Applications, Vol. 31, No. 4, 2009
  6. Vimal Mishra and R. B. Mishra  Evaluation of English to Sanskrit machine translation” JournalATTI Della Fondazione GIORGIO RONCHI”,Vol. LXIV,No. 3,pp 345-353, Italy,2009.
  7. Vimal Mishra and R. B. Mishra, Divergence patterns between English and Sanskrit Machine Translation,INFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science, Vol. 8(3), pp 62-71, 2009.
  8. BabitaPandey and R. B. Mishra A novel method for selection of expert system using case-based reasoning, Knowledge Engineering and Soft Data Paradigm, Vol. 2, Issue 2, 2009, pp. 112-138,InderScience
  1. R.B. Mishra Rule Based “ANN Method for the evaluation of customer orientation in CRM”, Inst. of Engg. , Vol 90 pp (2009)28-33 .
  2. Kiran Mishra & R.B. Mishra Agent Based Technology in Software Design,” Journal of advanced research in computer engineering , Vol. 3, No. 2, pp 323-328, 2009
  3. B.D.Majumdar& R.B. Mishra Agent model for negotiation B2C E-commerce.IJIT Dec 2009, Vol.1, No. 2, pp. 31-39


  1. R.B. Mishra and S.K. Upadhyay “ANN based EMG detection and interpretation. Institution of Engineers, India  2008 Vol.88 No.1 pp 22-29.
  2. Sandeep Kumar & R.B. Mishra, TRS: System for Recommending semantic Web Service Composition Approaches, Proceedings of World academy of Sciences, Engg. And technology, Vol. 30, july-2008, pp. 920-923.
  3. Sandeep Kumar & R.B. Mishra ‘Multi-Agent based semantic Web Service Composition models,  INFOCOMP: Int. Jl. of Computer Science, Vol 7, Issue 3, 2008, pp 42-52.
  4. Sandeep Kumar & R.B. Mishra, Cognitive based service selection in semantic web service composition, INFOCOMP: Int. Jl. of  Computer Science, vol. 7, Issue 3, 2008, pp 35-42.
  5. Sandeep Kumar & R.B. Mishra ‘A Hybrid Model for Service Selection in semantic Web Service Composition’, Int. Jr. of Intelligent  Information . Technology., Vol. 4, No. 4, Oct., 2008. pp. 55-69. IGI Publication
  6. Sandeep Kumar, and R. B. Mishra, A Framework towards multi-agent based semantic web service composition, Int. Jl. of Information Technology and Web Engineering  2008,4(3), pp 59-81,InderScience
  7. Vimal Mishra and R. B. Mishra Study of Example based English to Sanskrit Machine translation  ,journal of Research and developmentin computer science an dEngineering , polibits, Vol. 37, pp. 43-54, 2008.
  1. S.K. Pandey and R. B.. Mishra Data mining methods of knowledge discovery, “Jr. of Computer science and Engineering 2008.
  2. Sandeep Kumar, and R. B. Mishra, Semantic web service composition IETE Technical Review vol 25. no.3 May-June , (2008)pp 105-12.
  3. S.K. Pandey and R. B.. Mishra Web mining using agent based Technology, Intl. Jr. of Computer and information science Singapore 2009 .
  4. S.K. Pandey and R. B.. Mishra Scabrous and sapient isuues in modern web information Discovery Jr. of Intelligent Computing and Applications Vol. 1 No. 2, July-Dec 2008 pp. 93-106


  1. S.K. Pandey and R.B. Mishra Data minig methods for knowledge discovery, Journal of Management Insight Vol. 3(2) December 2007,pp. 34-41


