Prof. Sanjay Kumar Singh
Professor & HoD
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
+91-542-716-5317 (O)
Area of Interest:
Image and Video Processing, Pattern Recognition, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Data Science, Medical Imaging, Quantum Neural Networks and Biometrics.

Applications are invited from Indian nationals for the position of Research Associate sponsored by NASF, Govt. of India. The Details are as follows:
Research Associate (RA) (L-III): One post, @ Rs. 54,000 + HRA @ 18% per month. Qualification PhD.
Interested candiadates please send their resume on my email id.
Limited Summer/Winter Internship Opportunities are available. Work from Home. You can contact me via email.
Academic Qualifications
- Ph.D. (Computer Science and Engineering)
- M. Tech. (Computer Applications)
- B. Tech. (Computer Engineering)
Other Qualifications
- Certified Novell Engineer (CNE) from Novell Netware, USA
- Certified Novell Administrator (CNA) from Novell Netware USA
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Senior Member
- Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Member
- Computer Society of India (CSI), Life Member
- Indian Society For Technical Education (ISTE), Life Member
Subjects Taught
Data Structure and Algorithms, Computer System Organization, Artificial Intelligence, Selected Topics in Machine Learning.
Research Associate / Post Doc Researcher
S. No | Name | Research Interest | Contact Details |
1. | ![]() Dr. Abhinav |
Medical Image Analysis using
Machine Learning and Deep Learning |
***************************************** Visual Computing and Analytics Lab, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi-221 005, UP, INDIA ***************************************** E-mail: Mobile: +91-7543008607 , +91- 7651845264 ***************************************** |
Current Research Scholar Groups / Teaching Assistant
Sr. No | Scholar Name | Research Interest | Contact Details |
1. | Ritesh Sharma | Machine Learning and Deep Learning Applications for Drug Discovery | ***************************************** Visual Computing and Analytics Lab, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi-221 005, UP, INDIA ***************************************** E-mail: Mobile: +91-9973675213 , +91- 9816524191 ***************************************** |
2. | Vishakha Singh |
***************************************** Visual Computing and Analytics Lab, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi-221 005, UP, INDIA ***************************************** E-mail: ***************************************** |
3. |
Sakshi Ranjan |
Machine Learning and Deep Learning | Visual Computing and Analytics Lab, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi-221 005, UP, INDIA ***************************************** E-mail: ***************************************** |
4. |
Jayashankar M |
Machine Learning and Deep Learning in IoT Applications | ***************************************** Visual Computing and Analytics Lab, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi-221 005, UP, INDIA ***************************************** E-mail: ***************************************** |
Immediate Past Scholars
Sr. No | Scholar Name | Research Interest | Contact Details |
1. | ![]() Dr. Anshul Sharma |
Time Series Analysis using Machine Learning and Deep Learning | ***************************************** E-mail: Mobile: +91-9639325776 ***************************************** |
2. | Dr. Aneesh G Nath | Vibration Data Analysis using Machine Learning and Deep Learning | ***************************************** E-mail: Mobile: +91-9074265311 ***************************************** |
COMNET Technologies, New Delhi, India. Network and Hardware Engineer (March 1995 – November 1997)
More than 23 years of teaching experience
- At Institute Level
- Head, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT BHU from 2021-till date.
- Coordinator, Supercomputing Center, IIT BHU from 2021-till date.
- Chairman, JEE (Advanced ) 2021.
- Member, Senate from 2017-till date.
- Member, Departmental Undergraduate Committee (DUGC) for AY 2017-2019.
- Member, Departmental Purchase Committee for AY 2017-till date.
- Member, Women Grievance Cell Committee from 2017-2019.
- Member, Standing Student Disciplinary Committee (SSDC) for AY 2017-18.
- Member, Department Post Graduate Committee (DPGC) for AY 2016-till date.
- Member, Cafeteria Management Committee from 2015-2019.
- Member, Department Faculty Affairs Committee (DFAC) from 2015-till date.
- Member, Purchase Committee Teaching-Learning Cell for AY 2015-16.
- Member, Senate Post Graduate Committee (SPGC) for AY 2014-16.
- Convener, Department Post Graduate Committee (DPGC) for AY 2014-16.
- Member, Purchase Committee Design Innovation Centre from 2014-till date.
- Member, Design Innovation Centre from 2014-till date.
- Member, Central Purchase Committee for AY 2011-12.
- In charge, Departmental Examination for AY 2008-2012.
- In charge, Visual Computing and Data Analytics Laboratory from 2007-till date.
- Examination incharge, VBSPU from 2004-2006.
- Hostel Warden (Admin), VBSPU from 1998-2000.
- Head, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, VBSPU from 1997-2007.
- Outside Institute Level
- Member, Selection Committee at various Institutes and Universities.
- Member, Academic Advisor, and Board of Studies (BoS) at various Institutes and Universities.
- Member, Research Proposal Evaluation Committee at National and International Level.
- Technical Expert, Public Service Commission at State Level.
- Member, Scrutiny Committee AICTE, New Delhi.
- Member, AICTE Quality Improvement Schemes (AQIS), AICTE, New Delhi
- Session Chair for various International Conferences.
- Member, Technical Advisory Committee for various International Conferences / Workshops / Seminar.
- Member, Application Screening Committee at various Institutes and Universities.
- Member, Career Advancement Scheme (CAS) Promotion Committee at various Institutes and Universities.
- Organizing Secretary, International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (AISC), 2012.
- Member, Expert Technical Specification Evaluation Committee, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) for year 2010-11.
- S.K. Pani, Sanjay Kumar Singh, R.B. Pachori, L. Garg, and X. Zhang. Intelligent data analytics for terror threat prediction: Architectures, methodologies, techniques and applications, Wiley-Scrivener Publishing, 2020.
- Sanjay Kumar Singh, Ravi Shankar Singh, Anil Kumar Pandey, Sandeep S. Udmale, and Ankit Chaudhary, IoT-Based Data Analytics for the Healthcare Industry, Academic Press, 2020.
- Santosh Kumar, Sanjay Kumar Singh, Rishav Singh, and Amit Kumar Singh, Animal Biometrics Techniques and Applications, Springer, 2018.
- P. K. Gupta, Vipin Tyagi, and Sanjay Kumar Singh, Predictive Computing and Information Security, Springer, 2017.
- Rajeev Srivastava, Sanjay Kumar Singh, and K. K. Shukla, Research Developments in Biometrics and Video Processing Techniques, IGI Global, 2013.
- Rajeev Srivastava, Sanjay Kumar Singh, and K. K. Shukla, Research Developments in Computer Vision and Image Processing: Methodologies and Applications, IGI Global, 2013.
