- पुरस्कार एवं सम्मान
- संकाय भर्ती
- गैर-शैक्षणिक भर्ती
- शैक्षणिक लिंक
- आईसीसी
- आई-कार्ड
- जेईई (एडवांस)
- ज्ञान पृष्ठ
- राजभाषा
- क्यूआईपी केंद्र
- ग्रीष्मकालीन प्रशिक्षण 2019
- सुपर कंप्यूटिंग केंद्र
- पीजी प्रवेश
- इमपैनल्ड हॉस्पिटल
- एनआईआरएफ
- आरटीआई
- आर-एबीआई
- महत्वपूर्ण प्रमाण पत्र (वित्त / कर)
- वार्षिक प्रतिवेदन: 2017-18
- छुट्टी: 2018 2019
The University will seek not merely to turn out men as engineers, scientists, doctors, merchants, theologians but also as men of high character, probity and honour, whose conduct through life will show they bear the hall-mark of a great University.
Mahamana Pt. Madan Mohan Malaviya Ji -- The Founder
Mahamana Pt. Madan Mohan Malaviya Ji -- The Founder
A teaching university would but half perform its function if it does not seek to develop the heart-power of its scholars with the same solicitude with which it develops their brain-power. Hence it is that the proposed university has placed formation of character in youth as one of its principal objects.
Mahamana Pt. Madan Mohan Malaviya Ji -- The Founder
Mahamana Pt. Madan Mohan Malaviya Ji -- The Founder

- 18 Oct Rate Contract for financial year 2022-23. 15 Oct
- 14 Oct Prof. Rajnesh Tyagi has been appointed as the Chairman of the Anti Ranging Squad. 11 Oct
- 07 Oct Reconstituted Space Audit & Allocation Committee.
- 07 Oct पंडित मदन मोहन मालवीय कैंसर केंद्र और होमी भाभा कैंसर अस्पताल, वाराणसी का कैशलेश आधार पर सूचीकरण
- 03 Oct Regarding hostel accomondation for 11th Convocation.
- 30 Sep Announcement of Distinguished Alumnus/Alumnae Awards-2022.
- 19 Sep अवकाश पूर्व छुटटी आवेदन और उसकी स्वीकृति.
- 15 Sep Rolling Advertisement for Appointment of Faculty Positions at the level of Assistant professor.
- 09 Sep Invitation of rate of interest from public sector banks for the investment of surplus funds of IIT(BHU). 08 Sep
- 07 Sep Selected Library Trainee List for 2022-23 02 Sep 01 Sep
- 25 Aug Coordination Committee for Traning & Placement Cell
- 23 Aug Extension of Agreement with Apollo Pharmacy
- 14 Aug Flag Hoisting Ceremony on the occasion of the Independence Day i.e on 15th August,2022. 12 Aug
- 05 Aug Constitution of the committee for main workshop.
- 04 Aug News Clipping of Honorable PM regarding "Har Ghar Tiranga" Programme.
- 04 Aug List of applicants fulfilling/ not fulfilling minimum eligibility for the post of deputy registrar.
- 03 Aug Rescindment of the notification No.45/ 2017 & 47/2017 of MoF, GoI
- 01 Aug Consolidated list of Institute empanelled Hospital.
- 01 Aug Conventional Advertisement for the post of Associate Professor and Professor. 26 July
- 16 July IIT (BHU) Varanasi invites online applications from well qualified and meritorious Indian Nationals and Overseas Citizens of India (OCIs) for faculty positions at the level of Assistant Professor in its various Science & Engineering Departments and Interdisciplinary Schools.
- 15 July Gymkhana Council of the Institute for session 2022-23.
- 14 July Hostel allotment scheme for the students of IIT(BHU) for academic session 2022-23.
- 30 June Global Tender Enquiry(GTE) under rule 161(iv) of GFR- Departmental guidelines for seeking.
- 23 June Constitution of Precision Engineering Hub Committee.
- 23 June Constitution of the committee for main workshop.
- 17 June Central Public Information Officers (CPIO) and First Appellate Authority (FAA) under the RTI Act, 2005, for the section/unit/centre of IIT BHU.
- 14 June Regarding consolidate information related to Air Conditioner, Online UPS and Water Cooler with Purifier installed in the Department/Unit/Sections etc..
- 10 June Invitation of rate of interest from public sector banks for the investment of surplus funds of IIT(BHU). 08 June
- 02 June Invitation of rate of interest from public & private sector banks for the investment of surplus funds of IIT(BHU).
- 09 May Consolidated list of Institute empanelled Hospital.
- 06 May Reconstitution of furniture purchase committee. 04 May
- 22 April Advisory Committee for the Central Instrument Facility.
- 22 April Constitution of IPR Committee.
- 11 April Revision of the wages of manpower working in the Institute on daily wage.
- 11 April Revision of the existing rates of fixed remuneration of contractual workers.
- 11 April Notice dated regarding new Gate Pass format.
- 07 April Regarding availability of hostels during 10th convocation of institute on 10th April (Sunday) 2022. 07 April 06 April
- 04 April Regarding availability of hostels during 10th convocation of institute on 10th April (Sunday) 2022.
- 24 Mar 'राजभाषा भारती' पत्रिका में लेख छपवाने के संबंध में
- 16 Mar Invitation of rate of interest from public & private sector banks for the investment of surplus funds of IIT(BHU).
- 02 Mar Prof. (Mrs.) Siva Hemalatha has been appointed as Head of the Department of Pharmaceutical Engineering and Technology, w.e.f. 27.02.2022.
- 21 Feb Prof.Vikash Kumar Dubey shall continue to act as a Coordinator, School of Biochemical Engineering till futher orders.
- 18 Feb Contact detail of the vendor for any repair and maintenance of Air Conditioners in the Institute.
- 31 Jan Vacant apartments are available at GRTA and GTFRC
- 24 Jan Flag Hoisting Ceremony on the occasion of the Republic Day (26th Jan, 2022).
- 24 Jan Revision of rates of subscrption under Central Government Health Scheme due to revision of pay and allowances.
- 13 Jan Submission of Annual Immovable Property Return.
- 06 Jan IIT (BHU) Varanasi invites application from the faculty members of the Institute for MoRTH Chair. (Intranet)
- 04 Jan Notice regarding elected nominees of the Senate to the Board of Governors of IIT(BHU).