  1. R. B. Mishra , Knowledge based selection: Problem dependent approach, Int. Jl. of Information and Computing Science, Vol 9 (1), June 2006, pp 30-48.
  2. Sandeep Kumar and R.B. Mishra. Web based Expert System and its components, Int. Jl. of Gyan Management.2006.
  3. S. K. Pandey and R B Mishra, Enhancing E-Business through Web data mining, Jl. of Management Insight, Vol 2(1), June 2006, pp 94-101.
  4. S. K. Pandey and R B Mishra, Enhancing E-Business through Web data mining, Jl. of Management Insight, Vol 2(1), June 2006, pp 94-101.
  5. S.K. Pandey and R.B. Mishra, Intelligent Agent technologies and JADE framework, Developer IQ, V 6, No. 4, April, 2006, pp 29-33.
  6. S.K. Pandey and R.B. Mishra, Agile Agents for smart crawling, Developer IQ, V 6, No. 5, May, 2006, pp 99-103.
  7. S.K. Pandey and R.B. Mishra, Smart Programming options for new generation, Smart Cards , Developer IQ, V 6, No. 7, July, 2006, pp 77-88.
  8. S.K. Pandey and R.B. Mishra, Programming for Distributed Environment in Java for Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) systems, Developer IQ, V 6, No. 8, August, 2006, pp 82-87.
  9. S.K. Pandey and R.B. Mishra, Dealing with security threats through biometrics, Developer IQ, V 6, No. 9, September, 2006, pp 68-72.
  10. S.K. Pandey and R.B. Mishra, Exploring the new sharp academic programming language : F#, Developer IQ, V 6, No. 10, October, 2006, pp 28-35.
  11. S.K. Pandey and R.B. Mishra, Developing ANN in Java framework, Developer IQ, V 6, No. 11, November , 2006, pp 92-103.
  1. S.K. Pandey and R.B. Mishra, Paradigm shift in programming from OOP to AOP, Developer IQ.pp 8-17.


  1. R.B. Mishra . E services: Concepts and Intelligent Computing Model. Int. Jl. of Information and Computing Science. Vol. 8 (2), Dec.2005 pp22-28.
  2. R.B. Mishra . Knowledge Based Components in ES and ES Shell. Int. Jl. Of Information and computing science Vol. 8, No. 1, June 2005, pp 1-20.


  1. R.B.Mishra and R.S. Rao, A heuristic pattern recognition algorithm assessment of EMG signals. Journal of Computer Engg. Instt of Engrs. (India) Vol. 76, Nov. 1995. (This paper was awarded Certificate of Merit by Institution of Engineers (India) in 1996.)
  2. R.B.Mishra and A.A.A. Khalili, Rule based system for orthopedic consultation. Instt. Of Engrs. (India), June, 1993, pp. 51-53.
  3. A.N. Srivastava and R.B. Mishra. Optimal control of water resource using block pulse functions. Instt. Of  Engrs. (India), Vol. 74, August 1993, pp. 60-64
  4. R. B. Mishra and S. Dandapat, A knowledge based interpretation system for EMG abnormalities, Int Jl. of     Clinical Monitoring & Computing. Vol. 10, 1993, pp. 131-142.( Springer Verlag Pub).
  5. R.B. Mishra,”Decision Table and rule based EEG International system for epileptic discharges, Int. Jl. of Clinical Monitoring and Computing. Vol. 9, 1992. pp. 165-178. ( SpringerVerlag Pub).
  6. R.B. Mishra and A.N. Tripathi: Microprocessor based detection of epileptic discharges, Int. JI. clinical monitoring and computing 8: 1-11, 1991.(Springer Verlag Pub).

Conferences: - International /National

International Conference:


  1. R.B. Mishra,”HMM for the Simulation Study of Intentionality”, WESET 17th International Conference on Neuro Computing and Bioinformatics, June 28-29, 2015, London, UK.


       2.  R.B. Mishra, “Expert Systems in Marine Engineering”, International Conference on Oceanography and Marine Engineering,  17-18-Septemper 2014, Fiji.

  1. Triapthi, Sudhakar; Mishra, R.B. “A Computational model of STP and LTP for gene level signaling cascading human episodic memory”, IEEE Explore , IEEE Catalog Number: ISBN: CFP1461Z-POD 978-1-4799-7278-4, 2014, pp. 10-17.
  2. Al-Dois, Hatem; Jha, A.K.; Mishra, R.B., “GA-based control of a robot manipulator in a foundry workcell”, IEEE Explore, IEEE Catalog Number: ISBN: CFP1461Z-POD 978-1-4799-7278-4, 2014, pp. 18-27.
  3. Pandey, Babita ; Mishra, R.B. ; Khamparia, Aditya, “CBR based approach for adaptive learning in e-learning system”IEEE Explore , IEEE Catalog Number: ISBN: CFP1461Z-POD 978-1-4799-7278-4, 2014, pp. 314-319
  4. Gangwar, Mohit; Mishra, Ravi Bhushan; Yadav, Rama Shankar, “application of decision tree method in the diagnosis of neuropsychiatric diseases” IEEE Explore, IEEE Catalog Number: ISBN: CFP1461Z-POD 978-1-4799-7278-4, 2014, pp. 331-338.


