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Dr. Bhola Nath Pal is an associate professor of School of Material Science and Technology, IIT(BHU). He did his M. Sc. (Physics) from University of Calcutta (2000) and PhD from Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science (2005). He was post doctoral fellow at Johns Hopkins University, USA (2006-2009), Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA (2009-2013) and at University of Queensland, Australia (2013-2014) before he joined in IIT(BHU) in 2014. He has published more than 60 papers in peer reviewed international journals and having three US and one Indian patents.
2. Optoelectronics devices,
3. Nanoelectronics,
4. 0D and 2D nanostructure materials and devices
5. Photoelectrochemical H2 generation
Ongoing Projects
S.No. | Title | Cost in Lakh | Project start date | Duration | Role as PI/CoPI | Agency |
Development of high performance, CMOS compatible and colour selective narrow-band photodetector for high-resolution imaging application | 67.14 | 31/01/20 | 36 months | PI | SERB |
2. | Development of low-voltage, low-power, colloidal quantum dot light-emitting transistors for next generation display technology | 55.52 | 09/09/16 | 36 months | PI | SERB |
Fabrication of low power-high brightness alternating current polymer electroluminescence device | 15.00 | 4/01/2016 | 24 months | PI | IIT(BHU) |
Seamless Synthesis of large-area 2D transition metal di-chalcogenide semiconductors and their applications in next-generation high-performance optoelectronic devices |
49.9 | 21/11/17 | 36 months | Co-PI | SERB |
Google Scholar page: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=I0z0uHoAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao
Selected Publications:
- Nila Pal, Baishali Thakurta, Rajarshi Chakraborty, Utkarsh Pandey, Vishwas Acharya Sajal Biring, Monalisa Pal, and Bhola N. Pal, Application of Microwave Synthesized Ultra-smooth a-C Thin Film for the Reduction of Dielectric/Semiconductor Interface Trap States of an Oxide Thin Film Transistor, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2022 (Accepted)
- Piyali Maity, Satya Veer Singh, Anup K. Ghosh and Bhola N. Pal, Highly sensitive broadband photodetector based on PbI2 passivated CdS:Mn Quantum Dots with spectrally flat response, J. Phys. Chem. C 2022 (Accepted)
- N. K. Chourasia, A. Sharma, N. Pal, S. Biring, B. N Pal, Dielectric/Semiconductor Interfacial p‐Doping: A New Technique to Fabricate Solution‐Processed High‐Performance 1 V Ambipolar Oxide Transistors, physica status solidi (RRL), 2020 , 14, 2000268
- S. V. Singh, U. Gupta, B. Mukherjee, B. N Pal, Role of electronically coupled in situ grown silver sulfides (Ag2S) nanoparticles with TiO2 for the efficient photoelectrochemical H2 evolution, Int. J. Hydrog. Energy, 2020, 45 (55), 30153-30164
- SV Singh, MP Kumar, S Anantharaj, B Mukherjee, S Kundu, BN Pal, Direct evidence of an efficient plasmon-induced hot-electron transfer at in situ grown Ag/TiO2 interface for highly enhanced solar H2 generation, ACS Appl. Energy Mater., 2020, 3 (2), 1821-1830
- A. Sharma, N. K. Chourasia, N. Pal, S. Biring and B. N. Pal, Role of electron donation of TiO2 gate interface for developing solution processed high-performance one-volt metal oxide thin film transistor using ion-conducting gate dielectric, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2019 123 (33), 20278-20286
- P. Maity, S. V. Singh, S. Biring, B. N. Pal, A. K Ghosh, Selective near infrared (NIR) sensitive photodetector fabricated with colloidal CdS: Co quantum dots, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2019, 7, 7725-7733
- N K Chourasia, A Sharma, V Acharya, N Pal, S Biring, B. N Pal, Solution processed low band gap ion-conducting gate dielectric for low voltage metal oxide transistor, J Alloys Compd. 2019, 777, 1124-1132
- A. Paliwal, S. V. Singh, A. Sharma, S. Liu, S. Biring and B. N. Pal, Microwave-Polyol Synthesis of Sub-10 nm PbS Nano-crystals for Metal Oxide/Nanocrystal Heterojunction Photodetectors, ACS Appl. Nano Mater., 2018, 1, 11, 6063-6072
- G. S.Kenath, R.Mahadevu, A. Sharma, V. K. Gangwar, S. Chatterjee, A. Pandey, and B. N. Pal, 2018. Shell Thickness Dependent Tunable Threshold Voltage Single Quantum Dot Rectification Diode. J. Phys. Chem. C,2018.122(5), pp3176-3181.
