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Dr. Shrawan Mishra is an assistant professor of the School of Materials Science and Technology, IIT-BHU. He did his M. Tech. in Materials Science and Technology from IIT-Kharagpur (2006) and Ph.D. in Natural Science from Technical University of Berlin, Germany (2010). He was awarded ALS Director postdoctoral fellow at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California, USA (2012-2014). Subsequently, he joined Van der Waals-Zeeman Institute, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2016) as a visiting postdoc in-group of Prof. Golden, before he joined SMST in November 2016. He is the recipient of the prestigious Sakura research grant (2020-2021) awarded by the Science and Technology Agency, Gov. of Japan for research on magnetic materials.
Group Leader: Dr. Shrawan Mishra
We highly encourage application for PhD position. JRF/DST Inspire Fellowship holders can directly contact the Group Leader.
Research Scholar | ||||
Name & Roll No. | Profile Image | Research Interest | Qualification & Affiliation | Contact Details |
Mr. Raman Hissariya (18111009) |
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Emergent Spin Related Phenomena | M.Tech. (Materials Science), SMST, IIT (BHU) |
ramanhissariya.rs.mst18@iitbhu.ac.in +91-8562814869 |
Ms. Rajnandini Sharma
(18111007) |
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Magnetic Nanoskyrmions & its Applications | M.Sc. (Physics), DST Inspire Fellow, DAVV Indore (M.P.) |
rajnandinisharma.rs.mst18@iitbhu.ac.in +91-8827346690 |
Mr. Pawan Kumar Ojha
(18111503) |
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Neuromorphic Devices/Near-Field Microscopy (SNOM) | M.Tech. (Materials Science & Engineering), MNIT Jaipur |
pawankr.ojha.rs.mst18@iitbhu.ac.in +91-9166885555 |
Ms. Nidhi Chaubey (19111502) |
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Nanoscale Interfacial Magnetic Skyrmions and its Applications in Memory Devices | M.Tech. (Materials Science and Technology), Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology Bhopal |
nidhichaubey.rs.mst19@iitbhu.ac.in +91-9559543460 |
Ms. Nitipriya Tripathi (20111509) |
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M.Sc. (Physics), DST Inspire Fellow, Ewing Christian College (University of Allahabad) |
nitipriyatripathi.rs.mst20@iitbhu.ac.in +91-7388539450 |
M.Tech. Students | ||||
Mr. Arun Kumar Patro
(19112006) |
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Spin Helix in Single Layer Materials | B.Tech (Metallurgical & Materials Engineering), VSSUT, Burla, Odisha |
arunkumarpatro.mst19@iitbhu.ac.in +91-8763565350 |
Mr. Biswaroop Burman
(19112008) |
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Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy | B.TECH (Metallurgical Engineering) JNTUK- UCEV, Andhra Pradesh | biswaroopburman.mst19@iitbhu.ac.in +91-7702068613 |
IDD Students | ||||
Interns | |||
Name | Internship Duration | Qualification & Affiliation | Contact Details |
Mr. Ritik Khandelwal | June-July, 2019 | B.Tech (6th Semester), (Metallurgical & Materials Engineering), Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology, Nagpur |
khandelwalritik301196@gmail.com, +91-7558621710 |
Mr. Swarnim Neema | June, 2019 | B.Tech, (Electronics and Communication Engineering), BML Munjal University, Gurugram, Haryana |
swarnim.neema.17ece@bml.edu.in, +91-7000145866 |
Mr. Rohit Raj | May-June, 2017 | B.Tech (Nanotechnology), Central University of Jharkhand (CUJ), Ranchi |
rohitraj.mst18@iitbhu.ac.in +91-9155968037 |
Alumni | |||
Name | Thesis Title | Submission Year | Current position |
Mr. Prashant Pandey, IDD | Magnetic skyrmions in thin films | 2021 | |
