Major equipments in our Department:
- 200 KV Transmission Electron Microscope , TECNAI 20 G2
- Precision Impedance Analyser
- Scanning Electron Microscope, QUANTA 200 F
- Transmission Electron Microscope, JEOL JEM 200 CX
- Scanning Electron Microscope, JEOL JSM 840 A
- Scanning Auger Microscope, VG SCIENTIFIC ESCALAB Mark II
- Ion Mill, Gatan
- One Pentium Server with 14 Pentium II @ 333 MHz Terminals
- X-ray Generator and Guinier Camera, Nonius
- Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer with HGA Attachement , PERKIN ELMER
- Thermobalance, LINSEIS
- Cahn Auto-Electric Balances (3 Nos.)
- Magnetic Susceptibility System, CAHN -200
- Servo-Hydraulic Testing Machine (20 Tons) with Accessories, MTS
- Universal Testing Machines ((10 tons), Instron 4206
- O2 Work Station with Varsity Pack Software, Silicon Graphics, USA
- Kevex Sigma Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis System Level KS-2 for SEM and TEM
- Vacuum Sputtering Unit Edwards ( & Vacuum Coating Unit), Hindhivac
- X -ray Diffractometer, RIGAKU Dmax IIC
- Video Interactive Display System (VIDS) III Image Analyser
- Optical metallographs LEITZ, Laborlux and Metallux
- Hall-Effect Package, KEITHLEY
- Temperature Programmer, ULVAC
- Mercury Porosimeter, MICROMERITICS MODEL9310
- Surface Area Analyser, MICROMETRICS FLOSORB ii-2300
- Microhardness Tester, Tukon
- Unisteel Stress Corrosion Tester, MAYES
- Instrumented Rolling Mill, HILLE 50
- Wear and Friction Testing Machine (T97)
- Instant Analysing System, HADLAND MEKEL ML300
- Gas Chromatograph
- Spark Erosion Machine
- Air/Vacuum Induction Melting Unit, INDUCTOTHERM
- R.F.Induction Furnaces 12 and 30 KW
- High Temperature TAMMANN Tube Furnace
- Vacuum Quenching Furnace
- Submerged/MIG-MAg (CO2) Welding Machine
- Autoclave
- Data Acquisition System, DCM ASTRA 6010
- Induction Melting Unit 20 KVA
- Therelek High Temperature Reheating Furnace
- Dilatometer SINKU-RIKO
- Vacuum Pumping System (3 Nos.)
- Impedance Analyser (4192 HP)
- Infrared Image Furnace, ULVAC
- Digital Multimeters (195/196), KEITHLEY
- Nanovoltmeter, Pico-Ammeter, Electrometer and C/V Source
- 4-Pen Recorder (610, BBC)
- Twin Jet Electropolisher EA, Fischione Crop. USA
- Cryomech LN2 - 10 Litre/hr. with Be cup
- Gatan Double Tilt Holder
- Twinstar Software package for MTS
- Thermo VS Scientific Twin Andle XPS for Auger
- ML 360 Servor
- High pressure air compressor
- Microhardness Testor
- Differential Scanning Calorimeter