International Journals
- Anviti Pandey, Sanjay Kumar Singh, Sandeep S. Udmale, and K. K. Shukla. "Epileptic Seizure Classification using Battle Royale Search and Rescue optimization based Deep LSTM." IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (2022).
- Durgesh Singh, Sandeep S. Udmale, and Sanjay Kumar Singh, "Integer wavelet transform based an effective fragile watermarking scheme for exact authentication and restoration." Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, (2022).
- Vishakha Singh, Sameer Shrivastava, Sanjay Kumar Singh, Abhinav Kumar, Sonal Saxena, Accelerating the discovery of antifungal peptides using deep temporal convolutional networks, Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2022. [IF- 11.662]
- Durgesh Singh, Sanjay Kumar Singh, and Sandeep S. Udmale, "An efficient self-embedding fragile watermarking scheme for image authentication with two chances for recovery capability." Multimedia Tools and Applications (2022).
- Sharma, Ritesh, Sameer Shrivastava, Sanjay Kumar Singh, Abhinav Kumar, Amit Kumar Singh, and Sonal Saxena. "Deep-AVPpred: Artificial intelligence driven discovery of peptide drugs for viral infections." IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (2021). [IF 5.772]
- Abhinav Kumar, Anshul Sharma, Amit Kumar Singh, Sanjay Kumar Singh, Sonal Saxena, MobiHisNet: A Lightweight CNN in Mobile Edge Computing for Histopathological Image Classification. IEEE Internet of Things, 2021.[IF 9.515]
- Vishakha Singh, Sameer Shrivastava, Sanjay Kumar Singh, Abhinav Kumar, Sonal Saxena, StaBle-ABPpred: A stacked ensemble predictor based on biLSTM and attention mechanism for accelerated discovery of antibacterial peptides, Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2021. [IF- 11.662]
- Ritesh Sharma, Sameer Shrivastava, Sanjay Kumar Singh, Abhinav Kumar, Sonal Saxena, Raj Kumar Singh, Deep-AFPpred: Identifying novel antifungal peptides using pretrained embeddings from seq2vec with 1DCNN-BiLSTM, Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2021. [IF- 11.662]
- Rishav Singh, Vishal Purohit, Abhinav Kumar, Amit Kumar Singh, and Sanjay Kumar Singh. "MetaMed: Few-shot medical image classification using gradient-based meta-learning." Pattern Recognition (2021): 108111. [IF 7.740]
- Ritesh Sharma, Sameer Shrivastava, Sanjay Kumar Singh, Abhinav Kumar, Sonal Saxena, Raj Kumar Singh, AniAMPpred: artificial intelligence guided discovery of novel antimicrobial peptides in animal kingdom, Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2021. [IF- 11.662]
- Abhinav Kumar, Sanjay Kumar Singh, Sonal Saxena, K. Lakshmanan et al., "CoMHisP: A Novel Feature Extractor for Histopathological Image Classification Based on Fuzzy SVM With Within-Class Relative Density," in IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 103-117, Jan. 2021, doi: 10.1109/TFUZZ.2020.2995968. [IF- 12.029]
- Abhinav Kumar, Sanjay Kumar Singh, Sonal Saxena, K. Lakshmanan et al., "A Novel Cloud-Assisted Secure Deep Feature Classification Framework for Cancer Histopathology Images," in ACM Transaction on Internet Technology.
- Aneesh G. Nath, Sandeep S. Udmale, Divyanshu Raghuwanshi, and Sanjay Kumar Singh. "Improved Structural Rotor Fault Diagnosis using Multi-sensor Fuzzy Recurrence Plots and Classifier Fusion." IEEE Sensors Journal (2021).
- Aneesh G. Nath, Anshul Sharma, Sandeep S. Udmale, and Sanjay Kumar Singh. "An Early Classification Approach for Improving Structural Rotor Fault Diagnosis" in IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, doi:10.1109/TIM.2020.3043959.
- Nileshkumar R. Patel, Shishir Kumar, and Sanjay Kumar Singh. "Energy and Collision Aware WSN Routing Protocol for Sustainable and Intelligent IoT Applications." IEEE Sensors Journal (2021).
- Ritesh Sharma, Sameer Shrivastava, Sanjay Kumar Singh, Abhinav Kumar, et al. "Deep-ABPpred: Identifying antibacterial peptides in protein sequences using bidirectional LSTM with word2vec." Briefings in Bioinformatics (2021). [IF- 11.662]
- Rishav Singh, T. Ahmed, A.K. Singh, P Chanak, and Sanjay Kumar Singh. "SeizSClas: An Efficient and Secure Internet of Things Based EEG Classifier." IEEE Internet of Things Journal (2020). [IF- 9.515]
- Aneesh G. Nath, Sandeep S. Udmale, and Sanjay Kumar Singh. "Role of artificial intelligence in rotor fault diagnosis: a comprehensive review." Artificial Intelligence Review (2020): 1-60. [IF- 8.139]
- Anshul Sharma, and Sanjay Kumar Singh. "A novel approach for early malware detection." Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies (2020): e3968.
- Anshul Sharma, Sanjay Kumar Singh, Sandeep S. Udmale, Amit Kumar Singh, and Rishav Singh. "Early transportation mode detection using smartphone sensing data." IEEE Sensors Journal (2020).
- Anshul Sharma, and Sanjay Kumar Singh. "Early classification of multivariate data by learning optimal decision rules." Multimedia Tools and Applications (2020): 1-24.
- Abhinav Kumar, Sanjay Kumar Singh, Sonal Saxena, K. Lakshmanan et al. "Deep Feature Learning for Histopathological Image Classification of Canine Mammary Tumors and Human Breast Cancer." Information Sciences, Volume 145, Pages 405-421, 2020. [IF- 6.795]
- Dhawal Jethwani, François Le Gall, and Sanjay Kumar Singh. "Quantum-inspired classical algorithms for singular value transformation." arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.05699, 2020.
- Rishav Singh, T. Ahmed, Abhinav Kumar, A. K. Singh, A. K. Pandey and Sanjay Kumar Singh. "Imbalanced Breast Cancer Classification Using Transfer Learning." IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 2020.
- Sandeep S. Udmale, Sanjay Kumar Singh. “Multi-fault bearing classification using sensors and ConvNet-based transfer learning approach," IEEE Sensors Journal, Volume 20, Issue 3, Pages 1433-1444, 2020.
- Sandeep S. Udmale, and Sanjay Kumar Singh. “Application of Spectral Kurtosis and Improved Extreme Learning Machine for Bearing Fault Classification," IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Volume 68, Number 11, Pages 4222-4233, 2019.