Mr. Mohit Verma, IDD | Phase change materials | 2021 | |
Mr. Arun Patro, M. Tech. | Magnetic Skyrmions | 2021 | |
Mr. Biswaroop Burman, M.Tech. | XAS and its simulation | 2021 | Tata Steel |
Dr. Shyam Babu, PhD | Noncollinear magnetic materials for energy-efficient storage devices | 2021 | -- |
Mr. Anand Kumar, M.Tech. | Synthesis and Characterization of Mn-Doped SmFeO3 | 2018 | Currently PhD Student @Metallurgical Engineering, IIT BHU, Varanasi, India |
Mr. Navaneeth Nageli, IDD | Synthesis and Characterization of NiO Nanoparticles | 2018 | Currently with Virtusa Consultancy, Hyderabad, India |
Mr. Raman Hissariya, M.Tech. ramanhissariya.rs.mst18@iitbhu.ac.in +91-8562814869 |
Size Effect in Physical Properties of Mixed Phase La2NiMnO6 | 2018 | Currently PhD Student @SMST, IIT BHU, Varanasi, India |
Mr. Shantanu Singh, M.Tech. shantanusingh.mst17@iitbhu.ac.in +91-7870637370 |
Mott Materials for Neuromorphic Devices | 2019 | Currently PhD Student @University of Southern California, USA |
Mr. Aakash, IDD | Spintronics and Materials for Neuromorphic Computing, Micromagnetic Simulation | 2019 | Senior Analyst @JP Morgan Chase and Co., Bangalore, India |
Mr. Aakash Khansili, M.Tech. akashkhansili.mst18@iitbhu.ac.in +91-9917452450 |
Quantum Spin Heavy Fermion Materials | 2020 | PhD Student @Deaprtment of Physics, AlbaNova University Centre, Stockholm University, Sweden |
Mr. Rohit Raj, M.Tech. rohitraj.mst18@iitbhu.ac.in +91-9155968037 |
Realization of Spin Wave Dynamics (Magnonics) | 2020 | update awaits |
Mr. Mrigank Gaur, IDD mrigank.gaur.mst15@iitbhu.ac.in +91-7233951415 |
Skyrmions & Micromagnetic Simulations | 2020 | Decision Analytics Associate, ZS Associates, Pune |
- Magnetic Materials and Confined Magnetism
- Magnetic Imaging and Magnetospectroscopy
- X-ray and Neutron Diffraction /Scattering Techniques
- Energy Efficient Quantum Materials and Phase Change Materials
- Mulfiferroics and Magneto-optical Materials
- Smart Materials and Sensors
- Spin Related Phenomena at Low Temperatures
- Charge, Lattice, and Spin Dynamics
- Magnetic Memory and Spintronic devices
- Sample growth by solid-state reactions, and thin film depositions like magnetron sputtering & PLD.
- X-ray diffraction, other structural characterization methods like AFM, and TEM.
- Conventional magnetometry like SQUID, vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM), magneto-optical Kerr effect (MOKE), and imaging techniques.
- Soft X-rays based absorption spectroscopy, resonant scattering, element specific magnetic imaging, and coherent X-rays based speckle metrology.
- Neutron Diffraction and Small Angle Scattering .
1. S. K. Mishra, F. Radu, H. A. Dürr, and W. Eberhardt, "Training-induced positive exchange bias in NiFe/IrMn bilayers", Phys. Rev. Lett. 102,177208 (2009).
2. F. Radu, S. K. Mishra, I. Zizak, A. I. Erko, H. A. Dürr, W. Eberhardt, G. Nowak, S. Buschhorn, H. Zabel, K. Zhernenkov, M. Wolff, D. Schmitz, E. Schierle, E. Dudzik, R. Feyerherm, "Origin of the reduced exchange bias in an epitaxial FeNi(111)/CoO(111) bilayer", Phys. Rev. B 79, 184425 (2009).
3. S. K. Mishra, F. Radu, S. Valencia, E. Schierle, D. Schmitz, H. A. Dürr, and W. Eberhardt, "Dual behavior of antiferromagnetic uncompensated spins in NiFe/IrMn exchange biased bilayer", Phys. Rev. B 81, 212404 (2010).
4. F. Kronast, J. Schlichting, F. Radu, S. K. Mishra, T. Noll, and H. A. Dürr, "Spin-resolved photoemission microscopy and magnetic imaging in applied magnetic fields", Surf. Interface Anal. 42, 1532 (2010).
5. S. K. Mishra, D. Mazumdar, K. Tarafdar, Lin-Wang Wang, S. D. Kevan, C. Sanchez Hanke, A. Gupta, S. Roy, "Altered magnetism and new electronic length scales in magneto-electric La2/3Sr1/3MnO3/BiFeO3 heterointerface", New J. Phys. 15, 113042 (2013).