- 04 Jan Prof. Vikash Kumar Dubey, School of Biochemical Engineering has been appointed as Dean (Research & Development) w.e.f. 01.01.2022.
- 03 Jan Prof. Sanjay Kumar Pandey has been appointed as Head of the Department of Mathematical Sciences.
- 31 Dec BoG Resolution for revised Stores & Purchase Manual 2019.
- 31 Dec Prof. Rajesh Kumar, Department of Mechanical Engineering shall continue as the Chairman, Council of Wardens and Associate Dean (Student Affairs).
- 31 Dec Prof. L.P Singh, Department of Mathematical Sciences shall continue as the Dean (Student Affairs).
- 31 Dec Notification regarding continuation of Heads/ Coordinators.
- 31 Dec Prof. Rajeev Srivastava, Department of Computer Science & Engineering shall act as Head, Centre for Computing & lnformstion Services (CCIS) upto 31.12.2022
- 31 Dec Time schedule for the Submission or Orders and Bills, etc, for the Financial Year 2021-22.
- 30 DecNon- Formal Sanskrit Education at IIT (BHU) Varanasi
- 30 Decसंस्थान में चेयर प्रोफेसर/चेयर एसोसिएट प्रोफेसर पदों हेतु दिशानिर्देश के संबंध में 24 Dec 24 Dec
- 22 DecProf. Rajesh kumar and Ar. Indra Kumar Singh has been appointed Head and Joint head of Department of Architecture, Planning and Design
- 22 Decहिन्दी का कार्यसाधक ज्ञान प्राप्त करने के संबंध में
- 16 Decगलत बैंक विवरण के कारण भुगतान विफल होने के संबंध में
- 09 DecTime schedule for the Submission or Orders and Bills, etc, for the Financial Year 2021-22.
- 01 DecInvitation of rate of interest from public & private sector banks for the investment of surplus funds of IIT(BHU).
- 01 Decसंस्थान में दिनांक 03 दिसंबर, 2021 को आयोजित होने वाले हिन्दी कार्यशाला में सहभागिता के संबंध में ।
- 01 Dec Revision of the existing rates of fixed remuneration of contractual workers.
- 01 Dec Revision of the wages of manpower working in the Institute on daily wage.
- 18 Nov List of candidates shortlisted for interview for the post of Assistant Registrar.
- 12 Nov List of candidates shortlisted for appearing in Group Discussion for the post of Assistant Registrar.
- 05 Nov Section 206AB and Section 194Q of Income Tax Act., 1961 w.e.f 1st july, 2021 in the Institute.
- 01 Nov जीवन प्रमाण पत्र जमा करने के संदर्भ में /Life Certificate Form for all Pensioners/ Family Pensioners-reg.
- 01 Nov Submission of Self Declaration Form for the purpose of Income Tax for all Pensioners/Family Pensioners.
- 01 Nov Sponsored Project/ Scheme Purchase Committee. 27 Oct
- 22 Oct Vigilance Awareness Week 2021- will be observed in the Institute during 26th Oct, 2021 to 01st Nov, 2021.
- 18 Oct Public Feedback Week ARIIA 2021 Report.
- 29 Sep Consolidated list of Institute empanelled Hospital.
- 29 Sep Constitution of the committee for main workshop.
- 29 Sep Store & Purchase Manual of the Institute has been implemented of the Institute.
- 18 Sep Appointment of Finance Committee Members.
- 17 Sep Landline number 0542-2368004 will be available round the clock for any security related issues.
- 17 Sep Proposal for extension of service tenure of the daily wagers/ contractual employees.
- 16 Sep Invitation of rate of interest from public & private sector banks for the investment of surplus funds of IIT(BHU).
- 06 Sep Drawing and forwarding of Adjustment Bills related to CIF, Cafeteria, GTAC etc. on Form-5.
- 18 Aug The holiday on account of Muharram will be observed on 19.08.2021 (Thursday) in place of 20.08.2021 (Friday), as notified earlier.
- 18 Aug Reconstitution of Space Audit & Allocation Committee.
- 11 Aug Appointment of Head of Department of Electrical Engg, Chemistry Engg, .
- 11 Aug Extension of tenure of the Head, Department of Electronics Engineering.
- 11 Aug Committee reconstituted to look into the aspects of the Medical Reimbursement of the employees and pensioners.
- 05 Aug Invitation of rate of interest from public & private sector banks for the investment of surplus funds of IIT(BHU).
- 03 Aug Prof. Santosh Kumar has been appointed as Head of the Department of Mechnical Engineering w.e.f. 02.08.2021.
- 22 July Agreement between the Institute and following local Hospitals/Diagnostic Centre have been extended.
- 19 July Approval of Consultancy Testing Fund Beeak-up.
- 15 July Reconstitution of Furniture Purchase Committee .
- 13 July Gymkhana Council of the Institute for session 2021-22.
- 05 July Institute has arranged COVID-19 vaccination facility for employees and their family members.
- 29 Jun Reconstitution of Central Purchase Committee .
- 25 Jun List Of Applicants Shortlisted For The Post Of Registrar And Deputy Registrar.
- 23 Jun Extension of term of the Associate Dean (Academic Affairs).
- 11 Jun Invitation of rate of interest from public & private sector banks for the investment of surplus funds of IIT(BHU).
- 13 Apr Invitation of rate of interest from public & private sector banks for the investment of surplus funds of IIT(BHU).
- 26 Mar Room rent with single/double occupancy in Gandhi Technology Alumni Centre (GTAC) has been revised.
- 25 Mar Clinics empanelled to extend medical facilities to employees/pensioners of the Institute.
- 25 Mar Prof. Rajnesh Tyagai, Department of Mechanical Engineering shall act as Coordinator of the "Technology Innovation and Incubation Centre (TIIC )- IIT (BHU) Varanasi".
- 18 MarTechnology Challenge for Identifying and Promoting Solutions for Mitigating Ambient Air Pollution.
- 12 MarInvitation of rate of interest from public & private sector banks for the investment of surplus funds of IIT(BHU).
- 02 MarResidential Accommodation Allotment Committee for faculty members & Group 'A' officers has been reconstituted.
