Microelectronics Laboratory
This lab is used for the fabrication and characterization of microlectronic and nanoelectronic devices for electronic, gas sensing and optoelectronic applications. The list of facilities available in this lab is given below:
Generic Name of Equipment
Semiconductor Parameter Analyser (Keysight, B1500A)
Used for I-V and C-V Measurement
Monochromater and Light Source (Princeton Instruments)
Used for Optoelectronics Applications
PL-FLS980 (Edinburgh Instruments)
Used to measure steady state PL spectra in the UV to NIR spectral range with single photon counting sensitivity and lifetime measurement
Solar Simulator from PET
Used for solar device characterisation
Spin Coating System
With vacuum chuck, holder & vacuum pump
LCR Meter (HP)
Only for C-V Measurement
E-beam Coating System (HHV)
Used for thin film coating/ deposition under vacuum
Thermal Deposition Unit (HHV)
Used for thin film coating/ deposition under vacuum
LTAVD Unit (Vapour Technologies, Mount Vernon (USA))
Specifically used for TiO2 thin film deposition under vacuum
Four Point Probe Measurement
Used for Sheet resistance, conductivity etc measurements
Reflectometer (F20-UV)
Used for Reflectance, Transmittance and thickness measurement
Stacked Furnace (Thermco (USA))
Stacked Furnace used for: Oxidation, Annealing and Diffusion
Ellipsometer (Gaertner Scientific)
For thickness measurement
Plasma Cleaner (Femto Science)
For surface cleaning and modifications
Hall Effect measurement (HMS-3000)
Used for Sheet resistance, conductivity etc measurements
Milli-Q DI water plant
Provide DI water with resistivity =18 MΩ·cm
Used for organic material synthesis

Virtual Device Fabrication and Simulation Lab
This is designed to facilitate the UG and PG students for Technology Computer-Aided Design (TCAD) software based virtual fabrication, simulation and characterization for various advanced semiconductor devices. The lab is equipped with the following facilities:
- 20 Desktop Computers
- Silvaco ATLASTM
- SynopsysTM TCAD
- CogendaTM Visual TCAD
- IC-CAPTM Device Modeling Software
Microprocessor Lab
This lab is used by both the UG and PG students for their routine academic as well as for their B.Tech. projects and M.Tech. dissertation works. This lab is equipped with the following facilties:
- Microcontroller Kit (8051 Trainer Kit)
- Microprocessor Kit (8086/8088 Training Kit &Amp; 8063 Microprocessor)
- Vpl : Embedded Trainer
- Virtex
- Spartan
- ADSP/DSP etc.
- Keyboard Interfacing Kit
- Stepper Motor Kit
- Lift Simulator
- IC Tester
- Xilinx Virtex 5
- Keil Development Board ( ARM Board )
- Microchip PIC Programmer
- Frdm - Kl25z Freedom Development Platform

Sensors and Systems Lab
This lab is focused toward the sensors based systems design using digital techniques and instrumentation. Variety of tools and development boards are available for implementing various experiments based on Sensors, Sensor Networks, Internet of Things (IoT) and smart systems for efficient systems for Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) and Robotics. This lab is equipped with the following facilities:
- Digiac 1750 Unit (Transducers &Amp; Instrumentation Board)
- MATLAB For Windows Release R2006b Matlab Docket
- Matlab Docket
- Simulink Docket
- Statistics Toolbox Docket
- Neural Network Toolbox Docket
- Signal Processing Toolbox Docket
- Image Processing Toolbox Docket
- Signal Processing Blockset Docket
- Matlab Dongle
- CPLD/FPGA Digital Logic Design Lab (Model-lp2900)
- Dasy Lab (Software)
- FPGA/CPLD (Embedded Trainer)
- MATLAB [8000 Series](Embedded Control System)
- Dedicated/ Distributed/ Data Acquisition System
- LPC 214 X (ARM Trainer Kit)
- All In One Xilinx Spartan-3 Based Circuit Development Kit
- Software Development Tools For Pic Microcontroller
- PIC Microcontroller Development Kit ( Interfacing Cards &Amp; Sensors)
- Flow Rate Sensor
- Dissolved Oxygen Probe
- pH Sensor
- Salinity Sensor
Analog and Digital Circuits Lab
This lab is primarily used by the UG students for the designing and implementation of various digital and analog circuits and systems. The lab is equipped with the following facilities:
- Component Development System
- Function Generator
- Universal IC Tester (Analog/Digital)
- Multimeters
- Electronic Components (Resistors, Capacitors etc.)
- ICs Analog/Digital
Analog and Digital Communication Lab
This lab is used by both UG and PG students for their regular practical parts of the related courses as well as for carrying out UG projects and PG dissertation works. Under regular practical parts of analog and digital communication courses, students are asked to design and implement practical circuits for various modulation and demodulation circuits and systems using discrete electronic components. Analog and digital communication labs are conducted in alternate semesters. This lab consists of total 15 set ups. Each of the sets consists of the following:
- Component Development Systems
- CRO (Scientec)
- Function Generator (Scientec)
- Power Supply (Scientec)
- Digital Multimeter
Optical Communication Lab
Optical Communication lab is used by both the UG and PG students for their respective projects and dissertation works in optoelectronics and optical communication related areas. The lab is equipped with the following facilities:
OFT kit | Benchmark Ltd. | For various measurements on fiber. |
Light Emitting Diode Module |
Benchmark Ltd. | IR LED – standalone and capable of coupled through fiber |
Laser diode module: LD unit, LD driver | Benchmark Ltd. | Laser diodes for coupling power via optical fiber and free space |
Photodetectors (pin, APD) |
Benchmark Ltd. | Characteristics of silicon pin and APD PDs. |
EDFA Amplifiers | Benchmark Ltd. | EDFA amplifier, coupler, source , modulator, pump source |
Systems | Benchmark Ltd. | OTDR,MUX, BER, LOS |
Optical links | Benchmark Ltd. | Different types of optical links |
Power Meter | Benchmark Ltd. | Handheld Si/Ge power meter for visible and NIR |
Power Source | Benchmark Ltd. | Handheld LD sources for CW/pulse mode operartion, TTL and PRBS/fixed data word |
Fiber spool | Benchmark Ltd. | MM/SM fibers |
Transmitter & Receiver | Benchmark Ltd. | Digital and analog transmitter and receiver |
Function generator | Benchmark Ltd. | For different types of analog signals |
Digital CRO | Benchmark Ltd. | Display |
6 ½ digit multimeter | Benchmark Ltd. | Measurements |