- A. Sharma, N. K. Chourasia, A. Sugathan, Y. Kumar, S. Jit, S. W. Liu, A. Pandey, S. Biring, and B. N. Pal, 2018. Solution processed Li 5 AlO 4 dielectric for low voltage transistor fabrication and its application in metal oxide/quantum dot heterojunction phototransistors. J. Mater. Chem. C., 2018,6,pp790-798.
- G. S. Kenath, P. Maity, Y. Kumar, H. Kumar, V. K. Gangwar, S. Chaterjee, S. Jit, A. K. Ghosh, and B. N. Pal, Single quantum dot rectifying diode with tunable threshold voltage J. Mater. Chem. C, 5 (37), pp.9792-9798.
- Il Ku Kim, B. N. Pal, Mujeeb Ullah, Paul L. Burn, Shih-Chun Lo, Paul Meredith and Ebinazar B. Namdas, High-Performance, Solution-Processed Non-polymeric Organic Photodiodes (2014), Adv. Optical Mater. 2015, 3, 50–56 (Cover page article).
- K. Muhieddine, M.Ullah, B. N. Pal, P. Burn, and E. B. Namdas, All Solution-Processed, Hybrid Light Emitting Field Effect Transistors, Adv. Mater. 2014, 26, 6410–6415 (Cover page article).
- B. N. Pal, Y. Ghosh, S. Brovelli, R. Laocharoensuk, Victor. I. Klimov, J. Hollingsworth, H. Htoon, “Giant' CdSe/CdS core/shell nanocrystal quantum dots as efficient electroluminescent materials: Strong influence of shell thickness on light-emitting diode performance”, Nano Lett., 12 (1), pp 331–336, 2012
- B. N. Pal, I. Robel, A. Mohite, R. Laocharoensuk D. Werder, and V. I. Klimov “High-Sensitivity p-n Junction Photodiodes Based on PbS Nanocrystal Quantum Dots”, Adv. Funct. Mater., 22, 1741-1748, 2012
- B. N. Pal, B. M. Dhar, K. See, and H. E. Katz, “Solution-deposited sodium beta-alumina gate dielectrics for low-voltage and transparent field-effect transistors”, Nature Materials, 8, 898-903, 2009, News and View: “OXIDE DIELECTRICS A change of direction” H Klauk, Nature Materials, 8, 853-854, 2009.
- B. N. Pal, J. Sun, B. J. Jung, and H. E. Katz, “Pentacene-Zinc Oxide Vertical Diode with Compatible Grains and 15-MHz Rectification”, Adv. Mater., 20, 1023, 2008.
- B. N. Pal, P. Trottman, J. Sun, H.E. Katz, “Solution-deposited Zinc oxide and Zinc oxide/Pentacene Bilayer Transistors: High Mobility n-Channel, Ambipolar and Nonvolatile Devices”, Adv. Funct. Mater., 18, 1832, 2008.