6. M. C. Langner, S. Roy, S. K. Mishra, J. C. T. Lee, X. W. Shi, M. A. Hossain, Y. D. Chuang, S. Seki, Y. Tokura, S. D. Kevan, and R. W. Schoenlein, "Coupled skyrmion sublattices in Cu2OSeO3 revealed by resonant soft x-ray scattering", Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 167202 (2014).
7. M. C. Langner, S. Roy, A. Kemper, Y.-D. Chuang, S. K. Mishra, R. Versteeg, Y. Zhu, M. P. Hertlein, T. E. Glover, K. Dumesnil, and R. W. Schoenlein, "Scattering bottleneck for spin dynamics in metallic helical antiferromagnetic Dysprosium", Phys. Rev. B 92, 184423 (2015).
8. J. C. T Lee, J. Chess, S. A. Montoya, X. Shi, N. Tamura, S. K. Mishra, P. Fischer, Benjamin McMorran, S. K. Sinha, E. Fullerton, S. D. Kevan, and S. Roy, "Synthesizing Skyrmion molecules in Fe-Gd thin films", Appl. Phys. Lett. 109, 022402 (2016).
9.O. Krupin , G. L. Dakovski, B. J. Kim, J. W. Kim, Jungho Kim, S. Mishra, Yi-De Chuang, C. R. Serrao, W-S Lee, W. F. Schlotter, M. P. Minitti, D. Zhu, D. Fritz, M. Chollet, R. Ramesh, S. L. Molodtsov, J. J, Turner," Ultrafast dynamics of localized magnetic moments in the unconventional Mott insulator Sr2IrO4", J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 28 32LT01 (2016).
1. S. K. Mishra, "Emergent Interfacial Magnetic Skyrmions as Its Technical Importance", Res. Dev. Material Sci. 1(1). RDMS. 000503 (2017).
2. S. V. Ramankutty, J. Henke, A. Schiphorst, R. Nutakki, S. Bron, G. Araizi-Kanoutas, S. K. Mishra, Lei Li, Y. K. Huang, T. K. Kim, M. Hoesch, C. Schlueter, T.-L. Lee, A. de Visser, Zhicheng Zhong, Jasper van Wezel, E. van Heumen and M. S. Golden, "Electronic structure of the candidate 2D Dirac semimetal SrMnSb2: a combined experimental and theoretical study", SciPost Phys. 4, 010 (2018).
3. J. C. T Lee*, S. K. Mishra*, V. S. Bhat, R. Streubel, B. Farmer, X. Shi, L. E. De Long, I. McNulty, P. Fischer, S. D. Kevan, S. Roy, "Textured heterogeneity in square artificial spin ice", Phys. Rev. B 99, 024406 (2019). (*Equal contribution)
4. S. Babu, K. Prokes, Y. K. Huang, F. Radu, S. K. Mishra†, "Magnetic-field-induced incommensurate to collinear spin order transition in NiBr2", J. Appl. Phys. 125, 093902 (2019). ( †corresponding author)
5. S. K. Mishra†, "Noncollinear effective anisotropes in exchange coupled NiFe/IrMn bilayers", J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 488, 165374 (2019). (†corresponding author)
6. G. Campi, N. Poccia, B. Joseph, A. Bianconi, S. K. Mishra, J. Lee, S. Roy, A. A. Nugroho, M. Buchholz, M. Braden, C. Trabant, A. Zozulya, L. Müller, J. Viefhaus, C. Schüßler-Langeheine, M. Sprung, A. Ricci, "Direct Visualization of Spatial Inhomogeneity of Spin Stripes Order in La1.72Sr0.28NiO4", Condens. Matter., 4(3), 77 (2019).
7. P. T. P. Le, K. Hofhuis, A. Rana, M. Huijben, H. Hilgenkamp, G. Rijnders, J. E. ten Elshof, G. Koster, N. Gauquelin, G. Lumbeeck, C. Schüßler‐Langeheine, H. Popescu, F. Fortuna, S. Smit, X. H. Verbeek, G. Araizi‐Kanoutas, S. K. Mishra, Igor Vaskivskyi, Hermann A. Dürr, and Mark S. Golden, "Tailoring Vanadium Dioxide Film Orientation Using Nanosheets: a Combined Microscopy, Diffraction, Transport, and Soft X‐Ray in Transmission Study" Adv. Funct. Mater., 30, 1900028 (2019).
