Dr. Amit Subhash Shedbale
Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Area of Interest:
Damage Mechanics, Fracture, Computational Modeling
Dr. Amit Subhash Shedbale joined the Department of Mechanical Engineering in March 2020.
Ph.D. | IIT Roorkee | Computational Solid Mechanics | 2017 |
Masters | IIT Roorkee | Machine Design | 2013 |
Bachelors | Shivaji University | Mechanical Engineering | 2010 |
Mar. 2020 - present | Assistant Professor | IIT BHU Varanasi |
Mar. 2017 - Dec. 2019 | Research Fellow | National University of Singapore |
Research Area:
- Computational Mechanics, Constitutive Modeling of Materials, Dynamic Fracture;
- Damage, Fracture, Fatigue, Composites, Plasticity;
- FEM, XFEM, Meshfree Methods;
Linear and Nonlinear Simulations like High-Velocity Projectile Impact using FE Software such ABAQUS, LS-DYNA
Course | UG/PG |
ME 101 - Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering | UG |
ME 102 - Engineering Mechanics | UG |
ME 104 - Engineering Drawing | UG |
ME 311 - Fundamentals of Machine Design | UG |
International Journals
- Shedbale, A.S., Singh, I.V., Mishra, B.K. (2021): Indentation behavior of metal matrix composites reinforced with arbitrary shape particle using a coupled FE-EFG approach, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 10.1080/15376494.2021.1931580.
- Zhang, F., Shedbale, A.S., Zhong, R., Poh, L.H., Zhang, M.H. (2021): Ultra-high performance concrete subjected to high-velocity projectile impact: implementation of K&C model with consideration of failure surfaces and dynamic increase factors, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 155, 103907.
- Shedbale, A.S., Sun, G., Poh, L.H. (2021): A localizing gradient enhanced isotropic damage model with Ottosen equivalent strain for the mixed-mode fracture of concrete, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 199, 106410.
- Zhang, Y., Shedbale, A.S., Gan, Y., Moon, J., Poh, L.H. (2021): Size effect analysis of quasi-brittle fracture with localizing gradient damage model, International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 155, 103907.
- Biswas, R., Poh, L.H., Shedbale, A.S. (2020): A micromorphic computational homogenization framework for auxetic chiral structures, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 135, 103801.
- Wang, Z., Shedbale, A.S., Kumar, S., Poh, L.H. (2019): Localizing gradient damage model with micro inertia effect for dynamic fracture, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 355, 492–512.
- Biswas, R., Shedbale, A.S., Poh, L.H. (2019): Nonlinear analyses with a micromorphic computational homogenization framework for composite materials, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 350, 362–395.
- Sarkar, S., Singh, I.V., Mishra, B.K., Shedbale, A.S., Poh, L.H. (2019): Source codes and simulation data for the finite element implementation of the conventional and localizing gradient damage methods in ABAQUS, Data in Brief, 26, 104533.
- Sarkar, S., Singh, I.V., Mishra, B.K., Shedbale, A.S., Poh, L.H. (2019): A comparative study and ABAQUS implementation of conventional and localizing gradient enhanced damage models, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 160, 1–31.
- Shedbale, A.S., Singh, I.V., Mishra, B.K. (2017): Heterogeneous and homogenized models for predicting the indentation response of particle reinforced metal matrix composites, International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design, 13, 531–552.
- Shedbale, A.S., Singh, I.V., Mishra, B.K., Sharma, K. (2017): Ductile failure modeling and simulations using coupled FE–EFG approach, International Journal of Fracture, 203, 183–209.
- Shedbale, A.S., Singh, I.V., Mishra, B.K. (2016): A coupled FE–EFG approach for modeling crack growth in ductile materials, Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 39, 1204–1225.
- Singh, I.V., Shedbale, A.S., Mishra, B.K. (2016): Material property evaluation of particle reinforced composites using finite element approach, Journal of Composite Materials, 50, 2757–2771.
- Shedbale, A.S., Singh, I.V., Mishra, B.K., Sharma, K. (2016): Evaluation of mechanical properties using spherical ball indentation and coupled FE–EFG approach, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 23, 832–843.
- Shedbale, A.S., Sharma, A.K., Singh, I.V., Mishra, B.K. (2016): Modeling and simulation of metal forming processes by XFEM, Applied Mechanics & Materials, 829, 41–45.
- Kumar, S., Shedbale, A.S., Singh, I.V., Mishra, B.K. (2015): Elasto–plastic fatigue crack growth simulations in the presence of flaws using XFEM, Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering, 9, 420–440.
- Sharma, K., Singh, I.V., Mishra, B.K., Shedbale, A.S. (2013): The effect of inhomogeneities on an edge crack: A numerical study using XFEM, International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics, 14, 505–523.
- Shedbale, A.S., Gang, S., Poh, L.H. (2020): Gradient Enhanced Isotropic Damage Model for the Mixed-mode Fracture of Concrete, Ist Online International Conference on Recent Advances in Computational and Experimental Mechanics, IIT Kharagpur, India, September 4–6, 2020.
- Shedbale, A.S., Singh, I.V., Mishra, B.K., Singh S.K. (2017): Numerical prediction of indentation behavior of metal matrix composites using XFEM, 11th International Symposium on Plasticity and Impact Mechanics: Procedia Engineering, 173, 1071–1078.
- Sharma, A.K., Shedbale, A.S., Singh, I.V., Mishra, B.K. (2015): Elasto–plastic finite deformation simulations using 3–D parallel XFEM, 4th International Conference on Materials Processing and Characterization: Materials Today: Proceedings, 2, 2030–2036.
- Shedbale, A.S., Singh, I.V., Mishra, B.K. (2014): On the implementation of pressure–dependent damage model using XFEM, Ist International Conference on Structural Integrity, Kalpakkam, India, February 4–7, 2014.
- Shedbale, A.S., Singh, I.V., Mishra, B.K. (2013): Nonlinear simulation of an embedded crack in the presence of holes and inclusions by XFEM, International Conference on Design and Manufacturing: Procedia Engineering, 64, 642–651.
- Shedbale, A.S., Singh, I.V., Mishra, B.K. (2013): Elasto–plastic fatigue crack growth simulations of a center crack plate using XFEM, 58th Congress of the Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Kolkata, India, December 18–21, 2013.
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