Complete List of Publication
- Nila Pal, Baishali Thakurta, Rajarshi Chakraborty, Utkarsh Pandey, Vishwas Acharya Sajal Biring, Monalisa Pal, and Bhola N. Pal, Application of Microwave Synthesized Ultra-smooth a-C Thin Film for the Reduction of Dielectric/Semiconductor Interface Trap States of an Oxide Thin Film Transistor, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2022 (Accepted)
- Piyali Maity, Satya Veer Singh, Anup K. Ghosh and Bhola N. Pal, Highly sensitive broadband photodetector based on PbI2 passivated CdS:Mn Quantum Dots with spectrally flat response, Piyali J. Phys. Chem. C 2022 (Accepted)
- Vishwas Acharya, Nila Pal, Anand Sharma, Utkarsh Pandey, Sajal Biring and Bhola N. Pal, Solution processed low operating voltage SnO2 thin film transistor by using Li2SnO3 gate dielectric, Under minor revision in Mater. Sci. Eng. B
- Prashant Kumar Gupta, Utkarsh Pandey, Bhola N. Pal, Amritanshu Pandey, Low Cost Solution-Processed MoS2 Quantum Dots-based Deep-UV Photodetector for Monitoring Disinfection, IEEE Electron Dev. Lett. 2022, 69, 2474-2480
- Utkarsh Pandey, Nitesh K. Chourasia, Nila Pal, Sajal Biring and Bhola N. Pal, Functional dielectric properties of solution-processed lithium indium tin oxide (LiInSnO4) and its application as a gate insulator of a low voltage thin film transistor, IEEE Electron Dev. 2022, 69 (3), 1077-1082
- Nila Pal, Utkarsh Pandey Sajal Biring and Bhola N. Pal, Solution Processed Low Voltage Metal-Oxide transistor by using TiO2 /Li-Al2O3 stacked Gate Dielectric, J. Mater. Sc. Mater. Electron., 2022, 33, 9580-9589
- Satya Veer Singh, Urwashi Gupta, Sajal Biring, Bratindranath Mukherjee, and Bhola N. Pal, In-Situ Grown Nanoscale p-n Heterojuction of Cu2S-TiO2 Thin Film for Efficient Photoelectrocatalytic H2 Evolution, Surface and Interfaces 2022, 28, 10166
- Chih-Yi Liu, Moumita Deb, Annada Sankar Sadhu, Riya Karmakar, Ping-Tsung Huang, Yi-Nan Lin, Cheng-Shane Chu, Bhola Nath Pal, Shih-Hsin Chang, Sajal Biring, Resolving Cross-Sensitivity Effect in Fluorescence Quenching for Simultaneously Sensing Oxygen and Ammonia Concentrations by an Optical Dual Gas Sensor, Sensors, 2021, 21, 6940
- Piyali Maity, Shiv Kumar, Ravi Kumar, SN Jha, D Bhattacharyya, SR Barman, Sandip Chatterjee, Bhola N Pal, Anup K Ghosh, Role of Cobalt Doping in CdS Quantum Dots for Potential Application in Thin Film Optoelectronic Devices, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2021, 125 (3), 2074-2088
- AK Singh, NK Chourasia, BN Pal, A Pandey, P Chakrabarti, A Proposed All ZnO Based Thin Film Transistor For UV-B Detection, 2020, IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 32 (24), 1548-1551
- B. Kumar, S. V. Singh, A. Chattopadhyay, S. Biring, B. N. Pal, Scalable Synthesis of a Sub-10 nm Chalcopyrite (CuFeS2) Nanocrystal by the Microwave-Assisted Synthesis Technique and Its Application in a Heavy-Metal-Free Broad-Band Photodetector, ACS Omega, 2020, 5, 25947–25953
- N. K Chourasia, V. K Singh, A. Sharma, A. Srivastava, B. N Pal, Lithography-free fabrication of low operating voltage and large channel length graphene transistor with current saturation by utilizing Li+ of ion-conducting-oxide gate dielectric, AIP Adv. 2020, 10, 085313
