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sdodla.mec's picture
Dr. Srihari Dodla
Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering IIT(BHU)
Area of Interest: 
Multiscale material modelling of polycrystalline materials, Homogenization, Micromechanical formulation, Texture evolution, Machining

Dr. -Ing. Srihari Dodla
Assistant Professor

Room No. 1 - Thermal building (3rd Floor),
Machine Design Division,
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology (BHU) Varanasi,
Varanasi - 221005
Phone : +91 8978007660
Landline: +915427165585

Area of Interest

  • Multiscale material modeling of polycrystalline materials,
  • Crystal plasticity,
  • Micromechanical formulation,
  • Machining.
Degree Institute Year
Ph. D. Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany March 2015
M. Tech Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India May 2011
B. Tech Sri Venkateswara University Tirupathi, India May 2009
Work Experience
Designation Institute Year
Assistant Professor Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, IIT (BHU) Varanasi 31st May 2021 onwards
Research Assistant Professor Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, SRM IST Kattankulathur, India May 2018 - May 2021
Postdoctoral Fellow Faculty of Engineering, Tel Aviv University, Israel May 2017 - Oct '2017
Research Assistant Wolfson School, Loughborough University, UK July 2015 - Nov 2016

Course Name Year
Mechanics of Materials ME-214  July - Nov'21
Mechanical Measurements ME-221  May - June '21
Mechanics of Deformable Solids ME 224 Dec 21 - May'22
Engineering Drawing ME 104 Dec 21 - April '22


Course name Year
Experimental Mechanics & NDT ME-508 July - Nov'21
  • Multiscale material modeling of polycrystalline materials
  • Micromechanical formulation of composites
  • Crystal plasticity
  • Machining


*S. Dodla, Experimental investigations of tool wear in vibration-assisted turning of Inconel 718, Arch. Metall. Mater., 67(3), 949-953, 2022 (DOI:


*N K Jha, S Kumar, S Dodla, 3D waviness effect of carbon nanotubes on fundamental natural frequency and modeling of resonance of nanocomposite structure, Inter. J. of Comp. Mat. Sci. and Eng. 11(2), 2150031, 2021.
*S. Dodla, Micromechanical Analysis for Iron-Based Composites Under Large Deformations,
Journal of Electronic Materials,  2021.
*Dodla, S., Deformation behavior of nickel-based superalloy predicted by spherical representative volume element approach,
Physics of Metals and Metallography, 2021 (DOI:10.1134/S0031918X21140064).
*Dodla, S., Microstructural Investigations and Numerical Simulations of Polycrystalline Nickel, Physics of Metals and Metallography, 121(14), 2020, 1418-1423.
*Dodla, S., Micromechanical analysis for two-phase copper-silver composites under large deformations, Journal of Composites Science, 2(1), 2018, 1.
*Liu, Q., Dodla, S., Roy, A., Silberschmidt, V. V., Crystal-plasticity simulation of micromachining of single-crystal metal: Methodology and analysis, Advanced Structured Materials, 60, 2016, 165-183.
*Dodla, S., Bertram, A., Numerical study of the deformation behavior of eutectic Cu/Ag polycrystals,
Technische Mechanik, 36(3), 2016, 155-165.
*Dodla, S., Thiem, P., Krueger, M., Dietrich, D., Bertram, A., Microstructure, flow behavior, and bulk texture evolution of cold drawn copper-silver composites, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 647, 2015, 519-527.
*Dodla, S., Bertram, A., Krueger, M., Simulation of flow behavior and texture evolution of Cu-Ag composites incorporating XRD data,
Technische Mechanik, 35(2), 2015, 71-79.
*Dodla, S., Bertram, A., Krueger, M., Finite element simulation of lamellar copper-silver composites,
Computational Materials Science, 101, 2015, 29-38.

*Dodla, S., Kirpalani Idnani, K.J., Katyal, A., Finite element machining simulations of aerospace materials, Materials Today Proceedings, 2021, 46, pp. 991–998
*Dodla, S., Numerical Investigations of flow behavior for a directionally solidified columnar Inconel 718 super alloy, Materials Today Proceedings, 2020, accepted.
*Dodla, S., Comparison of lamellar nanostructured cubical and spherical statistical volume elements in terms of crystallographic texture and deformation behavior, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 912(5), 052001, 2020.
*Dodla, S., M. Anirudh, E Rohith, SVK Reddy, Characterization of fully lamellar Ti6Al-4V alloy, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 912 (2), 022035, 2020.
*Dodla, S. S Agarwal, R T Reddy, S Sahu, Microstructura characterisation for polycrystalline nickel, IConETech2020.
*Dodla, S.,  A. Roy, VV Silberschmidt, Characterisation of aerospace alloys:Effect of machining, BSSM's 11th International conference on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, 1-2, 2016.
*Dodla, S., Experimental characterization and numerical simulation of Inconel 718 under large plastic deformation, ICCM2016.
*Dodla, S., A. Bertram, M. Krueger, Experimental Identification and Numerical Simulation of Lamellar Cu-Ag Composites under Large Plastic Deformations, ICCMS2014, 1199-1206, 2014.
International Collaborations
  • Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany
  • TU Berlin, Germany


  • Member, Department Space Committee
  • Member, Faculty Forum

Current research group

Ph.D. Students

  • Mr. Mayank Singh
  • Ms.  G. Akhila

MTech Students

  • Mr. Pujari Chinna Peddaiah
  • Mr. Anirudh Venkatesan
  • Mr. Vishal Chauhan

IDD students

  • Mr. N. Vineeth Kumar
  • SERB/SRG grant
  • SEED grant, IIT(BHU) Varanasi