- 02 MarExtension of tenure of the Head, Department of Pharmaceutical Engineering.
- 23 FebGames and Sports facilities are partially extended initially for 15 days for observations.
- 18 FebRevised License Fee for GRTA' s Block 'A', 'B', & 'C' & GTFRC-reg.
- 11 FebInvitation of rate of interest from public & private sector banks for the investment of surplus funds of IIT(BHU).
- 10 FebDr. R.K. Singh, shall act as the Coordinator of the (GRTA) of the Institute.
- 08 FebProf. Sanjay Kumar Singh, Head, Department of Computer Science & Engineering is appointed as Coordinator of the Supercomputing facility (Supercomputer Center).
- 28 JanTime Schedule for the Submission of Orders and Bills, etc, for the Financial Year 2020-21.
- 21 JanFlag Hoisting Ceremony on the occasion of the Republic Day i.e on 26th Jan, 2021.
- 15 JanSubmission of Annual Immovable Property Return.
- 08 JanTime Schedule for the Submission of Orders and Bills, etc, for the Financial Year 2020-21.
- 01 Jan Notification regarding continuation of Heads/ Coordinators.
- 01 JanSponsored Project Purchase Committee.
- 01 JanSponsored Project Fund Breakfup.
- 01 Jan Policy document on Intellectual Property Right (IPR) and Technology Transfer.
- 01 Jan Vacation of Quarters of IIT pool by faculty and non-faculty members be forwarded only through Estates Office, IIT(BHU).
- 01 JanProf. Rajeev Srivastava, Department of Computer Science & Engineering shall act as Head, Centre for Computing & lnformstion Services (CCIS) w.e.f. 01.01.2021,
- 31 Dec Prof L.P. Singh, Department of Mathematical Sciences has been appointed as Dean (Student Affairs).
- 31 Dec Prof Rajesh Kumar, Department of Mechanical Engineering has been appointed as Associate Dean (Student Affairs).
- 31 Dec Appointment of Head of Department of Computer Science and Engg, Metallurgical Engg, Physics and Coordinator of Material Science and Technology.
- 30 Dec Invitation of rate of interest from public & private sector banks for the investment of surplus funds of IIT(BHU).
- 28 DecGTAC Management Committee has been reconstituted, it shall also look after the works related to IIT Cafetaeria and GRTA.
- 28 Dec BoG resolution, regarding Honorarium.
- 16 DecProf. Rajnesh Tyagi will hold additional charge of Coordinator, Malviya Centre for Innovation Incubation & Enterpreneurship (MCIIE).
- 16 DecProf. Rajnesh Tyagi, Dean (Faculty Affairs) will hold additional charge of Dean (Student Affairs) till the appointment of regular Dean (Student Affairs) or till further orders.
- 11 Dec 9th Convocation of the IIT (BHU), Varanasi.
- 11 Dec Online Certificate Diploma Course in Sanskrit will Commence from 25th Decimber, 2020 till May, 2021 10 Dec
- 10 DecRevised lists of candidates not fulfilling the minimum eligibility criteria/candidates shortlisted/ candidates not shortlisted for the post of Registrar
- 08 Dec Corrigendum To Notice dated 03.11.2020
- 01 Dec Appointment of Deans.
- 26 Nov Invitation of rate of interest from public & private sector banks for the investment of surplus funds of IIT(BHU).
- 26 Nov Preamble of the Constitution of India.
- 24 NovList of Online QIP-Short Term Courses for FY 2020-21.
- 16 NovExtension of special LTC package to the IITs-reg.
- 11 NovRegulation of leave during Lockdown period due to pandemic (COVID -19).
- 10 NovCaution against fraudulent offeres in the name of PFRDA/NPS.
- 03 NovList of not eligible and eligible candidates for the post of Registrar.
- 02 NovNotification regarding continuation of Heads/ Coordinators.
- 29 OctSubmission of Income Tax Self Declaration Form for all Pensioners/ Family Pensioners.
- 27 OctRevision of the existing rates of fixed remuneration of contractual workers.
- 27 OctRevision of the wages of manpower working in the Institute on daily wage. 22 Oct
- 20 OctConstitution of the Workshop Committee for Main Wrokshop of the Institute.
- 20 OctObesravation of Vigilance Awareness Week 2020 reg.
- 19 OctInvitation of rate of interest from public & private sector banks for the investment of surplus funds of IIT(BHU).
- 15 OctABCs of Information Security, National Cyber Security Awareness Month- October-2020.
- 13 OctLife Certificate Form for all Pensioners/ Family Pensioners-reg.
- 08 OctDr. Ajit Kumar Mishra, Associate Professor, Department of Humanistic Studies, IIT(BHU) has been appointed as Faculty Incharge, International Student Affairs.
- 01 OctInvitation of rate of interest from public & private sector banks for the investment of surplus funds of IIT(BHU).
- 30 SepExtension of tenure of the Head, Department of Computer Science and Engineering.
- 30 SepReconstitution of Teacher's Grievance Committee.
- 30 SepRevision of the existing rates of fixed remuneration of contractual workers.
- 30 SepRevision of the wages of manpower working in the Institute on daily wage.
- 28 SepList of selected candidates for advance admission (Pre-PhD) to QIP-PhD Program (2020-21).
- 23 SepSexual Harassment of women at workplace (prevention, prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013.
- 09 SepRegarding withdrawal of post of Assistant Registrar {Ref: Advt No.-01/2019-20}.
- 07 Sep Dr. Rakesh K. Singh, Associate Professor, Department of Physics IIT(BHU) has been designated as Faculty Advisior for the "Sakura Science Plan".
- 07 SepProf. M.K.mandal, Department of Chemical Engineering has been appointed as professor In-charge, Main Library and Prof. Santosh Kumar, Department of Mechnical Engineering has been appointed as professor In-charge, Main workshop.
- 29 AugInvitation of rate of interest from public & private sector banks for the investment of surplus fund of IIT (BHU).
- 28 AugDr. Kota Harinarayana appointed as Chairman, Board of Governors, IIT (BHU).
- 28 AugExtension of tenure of the Head, Department of Ceramic Engineering.
- 27 AugProf. Vinay Kumar Pathak, Vice-Chancellor, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow, UP has been nominated as Member to the BoG.
