Unnat Bharat AbhiyanEvent of Unnat Bharat Abhiyan IIT(BHU), Varanasi
The parental organization (Banaras Hindu University) of our Institute is actively involved in various activity like education, health, crafts, agriculture, medicine (traditional), folk culture, handicrafts, rural cultural resources (ancient and traditional knowledge resource) and environment.
IIT(BHU) will involve in counselling and providing the necessary technical inputs to the villagers specially youngsters for
- For preservation and promotion of rural crafts
- Vermicomosting
- Biobrickets
- Counselling for sanitation and hygiene
- Rain water harvesting
- Solar lights for community (schools, temples, etc.)
- Adult education
- To identify the need of villagers and take their inputs on the issues
- Forestation
- Drinking water quality
- Up gradation of ITI and Diploma holders
- Storage, package of local food(fruit, grains, vegetables, etc.) : value addition
- Decentralized gasifier
- Maintenance of electronic equipments
- To connect the local small industries and suggest methods for better efficiency
Villages Selected:
- Sarai Dangri (KV Block)
- Tikari (KV)
- Rajpur (Arajiline Block)
- Adma Pur (Sewapuri)
- Nagepur (Arajiline)
- Kaneri (Arajiline)
- Hardattpur (Arajiline)
- Gopalpur (Adalhat, Mirzapur)
- Bhaipur (Jamalpur, Mirzapur)
The following projects are in progress under Unnat Bharat Abhiyan above mentioned selected/adopted villages by teams of IIT(BHU) students :
- To identify guilds and small scale industries and Nagepur and Kaneri and to explore the possible means for improvement efficiency.
- To study the potable water quality of Tikari (KV Block) and its impact on health.
- To study the potable water quality in and around Sarai Dangri.
- To study the quality of water of all the hostels of IIT(BHU) at entry point.
- To identify the possible areas for rain water harvesting in Tikari.
- Counselling for sanitation and hygiene in Gopal Pur (Adalahat).
Prof. B.N. Rai
E-mail: bnrai.che@iitbhu.ac.in |
Associate Coordinator Dr. R.K. Chaturvedi E-mail: rkciit15@gmail.com |