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Parthasarathi Chakrabarti, Professor (HAG) in the Department of Electronics Engineering, IIT(BHU) and former Director of NIT Allahabad (2011-2016) took over the Charge as the first full-term Director of the Indian Institute of Engineering Science & Technology (IIEST), Shibpur on May 10, 2018. He has been on the additional charge of the Director, NIT Patna during 2011-12.
Prof. Chakrabarti has made a significant contribution in experimental and theoretical research in the areas of Microelectronics and Photonics. He has been the Coordinator (2005-11) of the Centre for Research in Microelectronics (CRME), Department of Electronics Engineering, IIT(BHU) and the founder Coordinator of Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) Centre at IIT(BHU). He has been the Head of the Department of Electronics Engineering, IIT(BHU) during 2006-2009. He established two dedicated research Centres e.g., the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research (CIR) for carrying out multi-disciplinary research and the Centre for Medical Diagnostics & Research (CMDR) for promoting research in the field of Life Sciences with emphasis on human halth care at NIT Allahabad. His research group has strong collaborations with the Optoelectronics Research Group, Lancaster University, Lancaster UK and the Nanomaterials research group, University of New South Wales, Australia. So far eighteen students including one foreign student under ICCR Exchange Program of the Govt. of India have been awarded Ph.D. degree under his supervision. Currently four more students are working towards Ph.D. under his supervision. He has successfully completed a number of R & D projects sponsored by government funding agencies such as, DST, CSIR, DRDO etc.
Prof. Chakrabarti has published over 280 research papers in leading technical journals and in Conference Proceedings and filed 3 patents. He has authored three text books and edited five Proceedings of National and International Conferences. He has organized a number of International Conferences and delivered numerous Key-note speeches, Plenary and Invited Talks in International Conferences in the Country and abroad. He has been a regular reviewer of leading technical journals and listed in the Golden List of Reviewers of IEEE Transactions several times.
Professor Chakrabarti obtained his B.Tech. and M.Tech. Degrees from the University of Calcutta, Kolkata in 1980 and 1982 respectively. He earned his Ph.D. degree in Electronics Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology (BHU). He is a recipient of Indian National Science Academy (INSA) Visiting Fellowship and SERC (Science & Engineering Research Council), Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India. He received the Senior Visiting Fellowship of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), UK for conducting collaborative research with the Optoelectronics Research Group, Lancaster University during 2002-2003. He has been a part of the delegation sponsored to visit Indiana University, Indianapolis, USA in 2013 under the Leadership Development Program organized by the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Lucknow. Prof. Chakrabarti is a Fellow of Institution of Engineers and a Senior Member of IEEE, USA. He has been awarded Amity Academic Excellence Award-2015. He was appointed as Associate Editor, Journal of Electronic Materials-Springer. Prof. Chakrabarti is a recipient of MRSI Distinguished Lecturer-ship Award 2019-20.
Courses Taught
Under Graduate level
1. Semiconductor Devices
2. Computer-Aided Design of Semiconductor Devices
3. Analog Communication Systems
4. Digital Communication Systems
5. Signal Theory
6. Optical Fiber Communication
Post Graduate level
1. Advanced Semiconductor Devices
2. Solid-State Devices
3. Optical Communication
4. Signal Processing
Courses in the Last Session
1. EC-332: Optoelectronic Devices (Open Elective) (UG)
2. EC-5131: Solid-State Devices (PG)
Courses in the Current Session
1. Electronic Devices (2nd Year: Semester-III) at IIEST, Shibpur
1. | P. Chakrabarti, C. Periasamy and Shaivalini Singh, “ZnO Nanostructures-Based Devices for Electronic and Photonic Applications,” Encyclopedia of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, Ed. H. S. Nalwa, American Scientific Publishers, USA (in press) |
International Peer-Reviewed Journals |
Abhishek Kumar Singh, Nitesh K. Chourasia, B. N. Pal, A. Pandey and P. Chakrabarti, “A Proposed All ZnO-based Thin Film Transistor for UV-B Detection,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol.32, pp1548-1551, 2020. |
Abhishek Kumar Singh, A. Pandey and P. Chakrabarti, “Fabrication, Characterization, and Application of CuO Nano Wires as Electrode for Ammonia Sensing in Aqueous Environment using Extended Gate-FET,” IEEE Sensors Journal (in press) |
(I.F.=3.076) |
Ashutosh Kumar Dikshit, Pritam Banerjee, Nillohit Mukherjee, P. Chakrabarti, “Theoretical optimization of double dielectric back reflector layer for thin c-Si based advanced solar cells with notable enhancement in MAPD,” Superlattice and Microstructures, vol.191, pp.106747(1-13), 2021. |
Nilotpal, Somak Bhattacharyya, P. Chakrabarti, “Mathematical interpretation of wave propagation, standing wave resonance, and absorption in a metasurface absorber,” Optical Engineering, vol. 59, pp107102, 2020. |
Vijayakumar Devarakonda, Arun Dev Dhar Dwivedi, A. Pandey, P. Chakrabarti, “Performance analysis of N+-CdTe ∕n0-Hg0.824675Cd0.175325Te∕ p+-Hg0.824675 Cd0.175325Te n−i−p photodetector operating at 30 μm wavelength for terahertz applications,” Optical and Quantum Electronics, vol.52, pp1-19, 2020. |
(I.F.=1.842) |
Nitesh K. Chourasia, Abhishek Kumar Singh, Suyash Rai, Anand Sharma, Anchal Srivastava, P. Chakrabarti,” Low Operating Voltage Large Channel Length Graphene FET For Ambient Atmosphere Low Concentration Ammonia Gas Sensor” IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol.67, pp4385-4391, 2020. |
(I.F.=2.970) |
A.K. Singh, A. Pandey and P. Chakrabarti, “A Green Light Sensitive Au/PBTTTC14/OTS/SiO2/Si/Ag MOS Capacitor,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol.32, pp1045-1048, 2020 |
(I.F.=2.860) |
Abhishek Kumar Singh, Nitesh K. Chourasia, B. N. Pal, A. Pandey and P. Chakrabarti, “Low Operating Voltage Solution Processed (Li2ZnO2) Dielectric and (SnO2) channel based Medium Wave UV-B Phototransistor for Application in Phototherapy,” IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. 67, pp2028-2034, 2020 |
(I.F.=2.970) |
Abhishek Kumar Singh, A. Pandey and P. Chakrabarti, “Poly[2,5-bis(3-tetradecylthiophen-2-yl)thieno [3,2-b]thiophene] Organic Polymer Based -Interdigitated Channel Enabled Thin Film Transistor for Detection of Selective Low ppm Ammonia Sensing at 25°C’” IEEE Sensor Journal, vol. 20, pp4047-4054, 2020. |
(I.F.=3.076) |
Nilotpal, Aman, Somak Bhattacharyya and P. Chakrabarti, “Frequency and time-domain analyses of multiple reflections and interference phenomena in a metamaterial absorber,” Journal of Optical Society of America-B, vol.37, 586-592, Journal of Optical Society of America, 2020 |
Abhishek Kumar Singh, A. Pandey and P. Chakrabarti, “Fabrication, modelling and characterization of green light photosensitive p-channel -Poly[2,5-bis(3-tetradecylthiophen-2-yl)thieno[3,2-b]thiophene] organic semiconductor based phototransistors,” Organic Electronics, vol.75, pp105424, DOI: 10.1016/ j.orgel.2019.105424 |
Ashutosh Kumar Dikshit, Nabin Chandra Mandal, Sukanta Bose, Nillohit Mukherjee and P. Chakrabarti, “Optimization of back ITO layer as the sandwiched reflector for exploiting longer wavelength lights in thin and flexible (30 µm) single junction c-Si solar cells,” Solar Energy, vol.193, pp293-302, 2019. |
Nilotpal, Lavesh Nama, Somak Bhattacharyya, and P. Chakrabarti, ”A Metasurface-based Broadband Quasi Non-dispersive Cross Polarization Converter for Far Infrared Region," International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, pp1-9, 2019. |
Aditi Srivastava and P. Chakrabarti, “Modulation of electronic conductivity and bandgap of electrochemically polymerized polycarbazole films using montmorillonite, multi-walled carbon nanotube and reduced graphene,’ Micro & Nano Letters, 13, pp1335-1338, 2018 |
L. Agarwal, S. Tripathi and P. Chakrabarti, “Effects of copper concentration on structural and optical properties of copper doped ZnO prepared by sol-gel spin coating method, “ Materials Focus, 7, pp18-25, 2018. |
Aditi Srivastava and P. Chakrabarti, “Experimental Characterization of Electrochemically Polymerized Polycarbazole Film and Study of its Behavior with Different Metals Contacts,” Applied Physics A, 123, p784, 2017. |
Lucky Agarwal, Shweta Tripathi and P. Chakrabarti, “Analysis of structural, optical and electrical properties of metal/p-ZnO based Schottky Diode,” Journal of Semiconductors, vol.38, pp 104002-1-7, 2017 |
P. Chakrabarti, C. Periasamy and Shaivalini Singh, “ZnO Nanostructures-Based Devices for Electronic and Photonic Applications,” Encyclopedia of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, Ed. H. S. Nalwa, American Scientific Publishers, USA, vol.30, pp505-578, 2018 (in press) |
Shaivalini Singh, Y. Kumar, H. Kumar, Sumit Vyas, C.Periasamy, P. Chakrabarti, S. Jit, and Si-Hyun Park, “A Study of Hydrothermally Grown ZnO Nanorod-Based Metal-Semiconductor-Metal UV Detectors on Glass Substrates,” Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology, 7, p1847980417702144, 2017. |
P. Singh, S. Srivasatva, P. Chakrabarti and S.K. Singh, “Nanosilica based electrochemical biosensor: A novel approach for the detection of platelet-derived microparticles,” Sensors and Actuators B, vol. 240, pp322–329, 2017. |