  1. Marwan M. Akeel, R. B. Mishra “Word Reorder and Agreement in ANN and Rule Based English into Arabic Machine Translation System”, Internatinal conference AISC-2012,IIT(BHU), Varanasi. 7-9 Dec. 2012.
  2.  Gupta B., Mishra R. B., “Identification of Epistasis to Discover Disease”, Internatinal conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (AISC), IIT (BHU),  Varanasi,2012
  3.   Hatem Al-Dois, A.K. Jha, R.B. Mishra, “Inverse Kinematics for an Industrial Robot Manipulator using ANN”, Internatinal conference AISC-2012,IIT(BHU), Varanasi. 7-9 Dec. 2012.
  4. SudhakarTripathi ,Arvind Kumar Tiwari, R.B.Mishra , “Rule Based Model for Clustering Gene Expression Data”, Internatinal conference AISC-2012,IIT(BHU), Varanasi. 7-9 Dec. 2012.
  5. Sami Ahmed Mohammed Al-Radaei, R.B.Mishra , “Ontology-Based For Learners’ Performance Evaluation And Classification”, Internatinal conference AISC-2012,IIT(BHU), Varanasi. 7-9 Dec. 2012.
  6. Babita Pandey and R.B. Mishra, “An integrated intelligent computing model for the interpretation of EEG based psychiatric diseases”, Internatinal conference AISC-2012,IIT(BHU), Varanasi. 7-9 Dec. 2012.
  7. Mohit Gangwar, R. B. Mishra, R. S. Yadav  , “Intelligent Computing Method For The Interpretation Of FMRI And EEG Based Neuropsychiatric Diseases, Internatinal conference AISC-2012,IIT(BHU), Varanasi. 7-9 Dec. 2012.
  1.  Mohit Gangwar, R. S. Yadav and R.B. Mishra (2012),’ Semantic Web Services for Medical Health Planning’ ,In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Advances In Information Technology (RAIT’2012), ISM, Dhanbad, India, 2012.
  2. Akash Dutt Dubey, R.B.Mishra, A.K.Jha., “Cognition of a Robot Using Situation Operator Model,”,Internatinal conference AISC-2012,IIT(BHU), Varanasi. 7-9 Dec. 2012.
  3. Shahnawaz, R. B. Mishra, “Statistical Machine Translation Model for English to Urdu Machine Translation”, Internatinal conference AISC-2012,IIT(BHU), Varanasi. 7-9 Dec. 2012.
  4. DubeyA.D.,Mishra R. B.,Jha A.K., “Optimization of the task time of a robot manipulator using artificial neural network”, The 2012 International Computer Science and Engineering Conference,Pattaya,Bangkok,October 18-19,2012.
  5. Shahnawaz and R.B.Mishra,” Machine Translation system: English to Urdu/Hindi”, 12th International conference of science and technology on development and justice,STIDJ-012,Feb-2012.


  1.   H.A. Al-Dois, A.K.Jha, R.B.Mishra, “ Design of Serial Robot Manipulators for Optimal Agility in a Manufacturing Cell ”, International Conference on Agile Manufacturing System, Dayalbagh Educational Institute,Agra, December 18-20, pp. 587-598, 2011.
  2. Sandeep Kumar , R.B. Mishra, Surinder Singh, kuldeep Kumar, Ankita Jain, “ Ontology Development and Analysis for Software Development Life Cycle Models”, International Conference  on Intelligent Computational Systems ,Thailand,2011.
  3. Al-Radaei, Sami and R.B. Mishra, “Semantic Web services for E-learning”, International Conference on Intelligent Semantic Web-Services and Application, Apr 2011, Amman Jordan.
  4. Vimal Mishra and R. B. Mishra, Non-Finite Verbs in English to Sanskrit Machine Translation, In Proceedings of IEEE-MTTS International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communication (ICACC-2011), April 08-10, pp 506-512, NIT Hamirpur, India, 2011.
  5. Vimal Mishra and R. B. Mishra, Participles in English to Sanskrit Machine Translation, In Proceedings of CCIS of Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg International Conference on Information Systems for Indian Languages (ICISIL 2011), March 9-11, Vol. 139, pp 214-217, Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab, India, 2011.
  6. Vimal Mishra and R. B. Mishra, “ANN, Case base Reasoning and Rule based model for English to Sanskrit Machine Translation”,In Proceedings of the first International Conference on Emerging Trends in Soft Computing and ICT (SCICT-2011), ISBN: 978-81-920913-3-4,Excel Publication, March 16-17, pp 19-22, Bilaspur, India, 2011.
  7. Kiran Mishra and R.B. Mishra, “Data Mining methods for categorization
    of student for learning in an intelligent tutoring system”, In Proceedings of the first International Conference on Emerging Trends in  Soft Computing and ICT (SCICT-2011), ISBN:978-81-920913-3-4,Excel,Publication, March 16-17, pp 124-127, Bilaspur, India, 2011.


