Specialization : New Materials and Devices
Many research groups in the department are actively participating to develop new materials and devices ranging from nanomaterials for sensing and catalysis to the fabrication of microfluidic theranostics devices.
Ubiquitous arsenic presences in the earth crust and ground water has impending effect on global health, almost affecting 144 million population. Despite these issues, development of new optical materials that can facilitate simple, easy, reliable, sensitive and selective detection are few. Dr. Manoj Kumar’s research group has been able to successfully develop new optically active materials that can detect arsenite (As 3+) at 12.5 parts per trillion levels with high accuracy (99% spike recovery).
Major Achievements:
- Fabrication of Low-cost High-throughput Flow Cytometer using Tunable Nanolenses, SERB Early career Grant, Dr. Ankur Verma.
- Development and Evaluation of IR NP for cellular wide sensitive E-field mapping, DST Nano Mission Grant, Dr. Manoj Kumar.
- Development and evaluation of poly herbal bi-layer wound dressing materials, DRDO Grant, Prof. P.K. Mishra.
- NOx Removal from Diesel Exhaust by Combined NOx Storage Reduction and NH3 SCR System, DST Fast Track, Dr. Sweta.
Recent Publications:
- D.B. Pal, Pardeep Singh, P.K. Mishra, Composite ceria nanofiber with different copper loading using electrospinning method, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 694 (2017) 10-16.
- Neha Srivastava, Manish Srivastava, P. K. Mishra and Pramod W. Ramteke, Application of ZnO Nanoparticles for Improving the Thermal and pH Stability of Crude Cellulase Obtained from Aspergillus fumigatus AA001, Frontiers in Microbiology, 2016, Vol.7, 514.
- S. K. Srikar, D. D. Giri, D. B. Pal, P. K. Mishra, S. N. Upadhyay, Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles: A Review. Green and Sustainable Chemistry, 2016, 6, 34-56.
- Prof. Ram Prasad
- Prof. A. S. K. Sinha
- Prof. P. K. Mishra
- Prof. M. K. Mondal
- Prof. R. S. Singh
- Prof. V. L. Yadav
- Dr. H. L. Pramanik
- Dr. Bhawna Verma
- Dr. J. P. Chakraborty
- Dr. Ravi Jaiswal
- Dr. Manoj Kumar