S. Singh, G.R. Dilip, S. Vyas, M.R. Hasan, I.K. Park, P. Chakrabarti and S.H. Park, “Fabrication and Characterization of hydrothermally grown MgZnO nanorod films for Schottky diode applications,” Microsystem Technologies, 23, pp39-46, 2017. |
Sajal Agarwal, Pushpa Giri, Y.K. Prajapati and P. Chakrabarti, “Effect of Surface Roughness on the Performance of Optical SPR Sensor for Sucrose detection: Fabrication, Characterization and Simulation Study,” IEEE Sensor Journal, vol.16, pp8865-8873, 2017. |
Lucky Agarwal, Shweta Tripathi and P. Chakrabarti, “Fabrication and characterization of Pd/Cu doped ZnO/Si and Ni/Cu doped ZnO/Si Schottky Diodes,” Thin Solid Films, vol.612, pp259-266, 2016. |
Pushpa Giri and P. Chakrabarti, “Effect of Mg doping in ZnO buffer layer on ZnO thin film devices for electronic applications,” Superlattices and Microstructures, vol.93, pp248-260, 2016. |
Satyendra Kumar Singh, Purnima Hazra, Shweta Tripathi and P. Chakrabarti, “Performance analysis of RF-sputtered ZnO/Si heterojunction UV photodetectors with high photo-responsivity,” Superlattices and Microstructures, vol.91, pp62-69, 2016. |
Sumit Vyas, Shaivalini Singh, P. Chakrabarti and Si-Hyun Park, “Study of Surface Electrical Properties of Al doped ZnO Nanorods by STM,” Materials Science-Medziagotyra (in press). |
Shaivalini Singh, C. Periasamy, Sumit Vyas, P. Chakrabarti and Si-Hyun Park, “Preparation and Characterization of Hydrothermally Grown ZnO Nanorods for Photoconductive Sensors Applications”, Advanced Physics Letter, vol. 3, pp12-14, 2016. |
S. Patel, A.D.D. Dwivedi and P. Chakrabarti “Numerical simulation of GaAs based MISFET Photodetector for optical communication,” Intetnational Journal of Microelectronics and Digital Integrated Circuits, 2, 17-25, 2016 |
(I.F.=NA) |
A.D.D. Dwivedi, Rajeev Dhar Dwivedi, Raghvendra Dhar Dwivedi, Sumit Vyas and P. Chakrabarti, "Numerical simulation of P3HT based Organic Thin Film Transistors (OTFTs)" International Journal of Microelectronics and Digital Integrated Circuits, Vol.1, pp.13-20, 2015. |
Pushpa Giri, Sumit Vyas and P. Chakrabarti, “Fabrication and Characterization of ZnO Nanorods/Pd-Au Contacts,” Journal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics, vol.11, pp1-5, 2016. |
S. Chakrabartty, A. Mondal, P. Chakrabarti, S.K. Singh, A.K. Saha and P. Singh, “Synthesis of biocompatible TiO2 nanodots: Glancing angle deposition technique,” Journal of Nannoscience and Nanotechnology, vol. 16, pp8705-8710, 2016. |
Sumit Vyas, Rohit Tewary, Kumar Shubham and P. Chakrabarti, “Effect of Target Material on Characteristics of TiO2 Thin Film Fabricated by RF Sputtering Method,” Superlattice and Microstructures, vol.80, pp215-221, 2015. |
Shaivalini Singh, G. R. Dillip, Sumit Vyas, Md. R. Hasan, Il-Kyu. Park, P. Chakrabarti and Si-Hyun Park, “Fabrication and characterization of hydrothermally grown MgZnO nanorod films for Schottky diode applications,” Microsystem Technologies, pp1-8, 2015. |
Sumit Vyas, Shaivalini Singh and P. Chakrabarti, “Tailoring Energy Bandgap of Al doped ZnO Thin film by Vacuum Thermal Evaporation Method,” Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol. 15, pp9636-9642, 2015 |
Shashikant Sharma, C. Periasamy and P. Chakrabarti, “Thickness dependent study of RF sputtered ZnO thin films for Optoelectronic Device Applications,” Electronic Materials Letters, vol. 11, pp1093-1101, 2015. |
Aditi Srivastava and P. Chakrabarti, “Fabrication and electrical characterization of a polycarbazole/ZnO based organic-inorganic hybrid heterojunction diode,” Superlattice and Microstructures, vol.88, pp723-730, 2015. |
Satyendra Kumar Singh, Purnima Hazra, Shweta Tripathi and P. Chakrabarti, “Fabrication and Experimental Characterization of A Sol-gel Derived Nanostructured n-ZnO/p-Si Heterojunction Diode,” Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, vol. 26, pp7829-7836, 2015. |
Sumit Vyas, Pushpa Giri, Shaivalini Singh and P. Chakrabarti, “Comparative study of as-deposited ZnO films by thermal evaporation, pulsed laser deposition and rf sputtering methods for electronic and optoelectronic applications,” Journal of Electronic Materials, vol. 44, pp3401-3407, 2015. |
A.D.D. Dwivedi and P. Chakrabarti, “Analytical Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Hg1-xCdxTe Based N+n0p+ Photodetector for MWIR Free Space Optical Communication,” International Journal of Microelectronics and Digital Integrated Circuits, vol.2, pp20-27, 2015. |
Aditi Srivastava and P. Chakrabarti, ‘An Organic Schottky Diode (OSD) Based on a-Silicon/Polycarbazole Contact,” Synthetic Metals, vol.207, pp96-101, 2015. |
A.D.D. Dwivedi, A Pranav, Gaurav Gupta and P. Chakrabarti, “Numerical Simulation of HgCdTe Based Simultaneous MWIR/LWIR Photodetector for Free Space Optical Communication,” International Journal of Advanced Applied Physics Research, vol. 2, pp37-45, 2015 |
Shashikant Sharma, Sumit Vyas, C. Periasamy and P. Chakrabarti, “Structural and Optical Characterization of ZnO Thin Films for Optoelectronic Device Applications by RF Sputtering Technique,” Superlattice and Microstructures, 73, pp12-21, 2014. |
Shubam Kumar, R.U. Khan and P. Chakrabarti, “Investigation of Pd/TiO2/Si MIS capacitor as Hydrogen Sensor,” Sensor Review, vol.35, pp62-67, 2015. |
Sanjeev and P. Chakrabarti, “ATLAS simulation of a laser diode for free space optical communication (FSOC) in mid-infrared spectral region,” Opto-Electronics Review, 22, pp41-45, 2014. |
Kumar Shubham and P. Chakrabarti, “Fabrication and characterization of TiO2 and TiO2-SiO2 thin films based MIS structure by using LTAVD technique,” Electronic Materials Letters, vol.10, pp579-584, 2014. |
Shaivalini Singh and P. Chakrabarti, “Effect of Mesa Structure Formation on the Electrical Properties of Zinc Oxide Thin Film Transistors,” Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol.14, pp3552-3556, 2014. |
Ghusoon M. Ali and P. Chakrabarti, “Fabrication and characterization of nanostructure thin film ZnO Schottky contacts based UV photodetectors" Proc. SPIE 8816, Nanoengineering: Fabrication, Properties, Optics, and Devices X, 88160H (September 26), 2013. |
Shaivalini Singh and P. Chakrabarti, “Comparison of the Structural and Optical Properties of ZnO Thin Films Deposited by Three Different Methods for Optoelectronic Applications,” Superlattice and Microstructures, vol. 64, pp283-293, 2013. |
Kumar Shubham, R.U. Khan and P. Chakrabarti, “Characterization of Pd/TiO2/Si MIS Sensors for hydrogen detection,” Sensor Letters, vol.11, pp1950-1955, 2013 (I.F.=1.587) |
Shaivalini Singh and P. Chakrabarti, "Theoretical and Experimental Studies of characteristics of ZnO TFTs," Journal of Electron Devices, vol.18, pp1543-1548, 2013. |
C. Periasamy and P. Chakrabarti, “Effect of temperature on the electrical characteristics of nanostructured n-ZnO/p-Si heterojunction diode,” Science of Advanced Materials, vol-5, pp1384-1391, 2013. |
Kumar Shubham, R.U. Khan and P. Chakrabarti, “Fabrication and Characterization of Pd/TiO2/Si MIS structure with TiO2 film as insulator layer deposited by Low Temperature Arc Vapor Deposition Process,” Advanced Science Focus, vol.1, pp156-161, 2013 (Inaugural Issue: By Invitation). |
Shaivalini Singh and P. Chakrabarti, “Optical characterization of ZnO thin films grown by thermal oxidation of metallic zinc,” Advanced Science, Engineering and Medicine, vol.5, pp677-682, 2013. (I.F.: Not Available) |
Shaivalini Singh and P. Chakrabarti, "Fabrication and Characterization of High Mobility Spin-Coated Zinc Oxide Thin Film Transistors," Proc. SPIE, vol.8459, 84592H, 2012 |
A.B. Yadav, C. Periasamy, P. Chakrabarti and S. Jit, “Hydrogen gas sensing properties of Pd/nanocrystalline ZnO thin film based Schottky contacts at room temperature,” Advanced Science Engineering and Medicine, vol.5, pp112-118, 2013. |
Kumar Shubham and P. Chakrabarti, “Fabrication and Characterization of Pd/TiO2/Si MIS diode,” Int. J. Contemporary Research in Engg. and Tech., vol.2, pp56-62, 2012. |
Kumar Shubham and P. Chakrabarti, “Effect of annealing on structural, electrical and optical properties of TiO2 thin film prepared by sol-gel process,” Advanced Science, Engineering and Medicine, vol.5, pp156-160, 2013. |
Shashi Tiwari, A.K. Singh, L. Joshi, P. Chakrabarti, W. Takashima, K. Kaneto and Rajiv Prakash, “Poly-3 hexylthiophene based organic field-effect-transistor: Detection of low concentration ammonia,” Sensors and Actuators B, vol.171-172, pp962-968, 2012. |
Ghusoon M. Ali and P. Chakrabarti, “"Fabrication, and characterization of thin film ZnO Schottky contacts based UV photodetectors: A comparative study" J. Vac. Science & Technology, vol. B 30 (3), pp031206(1-7), 2012. |
Shaivalini Singh and P. Chakrabarti, “Simulation, Fabrication and Characterization of ZnO Based Thin Film Transistors Grown by RF Magnetron Sputtering,” J. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol.12, pp1880-1885, 2012. |
Kumar Shubham and P. Chakrabarti, “Effect of Annealing on the Characteristics of TiO2 thin film Deposited by Low Temperature Arc Vapour Deposition Process” Advanced Science, Engineering and Medicine, vol.4, pp241-245, 2012. |
Shaivalini Singh and P. Chakrabarti, “Simulation, fabrication and characterization of sol-gel deposited ZnO based thin film transistors,” Science of Advanced Materials, vol.4, pp199-203, 2012. |
C. Periasamy and P. Chakrabarti, “Time-dependent degradation of Pt/ZnO nanoneedle rectifying contact based piezoelectric nanogenerator,” J. Appl. Phys., vol. 109, pp 054306 (1-7), 2011. |
C. Periasamy and P. Chakrabarti “Large-area and nano-scale n-ZnO/p-Si heterojunction Photodetectors,” J. Vac. Science and Technology, vol. B 29 (5), pp-051206(1-6), 2011. |