- 20 AugExtension of tenure of the Head, Department of Physics. 18 Aug
- 30 JulyExtension of tenure of the Head, Department of Computer Science and Engineering.
- 26 JuneList of not eligible and eligible candidates for the post of Deputy Registrar against Advt. No. 01/2019-20.
- 26 JuneProf. Vikash Kumar Dubey, School of Biomedical Engg and Prof. Santwana Mukhopadhyay, Department of Mathematical Sciences shall continue to discharge the work of Associate Dean of Academic Affairs for a further period of one year.
- 24 JuneVacant apartments are available at GRTA. Forms may be submitted by 30.06.2020.
- 24 JuneInvitation of rate of interest from public & private sector banks for the investment of surplus fund of IIT (BHU). 19 June
- 18 JuneRestriction on use of Institute Logo, Logo type & Name.
- 18 JuneCommittee reconstituted to look into the aspects of the Medical Reimbursement of the employees and pensioners.
- 16 JuneNodal Officer for COVID-19 Public Grievances.
- 13 MayInvitation of rate of interest from public & private sector banks for the investment of surplus fund of IIT (BHU).
- 06 MayProf. Rajnesh Tyagi, Associate Dean, Faculty Affairs will discharge the duties of Dean, Faculty Affairs with immediate effect, till further order.
Advertisement for Malviya Chair for Railway Technology at IIT(BHU), Varanasi. (Intranet)
Advertisement for IFFCO Chair Professor at IIT(BHU), Varanasi. (Intranet)
Advertisement for IFFCO Chair Professor at IIT(BHU), Varanasi. (Intranet)
Revised list of applicants shortlisted for the post of Deputy Registrar.
List of applicants shortlisted for various posts at IWD
List of applicants shortlisted for various posts at IWD
List of eligible and non-eligible candidates for the interview of Library Professional Trainee
date of interview
Application for the post of Junior Library Superintendent and Junior Library Assistant in Shreenivas Deshpande Library
Click Here to Apply
26 July
Call for Nominations for Distinguished Alumnus/Alumna Award 2022 Guidelines Nomination Form ( PDF
IIT (BHU) Varanasi invites application from the eligible candidates having expertise in the area of Software Development and other related areas for Jay Chaudhry Faculty Chair of Software Innovation for the software innovation centre to be established at IIT(BHU), Varanasi .The Last date of submission of application is 28th June, 2022.
For further details kindly visit Recruitment Section of DoFA page
Click Here to Apply
Special recruitment drive for sc/st/obc/ews/pwd candidates for appointment of faculty positions at the level of professor, associate professor & assistant professor.
Click Here to Apply
Advertisement for Jay Chaudhry Chair Professor of Software Innovation at IIT(BHU), Varanasi.
Click Here to Apply
Call for Nominations for Distinguished Alumnus/Alumna Award 2021 Guidelines Nomination Form ( PDF
27 OctUpdate for the earlier vacancy of Assistant Registrar. 1. CALL LETTER 2. LIST OF ELIGIBLE/NOT-ELIGIBLE CANDIDATES
20 SepRevised Stores & Purchase Manual of the Institute. Stores & purchase manual 2019 Tender documents
13 AugInviting application for allotment of accommodation in the Institute. Corrigendum-1 Corrigendum-2
24 DecVacant apartments are available at GRTA and GTFRC. Forms may be submitted by 05.01.2021 Corrigendum
Seeking Nominations for Distinguished Alumnus/Alumna Award, IIT (BHU), Varanasi. Guidelines Nomination Form ( PDF
- 23 AprRate Contract of various kinds of Office / Steel furniture / Computer furniture / Lab. furniture / Library furniture / Hostel furniture for financial year 2020-21.
- 13 AprBharat Padhe Online: Intensifying Online Education.
- 28 FebProf. S.K. Shrivastava, shall continue to act as Head, Department of Pharmaceutical Engineering & Technology for a further period of one year. 25 Feb
- 19 Feb Call ambulance, in case of medical emergency only.
- 19 FebOnline leave module for regular faculty members is now functional on ERP Portal.
- 12 FebIIT(BHU) has entered into Empanelment of Architects to carry out architectural and structural design & drawing works of various project.
- 11 FebOnline LTC module for faculty & non faculty staff has been completed and it is ready for implementation. 10 Feb
- 10 FebCommittee for Allotment of IIT Pool Quarters/Houses/Flats in GRTA will continue for one year or till further orders.
- 05 FebVacant apartments are available at GRTA and GTFRC. Forms may be submitted by 12.02.2020.
- 04 FebGST on Tender Processing Fees (Non-refundable).
- 04 FebProf. Rajnesh Tyagi, Deptt. of Mechanical Engg. and Prof. Shyam Bihari Dwivedi, Deptt. of Civil Engg. have been elected as nominees of the Senate to the Board of Governors of IIT (BHU).
- 31 JanInvitation of rate of interest from public & private sector banks for the investment of surplus fund of IIT (BHU).
- 29 JanThe classes scheduled on 29.01.2020 (Wednesday) afternoon will be supended and the same will be held om 08.02.2020 (Satureday). on account of alumni meet.
- 29 Janसंस्थान में राजभाषा से संबन्धित निम्न्लिखित बिन्दुओ पर आवश्यक कार्रवाई करने के संबंध में।.
- 21 Janसंस्थान में राजभाषा के प्रगामी प्रयोग से संबन्धित १ अक्टूबर , २०१९ से ३1 दिसम्बर , २०१९ को समाप्त तिमाही की प्रगति रिपोर्ट प्रेषित करने के सम्बन्ध में|.
- 21 JanReconstitution of Student Counselling Service (SCS).
- 15 JanMoU has been signed between IIT (BHU) and Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, GoI in Vigyan Bhawan to Establish MORTH Chair in IIT(BHU) to promote Road Safety & Research in Highway Sector. 04 Jan
- 09 JanAnnual Immovable Property Return to be submitted by Faculty members and other Officer/Staff of the Institute falling under Group ‘A’ & ‘B’.
- 09 Janसंस्थान में राजभाषा के प्रगामी प्रयोग से संबन्धित १ अक्टूबर , २०१९ से ३1 दिसम्बर , २०१९ को समाप्त तिमाही की प्रगति रिपोर्ट प्रेषित करने के सम्बन्ध में|
- 09 JanEmpanelment of M/S PARUL PATHOLOGY CLINIC, Naria Road, Lanka with the Institute, has been terminated w.e.f 03.12.2019,.
