- About Me
- Worked in Projects
- Research Area & Research Interests
- Teaching Experience
- Some Recent Publications
GATE qualified in Physical Sciences
E-mail: aktripathi.phy@itbhu.ac.in ; aktrip2001@yahoo.co.in
Title of Thesis Series solution of whistler mode instabilities in Lorentzian (kappa) magnetoplasma
CSIR - Pool officer & Research Associate,
Worked in ISRO’s-Planetary Science Exploration Sponsored Projects & CSIR Projects
(1) ISRO project entitled “Study of magnetospheric plasma wave-particle interaction, aurora, airglow and conductivities
on planets and their satellites” (worked as Scientist).
(2) ISRO project entitled “Study of plasma waves, aurora and ion composition on planets and their satellites”
(worked as RA).
(3) CSIR Project entitled “Physics of plasma waves and X-rays in planetary atmospheres & magnetospheres”
(worked as Pool-Officer).
(4) CSIR project entitled “Effect of suprathermal particles on the generation of plasma waves in the planetary
magnetospheres” (worked as RA).
Research Interests
Modeling of Planetary Atmosphere: Auroras and Airglow
- My primary field of research is theoretical and observational studies of planetary atmospheres, ionospheres and their coupling with magnetospheric plasma and solar wind.
- Research involves the role of plasma wave-particle interactions in collision-less space plasmas.
- Wave induced scattering is responsible for the injection and loss of energetic particles from the radiation belts of a planet, and deposition of energy into the middle atmosphere.
- Wave-particle scattering caused the transfer of energy from one particle population to another, and ultimately to stochastic acceleration processes at extremely high energies.
- Study of aurora and airglow on planets: Earth, Jupiter including their satellites (Io plasma torus, Europa, Ganymede), Saturn including their moons (Titan and rings of Saturn), Uranus, and Neptune.
- A new study of Ionosphere-magnetosphere coupling via secondary electrons emissions from Earth’s upper atmosphere in the presence of ECH and whistler mode waves.
- Analysis and Modeling of Moon Waves and Lunar-Atmosphere using data from Chandrayaan-1
1. Modeling of waves observed near-lunar wake at night-side: based on Chandrayaan-I observations.
2. To develop a comprehensive model of the lunar atmosphere due to interaction with solar wind and solar energetic particles.
3. A new view of wave phenomena at Moon: the solar wind-magnetic anomalies interaction.
- Modeling of Aurora and Airglow on Mars using data from Mangalyaan-I
1. To develop a model of Aurora and Airglow on Mars.
2. Explanation of Mars’ diffuse aurora: A model of ultraviolet & visible emissions.
- Study of the constituents and dynamics of the atmosphere of Mars
1. Study of the constituents of Martian atmosphere including CO and CO2.
2. Study of the dynamics of the upper atmosphere of Mars, effects of solar wind and radiation.
Teaching Experience 12 years in Applied Physics, IT-BHU/Physics, IIT (BHU)
At UG Level - 12 Years (Courses: EM Theory & Optics)
At PG Level - 05 Years (Course: Magnetohydrodynamics)
- A.K. Tripathi, R.P.Singhal, G.V. Khazanov
Physics of Plasmas, 24, doi:10.1063/1.4978555, 2017.
- A.K.Tripathi, R.P.Singhal, and O.N.Singh II
The generation of Ganymede’s diffuse aurora through pitch angle scattering.
Annales Geophysicae, 35, 239-252, 2017
- R.P. Singhal, A.K. Tripathi, S. Halder, O.N. Singh II
Diffuse aurora on Ganymede driven by electrostatic waves.
The Astrophysical Journal, 832, 172, doi:10.3847/0004-637x/832/2/172, 2016.
- A.K.Tripathi, R.P.Singhal, G.V. Khazanov, L. A. Avanov
- G.V. Khazanov, A.K. Tripathi, D. Sibeck, E.Himwich, A. Glocer, R.P.Singhal
Electron distribution function formation in the regions of diffuse aurora.
J. Geophysical Research (USA), 120, doi: 10.1002/2015JA021728, 2015.
- G.V. Khazanov, A.K. Tripathi, R.P.Singhal, E.W.Himwich, A. Glocer
Superthermal electron magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling in the diffuse aurora in the presence of ECH waves
J. Geophysical Research (USA), 120, 445-459, 2015.
- A.K.Tripathi, R.P.Singhal, K.P.Singh and O.N.Singh II
Electron cyclotron harmonic instability near Ganymede
Astrophysics & Space Science (USA), 352, 421-427, 2014.
- A.K.Tripathi, R.P.Singhal, K.P.Singh and O.N.Singh II
Whistler mode instability and pitch-angle diffusion near Ganymede
Planetary & Space Science (UK), 92, 150-156, 2014.
- A.K.Tripathi, R.P.Singhal, K.P.Singh and O.N.Singh II
Pitch angle diffusion by whistler mode waves in the Jovian magnetosphere and diffuse
auroral precipitation, ICARUS, 225, 424-431, 2013.
- A.K.Tripathi and R.P.Singhal
Diffusion coefficients from resonant interactions with electrostatic cyclotron harmonic waves
Physics of Plasmas (USA), 16, 1-7, 2009.
- A.K.Tripathi and R.P.Singhal
Whistler mode instability in magnetospheres of Uranus and Neptune.
Planetary & Space. Science (UK), 56, 310-319, 2008.
- A.K.Tripathi and R.P.Singhal
Electrostatic electron-cyclotron harmonic instability in outer planetary magnetospheres.
Planetary & Space Science (UK), 55, 876-888, 2007.
- R.P.Singhal and A.K.Tripathi
Study of whistler mode instability in Saturn’s magnetosphere.
Annales Geophysicae (Germany), 24, 1705-712, 2006.
- R.P.Singhal and A.K.Tripathi
Dielectric tensor for a plasma with a loss-cone kappa-Maxwellian velocity distribution.
Physics of Plasmas (USA), 13, 012102-1-7, 2005.
- A.K.Tripathi and R.P.Singhal
Electrostatic electron-cyclotron harmonic instability due to energetic electrons in Jupiter’s magnetosphere.
J. Geophysical Research (USA), 110, A12205,.doi:10.1029/2005JA011113, 2005.