Shaivalini Singh, R. Nunna, C. Periasamy and P. Chakrabarti, “Structural and optoelectronic properties of Indium doped ZnO thin-films deposited by sol-gel techniques,” Int. J. Contemporary Research in Engg. and Tech., vol.1, pp114-119, 2011. |
Shaivalini Singh, G. M. Ali and P. Chakrabarti, “Fabrication and Characterization of ZnO Thin Films Prepared by Thermal Oxidation of Vacuum Deposited Zn,” Science of Advanced Materials, vol.3, pp926-931, 2011. |
A.K. Singh, P. Chakrabarti and Rajiv Prakash, “Electronic Properties and Photoresponse of Polycarbazole-Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Nanocomposite/Aluminum Schottky Diode” IEEE Electron Dev. Letts. vol. 32 (5), pp 593-595, 2011. |
C. Periasamy and P. Chakrabarti, “Tailoring the structural and optoelectronic properties of Al doped nanocrystalline ZnO thin films,” Journal of Electronic Materials, vol.40, pp259-266, 2011. |
Ghusoon M. Ali and P. Chakrabarti, “Effect of Thermal Treatment on the Performance of ZnO based Metal-Insulator-Semiconductor Ultraviolet Photodetectors,” Applied Physics Letters, vol. 97, pp1-3, 2010. |
C. Periasamy and P. Chakrabarti, “Electrical and Optical Characterization of ZnO based Nano and Large-area Schottky Contacts,” Current Applied Physics, vol.11, pp959-964, 2011. |
Ghusoon M. Ali and P. Chakrabarti, "ZnO-based interdigited MSM and MISIM ultraviolet photodetectors,” J. Physics D, vol.43, 415103, 2010. |
C. Periasamy and P. Chakrabarti, “Effect of Annealing on the Characteristics of Nanocrytalline ZnO Thin Films,” Science of Advanced Materials, vol3, pp73-79, 2011. |
Ghusoon M. Ali and P. Chakrabarti, “Performance of ZnO Based Ultraviolet Photodetectors under Varying Thermal Treatment,” IEEE Photonics Journal, vol.2, pp783-793, 2010. |
A.D.D. Dwivedi and P. Chakrabarti, “Analytical Modeling and ATLAS Simulation of N+-Hg0.69 Cd0.31Te /n0- Hg0.78 Cd0.22Te/p+Hg0.78Cd0.22Te p-i-n Photodetector for Long wavelength Free Space Optical Communication,” Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials- Rapid Communications (OAM-RC), vol.4, pp480-497, 2010. |
A.D.D. Dwivedi, A. Mittal, A. Agrawal and P. Chakrabarti, “Analytical modeling and ATLAS simulation of N+-InP/n0-In0.53Ga0.47As/ p+-In0.53Ga0.47As p-i-n photodetector for optical fiber communication,” Infrared Physics and Technology, vol. 53, pp.236–245, 2010. |
C. Periasamy and P. Chakrabarti, “Fabrication and characterization of Au/ZnO Nano-Schottky contacts,” Journal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics, vol.5, pp38-42, 2010. |
Ghusoon M. Ali, S. Singh, and P. Chakrabarti, “Ultraviolet ZnO Photodetectors with High Gain” Journal of Electronic Science and Technology, vol. 8, pp55-59, 2010. |
Sanjeev and P. Chakrabarti, “Numerical simulation of P+-InAs0.36Sb0.20P0.44/n0-InAs/n+-InAs SH-LED for mid-infrared applications,” Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials- Rapid Communications (OAM-RC), vol.4, pp280-283, 2010. |
C. Periasamy, Rajiv Prakash and P. Chakrabarti, “Effect of post annealing on structural and optical properties of ZnO thin films deposited by vacuum coating technique,” Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, vol.21, pp309-315, 2010. |
A.D.D. Dwivedi, Arun Kumar Singh, Rajiv Prakash and P. Chakrabarti, “A proposed organic Schottky barrier photodetector for application in the visible region,” Current Applied Physics, vol.10, pp900-903, 2010. |
Ghusoon M. Ali, A.D.D. Dwivedi, S. Singh, and P. Chakrabarti, “Interface properties and junction behavior of Pd contact on ZnO thin film grown by vacuum deposition technique, “ Physica Status Solidi (c), vol.7, pp252-255, 2010. |
Ghusoon M. Ali, S. Singh, and P. Chakrabarti, “Fabrication and characterization of ZnO photodetectors with high gain,” Journal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics, vol.4, pp316-320, 2009. |
C. Periasamy and P. Chakrabarti, “Structural and electrical properties of metal contacts on n-type ZnO thin film deposited by vacuum coating techniques,” J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 27, pp2124-2127, 2009. |
Sanjeev and P. Chakrabarti, “Analytical modelling and ATLAS simulation for a homojunction LED in the mid-infrared spectral region,” Optoelectronic Letters, vol.6, pp417-421, 2009. |
P.K. Saxena and P. Chakrabarti, “Computer modeling of MWIR single heterojunction photodetector based on mercury cadmium telluride,” Infrared Physics & Technology, vol.52, pp.196-203, 2009. |
Sanjeev and P. Chakrabarti, “Generic model of an InAsSb/InAsSbP DH-LED for mid-infrared (2-5ìm) applications,” Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials- Rapid Communications (OAM-RC), vol. 3, pp515-524, 2009. |
Arun K.umar Singh, A.D.D. Dwivedi and P. Chakrabarti and Rajiv Prakash, “Electronic and Optical Properties of Electrochemically Polymerized Polycarbazole/Aluminum Schottky Diodes,” J. Applied Physics, vol.105, pp114506-1-1145065-5, 2009. |
P. K. Maurya and P. Chakrabarti, “Modeling and Simulation of Heterojunction Photovoltaic detector based on InAs0.85Sb0.15 for free space optical communication,” Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 20, pp359-362, 2009. |
A.D.D. Dwivedi and P. Chakrabarti, “Sensitivity analysis of an HgCdTe based photovoltaic receiver for long-wavelength free space optical communication systems, Optoelectronics Letters, vol.-5, pp21-25, 2009. |
Sanjeev and P. Chakrabarti, “Performance of a mid-infrared (MIR) SH-LED under high carrier injection,” Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials- Rapid Communications (OAM-RC), vol. 2, No. 8, pp. 459 -465, 2008. |
P.K. Maurya, H. Agarwal, A. Singh and P. Chakrabarti, “InAs/InAsSb Avalanche Photodiode (APD) for applications in long wavelength infrared region,” Optoelectronics Letters, vol.5, pp342-346, 2008. |
A.K. Singh, Rajiv Prakash, A.D.D. Dwivedi and P. Chakrabarti, “Electronic properties and junction behaviour of micro- and nano-meter sized polyanthranilic acid (PANA) / metal contacts,” Synthetic Metals, vol. 158, pp939-945, 2008. |
P.K. Saxena and P.Chakrabarti, “Simulation and Optimization of Heterojunction photodetectors based on Mercury Cadmium Telluride,” J. Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics, 3, pp137-142, 2008. |
A.K. Singh, Rajiv Prakash, A.D.D. Dwivedi and P. Chakrabarti, “Electronic Properties and Junction behaviour of Polyanthranilic Acid/Metal Contacts,” IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol. 29, pp. 571-574, 2008. |
P.K. Saxena and P. Chakrabarti, “Analytical simulation of HgCdTe phtovoltaic detector for long wavelength infrared (LWIR) applications,” Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials- Rapid Communications (OAM-RC), 2, pp140-147, 2008. |
P. K. Maurya and P. Chakrabarti, “Noise Analysis of an InAsSb Single Heterojunction Photovoltaic detector for free space Optical Communication (FOC) applications”, Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials- Rapid Communications (OAM-RC), 1, pp590-600, 2007. |
P.K. Maurya, R. Sunny and P. Chakrabarti, “Numerical Simulation of an InAsSb based Mid-infrared Avalanche Photodiode,” Journal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics, 2, pp197-201, 2007. |
A.D.D. Dwivedi and P. Chakrabarti, “Modelling and Analysis of Photoconductive detectors based on Hg1-xCdxTe for free space optical Communication,” Optical and Quantum Electronics, 39, pp 627-641, 2007. |
P. K. Maurya and P. Chakrabarti, “An analytical model of InAs0.15Sb0.85 single heterojunction long wavelength infrared Photodetector (8-13 µm) for operation at room temperature,” Journal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics, 1, pp228-236, 2006. |
P. Chakrabarti, P.K. Saxena and R.K. Lal, “Analytical Simulation of an InAsSb photovoltaic detector for mid-infrared applications,” International J. Infrared and Millimeter waves, 27, pp1119-1132,2006. |
P. Chakrabarti, A. Gawarikar, V. Mehta and D. Garg, “Effect of trap-assisted tunneling (TAT) on the performance of homojunction mid-infrared photodetectors based on InAsSb’” J. Microwave and Optoelectronics, 5, pp1-14, 2006. |
P. Chakrabarti and R.K. Lal, “A comparison of dominant recombination mechanisms in n-type InAsSb materials,” Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials,” 52, pp33-39, 2006. |
P. Chakrabarti, P. Kalra, S. Agarwal, G. Gupta and N. Menon, "Design and analysis of a single HBT based optical receiver front-end,” Solid-State Electronics, 49, pp1396-1404, 2005. |
A. Krier, P. Chakrabarti, H. Gao, Y. Mao, X.L. Huang and V.V. Shrestnev, “Fundamental Physics and practical realization of mid-infrared photodetectors,” SPIE Proc., 5564, pp92-104, 2004. |
R. K. Lal and P. Chakrabarti, “An analytical model of P+-InAsSbP/n0-InAs/n+-InAs single heterojunction photodetector for 2.4 -3.5 µm region,” Optical and Quantum Electronics, 36, pp935-947, 2004. |
P. Chakrabarti, A. Krier, X. L. Huang and P. Fenge, “Fabrication and Characterisation of an InAs0.96Sb0.04 Photodetector for Mid-Infrared (MIR) Applications,” IEEE Electron Device Letters, 25, pp283-285, 2004. |
P. Chakrabarti, B. N. Tiwari and S. Kumar, "Noise behaviour of an optically controlled GaAs MESFET," IEEE J Lightwave Technology, 22, pp534-542, 2004. |
P. Chakrabarti, V. Rajamani, D. Mishra and S. Nayak, “Sensitivity analysis of photoreceivers based on single MESFET front-end,” J. Optical Communication, 20, pp854-860, 2004. |
P. Chakrabarti, A. Krier and A.F. Morgan, "Analysis and Simulation of a Mid-Infrared P+-InAs0.55Sb0.15P0.30/n0-InAs0.89Sb0.11/ N+-InAs0.55Sb0.15P0.30 Double Heterojunction Photodetector grown by LPE," IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, 50, pp2049-2058, 2003. |