- Sandeep S. Udmale, and Sanjay Kumar Singh. “A mechanical data analysis using kurtogram and extreme learning machine," Neural Computing and Applications, Pages 1-12, 2019.
- Sandeep S. Udmale , Sanjay Kumar Singh, and Sunil G. Bhirud, “A bearing data analysis based on kurtogram and deep learning sequence models," Measurement, Volume 145, Pages 665-677, 2019.
- Sandeep S. Udmale , Sangram S. Patil, Vikam M. Phalle, and Sanjay Kumar Singh, “A bearing vibration data analysis based on spectral kurtosis and ConvNet," Soft Computing, Volume 23, Number 19, Pages 9341-9359, 2019.
- Santosh Kumar and Sanjay Kumar Singh, “Cattle Recognition: A New Frontier in Visual Animal Biometrics Research,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section A: Physical Sciences, Pages 1-20, 2019
- Debanjan Sadhya and Sanjay Kumar Singh, “A comprehensive survey of unimodal facial databases in 2D and 3D domains,” Neurocomputing, Volume 358, Pages 188-210, 2019.
- Amit Kumar Singh, Basant Kumar, Sanjay Kumar Singh, SP Ghrera, and Anand Mohan, “Multiple watermarking technique for securing online social network contents using Back Propagation Neural Network,” Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume 86, Pages 926-929, September 2018.
- Sadhya Debanjan, and Sanjay Kumar Singh, "Design of a cancelable biometric template protection scheme for fingerprints based on cryptographic hash functions," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Volume 77, Issue 12, Pages 15113-15137, June 2018.
- Sadhya Debanjan, and Sanjay Kumar Singh, "Construction of a Bayesian decision theory-based secure multimodal fusion framework for soft biometric traits," IET Biometrics, Volume 7, Issue 3, Pages 251-249, May 2018.
- Santosh Kumar, Sanjay Kumar Singh, Amit Kumar Singh, Shrikant Tiwari, and Ravi Shankar Singh, "Privacy preserving security using biometrics in cloud computing," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Volume 77, Issue 9, Pages 11017-11039, May 2018.
- Santosh Kumar, Amit Pandey, K. Sai Ram Satwik, Sunil Kumar, Sanjay Kumar Singh, Amit Kumar Singh, and Anand Mohan, “Deep learning framework for recognition of cattle using muzzle point image pattern,” Measurement, Volume 116, Pages 1-17, 2018.
- Santosh Kumar, D Datta, Sanjay Kumar Singh and AK Sangaiah, “An intelligent decision computing paradigm for crowd monitoring in the smart city,” Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Volume 118, Part 2, Pages 344-358, 2018.
- Santosh Kumar, Sanjay Kumar Singh, “Monitoring of pet animal in smart cities using animal biometrics,” Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume 83, Pages 553-563, June 2018.
- Sanjay Kumar Singh, Amit Kumar Singh, Basant Kumar, Subir Kumar Sarkar, and Karm Veer Arya, "Guest Editorial: Multimedia for Predictive Analytics," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Volume 77, Issue 7, Pages 9189-9201, April 2018.
- Amit Kumar Singh, Pardeep Kumar, Satya Prakash Ghrera, Basant Kumar and Sanjay Kumar Singh, “Guest Editorial: Advanced Techniques in Multimedia Watermarking,” International Journal of Information and Computer Security, Volume 10, Issue 2/3, 2018.
- Sadhya Debanjan, and Sanjay Kumar Singh, "Privacy risks ensuing from cross-matching among databases: A case study for soft biometrics," Information Processing Letters, Volume 128, Pages 38-45, December 2017.
- Santosh Kumar and Sanjay Kumar Singh, “Automatic identification of cattle using muzzle point pattern: a hybrid feature extraction and classification paradigm,” Multimedia Tools and Applications, Volume 76, Issue 24, Pages 26551-26580, December 2017.
- Deepanwita Datta, Sanjay Kumar Singh, and C. Ravindranath Chowdary, "Bridging the gap: effect of text query reformulation in multimodal retrieval," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Volume 76, Issue 21, Pages 22871-22888, November 2017.
- Santosh Kumar, Sanjay Kumar Singh, Ravi Shankar Singh, Amit Kumar Singh and Shrikant Tiwari, “Real-time recognition of cattle using animal biometrics,” Journal of Real-Time Image Processing, Volume 13, Issue 3, Pages 505-526, September 2017.
- Sanjay Kumar Singh, Shrikant Tiwari, Ali Imam Abidi, and Aruni Singh, "Prediction of pain intensity using multimedia data," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Volume 76, Issue 18, Pages 19317-19342, 2017
- Debanjan Sadhya and Sanjay Kumar Singh, “Providing robust security measures to Bloom filter based biometric template protection schemes,” Computers & Security, Volume 67, Pages 59-72, June 2017.
- Durgesh Singh, and Sanjay Kumar Singh, “DWT-SVD and DCT based robust and blind watermarking scheme for copyright protection,” Multimedia Tools and Applications, Volume 76, Issue 11, Pages 13001-13024, June 2017.
- Santosh Kumar and Sanjay Kumar Singh, “Visual Animal Biometrics: Survey,” IET Biometrics, Volume 6, Issue 3, Pages 139-156, May 2017.
- Ramesh Chand Pandey, Sanjay Kumar Singh, and Kaushal K. Shukla, "A passive forensic method for video: Exposing dynamic object removal and frame duplication in the digital video using sensor noise features," Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, Volume 32, Issue 5, Pages 3339-3353, 2017.
- Amit Kumar Singh, Basant Kumar, Sanjay Kumar Singh, “Guest Editorial: Robust and Secure Data Hiding Techniques for Telemedicine Applications,” Multimedia Tools and Applications, Volume 76, Issue 5, Pages 7563-7573, March 2017.
- Deepanwita Datta, Shubham Varma, Sanjay Kumar Singh, “Multimodal retrieval using mutual information based textual query reformulation,” Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 68, Pages 81-92, February 2017.
- Durgesh Singh, Sanjay Kumar Singh, “Dct based efficient fragile watermarking scheme for image authentication and restoration,” Multimedia Tools and Applications, Volume 76, Issue 1, Pages 953-977, January 2017.
- Santosh Kumar, Sanjay Kumar Singh, Ali Imam Abidi, Deepanwita Datta, and Arun Kumar Sangaiah. "Group sparse representation approach for recognition of cattle on muzzle point images," International Journal of Parallel Programming, Pages 1-26, 2017.
- Santosh Kumar, Sanjay Kumar Singh and Amit Kumar Singh, “Muzzle point pattern based techniques for individual cattle identification,” IET Image Processing, December 2016.