  1. Kiran Mishra, R.B. Mishra " An intelligent tutoring system for   C++" International conference on electronics and information engineering held in Kyoto, Japan during 1-3 August 2010.
  2. R.B. Mishra and B. D. Mazumadar Cognitive Parameters Based Seller Agent Selection in B2C E-Commerce" Int. Conf. ICITST 2010 London UK Nov. 8-11.
  3. Vimal Mishra and R. B. Mishra, Performance Evaluation of English to Sanskrit Machine Translation System: A Novel Approach, In Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Information and Communication Technology (IJCICT 2010), 9th-10th January, pp 181-186, IIMT, Bhubaneswar, India, 2010.
  4. Vimal Mishra and R. B. Mishra, English to Sanskrit Machine Translation System: A Hybrid Model, In Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Information and Communication Technology (IJCICT 2010), 9th-10th January, pp 174-180, IIMT, Bhubaneswar, India, 2010.
  5. Vimal Mishra and R. B. Mishra, Gerunds in English to Sanskrit Machine Translation, In Proceedings of International Conference on Computational Engineering Practices and Techniques (iCONCEPT2010), November 25-26, pp 36-41, Kerala, India, 2010.


  1. Babita Pandey and R.B.Mishra, “Integrated Intelligent Computing Models in Medicine”, International Conference on Biomedical Informatics and Signal Processing, Chennai, 13-15 March,2009.
  1. Mohit Gangwar and R.B. Mishra (2009) ‘ANN Model for Detection of ECG Based Cardiac Disease’ In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Biomedical Informatics and Signal Processing (ICBMSP’09), Chennai, India. pp. 40-41, 2009.


  1. Vimal Mishra and R. B. Mishra, Language Divergence between English to Sanskrit translation, In Proceedings of COLIPS International Conference on Asian Language Processing (IALP), November 12-14, pp 175-181, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2008.
  2. Sandeep Kumar , R.B. Mishra, “ A Qoaware, Multi-Agent based Approach to Semantic Web Service Composition”, In Proc: IEEE International Symposium In Information Technology, Malaysia,2008,Vol.2, 1-6.
  3. Sandeep Kumar , R.B. Mishra, “ TRS:System for Recommending Semantic Web Service Composition approaches”, International Conference on Applied Computer Science, Paris, france, july 04-06-2008.


  1. Sandeep Kumar and R.B. Mishra. Web based Expert System and its components, Int. conf. on research in management and Technology, March 2007, Chandigarh, India. 2007


  1. S.K. Pandey, and R.B. Mishra, Data Mining, IEEE conference on Parallel and distributed computing, Taiwan, Dec 2006.


  1. S.K. Pandey ,R.B.Mishra, Knowledge Discovery and ontological based services on the grid, IEEE conference on Parallel and distributed computing, China, Dec, 2005, pp 1-6. (IEEE copyright  PDCAT05-No 1100509023-SKP.


  1. R.B. Mishra, Parallel computing in some mathematical models, Int. conf. on graph, ring modules, Dec 1994, BHU, Varanasi.
  2. R.B. Mishra and K.K. Shukla, decision table based DSS for hospital information management. Int.Conf. on  Information Systems (India) B.H.U Feb.1992, pp. 197-203.
  3. R.B. Mishra, R.K. Pandey and N. Sastry, Collision free path planting for robot  manipulator, Inst. Conf. on Information  System. B.H.U., Feb. 1992.


  1. R.B. Mishra and S.N. Dwivedi, An Expert System for some aspects of manufacturing processes, Int. Conf. on CAD, CAM robotics & factories of the future, Norfok, USA, Dec. 1990 pp. 131-141.
  2. R..B. Mishra, Rule Based Classification Model for Epileptic Discharges, Proceedings of International IEEE Conference on Engineering in Medicine and Biology, Oct. 1990, USA.
  3. R. B. Mishra and S. S. Mishra Logical control of some functions of a power plant. IFAC Int. Conf. Automation of Power Plant, Banglore 1990 pp. 280-289
  4. R.B. Mishra, R.K. Pandey and T Nagraja, Performance Analysis of Cartesian position control loop for PUMA-560 robot manipulator, Int. Conf. on CAD, CAM robotics & factories of the future, (India), Vol. III, Dec. 1989. pp. 434-445.


