Research Interests: |
Computational Mechanics: Wavelets, Finite Element and Meshless Methods.
Research Projects (Project Completed) |
Ø Study of Tool Wear in Diamond Turn Machining & Micro Machining Processes and Development of Tool Wear Monitoring & Compensation Methodology to Enhance the Size & Shape Accuracies of the Ultra Precision Machined Components. (MoU with BARC 2013-2015)
Ø Wavelets and their Applications in Computational Mechanics, Department of Science & Technology, India.(Principal Investigator) (2007-2010)
Ø Numerical Solution of Advection Dispersion Equation using Wavelets, Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences, DAE, India.
Invited Lectures: |
· “Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations using Wavelets”, INS Workshop, BARC, Mumbai, Aug 2, 2016
· “Wavelets”, Short Term Advanced Training Programme on INTEGRAL TRANSFORM, DISTRIBUTION AND WAVELET ANALYSIS, ISM Dhanbad, Dec 14-18, 2015
· “Wavelets in Computer Graphics”, Keynote address in IEEE International Conference on Computer Graphics, Vision and Information Security, KIIT University, India, Nov 2-3, 2015
· “Customized Scale Orthogonal Wavelets for Solution of PDEs”, BARC-BRNS Theme Meeting, Homi Bhabha National Institute, Mumbai, June 16-17, 2015
· “ Lectures on Wavelets”, Advanced Training Programme on Integral Transform, Wavelets, Distribution Theory and Applications, DST-CIMS, BHU, July 12-21, 2012
· “Error Estimation and Adaptive Mesh in Finite Element Method”, Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, I.I.T. Roorkee, July 12-16, 2010
· “Scale-orthogonal wavelets”, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, March 5-6, 2010
· “Time-Frequency Analysis and Denoising of Signals using Wavelets”, Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, I.I.T. Roorkee, July 6-10, 2009
· “Lifting Scheme and Second Generation Wavelets”, Department of Mathematics, B.H.U. Varanasi, 22 Oct-5 Nov, 2008.
Selected Papers in Conferences: |
· “Tool Wear Compensation Scheme for DTM” Int. Conference on Recent Advances in Materials & Manufacturing Technologies, 28-29, November, 2017 , Dubai, United Arab Emirates
· “Modelling of Ultrasonic Guided Waves for Circular Cylindrical Structures using Finite Element Approach and Selection of Noise Filtering Technique” , NDT 2016, 55th Annual Conference, 12-14 Sept 2016, Nottingham , UK.
· “Adaptive Grid Selection in Finite Element Method using Wavelets”, Int. Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences – 28 March – 1 April, 2010, Las Vegas, USA.
· “B-Spline in Multilevel Wavelet Galerkin Solution of One Dimensional Problem” ,3rd Int. Congress on Computational Mechanics & Simulation, 1-5 Dec 2009, IIT Mumbai.
· “Wavelet-Galerkin Method for Some Elasto-Statics Problems”, Int. Conference on Modeling of Engineering & Technological Problems 14-16 Jan 2009, B.M.A.S.E.C., Agra.
· “Numerical Solution of One Dimensional Partial Differential Equations using Moving Least Square Based Wavelets”, IV National Conference on Applicable Mathematics in Wave Mechanics and Vibration 14-16 Nov., 2008, J.E.C.R.C. Jaipur.
· Siddavatam Rajesh, K. Sandeep and R.K.Mittal, (2007). “A Fast Progressive Image Sampling using Lifting Scheme and Non-Uniform B-splines,” in Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, (ISIE-07) in Vigo, SPAIN, June 4-7.
· Siddavatam Rajesh, K. Sandeep, R.K. Mittal, “Robot Motion Planning on Rough Terrain Using Multiresolution Second Generation Wavelets and Non-Uniform B-splines”, IEEE Conference on Industrial Technology, 2006, IIT Mumbai
· B. Pradhan, S. Mansor, A.R. Ramli, A.R. Mohmed Sharrif, K. Sandeep, “LIDAR data compression using wavelets”, Remote Sensing – SPIE Europe International Symposium, 5983-05, 19-22 September 2005, Belgium
· Presented one hours talk on “Application on Second Generation Wavelets in Geographical Terrain Representation”, Wavelet Workshop – Theory and Applications, April 26-May 7, 2004, University of Prince Edward Island, Canada.
· Participated in the international conference on Wavelets Theory and Applications: New Directions and Challenges, Aug 10-13, 2004, National University of Singapore.