- Debanjan Sadhya, Sanjay Kumar Singh, and Bodhi Chakraborty,” Review of key-binding-based biometric data protection schemes,” IET Biometrics, Volume 5, Issue 4, Pages 263-275, December 2016.
- Ramesh C Pandey, Sanjay Kumar Singh, and Kaushal K Shukla, “Passive forensics in image and video using noise features: A review,” Digital Investigation, Volume 19, Pages 1-28, December 2016.
- Ali Imam Abidi, Sanjay Kumar Singh, and Lalit M. Aggarwal, “Automatic Deformity Estimation for Thoracic Section between Inhale and Exhale Positions,” National Academy Science Letters, Volume 39, Issue 5, Pages 347-352, October 2016.
- Sanjay Kumar Singh, V Rastogi, and Sanjay Kumar Singh, “Pain Assessment Using Intelligent Computing Systems,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section A: Physical Sciences, Volume 86, Issue 3, Pages 285-295, September 2016.
- Durgesh Singh, and Sanjay Kumar Singh, “Effective self-embedding watermarking scheme for image tampered detection and localization with recovery capability,” Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Volume 38, Pages 775-789, July 2016.
- Santosh Kumar, Shrikant Tiwari, and Sanjay Kumar Singh, “Face Recognition of Cattle: Can it be Done?,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section A: Physical Sciences, Volume 86, Issue 2, Pages 137-148, June 2016.
- Debanjan Sadhya, and Sanjay Kumar Singh, “Privacy preservation for soft biometrics based multimodal recognition system,” Computers & Security, Volume 58, Pages 160-179, May 2016.
- Ramesh Chand Pandey, Shiv Prasad, Sanjay Kumar Singh, and K K Shukla, “Image Splicing Detection using HMRF-GMM Based Segmentation Technique and Local Noise Variances,” INROADS-An International Journal of Jaipur National University, Volume 5, Pages 223-228, 2016.
- Shrikant Tiwari and Sanjay Kumar Singh, “Does All Newborn Face Lookalike to Human and Machine?,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section A: Physical Sciences, Volume 3, Number 4, Pages 681-683, February 2015.
- Santosh Kumar and Sanjay Kumar Singh, “Feature Selection and Recognition of Face by using Hybrid Chaotic PSO-BFO and Appearance-Based Recognition Algorithms," International Journal of Natural Computing Research, Volume 5, Issue 3, Pages 26-53, 2015.
- Ramesh Chand Pandey, Sanjay Kumar Singh, and K. K. Shukla. "Passive Video Tampering Detection Using Noise Features," Innovative Research in Attention Modeling and Computer Vision Applications, Pages 279-303, 2015.
- Ramesh Chand Pandey, Sanjay Kumar Singh, and Kaushal K. Shukla, "Passive Copy-Move Forgery Detection Using Speed-Up Robust Features, Histogram Oriented Gradients and Scale Invariant Feature Transform," International Journal of System Dynamics Applications, Volume 4 Issue 3, Pages 70-89, 2015.
- Santosh Kumar, Debanjan Sadhya, Durgesh Singh, and Sanjay Kumar Singh. "Cloud security using face recognition," Handbook of research on securing cloud-based databases with biometric applications, Pages 298-319, 2015.
- S. Srivastava, N. Sharma, Sanjay Kumar Singh, and Rajeev Srivastava, “Quantitative analysis of a general framework of a CAD tool for breast cancer detection from mammograms,” Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, Volume 4, Number 5, Pages 654-674, 2014.
- Durgesh Singh and Sanjay Kumar Singh. "A Survey on Human Ear Recognition System Based on 2D and 3D Ear Images", Open Journal of Information Security and Applications, Volume 1, Number 2, Pages 21-31, 2014.
- Santosh Kumar and Sanjay Kumar Singh. "Biometric recognition for pet animal", Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, Volume 7, Number 5, Pages 470-482, 2014.
- Subodh Srivastava, Neeraj Sharma, Sanjay Kumar Singh, and Rajeev Srivastava, "Design, analysis and classifier evaluation for a CAD tool for breast cancer detection from digital mammograms," International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology, Volume 13, Issue 3, Pages 270-300, 2013.
- Sanjay Kumar Singh, Brajesh Kumar Kaushik, “A novel approach to reduce leakage current in ULP SRAM”, IETE Journal of Research, Volume 59, Pages 704-708, Nov 2013.
- Tiwari, Shrikant, Aruni Singh, and Sanjay Kumar Singh. "Multimodal database of newborns for biometric recognition." International Journal of Bio-Science and Bio-Technology, Vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 89-100 (2013).
- Tiwari, Shrikant, and Sanjay Kumar Singh. "Multimodal biometric recognition for newborn." Research developments in biometrics and video processing techniques, pp. 25-39, 2013.
- Singh, Yogendra Narain, and Sanjay Kumar Singh. "A taxonomy of biometric system vulnerabilities and defences." International journal of biometrics 5, no. 2, pp. 137-159, 2013.
- Upadhyay, Saurabh, Shrikant Tiwari, and Sanjay Kumar Singh. "Intelligent Video Authentication: Algorithms and Applications." Intelligent Image and Video Interpretation: Algorithms and Applications: Algorithms and Applications, Vol. 1 (2013).
- Singh, Aruni, Shrikant Tiwari, and Sanjay Kumar Singh. "Face Tampering Detection from Single Face Image using Gradient Method." International Journal of Security and Its Applications 7, no. 1, pp. 17-30, 2013.
- Singh, Aruni, and Sanjay Kumar Singh. "Effect of Face Tampering on Face Recognition." Signal & Image Processing, Vol. 4, pp. 83, 2013.
- Singh, Yogendra Narain, and Sanjay Kumar Singh. "Identifying individuals using eigenbeat features of electrocardiogram." Journal of Engineering 2013 (2013).
- Shrikant Tiwari and Sanjay Kumar Singh, “Face Recognition for Newborns”, IET Biometrics, Volume 1, No. 4, pp. 200 – 208, December 2012.
- Y. N. Singh, S. K. Singh and P Gupta “Fusion of Electrocardiogram with Unobtrusive Biometrics: An Efficient Individual Authentication System", Pattern Recognition Letters, Elsevier, pp. TBA, March 2012.
- Y. N. Singh and S. K. Singh, “Evaluation of Electrocardiogram for Biometric Authentication", Journal of Information Security, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 39-48, January 2012.
- Subodh Srivastava, Rajeev Srivastava, Neeraj Sharma, Sanjay Kumar Singh, and Shiru Sharma, "A non-linear complex diffusion based filter adapted to Rayleigh’s speckle noise for de-speckling ultrasound images," International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology, Volume 10, Issue 2, Pages 101-117, 2012.