P. Chakrabarti, A. Krier and A.F. Morgan, “A double heterojunction photodetector for mid-infrared applications: theoretical model and experimental results,” Optical Engineering (SPIE), 42, pp2614-2623, 2003. |
R.K. Lal, M. Jain, S. Gupta and P. Chakrabarti, “Theoretical analysis of a proposed InAs/InAsSb heterojunction photodetector for mid-infrared (MIR) applications,” IEE Proceedings Optoelectronics, 150, pp527-533, 2003. |
V. Rajamani and P.Chakrabarti, “A Proposed Ultra Low-Noise Optical Receiver for 1.55 mm Applications,” Optical and Quantum Electronics, 35, pp195-209, 2003. |
P. Chakrabarti, Pankaj Kalara, Shishir Agrawal, Naveen Agrawal and Gaurav Gupta, “Noise Modelling of an InP/InGaAs Heterojunction Bipolar Phototransistor (HBPT),” Optical Engineering (SPIE), 42, pp939-947, 2003. |
R.K. Lal, M. Jain, S. Gupta and P. Chakrabarti, “An analytical model of a double heterostructure mid-infrared (MIR) photodetector,” Infrared Physics and Technology, 44, pp125-132, 2003. |
P. Chakrabarti, Badri Nath Tiwari and Suman Kumar, “Noise Analysis of an optically controlled Metal-Semiconductor-Field-Effect-Transistor at microwave frequencies,” Optical Engineering (SPIE), 42, pp447-456, 2003. |
R. K. Chauhan, S. Dasgupta and P.Chakrabarti, “A pseudo two-dimensional model of an n-channel MOSFET under influence of ionizing radiation” Semiconductor Science and Technology, 17, pp961-968, 2002. |
R. K. Chauhan and P.Chakrabarti, " Influence of Ionising radiation on the performance of MIS solar cells,” International Journal of Electronics, 89, pp525-535, 2002. |
P.Chakrabarti, Vinayak Jha, Pankaj Kalra and Gaurav Gupta, “Noise Modeling of an optically controlled MESFET (OPFET),” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 33, pp79-83, 2002. |
S. Dasgupta, R. K. Chauhan, G. Singh and P.Chakrabarti, "Ionizing radiation-induced effects in an ion-implanted MOSFET: A two-dimensional analytical model,” Int. J. Electronics, 89, pp277-288, 2002. |
R. K. Chauhan and P.Chakrabarti, “Effect of Ionizing radiation on MOS Capacitors,” Microelectronics Journal, 33, pp197-203, 2002. |
R. K. Chauhan, S. Dasgupta and P.Chakrabarti, “Influence of Ionizing Radiation on the Performance of CMOS Inverters,” Microelectronics Journal, 32, pp615-620, 2001. |
S. Dasgupta and P.Chakrabarti, “Semi-numerical Modelling of an n-channel irradiated MOSFET,” International Journal of Electronics, 88, pp301-313, 2001. |
S.Dasgupta and P.Chakrabarti, “Effect of Ionising radiation on the characteristics of MOSFET,” IEE Proc. Circuit, Devices and Systems, 147, pp133-138, 2000. |
V. Rajamani and M. Madheswaran and P. Chakrabarti, “Noise analysis of InP/InGaAs Superlattice Avalanche Photodiode,” IETE Journal of Research, 46, pp215-220, 2000. |
P.Chakrabarti, M. Madheswaran, A. Gupta and N.A. Khan and V. Rajamani, “Numerical simulation for estimating the optically controlled characteristics of an ion-implanted Si-MESFET,” IETE Journal of Research, 46, pp205-214, 2000. |
M. Madheswaran K. Bommanna Raga and P. Chakrabarti, “Effect of illumination on the small signal equivalent circuit of an optically gated MIS (OG-MIS) capacitor,” SPIE Proc. Series, pp255-258, 2000 |
M. Madheswaran V. Rajamani and P. Chakrabarti, “Quasi-Two-Dimensional model of an ion-implanted GaAs MESFET photodetector,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 26, pp247-254, 2000. |
P.Chakrabarti and V. Rajamani, “A proposed OEIC receiver using MESFET photodetector,” IEEE J. Lightwave Tech., 17, pp659-668, 1999. |
V. Rajamani and P.Chakrabarti, “Noise performance of an InP/InGaAs superlattice avalanche photodiode,” Optical and Quantum Electronics, 31, pp69-76, 1999. |
P.Chakrabarti, M.Madheswaran, A. Gupta and N.A. Khan, “Numerical simulation of an ion-implanted GaAs OPFET,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory & Tech., MTT-46, pp1360-1366, 1998. |
M.Madheswaran and P.Chakrabarti, “Frequency dependent characteristics of an optically controlled InP MIS capacitor,” Solid State Electronics, 42, pp795-801, 1998. |
M.Madheswaran, A.Madhavan and P.Chakrabarti, “Novel velocity-electric field relation for modeling compound semiconductor field-effect-transistor,” IEE Proc. Devices and Circuits, 145, pp170-174, 1998. |
M.J. Akhtar, M.Madheswaran and P.Chakrabarti, “A large signal model of an optically controlled GaAs IMPATT diode,” IETE J. Research, 43, pp319-325, 1997. |
V. Rajamani, M.Madheswaran and P.Chakrabarti, “A low-noise photodetector for MIR application,” Communication in Instrumentation, 5, pp233-244, 1997. |
P.Chakrabarti, M.Madheswaran, B.K. Mishra, S. Singatwaria, A. Tandon and B. Ghose, “Effect of surface states on the electrical and optical characteristics of InP-MIS capacitor,” Physica Status Solidi (a), 155, pp389-398, 1996. |
P.Chakrabarti, B.K. Mishra and M.Madheswaran, “SPICE compatible microwave model of an optically controlled high electron mobility transistor,” Int. J. Microwave and Millimeter-wave Computer Aided Engineering, 6, pp399-410, 1996. |
P.Chakrabarti, A. Gupta and N.A.Khan, “An analytical model of GaAs OPFET,” Solid State Electron., 39, pp1481-1490, 1996. |
M.Madheswaran and P.Chakrabarti, “Intensity modulated photoeffects in InP-MIS capacitors,” IEE Proc. Optoelectronics, 143, pp248-251, 1996. |
P.Chakrabarti, B.K. Mishra, Y. Pratap Reddy and S. Prakash, “Optically controlled characteristics of an InGaAs MISFET,” Physica Status Solidi (a), 147, pp277-291, 1995. |
B.K. Mishra and P.Chakrabarti, “An optically controlled MIS capacitor,” Solid State Electronics, 38, pp255-257, 1995. |
P.Chakrabarti, B.K. Mishra, K. Satish Kumar and S.K. Shrestha, “Microwave model of an optically controlled GaAs-MESFET,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 8, pp296-300, 1995. |
P.Chakrabarti, B.K. Mishra and S.K. Agrawalla, “Effect of intensity modulated optical radiation on the d.c. characteristics of GaAs MESFET,” Physica Status Solidi (a), 148, pp169-178, 1994. |
P.Chakrabarti, V. Saxena, S.K. Das, Y.S. Rao and B. Balaji Lal, “Numerical model of a proposed double heterostructure light emitting diode for mid infra-red application,” Optical and Quantum Electronics, 26, pp885-897, 1994. |
B.B. Pal, R.U. Khan and P.Chakrabarti, “Theory of mm-wave IMPATT diode: A review,” J.IETE, 40, pp35-42, 1994. |
P.Chakrabarti, A. Chandra, V. Gupta, H.S. Shah and Y. Ravi Kumar, “Optically controlled characteristics of an ion implanted hetero-MIS capacitor,” IEE Proc. part J., 141, pp27-32, 1994. |
P.Chakrabarti, S.K. Shrestha, A. Srivastava and D. Saxena, “Switching characteristics of an optically controlled GaAs- MESFET,” IEEE Transaction on Microwave Theory and Technique, MTT- 42, pp365-375, 1994. |
B.K. Mishra, V. Pradeep and P.Chakrabarti, “Microwave characterisation of an optically controlled high electron mobility transistor,” J.IETE (Spl. issue), 39, pp361-373, 1993. |
P.Chakrabarti, N.L. Shrestha, S. Srivastava and V. Khemka, “An improved model of an ion-implanted GaAs OPFET,” IEEE Transaction on Electron Devices, ED-39, pp2050-2059, 1992. |
P.Chakrabarti, A. Kumar, T. Kumar and B.R. Prasad, “Numerical simulation for estimating C-V characteristics of MODFET under illumination,” Solid State Electronics, 35, pp225-227, 1992. |
P.Chakrabarti, R. Anand and V. Srinivas Rao, “I-V characteristics of an optically controlled Si-MESFET,” Solid State Electronics, 35, pp587-592, 1992. |
J. Pal, M. Puri, P.Chakrabarti and B.B.Pal, “Computer aided modeling of a high electron mobility phototransistor,” J.IETE (Spl. issue), 38, pp143-146, 1992. |
P.Chakrabarti and J. Pal, “Optically controlled characteristics of a new heterojunction field-effect-transistor,” Applied Physics A, 54, pp186-190, 1992. |
P.Chakrabarti, A. Das, B.S. Sharan, A. Dhingra, B.R. Abraham and V. Maheswari, “Effect of illumination on the capacitance of a proposed hetero-MIS diode,” IEEE Transaction on Electron Devices, ED-39, pp507-514, 1992. |
P.Chakrabarti, Comment on “Optically controlled characteristics of an ion-implanted silicon MESFET,” Solid State Electronics, 34, p1185, 1991. |
P.Chakrabarti, Comment on “Effect of radiation and surface recombination on the characteristics of an ion-implanted GaAs MESFET,” IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, ED-38, p2578, 1991. |
P.Chakrabarti and I. Venugopal, “Charge-sheet model of a proposed MISFET photodetector,” Physica Status Solidi (a), 128, pp521-530, 1991. |
P.Chakrabarti, M. Puri, A. Singhal and A. Mishra, “Optically controlled characteristics of TEGFET,” Physica Status Solidi (a), 122, pp405-411, 1990. |
P.Chakrabarti, S.C. Chowdhury and B.B.Pal, “Noise characteristics of a new heterojunction avalanche photodiode,” IEE Proceedings part J, 137, pp97-100, 1990. |
A. Singhal, A. Mishra and P.Chakrabarti, “Optical effect in modulation doped field effect transistor,” Solid State Electronics, 33, pp1214-1216, 1990. |
S. Batra, A. Lahiri and P.Chakrabarti, “An InP/InGaAs superlattice Avalanche photodiode,” Electronics Letters, 24, pp964-965, 1988. |
P.Chakrabarti, B.R. Abraham and B.B.Pal, “A long wavelength avalanche photodetector for optical communication,” Solid State Electronics, 32, pp521-524, 1989. |
P.Chakrabarti, S.C. Chowdhury and B.B.Pal, “Noise in superlattice Avalanche photodiode,” Applied Physics A, 48, pp331-334, 1989. |
S. Batra, A. Lahiri and P.Chakrabarti, Reply to comments on “An InP/InGaAs superlattice avalanche photodiode,” Electronics Letters, 24, pp1399-1400, 1988 |
P.Chakrabarti and B.B.Pal, “A new infra-red APD for long distance fiber optic communication,” Solid State Electronics, 31, pp1-3, 1988. |
R.U. Khan, P.Chakrabarti and B.B. Pal, “MITATT mode in DDR heterostructure,” Applied Physics A, 42, pp303-309, 1987. |
P.Chakrabarti and B.B.Pal, “Optical characterisation of a superlattice Avalanche photodiode,” Solid State Electronics, 30, pp675-679, 1987.