- S. V. Singh, A. Sharma, S. Biring, B. N Pal, Solution processed Cu2S/TiO2 heterojunction for visible-near infrared photodetector, Thin Solid Films 710 (2020) 1382752
- N. K Chourasia, A. K. Singh, S. Rai, A. Sharma, P Chakrabarti, A. Srivastava and B. N Pal, A Lithography-Free Fabrication of Low-Operating Voltage-Driven, Very Large Channel Length Graphene Field-Effect Transistor With NH3 Sensing Application, IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, 2020, 67 (10), 4385-4391
- N. K. Chourasia, A. Sharma, N. Pal, S. Biring, B. N Pal, Dielectric/Semiconductor Interfacial p‐Doping: A New Technique to Fabricate Solution‐Processed High‐Performance 1 V Ambipolar Oxide Transistors, physica status solidi (RRL), 2020, 14, 2000268
- S. V. Singh, U. Gupta, B. Mukherjee, B. N Pal, Role of electronically coupled in situ grown silver sulfides (Ag2S) nanoparticles with TiO2 for the efficient photoelectrochemical H2 evolution, Int. J. Hydrog. Energy, 2020, 45, 30153-30164
- Abhishek Kumar Singh, Nitesh K. Chourasia, B. N. Pal, A. Pandey, P. Chakrabarti, Low Operating Voltage Solution Processed Dielectric (Li2ZnO2) and (SnO2) channel based Medium Wave UV-B Phototransistor for Application in Phototherapy, IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, 2020, 67 (5), 2028-2034
- Soumili Daripa, Koomkoom Khawas, Anand Sharma, Amit Kumar, Bhola Nath Pal, Santanu Das, Satyabrata Jit, and Biplab Kumar Kuila, Simple and direct synthetic route to a rod-coil conjugated block copolymer either from rod or coil block using a single bi-functional initiator, solvent dependent self-assembly and field effect mobility study, ACS Appl. Polymer Mater., 2020, 2, 1283–1293.
- SV Singh, MP Kumar, S Anantharaj, B Mukherjee, S Kundu, BN Pal, Direct evidence of an efficient plasmon-induced hot-electron transfer at in situ grown Ag/TiO2 interface for highly enhanced solar H2 generation, ACS Appl. Energy Mater., 2020, 3, 1821−1830
- V Acharya, A Sharma, NK Chourasia, BN Pal, Solution-processed Pb 0.8 Ba 0.2 ZrO 3 as a gate dielectric for low-voltage metal-oxide thin-film transistor, Emergent Materials, 2020, 3, 57–62
- Nila Pal, Anand SharmaVishwas AcharyaNitesh K. Chourasia, Sajal Biring, Bhola N. Pal, Gate Interface Engineering for Subvolt Metal Oxide Transistor Fabrication by Using Ion-Conducting Dielectric with Mn2O3 Gate Interface, ACS Appl. Electron. Mater. 2020, 2, 25-34
- Anand Sharma, Nitesh K. Chourasia, Vishwas Acharya, Nila Pal, Sajal Biring, Shun-Wei Liu and Bhola N. Pal, Ultra-low voltage metal oxide thin film transistor by low-temperature annealed solution processed LiAlO2 gate dielectric, Electron. Mater. Letter. 16, (2020), 22-34
- Anand Sharma, Nitesh K. Chourasia, Nila Pal, Sajal Biring and Bhola N. Pal*, Role of electron donation of TiO2 gate interface for developing solution processed high-performance one-volt metal oxide thin film transistor using ion-conducting gate dielectric, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2019 123 (33), 20278-20286
- Sajal Biring, Yun-Ming Sung, Thanh Phuc Nguyen, Ya-Ze Li, Chih-Chien Lee, Alvin HsienYi Chan, Bhola N. Pal, Somaditya Sen, Shun-Wei Liu, Ken-Tsung Wong, Reconciling the value of Schottky barriers in small molecular organic photovoltaics from J-V and C-V measurements at low temperatures towards the estimation of open circuit voltage at 0 K, Organic Electronics 73 (2019) 166–171
