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Dr. Gauhar Abbas
Assistant Professor
Department of Physics
Area of Interest: 
Physics beyond the standard model and QCD

Ph.D.  (Indian Institute of Science)

  • Flavour problem:  Origin of masss,
  • Technicolour models,
  • Two Higgs doublet models, 
  • Non-perturbtive QCD: phase-shifts and final sate interactions,
  • Strong coupling determination,
  • Renormalization group improvement of perturbation theory.

All Publications can be found at the following link:    inSPIRE

Origin of mass 

The Standard Model of particle physics is the most successful quantum theory of our Universe. There are different flavours of quarks and leptons whose masses are hierarchical and apparently free parameters of the theory.   Moreover, there is a  bizarre mixing among different flavour  of quarks as well as among different flavours of neutral leptons (neutrinos) whose origin is still unknown.  In short, we need to understand the origin of mass of the matter of our Universe.  This is called the  Flavour Problem of  the Standard Model.

We have proposed new and original ideas to solve the Flavour problem of the Standard Model, and continuously exploring these ideas at experimental frontiers.  The related research articles are:

  • Flavour bounds on the flavon of a minimal Z x  ZN symmetry,
    G. Abbas, V. Singh, N. Singh and R. Sain,  
  • Origin of the VEVs hierarchy
    Gauhar Abbas
    Published in Int.J.Mod.Phys. A  Vol. 37, No. 11n12, 2250056 (2022)
    DOI: 10.1142/S0217751X22500567
    arXiv:  2012.11283
  • Solving the fermionic mass hierarchy of the standard model
    Gauhar Abbas
    Published in Int.J.Mod.Phys. A 34 (2019) 1950104
    DOI: 10.1142/S0217751X19501045
  • A new solution of the fermionic mass hierarchy of the standard model
    Gauhar Abbas
    Published in Int.J.Mod.Phys. A36 (2021) 2150090
    DOI: 10.1142/S0217751X21500901
    arXiv:  1807.05683


Higgs Physics and QCD  

  • Renormalization-group improved Higgs to two gluons decay rate
    G. Abbas, A. Jain, V. Singh and N. Singh
  • Advanced Quantum Field Theory, Elective, (Even Semester) 2022

Applications are invited for one post of Junior Research Assistant to work on the UP CST sponsored project sanctioned with sanction letter No. CST/D-1301, dated 01-09-2022, entitled “A new paradigm for flavour problem” sanctioned for three years. The post is purely temporary and coterminous with the project.  Please write to for more details.  The deadline is 05-10-2022.

Our group members are Vartika Singh, Neelam Singh and Rishabh Singh Sisodia who are working particularly on the flavour aspects of the Standard Model,  and on a broad range of particle theory including QCD and beyond the standard model physics.
Group home page