  1. R..B. Mishra and A.N. Tripathi, Neurological signal processing: A Microcomputer Approach, International Conference on Computers, Systems and Signal processing, 17-19, Dec. 1984, Bangalore.pp1136-1142.
  2.   R.B. Mishra and A.N. Tripathi, Microprocessor based EEC offline wave pattern Analysis, proceeding of International conference on Information Science and Technology 11-14, Jan. 1982, Calcutta
  3.  R.B. Mishra, V.P. Rao, K.R. Rao and G. Sharma, State Space Model via Block Pulse Function Proceedings of International Conference on System Theory and Application, 17-19 December 1981, Ludhiana, India, pp. B23-B26.

National Conference:


  1. R. B Mishra, ”Philosophy , Psychology and Computation of Language “, National symposium on Language Processing, IIT(BHU),Varanasi,2015


  1. Sanjay Kumar Singh and R. B. Mishra, “EEG/EP based measure of some cognitive functions”, National Seminar on Data Mining in Health Care, Allahabad, June 1-2, 2013. 
  2. Mohit Gangwar, R. S. Yadav  and R. B. Mishra “Data Mining Based Methods For Diagnosis Of Psychiatric Diseases”, National Seminar on Data Mining in Health Care, Allahabad, June 1-2, 2013.


  1. Gupta B., Mishra R. B., “Discrete Algorithms for disease Association Search and Susceptibility Prediction”, in Applied Mathematics National Conference 2012.
  1. Gupta B., Mishra R. B., “Susceptibility prediction for Cases and Controls of Genetic diseases and Searches”, in MGKVP national Conference (FDCS), 2012. BHU Varanasi.
  2. Sudhakar Tripathi and R.B.Mishra ‘ “Data Mining Methods for Clustering of DNA Sequences”, in proceedings of  National Conference On Frontiers Of Research And Development In Computational Sciences (FRDCS- 2012), March 25th- 26th, 2012,(Sponsored By UGC) MGKVP,Varanasi,U.P., India.
  3. Babita Pandey and R.B.Mishra, B.D.Mazumdar, “Expert Systems in Medicine”, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Information technology  (NCETIT-2012), November 24,2012,IMS Ghaziabad,India.
  4. R.B. Mishra, “AI and Expert Systems”, National conference FRDCS, March 2012, MGKVP, Varanasi, U.P., India.
  5. Dubey A.D.,Mishra R. B., “Designing of vision based Pick and Place task oriented mobile robot manipulator”, National conference FRDCS, March 2012, MGKVP, Varanasi, U.P., India.
  6. Al-Radaei, Sami & R.B.Mishra, “Semantic web services and multi agent systems for course content in e-learning”,p24-27,National conference FRDCS, March 2012,MGKVP,Varanasi,U.P., India.
  1. Shahnawaz and R.B.Mishra,” English to Hindi statistical machine translation model”,  National conference FRDCS,March 2012,MGKVP,Varanasi,U.P., India.
  2. Sudhakar tripathi and R.B.Mishra‘ “Data Mining Methods for Clustering of DNA Sequences”, National conference FRDCS,March 2012,MGKVP,Varanasi,U.P., India.
  3. H.A. Al-Dois, A.K.Jha, R.B.Mishra, “ Time and Path Location Optimization for a Robot manipulator in a Foundary Work Cell”, national Conference on Advances In Manufacturing Technology, NITTTR, Chandigarh, March 15-16, 2012.