- Piyali Maity, Satya Veer Singh, Sajal Biring, Bhola N. Pal*, Anup K Ghosh*, Selective near infrared (NIR) sensitive photodetector fabricated with colloidal CdS: Co quantum dots, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2019, 7, 7725-7733
- Hemant Kumar, Yogesh Kumar, Bratindranath Mukherjee, Gopal Rawat, Chandan Kumar, Bhola N. Pal and Satyabrata Jit, Effects of Optical Resonance on the Performance of Metal (Pd, Au)/CdSe Quantum Dots (QDs)/ ZnO QDs Optical Cavity Based Spectrum Selective Photodiodes, IEEE T Nanotechnol, 2019 (Accepted) DOI: 10.1109/TNANO.2019.2907529
- N K Chourasia, A Sharma, V Acharya, N Pal, S Biring, Bhola N Pal*, Solution processed low band gap ion-conducting gate dielectric for low voltage metal oxide transistor, J Alloys Compd. 2019, 777, 1124-1132
- Abhyuday Paliwal, Satyaveer Singh, Anand Sharma, Shun-Wei Liu, Sajal Biring and Bhola N. Pal*, Microwave-Polyol Synthesis of Sub-10 nm PbS Nano-crystals for Metal Oxide/Nanocrystal Heterojunction Photodetectors, ACS Appl. Nano Mater., 2018, 1, 11, 6063-607
- Shell thickness dependent tunable threshold voltage single quantum dot rectification diode, Gopal SankarKenath, RekhaMahadevu, Anand Sharma, Vinod K. Gangwar, SandipChaterjee, Anshu Pandey, and Bhola N. Pal J. Phys. Chem. C, 2018, 122 (5), pp 3176–3181
- Solution processed Li5AlO4 dielectric for low voltage transistor and its application for low power consumption quantum dot phototransistor, Anand Sharma, Nitesh k.Chourasia, Yogesh Kumar, SatyabrataJit, Shun-Wei Liu, SajalBiring and Bhola N. Pal J. Mater. Chem. C, 2018, 6, 790-798
- Electrical and optical characteristics of solution-processed MoOx and ZnO QDs heterojunction, Hemant Kumar, Yogesh Kumar, Gopal Rawat, Chandan Kumar, Bratindranath Mukherjee, Bhola N. Pal and SatyabrataJit, MRS Communications, 2017, 1-6
- Single Quantum Dot Rectifying Diode With Tunable Threshold Voltage, Gopal Sankar, PiyaliMaity, Yogesh Kumar, Hemant Kumar,Vinod K Gangwar, SandipChaterjee, SatyabrataJit,Anup K Ghosh and Bhola N. Pal, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2017, 5, 9792-9798
- Electrical and Optical Characteristics of Self-Powered Colloidal CdSe Quantum Dot-Based Photodiode H Kumar, Y Kumar, B Mukherjee, G Rawat, C Kumar, BN Pal, S Jit,IEEE J. Quantum Electron.2017, 53 (3), 1-8.
- Visible-blind Au/ZnO quantum dots-based highly sensitive and spectrum selective Schottky photodiode Y Kumar, H Kumar, B Mukherjee, G Rawat, C Kumar, BN Pal, S Jit,IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, 2017, 64 (7), 2874-2880
- Colloidal ZnO quantum dots based spectrum selective ultraviolet photodetectors Y Kumar, H Kumar, G Rawat, C Kumar, A Sharma, BN Pal, S JitIEEE Photon. Technol. Lett.2017,29 (4), 361-364
- Heating Effects of Colloidal ZnO Quantum Dots (QDs) on ZnO QD/CdSe QD/MoOx Photodetectors H Kumar, Y Kumar, G Rawat, C Kumar, B Mukherjee, BN Pal, S JitIEEE Trans. Nanotechnol.2017,16 (6), 1073-1080
- Colloidal CdSe Quantum Dots and PQT-12-Based Low-Temperature Self-Powered Hybrid Photodetector H Kumar, Y Kumar, G Rawat, C Kumar, B Mukherjee, BN Pal, S JitIEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 29 (20), 1715-1718