- Subodh Srivastava, Rajeev Srivastava, Neeraj Sharma, Sanjay Kumar Singh, and Shiru Sharma, " A fourth-order PDE-based non-linear filter for speckle reduction from Optical Coherence Tomography images," International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology, Volume 10, Issue 1, Pages 55-69, 2012.
- Tiwari, Shrikant, and Sanjay Kumar Singh. "Newborn verification using headprint." Journal of Information Technology Research (JITR) 5, no. 2, pp. 15-30 2012.
- S. Srivastava, R. Srivastava, N. Sharma, S. K. Singh and S. Sharma, “A nonlinear complex diffusion based filter adapted to Rayleigh’s speckle noise for de-speckling ultrasound images", International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology (IJBET), Inderscience publication, 2012 (In Press).
- S. Srivastava, R. Srivastava, N. Sharma, S. K. Singh and S. Sharma, “A fourth-order PDE based nonlinear filter for speckle reduction from Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) images", International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology (IJBET), Inderscience publication, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 55-69, 2012.
- Saurabh Upadhyay, Sanjay Kumar Singh, “An Intelligent Technique for Video Authentication, In Journal of Computing”, ISSN: 2151-9617 (Online), NY, USA.
- M. Vatsa, R. Singh, A. Noore, and S. K. Singh, “Combining Pores and Ridge Features for Improved Fingerprint Verification”, In Signal Processing, Vol. 89, No. 12, pp. 2676-2685, 2009.
- R. Singh, M. Vatsa, S. K. Singh, and S. Upadhaya, “Integrating SVM Classification with SVD Watermarking for Intelligent Video Authentication”, In Telecommunication Systems Journal - Special Issue on Computational Intelligence in Multimedia Computing, Springer, Vol. 40, No. 1-2, 2009.
- R. Singh, M. Vatsa, A. Noore and S. K. Singh, “DS Theory Classifier Fusion with Update Rule to Minimize Training Time”, In IEICE Electronics Express, Vol. 3, No. 20, pp. 429-435, 2006.
- S. K. Singh, D. S. Chauhan, M. Vatsa and R. Singh, “A robust skin color based face detection algorithm”, International Tamkang Journal of Science & Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 227-234, 2003.
- S. K. Singh, D. S. Chauhan, M. Vatsa and R. Singh, “Hybrid FEB face recognition algorithm”, World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society Transactions on Computers, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 373-378, 2003.
- S. K. Singh, M. Vatsa, R. Singh, and D. S. Chauhan, “Design of face recognition system”, (electronic journal) 2003.
- S. K. Singh, D. S. Chauhan, “Comparison of two approaches of face detection algorithm in controlled background”, (electronic journal) 2003.
- Sanjay Kumar Singh, D S Chauhan, Mayank Vatsa, Richa Singh, “A Robust Skin Color Based Face Detection Algorithm,” Tamkang Journal of Science and Engineering, Volume 6, No. 4, Pages 227-234, 2003.
Book Chapters
- Sandeep S. Udmale, Anil Kumar Pandey, Ravi Shankar Singh and Sanjay Kumar Singh, “Internet of things in the healthcare industry,” in IoT-Based Data Analytics for the Healthcare Industry, ch. 01, pp. 3−8, Academic Press, 2020.
- Abhinav Kumar, Sonal Saxena, Sameer Shrivastava, and Sanjay Kumar Singh, "Internet of things and other emerging technologies in digital pathology," in IoT-Based Data Analytics for the Healthcare Industry, ch. 20, pp. 301−312, Academic Press, 2020.
- Vishakha Singh, Sandeep S. Udmale, Anil Kumar Pandey, and Sanjay Kumar Singh, “Health data analytics using Internet of things,” in IoT-Based Data Analytics for the Healthcare Industry, ch. 04, pp. 47−56, Academic Press, 2020.
- Vishakha Singh, Sandeep S. Udmale, Anil Kumar Pandey, and Sanjay Kumar Singh, “IoT for health insurance companies,” in IoT-Based Data Analytics for the Healthcare Industry, ch. 09, pp. 139−148, Academic Press, 2020.
- Anshul Sharma, Abhinav Kumar, and Sanjay Kumar Singh, "Time Series Data Representation and Dimensionality Reduction Techniques." Applications of Machine Learning. Springer, Singapore, 2020. 267-284.
- Abhinav Kumar and Sanjay Kumar Singh. "Recent Advances in Biometric Recognition for Newborns." The Biometric Computing: Recognition and Registration (2019): 235.
- Santosh Kumar and Sanjay Kumar Singh, “Hybrid BFO and PSO Swarm Intelligence Approach for Biometric Feature Optimization, In Nature-Inspired Computing: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, Pages 1490-1518, IGI Global 2017.
- Santosh Kumar, Deepanwita Datta, and Sanjay Kumar Singh, "Swarm intelligence for biometric feature optimization," In Nature-Inspired Computing: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, Pages 830-863, IGI Global 2017.
- ChandPandey, Ramesh, Sanjay Kumar Singh, and K. K. Shukla. "Digital Video Tampering Detection Techniques." In Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Third Edition, pp. 1315-1325. IGI Global, 2015.
- Sadhya, Debanjan, and Sanjay Kumar Singh. "Biometric Template Security and Biometric Encryption Using Fuzzy Frameworks." In Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Third Edition, pp. 512-524. IGI Global, 2015.
- Singh, Durgesh, and Sanjay Kumar Singh. "Human Ear Recognition System." In Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Third Edition, pp. 5475-5481. IGI Global, 2015.
- Kumar, Santosh, Ali Imam Abidi, and Sanjay Kumar Singh. "Cloud Security Using Ear Biometrics." In Handbook of Research on Security Considerations in Cloud Computing, pp. 39-64. IGI Global, 2015.
- Tiwari, Shrikant, Santosh Kumar, Sanjay Kumar Singh, and Aruni Singh. "Newborn Recognition Using Multimodal Biometric." In Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Third Edition, pp. 4347-4357. IGI Global, 2015.
- Subodh Srivastava, Neeraj Sharma, and Sanjay Kumar Singh, "Image Analysis and Understanding Techniques for Breast Cancer Detection from Digital Mammograms," In Research Developments in Computer Vision and Image Processing: Methodologies and Applications, Pages 123-148, IGI Global, 2014.
- Singh, Aruni, Shrikant Tiwari, and Sanjay Kumar Singh. "Performance of Face Recognition Algorithms on Dummy Faces." In Advances in Computer Science, Engineering & Applications, pp. 211-222. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2012.
- Tiwari, Shrikant, Aruni Singh, Ravi Shankar Singh, and Sanjay K. Singh. "Internet Security Using Biometrics." In Technologies and Protocols for the Future of Internet Design: Reinventing the Web, pp. 114-142. IGI Global, 2012.