8. Georgios Araizi-Kanoutas, Jaap Geessinck, Nicolas Gauquelin, Steef Smit, Xanthe H. Verbeek, Shrawan K. Mishra, Peter Bencok, Christoph Schlueter,Tien-Lin Lee, Dileep Krishnan, Jarmo Fatermans, Jo Verbeeck, Guus Rijnders, Gertjan Koster, and Mark S. Golden, "Co valence transformation in isopolar LaCoO3/LaTiO3 perovskite heterostructures via interfacial engineering", Phys. Rev. Mater. 4, 026001 (2020).
9. K. Chen, C. Luo, B. B. Chen, R. M. Abrudan, G. Koster, S. K. Mishra, and F. Radu, "Charge-transfer-induced interfacial ferromagnetism in La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/NdNiO3", Phys. Rev. Mater. 4, 054408 (2020).
10. S. Babu, B. K. Singh, & S. K. Mishra, "Site-substitution effect on skyrmion phases of Cd2+-Cu2OSeO3 nanocrystallites", Mater. Res. Express 7, 105002 (2020).
11. Keshav Kumar, Shrawan Kumar Mishra, Ivan Baev, Michael Martins, & Dhananjai Pandey, "Evidence for the coexistence of spin-glass and ferrimagnetic phases in BaFe12O19 due to basal plane freezing", Chem. Commun., 1359-7345 (2020).
12. Brijesh Kumar Singh, Shrawan Kumar Mishra, "Microstructure and surface morphology of YIG and 2 wt% Ce-doped YIG thin films synthesized via sol-gel method," Materials Today: Proceedings 2214-7853 (2020).
13. Pratik Shinde, Shyam Babu, Shrawan Kumar Mishra, Dattatray J Late, Chandra Sekhar Rout and Manoj Kumar Singh "Tuning the Synergistic Effects of MoS2 and Spinel NiFe2O4 Nanostructures for High-Performance Energy Storage and Conversion Applications" Sustainable Energy Fuels, 10,1039 (2021).
14. Keshav Kumar, Shrawan Kumar Mishra, Sanjay Singh, Ivan Baev, Michael Martins, Fabio Orlandi, Pascal Manuel, Dhananjai Pandey, " Evidence for Conical Magnetic Structure in M-Type BaFe12O19 Hexaferrite: A Combined Single-Crystal X-ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism and Neutron Diffraction Study" Physica status solidi (RRL) 10,1002 2000506 (2021).
15. Alessandro Ricci, Nicola Poccia, Gaetano Campi, Shrawan Mishra, Leonard Müller, Boby Joseph, Bo Shi, Alexey Zozulya, Marcel Buchholz, Christoph Trabant, James C. T. Lee, Jens Viefhaus, Jeroen B. Goedkoop, Agustinus Agung Nugroho, Markus Braden, Sujoy Roy, Michael Sprung, Christian Schüßler-Langeheine, " Measurement of spin dynamics in a layered nickelate using x-ray photon correlation spectroscopy: Evidence for intrinsic destabilization of incommensurate stripes at low temperatures" Phys. Rev. Lett. 175, 057001 (2021).
16. R. Hissariya, S. Babu, S. Ram, and S. K. Mishra, "Spin-up conversion, exchange-interactions, and tailored magnetic properties in core-shell La2NiMnO6 of small crystallites" Nanotechnology 32, 435702 (2021).
17. P.K.Ojha, R.Sharma, R.Hissariya, S.Babu, E.Ketkar, S.Singh, S.Neema, A.Rana, N.Pal, V.G.Sathe, S.K.Mishra, "Observation of V–V dimers softening and distinct length scales in nanostructured VO2 thin films" Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 163,110564 (2022).
18. Rajnandini Sharma and Shrawan Mishra, "Interfacial skyrmion in magnetic thin films and its applications", Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 551, 169107 (2022).
19. R. Hissariya, and S. K. Mishra, "Antisites driven magnetic transition study in La2NiMnO6", J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2070 012060 (2021).
20. P. K. Ojha, and S. K. Mishra, "Synthesis & characterization of nanostructure VO2 thin films", J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2070 012098 (2021).