Digital Signal Processing Lab
The digital signal processing lab is used primarily used by the UG and PG students for the project and dissertation works related to the signal processing and digital communications. This lab is equipped with 15 experimental set ups each of which consists of the following:
- Desktop Computer
- DSP Kits from the Texas Instruments
- Digital Oscilloscope ( RIGOL DS1102E)
- Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generator
Microwave Engineering Lab
Vector Network Analyzer (MS2038C VNA Master, Anritsu)-1
Spectrum Analyzer (PSA Spectrum Analyser 3 Hz-42.98 GHz, E4447A, Agilent)-1
Analog Signal Generator (100kHz-20 GHz, N5183A, Agilent)-1
Analog Signal Generator (8.2GHz-12.4 GHz, 86250D, HP)-1
Function Generator (1012, 1402, SYSTRONICS)
VSWR Meters (SW-115, SICO)-5
Analog microvoltmeter (411) -5
AC millivoltmeter -6
Microwave Waveguide Test Benches (15 Nos) each of which consists of the following:
- Klystron Power Supply (KP-151, 825, Vidyut Yantra)/SICO
- Gunn Power Supply (6S:610, 261, SICO)
- Isolators/Circulators
- Direct Reading Frequency Meters (SICO)
- Slotted Line Sections
- Tunable detectors
- Variable attenuators
- Directional couplers
- Matched terminations (Fixed, variable)
- Short circuits (Fixed, variable)
- Microwave Devices: Horn antennas, planar antennas, reflector antennas, Filters, four ports waveguide components
Microstrip Test Bench (C-Band, SICO)
Milling Machine (Brazing)
Micro Milling Machine (T-Tech Q-5000)
Lathe machine (HMT)
Shearing and Power Saw Machines (bending and cutting)
Chemical Etching Prototyping Machine

Antenna Engineering Lab
This lab is primarily used by the UG and PG students for the simulation, fabrication and characterization of various types of antennas such as waveguide, planar, Yagi, reflector, wire antennas, etc. The lab is equipped with following softwares and hardwares:Softwares:
Ansys HFSS
CST Microwave Studio
Customized software for characterization of antennas
- Vector Network Analyzer (MS2038C VNA Master, Anritsu)-1
- Vector Network Analyzer (E8364B Agilent)-1
- Spectrum Analyzer (PSA Spectrum Analyser 3 Hz-42.98 GHz, E4447A, Agilent)-1
- Analog Signal Generator (100kHz-20 GHz, N5183A, Agilent)-1
- Analog Signal Generator (8.2GHz-12.4 GHz, 86250D, HP)-1
- Analog Signal Generator (250kHz-20GHz, E8257D, Agilent)-1
- PSA Spectrum Analyser (3 Hz-42.98 GHz, E4447A, Agilent)-1
- Anechoic Chamber with six-axes antenna positioner
- Antenna characterization setup consisting of Transmitting and Receiving antennas, Microwave Generators and Detectors, Automatic pattern plotters
- LCR meters
- Transmission Line Trainer (RFL-TLC)
- Microstripline Trainer (RFL-TLM)
- Antenna Trainer System (RFL-AMS-A)- 10
- 3 GHz Microwave Generators and Detectors (RFL-RFGD3G)
- Digital Storage Oscilloscope (DSO-100 C)
- Bench Top 4.5 digital multimeter (DMM-50)
- Waveguide based radiation pattern setups
Tinkering Lab
This is a newly created facility for carrying out innovative projects by the UG/PG students in addition to their regular course curriculum. Students are permitted to procure any component/item required for their projects on reimbursement basis. The department has already procured a list of general active and passive components including general purpose OP-AMPs, Transistors, ICs for the day to day use. In addition, the following facilities are available in this laboratory:-
Desktop Computers: 5 Nos
3 GHz Spectrum Analyzer (Keysight): 01 No.
Analog Oscilloscope ( Scientific): 03 Nos
Function Generators (Scientific): 2 Nos
Power Supply (Scientific): 2 Nos
Digital Multimeter (Scientific): 3 Nos.
Component Development Systems: 5 Nos.
This lab is equipped with hardware development platforms as well as the software necessary to design chip level VLSI based solutions. The list of facilities available in this lab is given below:
Generic Name of Equipment
HP z440 Workstation
Used to install various software
Dell Optilex 5040 With TFT
Used as node connected to the workstations
Basys 3 Boards with accessories
Used to prototype the digital designs
Analog discover kit
Used to prototype the analog designs
Zybo Boards+Accessories
Used to prototype the digital designs
Nexys 4DDR
Used to prototype the digital designs
1. Cadence EDA Tools
2. Xilinx VIVADO Suites.
3. Xilinx SDSoc
4. Synopsys EDA Tools
5. Mentor EDA Tools