- Kink effect in TiO2 embedded ZnO quantum dot-based thin film transistors H Kumar, Y Kumar, K Singh, S Kumar, G Rawat, C Kumar, BN Pal, S JitElectronics Letters2017,53 (4), 262-264
- Correlation between structural, optical and magnetic properties of Mn-doped ZnO P Kumar, BK Singh, BN Pal, PC Pandey Appl. Phys. A2016,8 (122), 1-12
- IK Kim, BN Pal, M Ullah, PL Burn, SC Lo, P Meredith, EB Namdas, High‐Performance, SolutionProcessed Non‐polymeric Organic Photodiodes, Advanced Optical Materials 3 (1), 50-5
- K. Muhieddine, M.Ullah, B. N. Pal, P. Burn, and E. B. Namdas, All Solution-Processed, Hybrid Light Emitting Field Effect Transistors Adv. Mater.2014, 26, 6410–6415IF 19
- Dani M Lyons, Ardalan Armin, Martin Stolterfoht, Ravi Chandra R. Nagiri,Ross D Jansen-van Vuuren, Bhola N Pal, Paul L Burn, Shih-Chun Lo, Paul Meredith, Narrow band green organic photodiodes for imaging, Organic electronics2014, 15, 2903–2911
- W. Koh, A. Y. Koposov, J. T. Stewart, B N. Pal, I. Robel, J. M. Pietryga& Victor I. Klimov, Heavily doped n-type PbSe and PbS nanocrystals using ground-state charge transfer from cobaltocene, Scientific Report 3 : 2004 (2013), DOI: 10.1038/srep02004,
- Dipankar Chakravorty, Bhola Nath Pal, Shilpi Banerjee , Amrita Mandal, SreemantaMitra, DhritiRanjanSaha, Sensing Behaviour of Some Nanocomposite Systems,Soft Nanoscience Letters, 2013, 3, 12
- B. N. Pal, I. Robel, A. Mohite, R. Laocharoensuk D. Werder, and V. I. Klimov “High-Sensitivity p-n Junction Photodiodes Based on PbS Nanocrystal Quantum Dots”, Adv. Funct. Mater.,22, 1741-1748, 2012 IF 11.4
- .B. N. Pal, Y. Ghosh, S. Brovelli, R. Laocharoensuk, Victor. I. Klimov, J. Hollingsworth, H. Htoon, “Giant' CdSe/CdS core/shell nanocrystal quantum dots as efficient electroluminescent materials: Strong influence of shell thickness on light-emitting diode performance”, Nano Lett., 12 (1), pp 331–336, 2012
- S. Brovelli1, F.Santamaría1, R. Viswanatha1, B. N. Pal, S. A. Crooker, V.I. Klimov. Wavefunction engineering in core-shell semiconductor nanocrystals: from fine tunedexciton dynamics and suppressed Augerrecombination to dual-color
- J. Sun, B. N. Pal, B. J. Jung, and H. E. Katz, Solution process vertical p-n junction diode for high current density and high speed rectification, organic electronics, 10, 1-7,2009.
- A. Bose, B.N.Pal, A. Datta and D.Chakravorty “Synthesis of two-dimensional metallic silver using sodium beta-alumina crystal channels”,J. Non-Cryt. Solids355 (2009) 1448-1452.
- .B. N. Pal, B. M. Dhar,K. See, and H. E. Katz, “Solution-deposited sodium beta-alumina gate dielectrics for low-voltage and transparent field-effect transistors”, Nature Materials,8, 898-903, 2009. IF 39.7 News and View: “OXIDE DIELECTRICS A change of direction” H Klauk, Nature Materials, 8, 853-854, 2009.
- .B. N. Pal, J. Sun, B. J. Jung, and H. E. Katz, “Pentacene-Zinc Oxide Vertical Diode with Compatible Grains and 15-MHz Rectification”, Adv. Mater., 20, 1023, 2008.
- B.N. Pal, P. Trottman, J. Sun, H.E. Katz, “Solution-deposited Zinc oxide and Zinc oxide/Pentacene Bilayer Transistors: High Mobility n-Channel, Ambipolar and Nonvolatile Devices”, Adv. Funct. Mater., 18, 1832, 2008.
- Takao Someya, Bhola Nath Pal, Jia Huang, and Howard E. Katz, “Organic Semiconductor Devices with Enhanced Field and Environmental Responses”, MRS Bulletin. 33, 690, 2008.