P.Chakrabarti and B.B.Pal, “Effect of optical radiation in photo-DOVATT,” Applied Physics A, 42, pp331-335, 1987. |
P.Chakrabarti, S.C. Chowdhury and B.B.Pal, “Large signal behaviour of double avalanche region IMPATT diode,” Solid State Electronics, 30, pp147-153, 1987. |
B.B.Pal and P.Chakrabarti, “Theoretical characterisation of superlattice avalanche photodiode,” Applied Physics A, 42, pp173-177, 1987. |
B.B. Pal and P. Chakrabarti, “Effect of infrared in a new InAs/InAsSb heterostructure APD,” J Electrochemical Society (a), 134, ppC231-C231, 1987. |
B.B.Pal, R.U. Khan and P.Chakrabarti, “A new solid state device as a source of power in mm wave,” J.IETE, 32, pp397-402, 1986. |
P.Chakrabarti and B.B.Pal, “Computer simulation of ion-implanted DAR IMPATT around 94 GHz under steady-state condition,” Physica Status Solidi (a), 94, pp305-313, 1986. |
International/National Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings |
P. Chakrabarti, “Flexible and Stretchable Electronic Devices,” Invited talk delivered at the One Day Workshop on Flexible Electronics Technology held at the Central Electronics Engineering Research Institute (CEERI), Pilani on March 25, 2019. |
P. Chakrabarti, “Semiconductor Photodetectors,” Invited Talk delivered at the Workshop of the 2nd International Conference on Devices, Circuits and Systems,” held at Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, Japan on April 6, 2019. |
P. Chakrabarti, “Organic Semiconductor Devices and Applications,” Plenary Lecture delivered at the 2nd International Conference on Devices, Circuits and Systems,” held at Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, Japan on April 7-8, 2019. |
Abhishek Kumar Singh, Ashutosh Kumar Dikshit, Brahmdutta Dixit, VV Kharche, JS Rana, P Chakrabarti, A Pandey, “A Proposed High-k Dielectric Based Thin Film Transistor for Next Generation Backplane Display Technology,” Proc. IEEE 2019 Devices for Integrated Circuit (DevIC), pp35-38, 2019. |
Ashutosh Kumar Dikshit, Abhishek Kumar Singh, JS Rana, Rohit K Singh, Nillohit Mukhrjee, P Chakrabarti,” Synthesis of Morphological-Variant ZnO nanostructures,” Proc. IEEE 2019 Devices for Integrated Circuit (DevIC), pp39-41, 2019. |
Somak Bhattacharyya, P Chakrabarti, “A Simple Ultrathin Quad Band Polarization Insensitive Metamaterial Absorber for Infrared Applications,” IEEE 2019 URSI Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference (AP-RASC), pp1-4, 2019. |
Ashutosh Dikshit, Abhishek Singh, YK Prajapati, P Chakrabarti, “Characterization of Mn doped ZnO wrinkle-network nanostructured thin films deposited by sol-gel spin coating technique,” Proc. Oxide-based Materials and Devices X, International Society for Optics and Photonics, 10919, p. 109192Q, 2019. |
Abhishek Kumar Singh, Mamta Upadhyay, Rashmi Lata, Somak Bhattacharyya, P Chakrabarti, “A proposed long wavelength infra-red metamaterial absorber for THz detection,” Proc. 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, pp. 2067-2068, 2018. |
P. Chakrabarti, “Electronic Materials for Electronic and Optoelectronic Applications” MRSI Distinguished Lecture, First Indian Materials Conclave, National Science Seminar Complex, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, Feb.12-15, 2019. |
P. Chakrabarti, “From vacuum tubes to carbon nanotubes,” Plenary Talk delivered at the National Conference on Recent Developments in Nanoscience & nanotechnology (NCRDNN 2019) held at Jadavpur University during Jan.29-31, 2019. |
A. K. Singh, V. V. Kharche and P. Chakrabarti, “Performance optimization of ZnO based thin-film transistor for future generation display technology,” Proc. 14th IEEE India Council International Conference (INDICON), pp1-5, held at IIT Roorkee during Dec.15-17, 2017. |
P. Chakrabarti, “Organic Semiconductors: Potential and Challenges’’ 21st International Symposium on VLSI Design & Test (VDAT-2017) held at IIT Roorkee during June 29-July 02, 2017. |
L. Agarwal, B. K. Singh, S. Tripathi and P. Chakrabarti, “Fabrication and characterization of thin-film heterojunction diode for smart sensors,” Proc. Conference on Emerging Devices and Smart Systems (ICEDSS), pp180-183, 2017. |
P. Chakrabarti, “Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM): A Powerful Technique for Capacity Enhancement of Optical Fiber Networks,” Key-note speech delivered at MULTICON-W (2017) held at Thakur College of Engineering and Technology, Mumbai, Feb.22-24, 2017 and published in the Proc. of MULTICON-W-2017, McGrall-Hill Education India, pp1-5, 2017. |
P. Chakrabarti, “Disruptive Innovations in Electronics Engineering,” Keynote speech delivered at ICAECS-2016 held at Vignan’s University, Guntur during Dec.08-10, 2016 |
Shaivalini Singh, C. Periasamy, Sumit Vyas, P. Chakrabarti and Si-Hyun Park, “Preparation and Characterization of Hydrothermally Grown ZnO Nanorods for Photoconductive Sensors Applications”, International Conference on Recent Trends in Science and Engineering (ICRTSE-2016, Govt. V.Y.T. PG. Autonomous College, Durg (C.G.), India, January 15-16, 2016. |
P. Chakrabarti, “Disruptive innovations and their impact on Electronics Market,” Keynote speech delivered at MULTICON-W 2016 held at Thakur College of Engineering & Technology, Mumbai, India during Feb.26-27, 2016. |
S. K. Singh, P. Hazra, S. Tripathi and P. Chakrabarti, “Optical characterization of Mg-doped ZnO thin-film deposited by RF magnetron sputtering technique,” AIP Conference Proceedings, 1728, p020168, 2016. |
Shaivalini Singh, Sumit Vyas, P. Chakrabarti and Si-Hyun Park, “Comparative study of ZnO thin films grown from thermal oxidation of metallic Zn and from thermal evaporation of ZnO pallets”, Recent Advances in Nano-Science and Technology (RAINSAT-2015), Sathyabama University, Chennai, India, July 8-10, 2015. |
P. Chakrabarti, “Disruptive Innovations in Electronics Engineering,” Invited Talk delivered at IEEE Students’ Conference on Enginerring and Systems 2015 (SCES-2015) held at MNNIT-Allahabad during Nov. 6-8, 2015. |
P. Chakrabarti, “Evolution of Micro- and Nano-Electronics,” Invited Talk delivered at the short-term course on VLSI Design and Embedded Systems held at MNNIT-Allahabad during June 16-July 15, 2015. |
G.M. Ali and P. Chakrabarti, “ Fabrication and performance of UV photodetector based on nanostructure ZnO thin-film deposited by vacuum coating technique,” Proc. IEEE Internation Confernce on Development of E-systems Engineering. Pp259-264, 2015. |
P. Hazra, P. Chakrabarti and S. Jit, “ Fabrication and Characterization of p-type SiNW/n-type ZnO heterostructure for Optoelectronic Application,” IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, vo.73(1), 012092, 2015 |
Pushpa Giri, Chhaya Narayan, Sumit Vyas, and P. Chakrabarti, “Fabrication and Characterization of ZnO Nanorods/Pd-Au Contacts,” Presented at the 3rd Global Conference on Materials Science and Engineering (CMSE 2014) held in Shanghai during Oct. 20-23, 2014. |
Sumit Vyas, Shaivalini Singh and P. Chakrabarti, “Deposition and Characterization of as-deposited ZnO Thin Films by Thermal Evaporation Method,” Presented at the 3rd Global Conference on Materials Science and Engineering (CMSE 2014) held in Shanghai during Oct. 20-23, 2014. |
Pushpa Giri, Chhaya Narayan, Sumit Vyas and P. Chakrabarti, “Comparative studies on the Characteristics of ZnO thin films deposited by single-step and two-step method using RF Sputtering,” accepted for oral presentation at International Conference on Devices, Circuits and Communications (ICDCCom-2014) to be held at BIT, Mesra during Sept.12-13, 2014. |
Rohit Tiwary, Sumit Vyas, K. Shubham and P. Chakrabarti, “Characterization of TiO2 Thin Film Deposited by RF Sputtering Method,” accepted for poster presentation at International Conference on Devices, Circuits and Communications (ICDCCom-2014) to be held at BIT, Mesra during Sept.12-13, 2014. |
C. Periasamy, P. Sreenath and P. Chakrabarti, “Piezoelectric Nanogenerator Based on ZnO Nanostructures for Self-powering Nanodevices,” presented at Materials Challenges in Alternative and Renewable Energy (MCARE-2014)” organized by the American Ceramic Society, at Clearwater Beach, Hilton Clearwater Beach Resort, Florida USA during Feb.17-20, 2014. |
P. Chakrabarti, “Wavelength Division Multiplexing: A Powerful way of Capacity Upgradation of Optical Fiber Network,” Key-note Speech at AWON-2014 held at MNNT-Allahabad, India during June 23-28, 2014 |
P. Chakrabarti, “Some Perspectives on Optical Communication: Past, Present and Future,” 3rd Students’ Conference on Engineering and Systems (SCES-2014) held at MNNIT-Allahabad, India during March 28-30, 2014. |
P. Chakrabarti, “Microelectronics: From Vacuum Tubes to Carbon Nanotubes’” Plenary Talk delivered at the Recent trends in Semiconductor Devices held at NIT Agartala, on Feb.28, 2014. |
P. Chakrabarti, “Journey from Vacuum Tubes to Carbon Nanotubes,” Invited Talk delivered at Short-term course on VLSI Design and Embedded Systems held at MNNIT, Allahabad during June -July, 2013. |
P. Chakrabarti, “New Avenues Leading to Next Generation Electronics,” Invited Talk delivered at the Students’ Conference on Engineering and Systems (SCES-2012) held in the Electrical Engineering Department, MNNIT Allahabad during March 16-18, 2012. |
P. Chakrabarti, “ZnO: A Prospective Semiconducting Material for Electronic and Optoelectronic Applications,” Invited Talk delivered at National Workshop on Advanced Functional Materials and Structures organized by the Applied Mechanics Department, MNNIT, India in collaboration with the University of Missouri, Colombia, USA during July 12-14, 2012 and published in the Proc. AFMS-2012, pp8-9, 2012. |
P. Chakrabarti, “An Expedition from Micro- to- Nanoelectronics” Invited Talk delivered at Short-term course on VLSI Design and Embedded Systems held at MNNIT, Allahabad during June 12-July 14, 2012. |
Divya Somvanshi and P. Chakrabarti, “Preparation and characterization of ZnO nanowires by thermal evaporation method,” India Australia International Workshop on Nanotechnology in Materials and Energy Applications (IAWNT-2011) held at Jadavpur University during Dec.29-31, 2011, p59, 2011 |
Purnima Hazra and P. Chakrabarti, “Growth and characterization of Si nanowires for optoelectronic Applications,” Proc. India Australia International Workshop on Nanotechnology in Materials and Energy Applications (IAWNT-2011) held at Jadavpur University during Dec.29-31, 2011, p64, 2011 |
P. Chakrabarti and Ghusoon M. Ali, “Ultraviolet Photodetectors based on Metal/ZnO thin-film Contacts,” Invited talk delivered at IWPSD-2011 scheduled held at IIT Kanpur during Dec.19-22, 2011. |
P. Chakrabarti, “ZnO based Thin-film and Nanostructured Devices,” Invited talk delivered at NATCON held at Amity University, Lucknow held during Dec.21-23, 2011. |
P. Chakrabarti and G. Ali, “UV Photodetectors based on Metal/ZnO thin-film based contacts,” Invited talk delivered at NSPTS-2011 held at Lucknow University, Lucknow during Feb.11-13, 2011. |
Kumar Shubham and P. Chakrabarti, “Pd/TiO2/Si based Thin Film Sensor Fabricated by LTAVD Technique for Hydrogen Gas Sensing,” Proc. NSPTS-2011 held at Lucknow University, Lucknow during Feb.11-13, 2011. |
