  • Pharmaceutics 
    Pharmaceutics is concerned with the design and development of suitable dosage form for a drug and strategies to deliver the drug to the desired site of action in the body. The state of the art design of a stable, safe and effective pharmaceutical drug formulations including   Click for details...
  • Pharmaceutical Chemistry
    Pharmaceutical chemistry, an amalgamation of basic chemistry and life sciences, is a multidisciplinary field that deals with the principles and applications natural, synthetic, Click for details...
  • Pharmacology
    Pharmacology deals with the effect and fate of drugs in the biological system. Pharmacology is a multidisciplinary area which requires expert knowledge of anatomy,   Click for details...
  • Pharmacognosy
    Pharmacognosy deals with scientific study of crude drugs from plants, animals, microbes and minerals. It includes quality control, standardization, isolation & characterization Click for details