- Shrikant Tiwari and Sanjay K Singh, Information Security Governance using Biometrics, in IT Security Governance Innovations: Theory and Research. (IGI Global Publishing). Edited by Dr. Daniel Mellado Spain. 2012.
- Mayank Vatsa, Richa Singh, Sanjay K. Singh, Saurabh Upadhyay: Video Authentication Using Relative Correlation Information and SVM, Computational Intelligence in Multimedia Processing: Recent Advances, Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer, Chapter 13, 511-529, 2008.
- M. Vatsa, R. Singh, S. K. Singh, K. K. Shukla and R. B. Lokesh, Face recognition technology: A biometric solution to security problems, In Multimedia Systems and Content-based Image Retrieval (Idea Group Publishing), Edited by Sagarmay Deb, Chapter 4.
International and National Conferences
- Sandeep S. Udmale, Aneesh G. Nath, and Sanjay Kumar Singh, ''Application of Industry 4.0 and Meta Learning for Bearing Fault Classification,'' in Proceeding of the 25th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD), Pages 1455-1460, 2022.
- Sandeep S. Udmale and Sanjay Kumar Singh, "Bearing Fault Classification using Wavelet Energy and Autoencoder" In Proceedings 16th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Internet Technology (ICDCIT), Pages 227-238, 2020.
- Anshul Sharma and Sanjay Kumar Singh. "Early classification of time series based on uncertainty measure." In 2019 IEEE Conference on Information and Communication Technology, Pages 1-6. IEEE, 2019.
- Sandeep S. Udmale and Sanjay Kumar Singh, "Intra-inter feature ranking based feature selection method for bearing fault classification" In Proceedings 10th IEEE International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), Pages 1-6, 2019.
- Sandeep S. Udmale and Sanjay Kumar Singh, "Analysis of statistical features for bearing fault classification using ensemble technique" In Proceedings 10th IEEE International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), Pages 1-6, 2019.
- Parth Pahariya and Sanjay Kumar Singh, "Fingerprint Authentication Using LT Codes." In Proceedings ACM 2nd International Conference on Biometric Engineering and Applications (ICBEA), Pages 38-42, 2018.
- Faizan UF Khan, Kashan UZ Khan, and Sanjay Kumar Singh, "Is Group Means Imputation Any Better Than Mean Imputation: A Study Using C5.0 Classifier", In proceeding Conference Series: Journal of Physics, Volume 1060, Number 1, Pages 1-5, 2018.
- Debanjan Sadhya, Bodhi Chakraborty, Sanjay Kumar Singh, “Capturing the Effects of Attribute Based Correlation on Privacy in Micro-databases,” In Proceeding of IEEE 14th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT), 2017.
- Deepanwita Datta, Himanshu Mittal, and Sanjay Kumar Singh, "Seeing the bigger picture: A novel statistical approach for enhancing image annotation by employing community detection", In proceeding IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), Pages 1173-1178, 2017.
- Deepanwita Datta, Prasad Suresh Nakhate, Sanjay Kumar Singh, and C. Ravindranath Chowdary, "Why stop there?: A novel Hill Climbing based approach towards multimodal classification", In proceeding IEEE/ACS 14th International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA), Pages 835-839, 2017.
- Debanjan Sadhya, Ankit Gautam, and Sanjay Kumar Singh, "Performance comparison of some face recognition algorithms on multi-covariate facial databases" In proceeding of IEEE Fourth International Conference Image Information Processing (ICIIP), Pages 1-5, 2017.
- Santosh Kumar, Shashank Chandrakar, Avinash Panigrahi, and Sanjay Kumar Singh, "Muzzle point pattern recognition system using image pre-processing techniques", In proceeding IEEE Fourth International Conference on Image Information Processing (ICIIP), Pages 1-6, 2017.
- Debanjan Sadhya, Parth Pahariya, Rishi Yadav, Apoorv Rastogi, Ayush Kumar, Lakshya Sharma, and Sanjay Kumar Singh, "BioSoft-a multimodal biometric database incorporating soft traits", In proceeding IEEE International Conference on Identity, Security and Behavior Analysis (ISBA), Pages 1-6, 2017.
- Vishwajeet Pattanaik, Mayank Singh, P. K. Gupta, and Sanjay Kumar Singh, "Smart real-time traffic congestion estimation and clustering technique for urban vehicular roads," In Proceedings of the IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), Pages 3420-3423, 2016.
- Yeshvendra K. Singh, Nikhil Sinha, and Sanjay Kumar Singh, "Heart Disease Prediction System Using Random Forest," In Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computing and Data Sciences, Pages 613-623, 2016.
- Shrikant Tiwari, Shreya Jain, Swami Singh Chandel, Santosh Kumar, and Sanjay Kumar Singh, "Comparison of adult and newborn ear images for biometric recognition," In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing (PDGC), Pages 421-426, 2016.
- Santosh Kumar, Sanjay Kumar Singh, Tanima Dutta, Hari Prabhat Gupta, “Poster: a real-time cattle recognition system using wireless multimedia networks”, In Proceedings of the 14th Annual International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services Companion, Pages 48-48, 2016.
- Vandit Chauhan, Santosh Kumar, and Sanjay Kumar Singh, "Human count estimation in high density crowd images and videos", In proceeding IEEE Fourth International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid Computing (PDGC), Pages 343-347, 2016.
- Santosh Kumar, Sanjay Kumar Singh, Tanima Dutta, Hari Prabhat Gupta “A Fast Cattle Recognition System using Smart devices” Proceedings of the 2016 ACM on Multimedia Conference, Pages 742-743, 2016.
- Kumar, Santosh, and Sanjay Kumar Singh, "Feature selection and recognition of muzzle point image pattern of cattle by using hybrid chaos bfo and pso algorithms." In Advances in Chaos Theory and Intelligent Control, pp. 719-751, 2016.
- Santosh Kumar, Shrikant Tiwari, and Sanjay Kumar Singh. "Face recognition for cattle." Image Information Processing (ICIIP), 2015 Third International Conference on. IEEE, 2015.
- Sadhya, Debanjan, and Sanjay Kumar Singh. "An improved and robust fusion framework for soft biometric traits." Electrical Computer and Electronics (UPCON), 2015 IEEE UP Section Conference on. IEEE, 2015.
- Kumar, Anuranjan, Sahil Gupta, Sanjay Kumar Singh, and Kaushal K. Shukla. "Comparison of various metrics used in collaborative filtering for recommendation system." In Contemporary Computing (IC3), 2015 Eighth International Conference on, pp. 150-154. IEEE, 2015.