P. Chakrabarti, “Thin film devices based on ZnO nanostructures for optoelectronic and piezoelectronic applications,” Invited Talk delivered at ICONE held at Rasipuram, Tamil Nadu during Feb.24-25, 2011. |
Shivalini Singh, G.M. Ali and P. Chakrabarti, “Fabrication and Characterization of Pd/ZnO Schottky contact based on ZnO film prepared by thermal oxidation of evaporated Zn films,” Published in the Proc. ICONE-2011 held at Rasipuram, Tamil Nadu during Feb.24-25, 2011. |
Ghusoon M. Ali and P. Chakrabarti “ZnO based Interdigited MIS ultraviolet photodetectors” Optical Sensors (Sensors) , Karlsruhe, Germany, June 21-24, 2010. |
Ghusoon M. Ali and P. Chakrabarti “ZnO-based Interdigited MSM ultraviolet photodetectors” Advances and Trends in Engineering Materials and their Applications , Le Quebec, Canada June 27 –July 3, 2010 |
Ghusoon M. Ali and P. Chakrabarti “Fabrication and characterization and testing of the thermal stability of ZnO-based Schottky ultraviolet photodetectors” International Conference on Optical and Optoelectronic Properties of Materials and Applications , Budapest, Hungary, August 15-20, 2010 |
P. Chakrabarti, “Nanoelectronic Devices: An overview,” IEEE India EDS Chapter Guest lecture delivered at Madras Institute of Technology, Chennai on March 24, 2010. |
P. Chakrabarti, “ZnO: A prospective material for Nanoelectronics and Nanophotonics,” IEEE India EDS Chapter Guest lecture delivered at Karpaga Vinayaga College of Engineering and Technology, Kolampakkam, Chennai on March 23, 2010. |
Raghavendra Nunna, C. Periasamy, S. Singh, and P. Chakrabarti, “Influence of Doping Concentration on the Structural and Optoelectronic Properties of ZnO Thin Films Deposited by Sol-gel Technique”, International Conference on Nano Science and Technology (ICONSAT-2010), IIT, Bombay, India, February 17-20 , 2010. |
C. Periasamy, Rajiv Prakash and P. Chakrabarti, “Structural and Optoelectronic Properties of Nanostructured ZnO Thin Films Deposited on Silicon Substrate by Thermal Evaporation Method” International conference on Active/Smart Materials, TCE, Madurai, Tamilnadu, January 7-9, 2009. |
Ghusoon M. Ali, S. Singh and P. Chakrabarti, “Ultraviolet Zone photodetectors with high gain,” “International Conference on nanotechnology, Optoelectronics and Photonics Technologyies (NOPT-2010) |
Ghusoon M. Ali, A. D.D. Dwivedi, S. Singh, and P. Chakrabarti “Interface properties and junction behavior of Pd contact on ZnO thin film grown by vaccum deposition technique.” Presented in the 12th International Conference on the Formation of Semiconductor Interfaces (ICFSI-12) hosted in Germany for the second time, in Weimar, from July 5th to 10th 2009. |
P. Chakrabarti, “Evolution of Electrical Communication,” Invited lecture delivered in the UGC Refresher course on Information and Communication Technology held in the Academic Staff College, Banaras Hindu University during May 22-June 12, 2009. |
P. Chakrabarti, “Optical Communication: Past, Present and Future,” Invited lecture delivered in the UGC Refresher course on Information and Communication Technology held in the Academic Staff College, Banaras Hindu University during May 22-June 12, 2009. |
A. D. D. Dwivedi and P. Chakrabarti, “Modeling and ATLAS Simulation of HgCdTe based MWIR Photodetector for Free Space Optical Communication” presented in the International conference on Recent Advances in Microwave Theory and Application, Microwave 2008 to be held in University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, during November 21-24, 2008. |
A. D. D. Dwivedi and P. Chakrabarti, “Modeling, Analytical and ATLAS Simulation of an Hg1-x Cdx Te (MCT) based Photoconductive Detectors for Free Space Optical Communication operating near 10.6 µm atmospheric window” in the Third International Conference on Optical and Optoelectronic Properties of Materials and Applications (ICOOPMA-2008) held in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada during 20 - 25 July 2008. |
A. D. D. Dwivedi, G. Gupta and P. Chakrabarti, “Modeling and Atlas Simulation of HgCdTe Based Dual Band Photodetector for Free space Optical Communication” presented in International “Workshop on Recent Advances of Low Dimensional Structures and devices (WRALDSD-2008)” held in School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Nottingham, Nottingham U.K. during 7-9 April 2008. |
P.K. Saxena, Saurabh Singh, Atish Singh, S.Mittal and P.Chakrabarti, “Numerical Simulation of Simultaneous two color HgCdTe Photodetector,” accepted for presentation at the International Conference on Optical, optoelectronic and Photonic Materials and Applications (ICOOPMA 2008) to be held at Edmonton, Canada, during 20-25 July, 2008. |
P. K. Saxena and P. Chakrabarti, “Noise Analysis of LWIR photodetector based on HgCdTe for Free Space Optical Receiver,” presented at the National workshop on Advanced Optoelectronic Materials & Devices, held at the Banaras Hindu University during Dec. 22 – 24, 2008 and published in the Proceeding National workshop on Advanced Optoelectronic Materials & Devices, IEEE explore, pp164-164 (2008). |
P. Chakrabarti, “Nanotechnology in Electronic Devices,” Invited talk delivered at the Winter School on Nanotechnology held at LDRP College of Engineering and Technology, Gandhinagar, Gujarat during Jan.29-Feb.1, 2008. |
P. K. Maurya and P. Chakrabarti, “Analysis and simulation of room temperature n+-GaSb/p0-InAsSb photodetector for mid-infrared applications”, presented at National Workshop on Advanced Optoelectronic Materials and Devices (AOMD-2007) held at Centre for research in Microelectronics, Department of Electronics Engineering, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi during Dec. 27-29, 2007 and published in the Proc. AOMD-2007, pp281-286, 2007. |
A.D.D. Dwivedi and P. Chakrabarti, “An Ultra Low Noise Photoconductive Detector based on Hg1-xCdxTe for free space optical communication operating near 10.6µm,” presented at National Workshop on Advanced Optoelectronic Materials and Devices (AOMD-2007) held at Centre for research in Microelectronics, Department of Electronics Engineering, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi during Dec. 27-29, 2007 and published in the Proc. AOMD-2007, pp293-298, 2007. |
Arun Kumar Singh, Rajiv Prakash, A.D.D. Dwivedi and P. Chakrabarti, “Ultra Low Noise Polyanthranilic Acid (PANA)/Metal (Al,Ti) Schottky contacts for UV detection,” presented at National Workshop on Advanced Optoelectronic Materials and Devices (AOMD-2007) held at Centre for research in Microelectronics, Department of Electronics Engineering, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi during Dec. 27-29, 2007 and published in the Proc. AOMD-2007, pp299-304, 2007. |
Sanjeev, Priyanshu Sona and P. Chakrabarti, “An Analytical Model of SH-LED for Gas Sensor Instrumentation in Mid-infrared (2-5μm) Region,” presented at National Workshop on Advanced Optoelectronic Materials and Devices (AOMD-2007) held at Centre for research in Microelectronics, Department of Electronics Engineering, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi during Dec. 27-29, 2007 and published in the Proc. AOMD-2007, pp271-277, 2007. |
P. K. Saxena and P. Chakrabarti, “Optimization of p+-n0-n+ Photodetector based on MCT,” presented at National Workshop on Advanced Optoelectronic Materials and Devices (AOMD-2007) held at Centre for research in Microelectronics, Department of Electronics Engineering, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi during Dec. 27-29, 2007 and published in the Proc. AOMD-2007, pp287-292, 2007. |
P. K. Saxena and P. Chakrabarti, “ATLAS Simulation of LWIR PIN photodetector based on Mercury Cadmium Telluride”, presented at International Workshop on the Physics of Semiconductor Devices held at Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay during Dec. 16-20, 2007 and published in the Proc. IWPSD-2007, pp778-781, 2007 |
Sanjeev and P. Chakrabarti, “Effect of High Carrier Injection on the Performance of DH-LED in Mid-Infrared (Mid-IR)”, presented at International Workshop on the physics of Semiconductor Devices held at Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay during Dec. 16-20, 2007 and published in the Proc. IWPSD-2007, pp , 2007 |
P. Chakrabarti, “Optoelectronics Integrated Circuit (OIC) Receiver for high speed Optical Communication Systems”, invited talk delivered at the XXXIII OSI Symposium on Optics and Optoelectronics held at Tezpur University, Tezpur during Dec 18-20, 2007 and published in Contemporary Optics and Optoelectronics, pp165-167, 2007 |
P. K. Maurya and P. Chakrabarti, “Theoratical analysis of a proposed n+GaSb/ p0- InAsSb heterojuntion photodetector for operation at room temperature”, presented at the XXXIII OSI Symposium on Optics and Optoelectronics held at Tezpur University, Tezpur during Dec 18-20, 2007 and published in Contemporary Optics and Optoelectronics, pp174-176, 2007 |
A.D.D. Dwivedi and P. Chakrabarti, “Sensitivity Analysis of an HgCdTe based photovoltaic receiver for long-wavelength free space optical Communication Systems,” presented at the XXXIII OSI Symposium on Optics and Optoelectronics held at Tezpur University, Tezpur during Dec 18-20, 2007 and published in Contemporary Optics and Optoelectronics, pp177-179, 2007 |
P. K. Maurya and P. Chakrabarti, “Modeling and Simulation of Heterojunction Photovoltaic Detector based on InAs0.15Sb0.85 for free space optical communication,” presented at the International Conference on Optical, optoelectronic and Photonic Materials and Applications (ICOOPMA 2007) held at Queen Mary, University of London, London, UK during July 30- Aug.03, 2007. |
P. K. Saxena and P. Chakrabarti, “Noise modeling of PIN-photodetector based on HgCdTe for free space optical communication,” presented at the International Conference on Optical, optoelectronic and Photonic Materials and Applications (ICOOPMA 2007) held at Queen Mary, University of London, London, UK during July 30- Aug.03, 2007. |
A.D.D. Dwivedi and P. Chakrabarti, “Sensitivity analysis of an HgCdTe based Photoconductive Receiver for long-wavelength free space optical communication systems,” presented at IRMMW-THz 2007 held at Cardiff, UK during Sept. 2-7 , 2007 |
P. K. Maurya, H. Agarwal, A. Singh, G. Gupta and P. Chakrabarti, “An InAs/InAsSb avalanche photodiode for application in the mid-infrared (MIR) region,” presented at the 8th International Conference on Mid-infrared Optoelectronics: Materials and Devices to be held at Bad Ischl, Austria during May 14-16, 2007 and published in Abstracts MIOMD-VIII, p130-131, 2007. |
P. Chakrabarti, “A Journey from Microelectronics to Nanoelectronics,” Plenary Talk delivered at the National Conference on Nanoscale Devices and Systems, held on March 30, 2007 at Muthayammal Engineering College, Rasipuram, Tamil Nadu, India. |
P. Chakrabarti and P. K. Maurya, “An analytical model of an InAs0.15Sb0.85 single heterojunction long wavelength Photodetector,” presented at CODEC-06 held at Kolkata during Dec.18-20, 2006, and published in the Proc. CODEC-06, p123, 2006. |