  1. Dubey A.D.,Mishra R. B., “Path Planning of a Pick and Place task oriented mobile robot manipulator using artificial neural network”,National Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Agents: Theory and Applications(AIATA) 2011,IIT BHU Varanasi,U.P., India.
  2. Al-Radaei,Sami & R.B.Mishra., “ANN and data mining method for performance evaluation of a learner in ITS”, National Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Agents: Theory and Applications(AIATA) 2011,IIT BHU Varanasi,U.P., India.
  3. Shahnawaz and R.B.Mishra,” ANN and rule based model for English to Urdu/Hindi machine translation system”, National Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Agents: Theory and Applications(AIATA) 2011,IIT BHU Varanasi,U.P., India.
  1. R.B.Mishra, “Computer Education and Methods for Sanskrit Learning”, National Conference on  Computers in Sanskrit Education, Sanskrit Vidya Dharma Sankay, BHU, April 2011.
  2. Babita Pandey and R.B.Mishra,” Data Mining Approaches for the EMG Based Classification of Neuromuscular Disease”,National Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Agents: Theory and Applications(AIATA) 2011,IIT BHU Varanasi,U.P., India.
  3. Hatem Al-Dois, A.K. Jha and R.B.Mishra,” Task Time Optimization for Serial Robot Manipulators Using Genetic Algorithm”,National Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Agents: Theory and Applications(AIATA) 2011,IIT BHU Varanasi,U.P., India.
  4. Marwan Akeel, R.B. Mishra,” Translation rules and ANN for English-Arabic Machine Translation”,National Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Agents: Theory and Applications(AIATA) 2011,IIT BHU Varanasi,U.P., India.
  5. R.B.Mishra,”Machine translation English to Sanskrit”, National seminar on Linguistics,  Linguistics Deptt, 2011,BHU.
  6. R.B.Mishra,”Information Systems and Technology”, National seminar on Information and Communication Systems, Sampurnanad Sanskrit University ,Varanasi, 2011.
  7. R.B.Mishra,”Web Services and Techniques”, National seminar on Web Technologies,  Surya School of Planning and Engineering Management , Lucknow  2011.
  8. Rajeev Katare and R. B. Misra,” Semantic web services composition: Rule based customized E-contents preparation using Protégé”,National Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Agents: Theory and Applications(AIATA) 2011,IIT BHU Varanasi,U.P., India.
  9. Mohit Gangwar , R.B. Mishra and R S Yadav,” Medical Health Planning Based Semantic Web Services”,National Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Agents: Theory and Applications(AIATA) 2011,IIT BHU Varanasi,U.P., India.
  10. Sanjay Pal, R.B. Mishra, BabitaPandey and MohitGangwar,” Intelligent Computing Methods (ANN, DM, CBR) for the Diagnosis of Neuro-Psychiatric Abnormalities”,National Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Agents: Theory and Applications(AIATA) 2011,IIT BHU Varanasi,U.P., India.


  1. Al-Radaei, Sami &R.B.Mishra, “Semantic web services for E-Learning: A review”,  national conference on advances  & trends in web computing,March 2010, MGKVP, Varanasi, U.P., India.
  2. Shahnawaz and R.B.Mishra,”EBMT for English to Hindi”, National conference on advances  & trends in web computing, March 2010, MGKVP, Varanasi, U.P., India.
  3. R.B.Mishra, ”Information and Expert Systems”,National conference on Advances  & Trends in web computing, March 2010, MGKVP, Varanasi, U.P., India.
  4. Kiran Mishra, R.B. Mishra Selection of Tutor in web based intelligent tutoring System, National conference on Advances & trends in Web-Based computing 28- 29th March 2010, Mahatma Kashi  vidhyapeeth, Varanasi. pp. 114-120
  5. Md. Hatim, A..K. Jha and R. B. Mishra Design of Robot arm manipulator: A Simulation study. Conf. on Robotics and Manufacturing BIT Mesra INDIA 2010
  6. A.D. Dubey and R.B. Mishra “Some intelligent method for Image segmentation”, National conference on Advances & trends in Web-Based computing 28- 29th March 2010, Mahatma Kashividhyapeeth, Varanasi. pp. 105-108.


  1. Vimal Mishra and R. B. Mishra, Evaluation of English to Sanskrit Machine Translation System, In Proceedings ofthe Third National Conference on Recent Advances and Future Trends in Information Technology (RAFIT-2009), April 09-10, pp 122-126, Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab, India, 2009.


  1. B. Pandey, K. Mishra & R.B. Mishra, Applications of case-based reasoning, Conference on High Power Computation(HPCA-2008), BHU, Varanasi, March-2008.
  2. B. D. Mazumdar, & R.B. Mishra, Multiagent for negotiation in B2C, Conference on High Power Computation(HPCA-2008), BHU, Varanasi, March-2008.
  3. S. Kumar & R.B. Mishra, Some observations on semantic web based system, Conference on High Power Computation(HPCA-2008), BHU, Varanasi, March-2008.


  1. S.K. Pandey, R.B Mishra, Data mining in e-services, National conference on e-service, data-mining and education, indore, sept,2006.
  2. B.D. Mazumdar, R.B. Mishra, Multiagent system for e-governance, CSI conference on e- governance, Feb, 2006, Lucknow, pp 32-37.
  3. A.K.Singh, R.B.Mishra, Rule based and ANN model for e-governance, CSI conference on e- governance, Feb, 2006, Lucknow, pp 47-52.