· Pradhan, B., Sandeep, K., Mansor, S., Ramli Abd. R. and Rashid A. M. “Multiresolution Spatial Data Compression Using Lifting Scheme” International Journal of Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis: A Birkhäuser book, (Springer) pp 503-513
Publications in International Journals: |
1. Ambuj Sharma, Sandeep Kumar and Amit Tyagi (2017), “Selection of Optimal Noise Filtering Technique for Guided Waves in Diagnosis of Structural Cracks”, International Journal of structural Integrity. (Accepted)
2. Ambuj Sharma, K. Sandeep, Amit Tyagi and Kumar Kaushik Ranjan, (2017) Wavelet Based Finite Element Simulation of Guided Waves Containing Harmonics", International Journal of Materials and Structural Integrity. (Accepted)
3. Ambuj Sharma, Sandeep Kumar and Amit Tyagi (2017), “Noise Filtering Techniques for Lamb Waves in Structural Health Monitoring”, Multidiscipline Modelling in Materials and Structures. (Accepted)
4. Sandip Kumar Singh, Sandeep Kumar and J.P. Dwivedi (2017), “A novel soft computing method for engine RUL prediction”, Multimedia Tools and Applications,
5. Sandip Kumar Singh, Sandeep Kumar and J.P. Dwivedi (2017), “Compound fault prediction of rolling bearing using multimedia data”, Multimedia Tools and Applications, Volume 76, n 18, pp 18771–18788.
6. S. M. Quraishi and K. Sandeep (2013). Multiscale modeling of beam and plates using customized second-generation wavelets. Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 1-18. (DOI 10.1007/s10665-012-9579-4)
7. Radha Krishna Lal, Vikas Kumar Chaudhary, J.P. Dwivedi, V.P. Singh and Sandeep Kumar (2013) “Springback Analysis of Rectangular Sectional Bar of Non-linear Work Hardening Materials under Torsional Loading”, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol 393, pp 422-434.
8. K. Sandeep, Shikha Gaur, D. Dutta and H.S. Kushwaha, (2011), Wavelet based schemes for linear advection-dispersion equation, Applied Mathematics and Computations. Vol. 218, n 7, pp 3786-3798.
9. S.M. Quraishi and K. Sandeep, (2011), A Second Generation Wavelet based Finite Element on Triangulation, Computational Mechanics. Springer, Vol. 48, pp 163-174.
10. K. Sandeep and Kamal Kumar K, (2009), Use of B-Spline Function in Element Free Galerkin Method for Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equation, Int. J. of Computational Methods, Vol 6, n 3, pp. 1-12.
11. S.M. Quraishi, R Gupta and K. Sandeep, (2009) Adaptive Wavelet Galerkin Solution of Some Elastostatics Problems on Irregular Spaced Nodes, The Open Numerical Methods Journal, Vol 1, pp 20-25.
12.R. K. Misra, S. Kumar, K. Sandeep and Ashok Misra, (2008) Dynamic Analysis of Banana Fibre Reinforced Low Density Polyethylene/ poly (e-caprolactone) Composites, J. of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, Vol 3,n. 1, pp 107-125.
13.R. K. Misra., Sandeep Kumar, K. Sandeep and Ashok Misra, (2008) Some Experimental and Theoretical Investigations on Fire Retardant Coir/Epoxy Micro-Composition, J. of Thermoplastic Composite Material, Vol. 21,n. 1, pp 71-101.
14.R.K. Misra, K. Sandeep and Ashok Misra, (2007) Analysis of Laminates using Multiquadric Radial Basis Function, Int. J. of Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics, Vol 8, n. 5, pp 303-312.
15.B. Pradhan, K. Sandeep, S. Mansor, A. R. Ramli and A. R. B. M. Sharif, (2007), Second Generation Wavelet Based GIS Terrain Data Compression Using Delaunay Triangulation , Engineering Computations (Emerald), Vol. 24, n. 2 pp. 200-213.
16.R.K. Misra, K. Sandeep and Ashok Misra, (2007) Analysis of Anisotropic Plate using Multiquadric Radial Basis Function, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, Vol. 31, pp. 28-34.
17. B. Pradhan, K. Sandeep, S Mansor, (2007) GIS Terrain Data Compression using Lifting Scheme- A New Direction, Int. J. of the Computer, the Internet and Management, Vol. 15, n. 3. pp. 9-19.
18. B. Pradhan, K. Sandeep, S. Mansor, Abd. R Ramli and A. M. Rashid, (2006), “Spatial Data Compression and Denoising Via Wavelet Transformation”, International Journal of e-GIS (Australia) , Vol. 2, no. 1.
19. B. Pradhan, K. Sandeep, S. Mansor, Abd. R Ramli and A. M. Rashid, (2006), “A Fast Processing Algorithm for Remote Sensing Data Compression (LIDAR) Using Second Generation Wavelet”, Korean Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 22, no. 1 pp. 1-13.
20. I. V. Singh, K. Sandeep and R. Prakash, (2005) “The effect of weight function and scaling parameter on meshless EFG results in heat transfer problems”, International Journal of Heat & Technolog, Vol 23, n. 1, pp. 13-20.