- 03 JanRegarding submission of documents(s) related to Rebate on Income Tax.
- 03 JanAppointment of Head of Department of Civil Engg, Chemical Engg. and Coordinator School of Biomedical Engg.
- 03 JanNo Objection Certificate (NOC) is required at the time of submission of application for outside employment.
- 03 JanInvitation of rate of interest from public & private sector banks for the investment of surplus fund of IIT (BHU). 29 Dec
- 20 Dec Prof P. K. Jain, Director, IIT(BHU) has been elected as a Fellow of the Indian National Academy of Engineering [FNAE].
- 20 DecDeclaration of holiday on 30.12.2019 (Monday) in lieu of opening of the Institute on 27.07.2019, on account of Orientation Program.
- 20 Dec Modified rate contract for hiring of vehicles for financial year 2019-20
- 18 DecTime Schedule for the Submission of Orders and Bills, etc. for the Financial Year 2019-20.
- 05 DecReconstitution of Proctorial Borad of the Institute.
- 05 DecReconstitution of the Building & Works Committee of the Institute.
- 05 DecRate contract for hiring of vehicles for financial year 2019-20
- 27 NovInvitation of rate of interest from public & private sector banks for the investment of surplus fund of IIT (BHU).
- 21 NovVacant apartments (SBRA/DBRA) are available at GRTA. Forms may be submitted by 28.11.2019
- 11 NovAuthorization of M/s S. Ranjan and Company Chartered Accountants for auditing of project accounts and issuance of UC/SE during the F.Y. 2019-20.
- 05 NovExcutive Council, BHU has nominated Prof. Anand Mohan, Member Excutive Council, BHU as Vice-Chairman on the Board of Governors of IIT (BHU).
- 31 OctRegarding availability of hostels during 8th convocation of institute on 07thNov. to 8th Nov. 2019.
- 30 OctProf. S.B. Dwivedi has been appointed as Dean (Academic Affairs) w.e.f 15/11/2019.
- 17 Oct"Integrity Pledge" will be organised on 28th Oct 2019 at 11:00 AM , in the Committee Room, 1st Floor Admin. Building.
- 17 OctVigilance Awareness Week, 2019 will be observed in the institute during 28th Oct. 2019 to 2nd Nov. 2019.
- 17 OctFormation of Purchase committee for 3D printers.
- 15 OctThe Life Certificate Form for all Pensioners/ Family Pensioners.
- 27 SepInvitation of rate of interest from public & private sector banks for the investment of surplus fund of IIT (BHU).25 SepQuality Improvement Programme (QIP) Admissions 2020-21.
- 23 SepSubmission of Income Tax Self Declaration Form for all Pensioners/ Family Pensioners. 13 Sep
- 12 Sep संस्थान के सभी विभागों/स्कूल/छात्रावासो/इकाइयों आदि के सफाई और स्वछता के साथ साथ ठोस अपशिष्ट पदार्थो के निस्तारण का कार्य मैसर्स लायन सिक्योरिटी गार्डस, लखनऊ को सौंपा गया है
- 12 SepIIT BHU is the 1st non-EU Member of European Solar Physics Online Seminars (ESPOS).
- 05 SepProf. Santosh Kumar, Department of Mechanical Engg. shall continue as Professor-Incharge, Main Library for a further period of one year.
- 05 SepMoU has been signed with CPWD to start three new infra projects in the campus: (i) Boys hostel (ii) Faculty apartments and (iii) Student Activity Centre (phase I).
- 03 SepProf. Vinay Kumar Singh has been appointed as Head of the Department of Ceramic Engineering w.e.f. 01.02.2019.
- 03 Sep Committee constituted to review and re-organize the Non Teaching Cadre of the Institute.
- 03 SepDr. Navin Upadhyay, Deputy Librarian, Main Library has been nominated as the Member Secretary of the Anti-Plagiarism Committee.
- 03 SepRevised Energy Charges and License Fee in GRTA .
- 30 AugRate Contract of Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract (CAMC)/Buyback/ Spares of all type of Air Conditioners.
- 29 AugRevision of the existing rates of fixed remuneration of contractual workers.
- 29 AugRevision of the wages of manpower working in the Institute on daily wage basis.
- 29 AugRe-constitution of "Space Audit & Allocation Committee.
- 29 Augसंस्थान में ०४ सितम्बर २०१९ को हिन्दी पखवाड़ा के उद्घाटन समारोह में आमंत्रण के संभंध में
- 27 AugInvitation of rate of interest from public & private sector banks for the investment of surplus fund of IIT (BHU).
- 21 AugThe holiday on account of Janmashtami will be observed on 23.08.2019 (Friday) in place of 24.08.2019 (Saturday), as notified earlier.
- 21 AugProvision for submission of medical reimbursement claim bills.
- 20 AugThe Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) of Apollo Pharmacy.
- 20 AugRegarding the use of Stock Register for all Non-Consumable Stores, Limited Time Stores, and Consumable Stores.
- 20 AugAir Conditioner should be installed with prior permission and under supervision of the electrical wing of IWD.
- 06 AugList of inadmissible medicines
- 06 AugReconstitution of the Anti-Plagiarism Committee.
- 06 Augसमस्त सुचनाये (बैठक, समिति का गठन, नियुक्ति इत्यादि) द्विभासी रूप में जारी करने के संबंध में I
- 01 AugNotification regarding vacant Institute Apartments/ BHU Quarters under IIT Pool.
- 31 JulyRe-constitution of building & works committee.
- 30 JulyCleaning & Sanitation work of various Departments/Sections/Offices/Units/Hostels of the Institute is being performed through outsourced agency.
- 26 Julyदिनांक 27-07-2019 (शनिवार) को संस्थान के विभाग/स्कूल/अनुभाग/इकाई खोलने के सम्बंध में
- 23 JulyNo research facility or laboratory be declared as National Research Center unless otherwise it is approved by the Competent Authority.
- 23 JulyModified Leave provisions in respect of faculty members.
- 17 July अंग्रेजी में प्राप्त पत्रों के उतर हिंदी में देने एवं हिंदी पत्राचार का प्रतिशत बढ़ाने के संबंध में .
