Heat Transfer Lab
Many industrial processes are assisted either with addition or removal of heat ejection and the performance of these processes is affected through heat transfer. Therefore, the understanding the rate of heat transfer is essential in designing various heat transfer units. The purpose of this lab is to familiarize the undergraduate students with basic heat transfer principles so that they are able to run the equipments smoothly.
- Conduction through Composite Wall
- Thermal Conductivity Measurement Apparatus
- Natural/ Forced Convection Unit
- Heat Transfer in Agitated Vessel
- Plate Heat Exchanger
- Heat Transfer in Laminar Flow
- Heat Transfer in Turbulent Flow
- Thermal Radiation Unit
- Boiling Heat Transfer Uni
- Shell Tube Heat Exchanger

Mass Transfer Lab
Many industrial processes are assisted either with addition or removal of heat ejection and the performance of these processes is affected through heat transfer. Therefore, the understanding the rate of heat transfer is essential in designing various heat transfer units. The purpose of this lab is to familiarize the undergraduate students with basic heat transfer principles so that they are able to run the equipments smoothly.
- Wetted Wall Column
- Vapor-Air Diffusion Apparatus
- Gas/Liquid Absorption Column
- Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium Apparatus
- Steam Distillation Unit
- Liquid/Liquid Extraction Unit
- Rotary drier
- Fluid Bed Drier
- Packed bed distillation Unit
- Crystallization (Seeding and without seeding)

Fluid Flow Lab
The Fluid Flow Operation Lab is designed to study the properties of compressible /incompressible fluids. The laboratory is also well equipped with centrifugal pumps and flow measuring devices in pipes. This laboratory is primarily used for undergraduate students to demonstrated fluid flow experiments. Sometimes graduate and undergraduate use this lab for their research projects.
- Reynolds Apparatus
- Friction in Orifice Meter
- Friction in Circular Pipe Apparatus
- Equivalent Length of Pipe Fittings
- Flow through Venturi Meter
- Characteristics of Centrifugal Pump
- Bernouli's Apparatus,
- Fluidized Bed Apparatus
- Packed bed distillation Unit
- Crystallization (Seeding and without seeding)

Mechanical Operations Lab
This laboratory is designed to provide an introduction of various mechanical operations used in Metallurgical and Mining industries. This laboratory course emphasizes on understanding the basic principles and operation of the equipment rather than detail design.
- Ball Mill
- Froth Floatation Cell
- Jaw Crusher
- Roll Crusher
- Plate and Frame Filtration
- Rotary Drum Vacuum Filter
- Screening,
- Cyclone Separator
- Sedimentation
- Leaf Filter

Energy Resources Lab

Industrial Pollution Control Lab
Chemical Reaction Engineering Lab
Chemical Reaction Engineering laboratory provides a “hands on experience” that is necessary for understanding the theory learnt in the classroom. All experiments are designed in such way that students can learn the chemical kinetics and operation of various reactors. The experiments are performed either at steady or dynamic conditions. Sometimes the reactors are also operated using computer.
- Packed bed reactor
- Trickle bed reactor
- RTD studies in CSTR
- RTD studies in plug flow reactor
- Cascade CSTR
- Adiabatic batch reactor
- Batch Reactor
- Semi Batch Reactor
- Combined CSTR and PFR
Instrumentation Control Lab
Chemical Technology Lab
The undergraduate students of Chemical Engineering perform experiments related to synthesis and analysis of various compounds. The B.Tech. Ist year students get familiarised to the Chemical Engineering practices whereas B.Tech. IVth year students perform experiments related to polymer science and technology.
- Viscometer
- Polylab (melding machine)
- Furness
- Incubator
- Shaker
Computer Lab
The computer laboratory was created to allow the students of the department to learn and develop computational skills. At present it has 69 computers and two servers. Simulation laboratory for final year B.Tech. courses are held in the laboratory.
- Mathematica
- StarCD
- Fluent
- Aspen Plus
- ChemCad

Sophisticated Instruments Laboratory