  1. R. B. Mishra and Rajiv Kumar, ANN and rule based model for the control of robot arm manipulator, National conf on communications and robotics, IIIT, Allahabad, Feb, 2003.
  2. R.B. Mishra , and A.K. Kapoor, Cognitive features of humanoid robot, National conf on communications and robotics, IIIT, Allahabad,Feb, 2003.
  3. R.B.Mishra D.B. Ojha& R. N. Mukherjee . Optimisation methods in Intelligent Computing Systems. Conf. on Ramanujam Mathematical society BHU June 2002.
  4. R.P.Tiwari and R.B. Mishra Neurofuzzy control of an artificial limb. Proceeding of national conference on Biomedical engineering , Chandigarh 2001
  5. S.K. Upadhaya, R. B. Mishra and RanjanaPatnayak National conference on membrane technology, B.H. U.2001
  6. R.B.Mishra&AnoopGupta .Assesment of network security in e-commerce .conf. on  internet& e-commerce. K.V. Univ. Varanasi.2001


  1. R.B.Mishra& Rajesh Kumar,Petrinet model for manufacturing. Proceeding of conf. Manufacturing in 21st centuary. In varanasi.Jan.2000
  2. R.B.Mishra&R.P.Tewari. ANN based robotic control. Proceed. Conf.onIntellige Computing and software Engineering. BHU Varanasi March 2000 pp 49-53
  3. R.P.Tewari&R.B.Mishra. EEG detection & interpretation. Proceed conf. Intelligent Computing and software Engineering. BHU Varanasi March 2000


  1. R.B. Mishra ,A Intelligent Tutoring System . National Conference on Education. Jan, 95 , B.H.U , Varanasi .
  2. R.B. Mishra , Computing System in Interdisciplinary Education .National Conference on Education . Jan 95 , BHU , Varanasi .
  3. R.B.Mishra,Mathematical models for computation, National seminar of mathematical society, March, 1995, BHU,  Varanasi.
  4. R.B. Mishra and D.N. Vishwakarma , Microcomputer based distributed system for monitoring and control of thermal  power plant proceeding of National Conference on Thermal System BHU , Varanasi , Jan . 1995 ,pp . 121-127 .
  5. R.B. Mishra , S.P. Singh & G.K. Singh ,An Expert System for Monitoring and Control of Electrical system in  Thermal Power Plant proceeding of National Conference on Thermal System BHU ., Varanasi Jan ., 1995 , pp .                             166-173 .
  6. R.B. Mishra and S.C. Jha ,Design and Development of Microprocessor board robot manipulator. National   Seminar Robotics , Madras , Feb ., 1995 .
  7. R.B. Mishra , D.N. Vishwakarma& S.C. Jha , A Fuzzy Logic Based Control of Robot Arm manipulator National Seminar Robotics , Madras , Feb ., 1995 .
  8. R.B. Mishra, A knowledge based system for the condition monitoring of electric drives, IEEE Workshop, BHU, India,  April, 94 .
  9. R B. Mishra and Faridis M., A frame and rule based protocol for voice and data transmission, CSI National Seminar on  Data Communication, Patna, April, 94, pp. 67-70 .
  10. R.B. Mishra, A knowledge based system for Network management, CSI Nat . Seminar on Data Comm ., Patana , April  94, pp . 77-81 .
  11. R.B. Mishra, Logic and mathematical approaches in Artificial Intelligence, National v conf. of mathematical society, Dec, 1993, BHU, Varanasi.
  12. R.B. Mishra, S.N. Mahendra, Knowledge based system for control of electrical machines, IEMA conf., Bombay, 1992.


  1. S. Radhakrishnan and R.B. Mishra, Microprocessor based ECG Logical Interpretation System, National Conference Measurement and Control, Pune, Sept. 1988.
  2. R.B. Mishra and V.K.Jain,Microprocessor based Excitation control of SynchronousMachine. Proceedings on    National Power Systems Conference, 15-17 Feb. 1986, BHU Varanasi, pp. B63-67.
  3. R. B. Mishra On interdisciplinary research and education National conference on technical education Lucknow, 1986
  4. R.B. Mishra and S.S.Mishra,Microprocessor Assisted Simulation of some Control Functions of a Thermal Power Plant, Proceedings on National Power Systems Conference, 15-17 Feb. 1986, BHU  Varanasi, pp. A72-77.