Regular Courses:
MS503: Electrical and electronics ceramics (Jan 2017-July 2017)
MS334: Organic Electronics & Organic Conductors (Jan 2017-July 2017)
MS533: Nanostructured Materials (July 2017-Dec 2017)
MS534: Functional Materials (July 2017-Dec 2017)
MS102: Practices in Materials Science and Engineering (Jan 2018-June 2018)
MS201: Phase Diagrams & Phase Transformations (July 2018-Dec 2018)
MS333: Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (July 2018-Dec 2018)
MS533: Nanostructure and Nano Materials (July 2018-Dec 2018)
MS102: Practices in Materials Science and Engineering (Jan 2019-June 2019)
MS201: Phase Diagrams & Phase Transformations (July 2019-Dec 2019)
MS533: Nanostructured and Nanomaterials (July 2019-Dec 2019)
MS102: Practices in Materials Science and Engineering (Jan 2020-June 2020)
MS202: Polymeric Materials (Jan 2020-June 2020)
MS502: Polymeric Materials (Jan 2020-June 2020)
MS201: Phase Diagrams & Phase Transformations (July 2020-Dec 2020)
MS233: Mechanical Behaviour of Materials (July 2020-Dec 2020)
MS 402: Composite Materials
MS 202: Polymeric Materials (Jan 2021-June 2021)
MS 502: Polymeric Materials (Jan 2021-June 2021)
MS 355: Energy Materials (Jan 2021-June 2021)
MS 505: Energy Materials (Jan 2021-June 2021)
MS 201: Phase Diagrams & Phase Transformations (July 2021-Dec 2021)
MS 521: Elements of crystallography (July 2021-Dec 2021)
MS402: Composite Materials (Jan 2022-July 2022)
MS202/502: Polymeric Materials (Jan 2022-July 2022)
Lab Courses:
UG and PG labs.
MS251: Microstructure of Engineering Materials
MS 233: Mechanical Properties of Materials
MS291: Exploratory Project
Summer Courses:
MS2102: Phase Diagram and Phase Transformation (June 2017)
MS4114: Materials Characterization (June 2017)
MS333: Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (June 2019)
MS302 : Physical Behavior of Materials (June 2019)
1. Fellowship, MHRD, Government of India, (2004-2006).
2. Advanced Light Source Director Postdoc Fellowship, Department of Energy, California, USA, (Oct 2012 –Nov 2014).
3. Sakura Grant to Dr. Shrawan Mishra, A team led by Dr. Shrawan Mishra, (SMST) awarded with Sakura grant, funded by Science and Technology Agency, Government of Japan. This grant allows the team to collaborate with the National Institute of Materials Science Tsukuba, Tokyo, Japan for research on magnetic materials.
1. Emergent Phenomena Induced by Spin-Orbit Coupling at Magnetic Interface
Funding Agency: IIT BHU, Varanasi,
Funding Amount- Rs. 10 Lakh,
Period: March 2017 - March 2018.
2. Designing a Linear GMR Sensor for Ultra-Low Field Sensors
Funding Agency: IIT BHU, Varanasi,
Funding Amount- Rs. 4.5 Lakh,
Period: July 2018 - July 2019.
1. Mott Transistors Based Neuromorphic Memory Devices
Funding Agency: DST, India (under the special call of Device Development Program),
Funding Amount- Rs. 101 Lakh,
Period: Sep 2018 - Sep 2021.
2. Nanoscale Interfacial Magnetic Skyrmions and its Applications in Memory Devices
Funding Agency: Nanomission, DST, India,
Funding Amount- Rs. 103 Lakh,
Period: Feb 2019 - Feb 2022.
3. Development of High Strength Ceramic Magnet for Rotating Machine Applications
Dr. Pradip Kumar Roy, (PI), Department of Ceramic Engineering, IIT BHU, Varanasi, India,
Dr. Shrawan Mishra, (Co-PI), Assistant Professor, School of Materials Science and Technology, IIT BHU, Varanasi, India,
Dr. Mohammad Imteyaz Ahmad, (Co-PI), Assistant Professor, Ceramic Engineering, IIT BHU, Varanasi, India.
Funding Agency: IMPRINT-2, SERB, India
Funding Amount- Rs. 40 Lakh,
Period: Oct 2019 - Oct 2022.
4. Sakura Grant to Dr. Shrawan Mishra, A team led by Dr. Shrawan Mishra, (SMST) awarded with Sakura grant, funded by Science and Technology Agency, Government of Japan. This grant allows the team to collaborate with the National Institute of Materials Science Tsukuba, Tokyo, Japan for research on magnetic materials.