P. Chakrabarti and Sanjeev, “Analytical model of a mid-infrared (MIR) diode (DH-LED) for gas sensor instrumentation system,” presented at CODEC-06 held at Kolkata during Dec.18-20, 2006, and Published in the Proc. CODEC-06, p190, 2006. |
P. Chakrabarti and P. K. Saxena, “Analysis and Modeling of 10.6mm PIN Photodetector based on Mercury-Cadmium-Telluride,” presented at Photonics-2006 held at Hyderabad during Dec.13-16, 2006, and published in the Proc. Photonics 2006, p170, 2006. |
Ritu Singh, Surabhi Panda, A.D.D. Dwivedi and P. Chakrabarti, “Modeling and Simulation of Photoconductive detectors based on Hg1-xCdxTe for free space optical communication,” accepted for oral presentation at the Infrared and Millimeter wave- THz Conference to be held at Sanghai during Sept. 2006 |
P. Chakrabarti and P. K. Saxena, “Modeling of 10.6 µm Photodetector based on Mercury Cadmium Telluride for free space optical communication,” published in the Proc. 2006 Workshop on the Physics and Chemistry of II-VI Materials held at New Port Beach, California, USA during Oct.10-12, 2006, pp53-57, 2006. |
P. Chakrabarti, “InAsSb based Mid-Infrared Photodetectors: Theoretical studies and Experimental results,” Invited talk delivered at the International Workshop on Physics of Semiconductor Devices (IWPSD-2005) held at National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi during Dec.13-17, 2005 and published in the Proc. IWPSD-2006, pp29-37, 2005. |
P. Chakrabarti R. Sunny and P.K. Maurya, “Simulation of a room temperature Avalanche Photodiode for operation in mid-infrared (2-5 µm) region,” presented at the International Conference on Optics and Optoelectronics (ICOL-2005) held at the Instruments Research and Development Establishment, Dehradun, India during Dec.12-15, 2005 and published in the Souvenir ICOL-2005, p546, 2005 |
P. Chakrabarti R.K. Lal and P.K. Saxena, “Theoretical modeling of an InAs0.89Sb0.11/GaSb Mid-Infrared Photodetector,” presented at the International Conference on Electronic and Photonic Materials, Devices and Systems (EPMDS-2006) held at Kolkata, India during Jan.4-6, 2006 and published in the Proc. EPMDS-2006, p C16. |
P. Chakrabarti and C. Amarnath, “Sensitivity Analysis of an optically pre-amplified direct detection photoreceiver based on a single HBT front-end,” published in the Proc. International Conference on Electronic and Photonic Materials, Devices and Systems (EPMDS-2006) held at Kolkata, India during Jan.4-6, 2006 p H19. |
P. Chakrabarti, “Mid-infrared (MIR) photodetectors: Status and Trends”, Invited Talk delivered at the National Seminar on Perspectives in Engineering Optics held at Indraprastha College of Engineering, Ghaziabad, India during April 27-29, 2005. |
R.K. Lal and P. Chakrabarti, “A Comparison of Dominant Recombination Mechanisms in n-type InAsSb Materials,” presented at the National Symposium on Advances in Material Science (NSAMS) to be held at DDU Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur, India during March 17-19, 2005, and published in the Proc. NSAMS 2005, O-3, 2005. |
P. Chakrabarti and R.K. Lal, “Analytical Simulation of an InAsSb/GaSb Photodetector for 4.5 mm Applications,” Presented and published in the Proc. XXX OSI Symposium on Optics and Optoelectronics (SOOP-05) held at New Delhi during January 19-21, 2005, pp155-157, 2005. |
P. Chakrabarti and Nitin Menon, “Sensitivity analysis of a single InP/In0.53Ga0.47As HBT based optical receiver front-end,” Presented and published in the Proc. Asia Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC 2004) held at New Delhi during Dec.15-18, 2004, pp29-30, 2004. |
P. Chakrabarti and R.K. Lal, “Effect of trap-assisted tunnelling on the performance of InAsSb based mid-infrared (MIR) photodetectors,” Presented and published in the Proc. Asia Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC 2004) held at New Delhi during Dec.15-18, 2004, pp29-30, 2004. |
P. Chakrabarti, Pankaj Kalra, Shishir Agrawal, "Single HBT-based optical receiver front-end" presented at Photonics West Conference of the SPIE on Ultrafast phenomena in semiconductors and nanostructure materials VIII, part of Integrated Optoelectronic Devices 2004 held at San Jose California, USA during Jan. 26-29, 2004 and published in the Proc. of SPIE, vol.5352, pp.394-403, 2004. |
P. Chakrabarti, A. Tyagi, C.B. Prakash and S. Tewari, "Numerical simulation of high power double heterostructure light emitting diodes for mid-infrared applications," presented at the Twelfth International Workshop on The Physics of Semiconductor Devices (IWPSD 2003) held at IIT Madras, Chennai during Dec.16-20, 2003 and published in "Physics of Semiconductor Devices IWPSD-2003", vol.2, pp.938-940, 2003.
P. Chakrabarti and R.K. Lal, "An analytical model of a surface illuminated InAs/InAsSbP photovoltaic detector for 3.0-3.3mm applications" presented at the Twelfth International Workshop on The Physics of Semiconductor Devices (IWPSD 2003) held at IIT Madras, Chennai during Dec.16-20, 2003 and published in "Physics of Semiconductor Devices IWPSD-2003", vol.2, pp.953-955, 2003. |
P. Chakrabarti, A. Krier, X.L. Huang, P. Fenge and R.K. Lal, "Optical and electrical characterisation of an p+-InAs0.96Sb0.04/ n0- InAs0.96Sb0.04/n+-InAs Photodetector for Mid-infrared Applications," Proc. SBMO/IEEE-MTT-S IMOC 2003 held at Iguazu Falls, Parana, Brazil during Sept.20-23, 2003, vol 1, pp 87-92, 2003. |
P. Chakrabarti, A. Krier, X.L. Huang and P. Fenge, “A room temperature photodetector for mid-infrared applications" presented at the First International Meeting on Applied Physics (APHYS-2003) held at Badajoz (Spain), during October 14-18, 2003. |
P. Chakrabarti, S. Nayak, D. Mishra and N. Jain, “A proposed laser pre-amplified optoelectronic integrated circuit (OEIC) receiver based on a single MESFET front-end" presented at the VLSI Design and Test Workshop (VDAT 2003) held at IISc, Bangalore, India, during August 28-30, 2003 and published in "Progress in VLSI Design and Test", pp.223-229, 2003. |
P. Chakrabarti, “Analysis and simulation of a mid-infrared P+-InAsSbP/n0-InAsSb/N+-InAsSbP double heterojunction photodetector,” Mid Infrared Network Meeting held at University of Hull, Hull, UK on Dec.19, 2003 (Invited Talk) |
P. Fenge, X. L. Huang, A. Krier and P. Chakrabarti “An InAsSb photodetector for 3.6mm wavelength: theoretical model and experimental results,” Mid Infrared Network Meeting held at University of Hull, Hull, UK on Dec.19, 2003. |
R.K. Lal and P. Chakrabarti, “A Proposed heterojunction photodetector based on narrow bandgap III-V materials for mid-infrared (MIR) applications,” Proc. Photonics 2002 held at TIFR, Bombay during Dec 16-18, 2002. |
P. Chakrabarti, Deepak Mishra and Shivank Nayak “Effect of gate leakage current and correlation noise on the performance of a single MESFET based optical receiver,” Proc. Photonics 2002 held at TIFR, Bombay during Dec 16-18, 2002. |
P. Chakrabarti and R.K. Lal, “A novel single HBT front-end based monolithic optical receiver,” Proc. VLSI Design and Test Workshop, held at Bangalore during Aug.29-31, 2002. |
P. Chakrabarti, R.K. Lal, Manish Jain and Sachin Gupta, “Theoretical analysis of room temperature InAsSb mid-infrared (MIR) photodetector for CO detection,” Proc. 23rd IEEE International Conference on Microelectronics held at Nis, Yugoslavia during May 12-15, 2002, 1, pp331-334, 2002 |
P. Chakrabarti, R.K. Lal " A Proposed Double Heterostructure Photodetector For Mid- Infrared (MIR) Applications," National Seminar on Materials and Devices (MD-2002) held at MJP Rohilkhand University, Bareilly during March, 9-10 and abstract published in Souvenir p20, 2002 |
P. Chakrabarti, “Simulation of ionising radiation effects in MOS devices and circuits,” VLSI design and test workshop 2001(VDAT-2001) held at IISc Bangalore, India during August 16-18, 2001 (invited talk) |
P. Chakrabarti, “Optoelectronics Integrated Circuit (OEIC) receivers,” VLSI design and test workshop (VDAT-2001) held at IISc Bangalore, India during August 16-18, 2001 (invited talk) |
P. Chakrabarti, M. C. Gupta, P.K. Tiwari and V. Kumar, “A two-dimension simulator for studying ionising radiation effects in deep submicron MOSFETs,” Proc. VLSI Design And Test workshop (VDAT-2001) held at IISc Bangalore, India during August 16-18, 2001 and published in Proc. pp285-286, 2001. |
P. Chakrabarti, R.K. Lal, Manish Jain and Sachin Gupta, “Theoretical Analysis of an InAs/InAsSb heterostructure photodetector for mid-infrared (MIR) Applications,” Proc. of International Workshop on physics of semiconductor devices (IWPSD) held at SSPL, Delhi, India during Dec. 11-15, 2001, pp1054-1058, 2001. |
P. Chakrabarti, S. Dasgupta and V. Rajamani, “Sensitivity Analysis of an Optical Receiver based on a single MESFET Photodetector-cum-Preamplifier,” Photonics-2000 held at Calcutta, India during December 18-20, 2000. |
S. Dasgupta, R.K. Chauhan and P. Chakrabarti, “SPICE compatible numerical model for studying nuclear radiation induced changes in the characteristics of MOSFET,” presented at the National Symposium on Advances in Microwave and Lightwave held at UDSC, N. Delhi, India during March 25-28, 2000 and published in Proceedings, pp61-64, 2000. |
A.K. Jain, Y. Khadgawat and P. Chakrabarti, “InP/InGaAs SL-APD MESFET optical receiver for 1.55 mm applications,” presented the National Symposium on Advances in Microwave and Lightwave held in UDSC, New Delhi, India during March 25-28, 2000 and published in Proceedings, pp61-64, 2000. |
R.K. Chauhan, S. Dasgupta and P.Chakrabarti, “Effect of Ionising radiation on the performance of an NMOS inverter,” presented at the VLSI Test and Design Workshop held at Habitat India, New Delhi during Aug. 25-27, 2000 and published in the technical digest, p.65, 2000. |
P.Chakrabarti, M.Madheswaran and V. Rajamani, “Numerical simulation for estimating the optical characteristics of MESFET with non-uniform doping profile in the channel,” presented at the International Conference on Computers and Devices for Communication (CODEC-98) held at Calcutta, India during Jan. 14-17, 1998 and published in the CODEC-98 proceedings, pp583-586, 1998. |
S.Dasgupta and P.Chakrabarti, “Effect of ionising radiation on the characteristics of Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor-Field-Effect-Transistor,” presented at the International Conference on Computers and Devices for Communication (CODEC-98) held at Calcutta, India during Jan. 14-17, 1998 and published in the CODEC-98 proceedings, p616, 1998. |
P.Chakrabarti, V. Rajamani and A.K. Gupta, “A Proposed OEIC receiver using MESFET photodetector,” Proceedings of the 2nd International conference on Emerging Microelectronics and Interconnection Technologies held at Bangalore, India during Feb. 16-20, 1998. |
P.Chakrabarti, M.Madheswaran, V. Rajamani and B.K. Mishra, “Numerical model for determining the switching characteristic of GaAs MESFET with non-uniform doping profile in the channel,” Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on IC Technology, Systems and Applications held in Singapore during Sept. 10-12, 1997. |
