Construction of New Hostels
As the institute moves into its next century, the focus on various aspects of development has increased multifold. The number of students that are admitted to IIT BHU is increasing by 300 every year. As government laws change, we expect a rise in this number as well. A total of 6117 students were admitted in this academic session as compared to 5587 in 2017-2018. Thus, the fulfillment of the demand for better and more comfortable accommodation is the need of the hour. 
Presently, the institute has a total of 19 hostels with a total capacity of 1903 double seated rooms, 549 triple seated seated and 233 single seated rooms. As the number of students on average are increasing every year by around 300, this puts a considerable pressure on the institute for student accommodation. Apart from that, the increasing density puts a considerable stress on the facilities and quality of student living. Therefore, apart from addressing the basic requirements of the future, there is also an urgent need to uplift the present infrastructure to improve the quality of life of students for their development and growth.

Estimated Cost : ₹ 96,77,39,600
Estimated Cost : ₹ 96,77,39,600