- Santosh Kumar, Deepanwita Datta, and Sanjay Kumar Singh, "Black hole algorithm and its applications", In Computational intelligence applications in modeling and control, Pages 147-170, 2015.
- Ramesh Chand Pandey, Rishabh Agrawal, Sanjay Kumar Singh, and Kaushal K. Shukla. "Passive Copy Move Forgery Detection Using SURF, HOG and SIFT Features." In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Frontiers of Intelligent Computing: Theory and Applications (FICTA) 2014, pp. 659-666. Springer International Publishing, 2015.
- Ali Imam Abidi, and Sanjay Kumar Singh, "An automatic deformity path tracing and estimation technique for thoracic CT image sequences," In IEEE International Conference on Computer Graphics, Vision and Information Security (CGVIS), Pages 137-140, 2015.
- Ramesh Chand Pandey, Sanjay Kumar Singh, K. K. Shukla, and Rishabh Agrawal, "Fast and robust passive copy-move forgery detection using SURF and SIFT image features," In IEEE 9th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS), Pages 1-6, 2014.
- Pandey, Ramesh Chand, Sanjay Kumar Singh, and K. K. Shukla. "Passive copy-move forgery detection in videos." In Computer and Communication Technology (ICCCT), 2014 International Conference on, pp. 301-306. IEEE, 2014.
- Singh, Yogendra Narain, and Sanjay Kumar Singh. "Human identification using heartbeat interval features and ECG morphology." In Proceedings of Seventh International Conference on Bio-Inspired Computing: Theories and Applications (BIC-TA 2012), pp. 87-98. Springer India, 2013.
- Singh, Aruni, Sanjay Kumar Singh, and Shrikant Tiwari. "FAKE FACE DATABASE AND PRE-PROCESSING." In An International Conference. 2013.
- Shrikant Tiwari, Aruni Singh and Sanjay K Singh” Can Ear and Soft-biometric Traits Assist in Recognition of Newborn?” International Conference on Signal, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition (SPPR), 2012.
- Aruni Singh, Shrikant Tiwari and Sanjay K Singh” Performance evaluation on dummy face images ” International Conference on Signal, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition (SPPR), 2012.
- Shrikant Tiwari, Aruni Singh and Sanjay K Singh, “Can Face and Soft-biometric Traits Assist in Recognition of Newborn?”, Proc. IEEE, International Conference on Recent Advanced in Information Technology (RAIT), 2012.
- Subodh Srivastava, Neeraj Sharma, R. Srivastava, and Sanjay Kumar Singh, "Restoration of digital mammographic images corrupted with quantum noise using an adaptive Total Variation (TV) based nonlinear filter," In proceeding IEEE International Conference on Communications, Devices and Intelligent Systems (CODIS), Pages 125-128, 2012.
- Y. N. Singh and S K Singh, "Vitality Detection from Biometrics: State-of-the-art", In: Proc. of IEEE World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies (WICT 2011), 11-14 Dec 2011, Mumbai, India, pp. 106-111, December 2011.
- Y. N. Singh and S K Singh, ”The State of Information Security", In: Proc. National Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Agents: Theory and Applications (AIATA-2011), IT-BHU, Varanasi, pp. 363-367, December 2011.
- Shrikant Tiwari, Aruni Singh and Sanjay K Singh, “Newborn’s Ear Recognition: Can it be done?”, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Image Information Processing (), Waknaghat, India, September 03-05, 2011.
- Saurabh Upadhyay, S. K. Singh, “Learning Based Video Authentication Using Statistical Local Information”, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Image Information Processing (ICIIP), Waknaghat, India, September 03-05, 2011.
- Shrikant Tiwari, Aruni Singh, Sanjay K Singh and S K Singh” Face Recognition of Newborn using Intelligent Technique” National Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Agents: Theory and Applications (AIATA), December 9-11, 2011.
- Saurabh Upadhyay, Sanjay Kumar Singh, “Video Authentication: An Intelligent Approach”, In Proceedings of National Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Agents: Theory & Applications, December 09-11, 2011 (AIATA-2011).
- S. Bharadwaj, H.S. Bhatt, R. Singh, M. Vatsa, and S. K. Singh, “Face Recognition for Newborns: A Preliminary Study”, In Proceedings of International Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Applications and Systems, 2010 (Received the Best Poster Award).
- M. Vatsa, R. Singh, A. Noore, and S. K. Singh, “Belief Function Theory based Biometric Match Score Fusion: Case Studies in Multi-Instance and Multi-Unit Iris Verification”, In Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition, pp. 433-436, 2009.
- M. Vatsa, R. Singh, A. Noore, and S. K. Singh, “Quality Induced Fingerprint Identification using Extended Feature Set”, In Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Applications and Systems, 2008.
- R. Singh, M. Vatsa, A. Noore and S. K. Singh, “Age Transformation for Improving Face Recognition Performance”, In Proceedings of Second International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence, LNCS Vol. 4815, pp. 576-583, 2007.
- R. Singh, M. Vatsa, A. Noore and S. K. Singh, “Dempster Shafer Theory based Classifier Fusion for Improved Fingerprint Verification Performance”, In Proceedings of Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing, LNCS Vol. 4338, pp. 941-949, 2006
- S. C. Yadav and S. K. Singh, “Architectural aspects affecting the cluster performance”, In International ICT Conference 2006.
- S. C. Yadav and S. K. Singh, “AI tools and their applications for future power systems”, In Proceedings of International Conference on Challenges & Strategies for Sustainable Energy, Efficiency and Environment, 2006.
- S. C. Yadav and S. K. Singh, “Performance dependency of cluster nodes on underlying architecture of high performance computing environment”, In Proceedings of National Conference on Recent Trends in Information Systems, 2006.
- S. C. Yadav and S. K. Singh, “Changing organization culture: issues, problem and challenges”, In Proceedings of National Conference on Strategic Management in Developing Nations: Emerging Paradigm, 2006.
- S. K. Singh, M. Vatsa, R. Singh, and K. K. Shukla, “A comparative study of various face recognition algorithms”, In Proceedings of IEEE International Workshop on Computer Architecture for Machine Perception (IEEE CAMP’ 03), 2003.
- M. Vatsa, R. Singh, S. K. Singh and D.S. Chauhan, “Comparison of face recognition technology: neural network & line based approach”, In Proceedings of the International Conference on IEEE System, Man and Cybernetics (SMC’ 02), Vol. 6, pp. WA2H3:1-6, 2002.
- S. K. Singh, M. Vatsa, R. Singh, and D. S. Chauhan, “Automatic face recognition: A survey report”, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimedia and Design (ICMD’ 02), pp. 91 – 98, 2002.