- 16 July Reconstitution of Furniture Purchase Committee to carry out the Purchase of furniture by the Department/Schools.
- 16 July Invitation of rate of interest from public & private sector banks for the investment of surplus fund of IIT (BHU)
- 16 JulyDelegation of Financial Powers in respect of IWD and other offices of the Institute.
- 15 Julyसंस्थान में राजभाषा के प्रगामी प्रयोग से संबन्धित 1अप्रैल , २०१९ से ३0 जून , २०१९ को समाप्त तिमाही की प्रगति रिपोर्ट प्रेषित करने के सम्बन्ध में|.
- 15 JulyStatutes of the Institute regarding Private Trade or Employment.
- 15 JulyThe name of newly constructed Girls Hostel will be "IIT(BHU) Girls Hostel".
- 15 JulySalary bills of the Daily Wagers/Contractual Staff enrolled with EPFO are required submitted to salry section latest by the 2nd working day of the next month.
- 15 JulyThe extension of employee ward quota of IIT(BHU) be extended to employees of the IIT(BHU) who were appointed by BHU prior to 29th June, 2012.
- 10 JulyProf. Rajiv Prakash has taken charge of the office of Coordinator, CERD.
- 10 JulyAnti-Ragging Committee, Anti-Ragging Squad and Standing.
- 10 JulyConstitution of Central Purchase Committee.
- 10 JulyNotification Regard renaming of the hostel.
- 10 JulyAppointment of Associate Dean of Academic Affairs.
- 10 JulyGymkhana Council of the Institute for session 2019-20.
- 05 Julyसंस्थान में राजभाषा के प्रगामी प्रयोग से संबन्धित 1अप्रैल , २०१९ से ३0 जून , २०१९ को समाप्त तिमाही की प्रगति रिपोर्ट प्रेषित करने के सम्बन्ध में|.
- 28 JuneAgreement has been signed between M/s. Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd. & IIT(BHU) for providing air ticketing and other Services.
- 17 JuneAcademic Fees to the Freshers' of PG students for the Odd Semester 2019-20.
- 11 JuneReconstitution of Teacher's Grievance Committee.
- 23 MayRegarding submission of bills to Finance Sction for processing.
- 23 MayGuidelines for deciding seniority of Faculty and Non-Faculty staff of the Institute and decided as under.
- 23 MayThe Revision of Children Education Allowance, House Rent Allowance and Transport Allowance be implemented.
- 23 MayGazette Notification dated 31.04.2019 issued by the Ministry of Finance for enhancement of monthly constribution under the (NPS).
- 23 MayRe-imbursement of Children Education Allowance has been modified in terms of O.M. no. A27012/02/2017-Estt.(Al).
- 21 MayThe Board of Governors, IIT(BHU), has adopted the OM/letters of Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions/MHRD for implementation.
- 20 MayApproved list of AICTE sponsored QIP-Short Term Courses (2019-20) , IIT(BHU).
- 17 MaySelected Candidates for Advance Admission in Ph.D and M.Tech under QIP (2019-20).
- 09 MayConstitution of the Workshop Committee for Main Wrokshop of the Institute.
- 07 MayRequests/proposals seeking financial approval from competent authority without providing appropriate financial implications.
- 07 MayGST on Tender Processing Fees (Non-refundable).
- 06 MayAgripreneurship Orientation Program (Internship) for 2 months under RKVY-RAFTAAR scheme supported by Ministry of Agriculture, GoI.
- 03 MayInvitation of rate of interest from public & private sector banks for the investment of surplus fund of IIT (BHU).
- 03 MayManual for Procurement of Goods, 2017 and Manual for Procurement of Consultancy & other Services, 2017.
- 26 AprReconstitution of Furniture Purchase Committee to carry out the Purchase of furniture by the Department/Schools.
- 16 AprRegarding Submission of Condemnation Report.
- 16 AprProf. Pradeep Srivastava has been appointed as Chairman, IIT Cafeteria.
- 15 AprDeclaration of holiday on 07.10.2019 in lieu of opening of the Institute on 30.03.2019, on account of Students Parliament Election.
- 08 Aprकार्याकल में द्विभाषी हिंदी टंकण की-बोर्ड उपलब्ध कराने के संबंध में |.
- 08 Aprसंस्थान में राजभाषा के प्रगामी प्रयोग से संबन्धित १ जनवरी, २०१९ से ३१ मार्च, २०१९ को समाप्त तिमाही की प्रगति रिपोर्ट प्रेषित करने के सम्बन्ध में|
- 08 AprUtilization of 24 Air coolers at GTAC.
- 02 AprStudents' Parliament Election 2019-20.
- 02 Aprराजभाषा हिंदी से संबधित कार्यो हेतु एक कार्मिक (गैर - शैक्षणिक या शैक्षणिक ) को नामित किए जाने के संबंध में .
- 02 AprConduct of Govt. Audit on 'Risk Assessment'.
- 29 MarRegistration of Design Mentor for Smart India Hackathon 2019.
- 14 MarNotification regarding continuation of Heads/ Coordinators.
- 07 MarDeclaration of holiday on 22.03.2019 and 25.10.2019 in lieu of opening of the Institute on 09.02.2019 and 10.02.2019, on account of Institute Centenary Celebration.
- 07 MarWomen Grievance Cell shall be looked after by the Internal Complaints Committee constituted in pursuance of "The Sexual Harassment of women at workplace (prevention, prohibition and Redressal).
- 05 MarInstitute has been identified as one of the "Regional Coordinating Institute" to contribute in the implementation of Unnat Bharat Abhiyan.
- 05 MarNotification regarding implementation of revision of allowances of faculty, scientific/design and non-teaching staff of the Institute.
- 05 MarThe payment of wages to daily wager in different Departments/Section/Units/Hostels will be regulated in terms of Office Memorandum no.49019/1/95-Estt.-(c) dated 19.07.2017.
- 01 MarConsequent upon joining of Prof. S. K. Singh as Vice -Chancellor, BBAU, Lucknow, Prof. S. K. Shrivastava is appointed as Head, Dept of Pharmaceutical Engg and Technology.
- 28 FebInvitation of rate of interest from public & private sector banks for the investment of surplus fund of IIT (BHU).