  1. R.B. Mishra and A.N. Tripathi , New paradigm of learning: A cybernetic Approach, IX National Bio-Medical Engineering, Nov. 1983, pp. 36-41.
  2. S. Singh, B.N. Rai, S.N. Upadhyay, R.B.Mishra, Electrical properties of some materials, National symposium on orthopedic materials, March, 1983, BHU, Varanasi.
  3. R.B. Mishra On interdisciplinary education national conference on education and research .B.H.U. , Varanasi, 1982
  4. R..B. Mishra, G. Sharma and G.S. Raju, Planning of Lage Scale Power System : A Graph Theoretic Approach, Proceedings of National Conference on Planning Operation and Control of Large Scale System, Chidambaram, June 1982, pp 128-123.
  5. R.B. Mishra and K.K. Shukla, ECG Interpretation: An Interactive Approach, proceeding or 3rd Symposium and Seminar of IABMS 27-28, September 1982, Madras.
  6. R.B. Mishra and A.N. Tripathi, Microprocessor assisted EEG Analysis on athological condition, proceeding of 3rd Symposium and Seminar of IABMS 27-28, September 1982, Madras.
  7. R.B. Mishra and Gopal Sharma, Modelling of muscular-skelton mechanism, proceeding of 3rd Symposium and Seminar of IABMS 27-28, September 1982, Madras.

AICTE 9.5 Lacs: Intelligent Computing systems and their applications, 1999-2002.

AICTE 5.5 Lacs: Knowledge and agent based model for data mining in knowledge discovery for E-Commerce (2007-2009 )

PhD Supervision: 

S.N. Name Title of the PhD Thesis Area of Research Work Status
1. R. P. Tiwari Three dimensional representation and control of Artificial lower limb

AWARDED 2001 Year of Award:

2. S. K. Uppadhyay ANN based detection and interpretation of EMG/ECG signals

AWARDED 2003. Year of Award:

3. D.P. Ojha Optimisation in Mathematical Programming

AWARDED 2004 Year of Award:

4. Sandeep Kumar Semantic Web Service Composition using Multi agent Paradigm .

AWARDED 2009 Year of Award:

5. Babita Pandey Intelligent Computing system with Case base Reasoning for EMG based diagnosis

AWARDED 2009 Year of Award:

6. Bireshwar Das Mazumdar Multiagent Model with Data mining methods for negotiation in B2C e-commerce

AWARDED 2010 May Year of Award:

7. Vimal Mishra Translation rules, ANN and CBR integrated model for English to Sanskrit machine translation

AWARDED 2010 july Year of Award:

8. Kiran Mishra AI and agents in Intelligent Tutoring System .

AWARDED (November 2010) Year of Award:

9. Shanawaz Translation Rules, Statistical and Case Based Methods for English to Urdu Machine Translation.

AWARDED (Awarded-2013) Year of Award:

10. Md. Al.. Sami Semantic web services for E-learning.

AWARDED (Awarded-2013) Year of Award:

11. Md. Al Hatim Robotic arm manipulator design and control .

AWARDED (Awarded-2013) Year of Award:

12. A.K. Dubey Intelligent Vision and speech based Robotics control .

AWARDED (Awarded-2013) Year of Award:

13. Marwan Mohamed A. Akeel (Yamen) Machine translation(Arabic-Hindi-English).

AWARDED (Awarded-2014) Year of Award:

14. Sudhakar Tripathi Intelligent Computing Methods for Gene-Gene Interaction for STP and LTP episodic memory> .

AWARDED (Awarded-2014) Year of Award:

15. Brijendra Gupta Data Mining and Bayesian Network Methods for Diagnosis of Neuropsychiatric Disease Using Protein-Gene Interactio.

AWARDED (Awarded-2014) Year of Award:

16. Mohit Gangwar Intelligent Computing System for diagnosis of neuropsychiatric diseases.

AWARDED .(Awarded-March 2015) Year of Award:

  •  Joint Coordinator: Workshop on Fuzzy logic theory and application. July 2014. Fiji National University Lautoka, Fiji.
  • Coordinator: Workshop on Research methodology in Computer Science. April 2014. Fiji National University, Suva, Fiji.
  • Joint Coordinator: International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing  (AISC-2012)  7th - 9th December 2012. IIT(BHU)
  • Coordinator: Multi track workshop on “Semantic Web Services” MTW-2012.June-2012. IT-BHU
  • Coordinator: National Conference (student), ADHYAYAN 2012, March 23-25, 2012, IT-BHU. Student coordinator-Ananth Dwivedi.
  • Coordinator: National conference on “National Conference on Artificial Intelligence and agents: Theory & Application” (AIATA) 9th -11th December 2011. 2000. IT-BHU
  • Joint Coordinator: National conference on “Intelligent computing & software engineering”, March 21-23, 2000.IT-BHU
  • Coordinator: ISTE winter school,” Expert Systems: Theory & Applications” 2 Weeks: Dec 5-Dec 17, 1994.

Head of Department May 2011 to January 2014

Certificate of merit by Institutions of Engineers, India.Computer Division in1995

 INSA fellowship for short term visit to University of Bath, U.K. (England), 1997.