P.Chakrabarti and M.Madheswaran, “A Proposed Velocity-Electric Field Relationship for Modeling Compound Semiconductor Devices,” Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Microelectronics held at NIS Yugoslavia during Sept. 14-17, 1997. |
V. Rajamani, M.Madheswaran and P.Chakrabarti, “A low-noise photodetector for mid infrared applications,” XXIV National Symposium on Optics and Optoelectronics held at Dept. of Applied Physics, Calcutta University, Calcutta, India during Jan.30-31 and Feb.1, p59, 1997. |
P.Chakrabarti and M.Madheswaran, “Frequency response of time-varying photocapacitance of an InP:Fe MIS capacitor,” Technical digest of International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics held at Kyoto, Japan, during Dec.3-5, 1996, pp133-136, 1996. |
M.Madheswaran and P.Chakrabarti, “An InP: Fe photocapacitive MIS detector,” Proc. Asia Pacific Microwave Conference 1996, New Delhi, India during Dec.17-20, pp884-887, 1996. |
P.Chakrabarti, M.Madheswaran and S.K. Lahiri, “Fabrication and characterisation of an optically controlled MOS capacitor,” Proc. of Eighth International workshop on Physics of semiconductor Devices held at NPL, New Delhi, India during Dec.11-16, 1995, pp238-240, 1995. |
P.Chakrabarti and Neeraj Gupta, “An optically controlled MOS capacitor,” Proc. APSYM, Cochin Univ. of Science & Technology, Cochin, India pp236-239, 1994. |
P.Chakrabarti and B.K. Mishra, “Optically controlled characteristics of an InP-MISFET,” Proc. APSYM, Cochin Univ. of Science and Technology, Cochin, pp240-243, 1994. |
P.Chakrabarti, S.K. Shrestha and K. Satish Kumar, “Effect of illumination on Y-parameters of GaAs MESFET,” Proc. of fourth International Symposium on Recent Advances in Microwave Technology, held in Agra, India during Dec.15-18, pp127-129, 1993. |
P.Chakrabarti and B. Umapathi, “An optically controlled double-velocity avalanche transit time (DOVATT) diode,” Proc. of the Fifth Australian symposium on millimeter and submillimeter wave, Adelaide, Australia, pp92-93, 1992. |
P.Chakrabarti and B.K. Mishra, “Effect of illumination on C-V characteristics of a new hetero-MIS capacitor,” presented at the 1992 Asia Pacific Microwave Conference held at Adelaide, Australia, during Aug. 11-13, 1992 and published in the 1992 APMC Proc.,1, pp383-386, 1992. |
P.Chakrabarti, S. Kumar, P.K. Rout and B.G. Rappai, “A new InGaAs MISFET photodetector” presented at the 3rd Asia Pacific Microwave Conference held at Tokyo, Japan during Sept. 18-21, 1990 and published in the Proc. of the 3rd Asia Pacific Microwave Conference, Tokyo, Japan pp575-578, 1990. |
R.U. Khan, P.Chakrabarti and B.B.Pal, “Large signal characterization of double heterostructure DDR IMPATT considering MITATT mode of operation,” Prof. J.N. Bhar commemoration symposium on Advances in Radio Science in India, held at Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics, Calcutta, India during Dec. 17-19, 1986. |
P.Chakrabarti and B.B.Pal, “Photoresponse characteristics of DOVATT diode,” International Conference on Microelectronics and Fiberoptic held at CSIO, Chandigarh, India during Nov.5-8, 1985. |
Google Scholar | ||
h-index | i10-index | Citations |
25 | 62 | 2094 |
Scopus (as on 2016) | |
h-index | Citations |
22 | 1500 |
ResearchGate |
h-index | Citations |
21 | 1381 |
1. |
Computer Simulation of Heterojunction Solid-State Photodetectors for Fiber Optic Communication Systems
Govt. of India
(1989-1991)Department of Science and Technology
2. | Computer Aided Modeling of Some High Speed Photodetectors for Optical Communication Systems Department of Science and Technology Govt. of India (1997-2000). |
3. |
Analysis and Simulation of Photodetectors for Mid-infrared Applications
Govt. of India
4. | Establishment of New National MEMS Design Centres Under NPMASS Program ADA, Ministry of Defence (2010-2015) |
5. |
Design and Development of Low-cost Plastic Devices for Electronic and Photonic Applications
ER & IPR, DRDO Govt. of India (2012-2015)
1. |
Title: A novel a-Silicon/Polycarbazole Organic Schottky Diode (OSD) and the method of fabrication thereof
Inventors: P. Chakrabarti and Aditi Srivastava
File No: 2332/DEL/2014 dated 16.08.2014
2. |
Title: Electrochemical Process of Immuno-Based Thinonine Doped Nanosilica Electrode Modification and Its Use as an Enzymatic Sensor For Electrochemical Detection of Platelet Hyperactivity
Inventors: Sunil Kumar Singh, Priti Singh and P. Chakrabarti
File No.: 1687/DEL/2015
1. | Title: Micro Fabrication Annealing Furnace with Integrated Magnetic Field & Electric Field Application and Affixable Hall Measurement Setup Inventors: Brijesh Kumar Agarwal; Shweta Tripathi and P. Chakrabarti |
1. | P. Chakrabarti | Optical Fiber Communication, McGraw-Hill Education India (ISBN(13):978-93-329-0162-9; ISBN(10):93-329-0162-7), 2015 |
2. | P. Chakrabarti, S. Khanna, K.K. Shukla, Naresh Kumar and Anindya Bhar (Eds) | Multifunctional Materials, Structures and Applications, McGraw-Hill Education India (ISBN(13):978-93-392-2019-8; ISBN(10):93-392-2019-6), 2014. |
3. | P. Chakrabarti, S. Jit and A. Pandey (Eds) | Recent Advances in Micro-Electromechanical Systems, Macmillan Publishers India Ltd., ,2011 |
4. | P. Chakrabarti, S.Jit & A. Pandey (Eds) | Emerging Trends in Electronic & Photonic Devices & Systems, Macmillan Publishers Ltd. (ISBN: 9780230328518),2009 |
5. | P. Chakrabarti & S. Jit (Eds) |
Advanced Optoelectronic Materials and Devices, Macmillan Publishers India Ltd. (ISBN: 9780230637184), 2008
6. | P. Chakrabarti | Principles of Digital Communication, Dhanpat Rai & Co (ISBN: 978817700021), 1999 |
7. | P. Chakrabarti | Analog Communication Systems, Dhanpat Rai & Co (ISBN: 9788177000344), 1998 |
1. |
Modeling and simulation of semiconductor devices
2. |
Analysis and design of optoelectronic integrated circuit (OEIC)
3. |
Free-space optical communication
4. |
Radiation effects in electronic devices and circuits
5. |
Design and Development of Mid-infrared (MIR) optical sources & detectors
6. |
Fabrication and characterization of flexible electronic and photonic components based on organic polymers
7. |
Fabrication & Characterization of Nanoelectronic and nanophotonic devices based on low-cost materials
S.N. | Name | Title of Thesis | Institute (Year) |
1. | B. K. Mishra | Computer Aided Modelling of Semiconductor Photo detector. | Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra Ranchi (1995) |
2. | M. Madheshwaran | Analysis and Simulation of some high-speed Photodetectors | Institute of Technology –BHU (1998) |
3. | V. Rajamani | Theoretical Study on Noise Performance of Semiconductor Photodetectors | Institute of Technology -BHU (1999) |
4. | Jai Shankar Singh | Some Analytical Studies on Metal Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (MESFET) using III-V semiconductors |
Institute of Technology -BHU (1999) |
5. | Sudeb Dasgupta | Effect of Ionising Radiation on Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors | Institute of Technology –BHU (2001) |
6. | R. K. Chauhan | Effect of Ionizing Radiation on Some MOS based Devices | Institute of Technology –BHU (2002) |
7. | R.K. Lal | Modelling and Simulation of Mid-infrared Photodetectors | Institute of Technology –BHU (2007) |
8. | Pramod Maurya | Analysis and Simulation of Long Wavelength Infrared Photodetectors | Institute of Technology –BHU (2009) |
9. | Praveen Kumar Saxena | Analytical Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Some Infrared Photodetectors Based on Narrow Bandgap Semiconductors | Institute of Technology –BHU (2009) |
10. | Arun DevDhar Dwivedi | Investigations on Some Photodetectors for Guided and Unguided Optical Communication Systems | Institute of Technology –BHU (2010) |
11. | Ms. Ghusoon Ali | Investigation on ZnO Thin film based Devices for Electronic and Optoelectronic Applications. | Indian Institute of Technology-BHU (2011) |
12. | C. Periasamy | Fabrication and Characterization of ZnO nanostructured based electronic devices | Indian Institute of Technology -BHU (2012) |
13. | Ms. Shaivalini Singh | Fabrication, characterization and simulation of ZnO based thin-film Devices. | Indian Institute of Technology -BHU (2012) |
14. | Sanjeev Tyagi | Some Studies on Mid-infrared (MIR) Sources based on Narrow Bandgap Semiconductors |
Gautam Buddh Technical University (Formerly UP Technical University), Lucknow (2012) |
15. | Sumit Vyas | ZnO based Thin Film Devices for Electronic and Optoelectronic Applications |
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad
(2015) |
16. | Ms. Pushpa Giri | Fabrication and Characterization of ZnO Nanostructure Devices for Electronic and Optoelectronic Applications |
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad
17. | Aditi Srivastava | Fabrication and Electrical Characterization of Organic Semiconductor Devices for Electronic and Photonic Applications |
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad
18. | Satyendra Kumar Singh | Fabrication and Characterization of Undoped and Mg-doped ZnO Thin Film Based Heterojunction Devices for Electronic and Photonic Applications. |
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad
(2016) |
19. | Lucky Agarwal | Simulation and Fabrication of ZnO based Junction Devices for Electronic and Optoelectronic Applications |
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad
(2018) |
1. | Conference Chair | International Conference on Multifunctional Materials, Structures and Applications (2014) organized jointly by MNNIT-Allahabad and the University of Missouri, Colombia, USA during Dec.22-24, 2014. |
2. | Convener | National workshop: Recent Advances in Micro-Electro-Mechanical-Systems (RAMEMS)- 2011 held at IIT(BHU), 2011 |
3. | Convener | International Conference: Emerging Trends in Electronics and Photonic Devices and Systems (ELECTRO-2009) at IIT(BHU), 2009. |
4. | Coordinator | National Workshop:Advanced Optoelectronic Materials and Devices (AOMD-2007 & AOMD-2008) (2007& 2008) held at IIT(BHU), 2007 & 2008 |
5. | Co-Chairman | National Symposium: Emerging Trends in Electronics (ELECTRO-2005) held at IIT(BHU), 2005 |
6. | Chief Coordinator | ISTE Summer School: Recent Trends in Optoelectronic Devices and Systems held at Birla Institute of Technology, Ranchi, 1993 |
Participated in the 3rd Global Conference on Materials Science and Engineering (CMSE 2014) held in Shanghai, China during Oct. 20-23, 2014. |
Participated in Materials Challenges in Alternative and Renewable Energy (MCARE-2014)” at Clearwater Beach, Hilton Clearwater Beach Resort, Florida USA during Feb.17-20, 2014. |
Visited Indiana University, Bloomington, USA under LDP program during Dec.08-13, 2013. |
Participated & presented paper in the Mid-Infrared Network Meeting held at University of Hull, Hull, UK on Dec.19, 2003. |
Participated in collaborative research program as EPSRC Senior Visiting Fellow at University of Lancaster, UK, 2002-2003 |
Participated in Asia-Pacific-Microwave Conference (APMC-1992) at Adelaide, Australia during Aug. 11-13, 1992 |
Participated in Asia-Pacific-Microwave Conference (APMC-1990) at Tokyo during Sept.13-17, 1990. |