- M. Vatsa, R. Singh and S. K. Singh, “Design and implementation of face recognition system”, In Proceedings of the 12th IAPR Portuguese Conference on Pattern Recognition (RECPAD’ 02), pp. P07 – P12, 2002.
- S. K. Singh, M. Vatsa, R. Singh, and D. S. Chauhan, “A comparison of face recognition algorithms (Feature based, Eigen based, Neural Network based approaches)”, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Systems (ICIS’ 02), 2002.
- M. Vatsa, R. Singh, S. K. Singh and R. B. Lokesh, “Image database for automatic face recognition”, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition and Image Processing (CVPRIP’ 02), pp. 704-707, 2002.
- S. K. Singh, M. Vatsa and R. Singh, “Neural network approach for selection of geo friendly instruments and its analysis”, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Quality, Reliability and Control (ICQRC’ 01), pp. 88 – 95, 2001.
- M. Vatsa, R. Singh and S. K. Singh, “Face recognizing robot”, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Generative Arts (GA’ 01), 2001 (electronic proceedings).
- M. Vatsa, R. Singh and S. K. Singh, “Face Recognition Technology: Comparison between feature based method and neural network based method”, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Technologies (InTech’ 01), 2001.
Patents Application
Sr. No |
Patent Title |
Name of Applicant(s) |
Application Number | Country |
Status |
1 |
A method and system for identifying cattle by combining unique identification of owner and cattle |
Sanjay Kumar Singh et. al. |
201711032865 [ LINK ] |
Application published |
2 |
A System And Method For Real-Time Cattle Recognition Using Muzzle Images |
Sanjay Kumar Singh et. al. |
201711008958 [ LINK ] |
Application published |
3 | A Biometric Based Method And System for Identifying an Infant |
Sanjay Kumar Singh et. al. |
201911008955 [LINK] |
Application published |
4 | A Biometric Based System and Method For Management of Pet Animal |
Sanjay Kumar Singh et. al. |
202011003639 [LINK] |
Application published |
5 | IoT-based pet dog health monitoring and kennel cough detection system |
P. Chanak, S. K. Singh, R. Sahu |
202021038607 [LINK] |
Application published |
Ph. D. Supervision
Sr. No | Research Scholar Name | Thesis Titles / Research Area | Status |
1 | Dr. Saurabh Upadhyay | Forensic investigation of digital surveillance videos for tamper detection | Awarded, 2012 |
2 | Dr. Shrikant Tiwari | Multimodal biometric recognition for newborn | Awarded, 2013 |
3 | Dr. Aruni Singh | Vitality detection for face recognition | Awarded, 2013 |
4 | Dr. Yogendra Narain Singh | Human recognition using electrocardiogram | Awarded, 2013 |
5 |
Dr. Subodh Srivastava |
Approaches for the design and development of an automatic CAD system for early breast cancer detection from mammograms | Awarded, 2014 |
6 | Dr. Sanjay Kumar Singh | Multidimensional computational approaches towards pain assessment | Awarded, 2016 |
7 | Dr. Ali Imam Abidi | Deformable image registration methodologies for thoracic image sequences | Awarded, 2016 |
8 | Dr. Santosh Kumar | Cattle recognition based on face and muzzle point features | Awarded, 2017 |
9 | Dr. Debanjan Sadhya |
Study and Design of secure and privacy preserving schemes for Biometric Templates | Awarded, 2017 |
10 | Dr. Durgesh Singh |
Effective digital image watermarking scheme for authentication restoration and copyright protection | Awarded, 2017 |
11 | Dr. Niraj Kumar Srivastava | Infants disease forecasting | Awarded, 2017 |
12 | Dr. Ramesh Chand Pandey | Passive forensic techniques for image and video tampering detection | Awarded, 2018 |
13 |
Dr. Deepanwita Dutta |
Enhancing the efficiency of text–image based tasks through multimodal solutions | Awarded, 2018 |
14 | Dr. Sandeep S. Udmale | Intelligent Computing Techniques for Vibration Data Analysis | Awarded, 2020 |
15 | Mr. Anshul | Time series Analysis using Machine Learning | Awarded, 2021 |
16 | Mr. Abhinav | Data Analytics using Machine Learning / Deep Learning | Awarded, 2021 |
17 | Mr. Aneesh G Nath | Vibration Data Analytics using Machine Learning | Awarded, 2021 |
18 | Ms. Anviti Pandey | Time series analytics using machine learning | In Progress |
19 | Mr. Ritesh Sharma | Medical Data Analytics using ML/ DL | In Progress |
20 | Ms. Vishakha Singh | Medical Data Analytics using ML/ DL | In Progress |
21 | Mr. Jaya Shankar | IoT Application in using ML/ DL | In Progress |
22 | Ms. Sakshi Ranjan | Medical Data Analytics using ML/ DL | In Progress |
Research Grants:
Ongoing Projects:
Sr. No | Project Title | Funding Agency | Grant (Rs.) | Duration | Role |
1 |
Intelligent system for computer-assisted diagnosis (CAD) of canine mammary tumours |
DBT, Ministry od Science and Technology, GOI | 60.91 Lac. |
2 Years |
Principal Investigator |
2 | Developing novel therapeutic strategies for mitigating antimicrobial resistance | NASF, GOI | 153.89 Lac | 3 Years | Principal Investigator |
Completed Projects:
Sr. No | Project Title | Funding Agency | Grant (Rs.) | Duration | Role |
1 | Selection of Geo Friendly Instruments and its Analysis | All India Council for Technical Education, India | Rs 9.00 Lac. |
2001-2003 |
Principal Investigator |
2 |
Fusion in Fingerprint Biometrics |
University Grant Commission |
Rs 8.43 Lac. |
2007-2010 |
Principal Investigator |
3 |
E-content development for Digital Video Processing |
Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India |
Rs 9.60 Lac. |
2010-2011 |
Principal |
Professional Activities
- Guest Editor:
- Information Security Solutions for Telemedicine Applications, IEEE Access, IEEE, 2018.
- Multimedia for Predictive Analytics, Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer, 2018.
- Advanced Techniques in Multimedia Watermarking, International Journal of Information and Computer Security, Inderscience, 2018.
- Robust and Secure Data Hiding Techniques for Telemedicine Applications, Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer, 2017.
- Reviewer for various journals of IEEE, ACM, Elsevier, Springer, etc.
- Reviewer for various International Conferences.
- Academic Advisor, and member of Board of Studies (BoS) at various institutes and universities.
- Delivered expert lectures at various seminars/workshops/training programmes.
- Provides the research guidance to students for innovative projects under Design Innovation Center, IIT (BHU), Varanasi.