- 13 FebMessages of Prime Minister for Centenary Celebration of IIT (BHU), Varanasi.
- 11 FebNotification regarding the submission of Immovable Property Return by the Group 'A' and 'B' employees of the autonomous bodies.
- 09 FebCentenary Celebrations-Inaugural Function, 9th February 2019.
- 07 FebInstitute will remain open on 09th February 2019 (Saturday) and 10th February 2019 (Sunday) like any other working day, on account of Centenary celebration.
- 07 FebImplementation of revision of allowances of faculty, scientific/design and non-teaching staff of the Institute.
- 01 FebTime Schedule for the Submission of Orders & Bills, etc. for the year 2018-19.
- 01 FebNotification regarding Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Cameras installed at various places in the Institute.
- 01 FebDigital Launch of Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA) Projects by Hon'ble Prime Minister on 3rd February 2019 .
- 30 JanInvitation of rate of interest from public & private sector banks for the investment of surplus fund of IIT (BHU).
- 29 JanPariksha Pe Charcha 2.0 (Pariksha ki Baat PM ke Sath).
- 24 JanFlag Hoisting Ceremony on the occasion of the Republic Day i.e on 26th Jan, 2019. 22 Jan
- 22 JanInformation for vacation of Quarters of IIT pool by faculty and non-faculty.
- 15 JanDIC Boot Camp Programme (17th Jan. 2019 to 27th April 2019).
- 15 JanEmpanelment of two Super Speciality Hospitals outside Varanasi.
- 15 JanNotification regarding procurement of Good and or Services on GEM.
- 03 Janसंस्थान में राजभाषा के प्रगामी प्रयोग से संबन्धित १अक्टूबर, २०१८ से ३1 दिसंबर, २०१८ को समाप्त तिमाही की प्रगति रिपोर्ट प्रेषित करने के संबंध में|.
- 03 JanInstitute level Standing Committee has been constituted to consider the recommendation of Departmental Condemnation Committees for condemned/obsolete articles.
- 01 JanRegarding submission of documents(s) related to Rebate on Income Tax.
- 28 DecInvitation of rate of interest from public & private sector banks for the investment of surplus fund of IIT (BHU).
- 26 DecVolume 3, Issue 2 The Institute Newsletter, September 2018.
- 19 DecConstitution of Committee to look into the aspects of Medical Reimbursement.
- 19 DecCommittes for Allotment of IIT Pool Quarters/Houses and Flats in GRTA.
- 19 DecProcedure for booking of Air tickets on LTC- Compliance of Instruction reg.
- 15 DecNotification regarding prior permission before leaving the station.
- 12 Dec7th Convocation of the Institute will held on 29 Dec, 2018.
- 12 DecMaximum admissible Casual leave.
- 10 DecRe-constitution of Institute Works Committee.
- 10 DecImplementation of Government e-marketplace(GEM) process.
- 07 DecRegistation of the Institute with GFR (2017).
- 07 Dec procurement of furniture in case of urgent requirement.
- 04 DecGST on Tender Fees/Tender Processing Fees (Non-refundable) and on penalty in case of violation of terms of contract.
- 24 NovRe-constitution of Institute Works Committee.
- 24 NovConstitution of Students Counselling Servics(SCS).
- 12 Nov Invitation of rate of interest from public & private sector banks for the investment of surplus fund of IIT (BHU)
- 05 Nov निविदा सूचना (टेंडर नोटिस ) द्विभाषी रूप में जारी करने के संबंध में |
- 01 Nov The Institute shall observe Five-Day week from 1st January, 2019.
- 31 Oct Reconstitution of Furniture Purchase Committee to carry out the Purchase of furniture by the Department/Schools.
- 29 Oct "Integrity Pledge" during Vigilance Awareness Week- 2018-reg.
- 29 OctObservation of Vigilance Awareness Week- 2018-reg.
- 29 Oct Committee constiuted for "Space Audit and Allocation".
Election of the Parliamentarians for the Student's Parliament 2020-21. Annexure-I Annexure-II
Annexure-III Annexure-IV
Institute is considering to grant the House Building Advance (HBA) within the resources available. Application Form House Building Advance (Rules)
10 Feb
Institute is considering to grant the advance for purchase of Personal Computer within the resources available. Application Form Eligibility Criteria Rules
Advertisement for Leave vacancies in the Administrative Sector Last date:24.01.2020 Application Form Corrigendum Corrigendum-2
Circular regarding income tax (F.Y.2019-20)
Click here to fill self declaration form (F.Y. 2019-20) Corrigendum Dated: 26.09.2019
- 29 Oct Committee constiuted for "Manpower Audit".
- 27 OctCommittee on Anti-Plagiarism.
- 24 Octसंस्थान में राजभाषा के प्रगामी प्रयोग से संबन्धित १ जुलाई २०१८ से ३० सितंबर, २०१८ को समाप्त तिमाही की प्रगति रिपोर्ट प्रेषित करने के संबंध में|
- 24 OctAbesntee Statement/leave records in respect of Faculty and Non-faculty membars of the Institute.
- 15 OctClosing and opening time of barricades.
- 15 Oct Empanelment of 4 Super Speciality Hospitals outside Varanasi for providing treatment facility.
- 12 OctSubmission of life certificate, certificate of Re-marriage etc. To the pension section of the institute.
- 12 OctSubmission of life certificate, certificate of Re-marriage etc. To the pension section of the institute.
- 12 OctSubmission of Self Declaration Form for the purpose of Income Tax.
- 12 OctExemption for Air Travel in Airlines other than Air India in Individual cases.
- 12 Octसंस्थान में राजभाषा के प्रगामी प्रयोग से संबन्धित १ जुलाई २०१८ से ३० सितंबर, २०१८ को समाप्त तिमाही की प्रगति रिपोर्ट प्रेषित करने के संबंध में|
- 12 OctOrganising conference/Seminars.
- 12 Oct Act of indiscipline within the campus.
- 12 Oct Organising co-curricular/extra-curricular activities by students.
- 12 OctInviting public figures in departmental Conferences, Seminars, Social events etc.
- 12 Oct Formalizing distinguished alumnus awards, research and centenary awards etc.