21. S.P. Harsha, K. Sandeep and R. Prakash, (2004), “Nonlinear Dynamic Behaviors of Rolling Element Bearings Due to Surface Waviness”, Journal of Sound and Vibration. Vol 272, pp 557-580.
22. I.V. Singh, K. Sandeep and R. Prakash, (2004), “Application of meshless element free Galerkin method in two-dimensional heat conduction problems”, Computer Assisted Mechanics and Engineering Sciences, Vol. 11, pp. 265-274.
23. S.P. Harsha, K. Sandeep and R. Prakash (2004), “Nonlinear Dynamic Response of a Rotor Bearing System Due to Surface Waviness”, Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol 37, pp 91-114.
24. I.V. Singh, K. Sandeep and R. Prakash, (2003), “Heat Transfer Analysis of Two-Dimensional Fins using Meshless Element-Free Galerkin Method”, Numerical Heat Transfer: Part A, Vol. 44, pp. 73-84.
25. S.P. Harsha, K. Sandeep and R. Prakash, (2003), “The Effect of Speed of Balanced Rotor on Nonlinear Vibrations Associated With Ball Bearings”, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Vol.47, n. 4, pp. 225-240.
26. S.P. Harsha, K. Sandeep and R. Prakash, (2003), “Effects of Preload and Number of Balls on Nonlinear Dynamic Behavior of Ball Bearing System”, International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, Vol. 4, n. 3, pp. 265-279.
27. I.V. Singh, K. Sandeep and R. Prakash, (2003), “Meshless EFG method in transient heat conduction problems”, International Journal of Heat & Technology, Vol. 21(2), pp. 99-105.
28. S. P. Harsha, K. Sandeep and R. Prakash, (2003), “Quasi-periodic, Subharmonic and Chaotic Motions of a Rotor Bearing System”, International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, Vol 4, n 3, pp 361-372.
29. S.P. Harsha, K. Sandeep and R. Prakash, (2003), “Nonlinear Dynamic Behaviors of High Speed Rotor Supported By Rolling Element Bearings”, International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol 8, n 4, pp 705-720.
30. I. V. Singh, K. Sandeep and R. Prakash, (2002), “The Element Free Galerkin Method in Three-Dimensional Steady State Heat Conduction, International Journal of Computational Engineering Sciences, Vol. 3, n. 3, pp. 291-303.
31. Y. Nath and K. Sandeep, (2000), “Nonlinear Analysis of Doubly Curved Shells: An Analytical Approach”, Sadhana, Vol. 25, n. 4, pp. 343-352.
32. K. Sandeep and Y. Nath, (2000), “Nonlinear Dynamic Response of Axisymmetric Thick Laminated Shallow Spherical Shells”, International Journal of Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, Vol. 1, pp. 225-238.
33. K. Sandeep and Y. Nath, (2000), “ Nonlinear Analysis of Unsymmetrically Laminated Moderately Thick Axisymmetric Structures”, International Journal of Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, Vol. 1, pp. 215-223.
34. Y. Nath and K. Sandeep, (1998), “Effect of Transverse Shear on Static and Dynamic Buckling of Antisymmetrically Laminated Polar Orthotropic Laminated Moderately Thick Axisymmetric Structures”, Composite Structures, Vol. 40, n. 1, pp. 67-72
35. Y. Nath and Sandeep Kumar, (1995), “Chebyshev Series Solution to Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems in Rectangular Domain”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 125, pp. 41-52.
36. Y. Nath and Sandeep Kumar, (1995), “Large Amplitude Response of Layered Circular Plates”, ASCE, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Vol 121, n 1, pp 37-49.
37. Y. Nath and K. Sandeep, (1994), “The Stability of the Houbolt Time Marching Scheme in Nonlinear System”, Journal of Sound and Vibrations, Vol. 175, n. 4, pp. 565-569
38. Y. Nath and K. Sandeep, (1993), “Postbuckling of Symmetrically Laminated Moderately Thick Axisymmetric Shallow Spherical Shells”, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Vol. 35, n. 11, pp. 965-975.
Ph.D. – 4(Completed) and 2 (in progress) |
i. Mr. Sandip Kumar Singh, “Machine Learning Based Data -Driven Methods for Structural Health Monitoring”
ii. Mr. Kumar Kaushik Ranjan, “ Adaptive Computational Modeling using Finite Element Wavelet Method”
iii. Mr Ambuj Sharma, “ Structural Health Monitoring using Wavelets” (Submitted 2018)
iv. Dr. Shikha Gaur, “Numerical Solution of Advection-Dispersion Equation using Wavelets” (as a co-supervisor) 2012
v. Dr. Sarosh M. Quraishi, “ Multiscale Analysis of Beams and Plates using Finite Elements with Customized Wavelets” 2011
vi. Dr. Biswajeet Pradhan, “Compression of Three-Dimensional Terrain Data Using Lifting Scheme Based on Second Generation Wavelets” (as a co-supervisor) 2006