- B. N. Pal, Jia Sun, B. J. Jung, and H. E. Katz, Solution-deposited ZnO-organic diodes with high current density and high frequency rectification under ambient conditions, MRS Proc., (2007) 1035-L05-28
- Bhola Nath Pal and Dipankar Chakravorty, “Humidity sensing by composites of glass ceramics containing silver nanoparticles and their conduction mechanism”, Sensor and Actuator B, 114 (2006) 1043
- Soumitra Kar, Bhola Nath Pal, Subhadra Chaudhuri and Dipankar Chakravorty. “One-Dimensional ZnO Nanostructure Arrays- Synthesis, Characterization and Gas Sensing Behavior”, J. Phys. Chem. B,110 (2006) 4605-4611.
- BholaNath Pal, and Dipankar Chakravorty. “Pattern Formation of Zinc Nanoparticles in Silica Film by Electrodeposition,” J. Phys. Chem. B,110 (2006) 20917-20921
- D. Chakravorty, S. Basu, P. K. Mukherjee, S. K. Saha, B. N. Pal, A, Dan and S. Battacharya, “Novel Properties of glass-metal nanocomposites” Journal of non-crystalline solids 352, 2016, 601-609
- B. N. Pal, S. Basu and D. Chakravorty, “Humidity sensing by Fractally Grown Nanocomposites”, J. Appl. Phys., 97, (2005), 034311
- B.N.Pal and D. Chakravorty “Humidity Sensing by Composites with Tin-Tin Oxide Core-Shell Nanostructure”, J. Phys. D , 38 , (2005), 3537-3542.
- B. N. Pal, S. Basu and D. Chakravorty “Electrically Aligned Binary System of Nanoparticles”, J. Appl. Phys., 98, (2005)084306
- B.N.Pal,T.Kundu, S.Banerjee and D.Chakravorty “Humidity Sensing by Nanocomosites of Silver nano particles in Silicate Glass-Ceramics”, J. Appl. Phys., 93, 4201 (2003).
3. “Device having high dielectric constant, ionically polarizable materials” H. E. Katz, B. N. Pal, and K. See, US patent office,: US8766246 B2 (Granted)
Ph.D. Students | |
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Mr. Anand Sharma Research Interests: Solution-Processed Fabrication of Thin Film Transistor, Quantum Dot Light Emitting Transistor. Enrolment Year: 2014 anandbhu12191@gmail.com +91-9411489956 |
Mr. Satya Veer Singh Research Interests: Solution - Processed Plasmonic Solar Cell, In-situ Growth of metal nano particle, Quantum Dot Synthesis Enrolment Year: 2014 satyaveersingh777@gmail.com +91-8410421757 |
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Mr. Nitesh Kumar Chaurasia Research Interests: Quantum Dot based Ultrafast Photodetector, Solution Processed Thin Film Transistor Enrolment Year: 2015 niteshphyzics@gmail.com +91-7376508317 |
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Mr. Vishwas Acharya Research Interests: Fabrication of Light Emitting Diode, AC-EL Enrolment Year: 2015 vishwasacharya59@gmail.com +91-9415272363 |
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Ms. Nila Pal Research Interests: Fabrication of Thin Film Transparent Transistor by Sol-Gel Method, Quantum Dot based Light Emitting Transistor Enrolment Year: 2017 nilapal.rs.mst17@itbhu.ac.in +91-9735017118 |
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Mr. Ashok Mondal Research Interests: Fabrication of thin film, Quantum Dot Optoelectronic devices Enrolment Year: 2017
ashokmondal.physics@gmail.com |
M.Tech. Students | |
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Ms. Shipra Gupta
Research Interest: |
S.N. | Name of Instruments | |
1 | Spin Coater (Max. RPM 10K ) (Apexic India ) |
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2 | Thermal Evaporator ( Mansa Vacuum Equipment & Hind High Vacuum ) |
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3 | Plasma Surface Cleaner (O2, H2 , Ar) (Diener electronic GmbH) |
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4 | I-V Measurement (Keysight B2912A) |
5 | Photoluminescence (Research India RIFS-T1705) |
6 |
Microwave-Ultraviolet-Ultrasonic (SINEO-UWave-1000) |
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7 | Parameter (Semiconductor device) Analyzer (Keysight B1500A) |
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8 | Muffle Furnaces (Temperature Upto 10000C ) |
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