- 04 Octसंस्थान में राजभाषा के प्रगामी प्रयोग से संबन्धित १ जुलाई २०१८ से ३० सितंबर, २०१८ को समाप्त तिमाही की प्रगति रिपोर्ट प्रेषित करने के संबंध में|
- 03 OctInvitation of rate of interest from public & private sector banks for the investment of surplus fund of IIT (BHU)
- 01 OctApplicability of Tax deducted at source (TDS) under GST as specified u/s 51(1) of CGST Act. 2017
- 06 Sepतकनीकी शिक्षा में राजभाषा हिन्दी का योगदान एवं चुनौतियाँ विषय पर निबंध प्रतियोगिता आयोजित करने के संबंध में |
- 27 Sep Withdrawal of existing rate contract. GFR 2017
- 24 Sep Utilisation of CPDA
- 24 SepDr.Puneet kumar Bindlish, has been appointed as Faculty Incharge, Alumni Affairs
- 12 Sepसंस्थान में 14 सितंबर 2018 को आयोजित होने वाले हिन्दी दिवस समारोह में आमंत्रण के संभंध में |
- 10 Sepराजभासा हिन्दी के अधिकाधिक प्रयोग हेतु निदेशक महोदय की अपील
- 06 Sep Reimbursement of Mobile charges to faculty members.
- 01 SepInvitation of rate of interest from public & private sector banks for the investment of surplus fund of IIT (BHU)
- 03 OctThe holiday on account of Muharram will be observed in the Institute on 21.09.2018 (Friday) in place of 20.09.2018 (Thursday), as notified earlier.
- 19 SepThe holiday on account of Muharram will be observed in the Institute on 21.09.2018 (Friday) in place of 20.09.2018 (Thursday), as notified earlier.
- 06 SepProf. Santosh Kumar, Department of Mechanical Engineering has been appointed as Professor-in-Charge, Main Library of the Institute in place of Dr. S.K.Gupta, Chairman Senate Library Committee for a period of one year.
- 01 SepSenate Undergraduate Committee (SUGC) and Senate Postgraduate Committee (SPGC) for the session 2018-19.
- 01 Sepहिंदी पखवाड़ा का आयोजन दिनांक 01 -09 -2018 से 15 -09 -2018 तक |
- 01 Sepसितंबर 01, 2018 को हिंदी पखवाड़ा के उद्घाटन समारोह में आमंत्रण के सन्दर्भ में |
- 01 SepRevised guidelines for utilisation of CPDA.
- 23 Aug Commencement of Non-Formal Sanskrit Education at iitbhu from aug.31, 2018 to april 2019.
- 21 AugCircular regarding income tax (F.Y.2018-19) Click here to fill self declaration form (F.Y. 2018-19)
- 20 AugThe holiday on account of Id-ul-Zuha (Bakrid) will be observed in the Institute on 22.08.2018 (wednesday) in place of 21.08.2018 (Tuesday).
- 17 AugDue to sad demise of Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee,former Prime Minister of India on 16.08.18, the Government of India, has decided that SEVEN days of State mourning from 16.8.2018 to 22.8.2018.
- 17 Aug Delegation of financial powers in respect of institute works departments and other offices of the institute.
- 17 Aug Enhancement of sitting fee for all the external experts/members.
- 16 Aug Grant for the House Building Advance(HBA) within the resources available.
- 16 Aug Grant for the purchase of Personal Computer within the resources available.
- 16 Aug Modalities for submission of GST for imparting training to the employees.
- 16 Aug Modalities for submission of GST for imparting training to the employees.
- 14 Augहिंदी अधिकारी / राजभाषा अधिकारी का अतिरिक्त प्रभार दिए जाने के सन्दर्भ में सूचना ।
- 14 Aug Nomination of members of the Board of Governors IIT(BHU)
- 17 AugThe Institute will observe half-day holiday today on 17.8.18 (Afternoon) to pay homage to Shri. Atal Bihari Vajpayee, formar Prime Minister of India.
- 10 Aug Reimbursement of Mobile charges to faculty members.
- 10 Aug Installation of Air Conditioner for faculty members.
01 Sep
Invitation of applications for B.Tech./B.Pharm. Students of 2014 batch. for Gold Medals Download Application Form
संगोष्ठी एवं सम्मेलन और
- Sep 23 - Sep 27 | 2022Colllboration with IIT Roorkee and IEEE, U.P. section organizing Faculty Development Program on Materials Characterisation
- Sep 09 | 2022One-day workshop on “Introduction to Computational Neuroscience”
- Oct 12 | 2022Smart Power Flow Controllers- A Necessity for Future Power Grid
- Oct 11 - Oct 15| 2022Ministry of Heavy Industries (MHI) Sponsored 05 Days Workshop on Smart Manufacturing & Industry 4.0
- Nov 18 - Nov 20| 2022Capacity building training program for academicians of east zone of Uttar Pradesh, India
- Dec 19 - Dec 22| 2022 Conference Flyer : ICNAAO & NMD-2022 (International Conference on Nonlinear Applied Analysis and Optimization)
- May 22 - May 29| 2022Artificial Intelligence In Drug Discovery: Quickening The Pace From Bench To Bedside
- Online refresher course in pharmacy for higher education, by Department of Pharmaceutical Engineering & Technology, IIT (BHU) - Registration OPEN Youtube link
- Feb 23 | 2022One Day National Workshop (Online-Mode) On“Development of Ti alloy based composites by mechanical alloying and stirrer casting route for dental applications”
- February/March (Online) | 2022 Online Course module on Electric Vehicles and their Ecosystem
- Jun 01 - Jun 14| 2022Two-week online job oriented course on Industrial CAD-CFD-FEM-Writing
- July 23 - July 25| 2022B:FAT 2020 : THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BEYOND FOSSIL FUELS : The Future of Alternative Energy Technologies
- July 15 - July 30| 2022 Leaflet of Skill Development and Training on Renewable Energy Equipments
- July 11 - Aug 10| 2022 VRITIKA internship program on A Secured Smart Metering System using LoRa Network
- July 16 - Aug 21| 2022Global Online Certification Course on DATA – DRIVEN SUPPLY CHAIN TRANSFORMANTION Click here for more details
- Aug 22 - Aug 28| 2022 Advanced Statistical and Machine Learning Models
महत्वपूर्ण लिंक