rmanna.met's picture
Dr. Rampada Manna
Associate Professor
Department of Metallurgical Engineering, I. I.T. (B.H.U.), Varanasi
Area of Interest: 
Phase Transformations, Design of Steels, Heat Treatments of Metals, Ultrafine-Grained and Bulk Nanostructured Materials, Severe Plastic Deformation, Electropulsing, Steel Technologies.

1.Year and Place of Birth: 1968, Moyna, Purba Medinipur (West Bengal)
2. Educational Qualifications
1991   B. E. in Metallurgical Engineering: University of Calcutta
1993   M. E.  in Metallurgy: Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
2008 Ph. D. in Metallurgical Engineering:  Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi

3. Subjects Taught-Post graduate and Ph. D.:  Heat Treatment of Advanced Ferrous alloys, Industrial Heat Treatment, Alloy Design and Development, Material Characterization Techniques, Advanced Processing Technology, Practicals of  Material Characterization and Materials Processing.
Graduate: Phase Transformations, Heat Treatment, Metallographic Techniques, Materials Selection and Design, Practicals of Heat Treatment and Physical Metallurgy. 
4. Teaching Experience: Teaching UG/PG courses since November 2002.
5. Industrial Experience   :8 yrs+4 months
Developed and commercialized superstrength honeycomb cordierite for kiln furniture applications. Processing and production of  oxide, Si3N4 and  SiAlON bonded SiC, mullite and cordierite for kiln furniture, refractory and wear resistant applications.
6. Research Interest: Phase Transformations, Design of Steels, Heat treatment of Metals, Ultrafine-grained and Bulk Nanostructure Materials, Severe Plastic Deformation,  Electropulsing, Steel Technologies
7. Publications:
International Journals
17. Development of High Strength Bulk Ultrafine-Grained Low Carbon Steel Produced by Equal-Channel Angular Pressing
Raj Bahadur Singh, N.K. Mukhopadhyay, G.V.S. Sastry, R. Manna
Metall Mater Trans A, 2017, 48A, 5449-5466
16. Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ultrafine-grained Interstitial-Free Steel Processed by ECAP.
Deepa Verma, N.K. Mukhopadhyay, G. V. S. Sastry and R. Manna
 Trans IIM, 2017, 70(4), 917-926

15.Recovery of Ductility in Ultrafine-Grained Low Carbon Steel Processed through Equal-Channel Angular Pressing followed by Cold Rolling and Flash Annealing, Raj Bahadur Singh, N.K. Mukhopadhyay, G.V.S. Sastry and R. Manna, Metall Mater Trans A, 2017, 48A (3) (2017) 1189-1203.
14.Development of Bulk Ultrafine-Grained Interstitial Free Steel By Equal-Channel Angular Pressing Followed by Flash Annealing.
Deepa Verma,Anushka  Bansal, Anushka  Pandey, Shobhit A., N.K. Mukhopadhyay, G.V.S. Sastry, and R, Manna J.l of Maters Eng and Performance 2016,  25(12), 5157-5166
13. Development of Texture in Interstitial-Free Steel Processed by Equal-Channel Angular Pressing, Deepa Verma, Satish Kumar Shekhawat, N.K. Mukhopadhyay, G.V. S. Sastry and R. Manna, J Mater Eng and Performance, 25(3)(2016) 820-830
12. Ultra High Strength Interstitial-Free Steel Processed by Equal-Channel Angular Pressing at Large Equivalent Strain, Deepa Verma, N. K. Mukhopadhyay, G. V. S. Sastry and R. Manna, Metall Mater Trans A, 47(4)(2016)1803-1817
11. Development of Ultrafine-grained Microstructure in Al-Cu-Mg Alloy (V65 grade) through Equal-Channel Angular Pressing,
S A Danam, A Gupta, N Nayan, S V S Narayana Murty, R Manna and G V S Sastry,
Nano Materials by Severe Plastic Deformation, NANOSPD 6, June30-July4, 2014, Metz, France.
IOP conf series: Mater Sci Eng, 63(2014) p1-9, 012082, doi.10.1088/1757-899X/63/1/012082
 10. Development of Bulk Ultrafine-grained Cold Reducible Grade Low Carbon Steel produced by Equal-channel Angular Pressing
Rajpal Singh, Santosh Kumar, N. K. Mukhopadhyay, G. V. S. Sastry, R. Manna
Intll J of Met Eng 2(1) (2013) 62-68
9. Strengthening behavior of bulk ultra finegrained aluminum alloys
R. Manna, N. K. Mukhopadhyay and G.V.S. Sastry,
Mater Sci. Forum, 710 (2012)241-246.
8. Grain refinement mechanisms operative during equal channel angular pressing of
R. Manna, N. K. Mukhopadhyay and G.V. S. Sastry
Mater Sci. Forum, 702-703(2012)135-138
 7. Formation of nanostructured and amorphous β-Al3Mg2 based alloys by rapid
solidification andmechanical milling
D. Mukherjee, V. Ande,R. Manna, B.S. Murty and N. K. Mukhopadhyay
Mater Sci & Eng A, 527(20)(2010)5078-5083
6.Effect of equal channel angular pressing on microstructure and mechanical    properties of commercial purity  aluminum
R. Manna, N. K. Mukhopadhyay and G. V. S. Sastry
Metall. Mater. Trans. A, 39A (2008)1525-34
5. Synthesis and characterization of nano-structured Cu-Zn  γ-brass alloy
N.K  Mukhopadhyay, D. Mukherjee, S.Bera, I. Manna,R. Manna
Mater..Sci. Eng.A, 485(2008)673-680
4. Synthesis and characterization of nanocrystalline and amorphous Al4Cu9)94.5Cr5.5
γ-brass alloy by rapid solidification and mechanical milling
N. K.  Mukhopadhyay,  D. Mukherjee, S. Dutta, R. Manna, D. H. Kim, I. Manna,                
J. Alloys and Compounds, 457(2008)177-184
3. Physical Modeling of equal channel angular pressing using plasticine
R. Manna, PulkitAgrawal, Sushant Joshi, Basavakumar K. Mudda, N. K. Mukhopadhyay and G. V. S. Sastry
Scripta Mater, 53 (2005)1357-1361
2. Microstructure control and wear of Al2O3-SiC-(Al, Si) composites made by melt
VikramJayaram, Rampada Manna, Manjunath G Khetrapal and Sanjay K. Biswas
J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 79 (1996)770-72
1. Effects of second phase precipitates on recovery and recrystallisation behaviour of      
cold-worked Al2024-SiCp composites
R. Manna, J. Sarkar and M. K. Surappa,
J. Mater. Sci., 31(1996)1625-31
8. Book Chapter
Effect of Flash Annealing on Ultra-fine Grained Low Carbon Steel Processed through Equal Channel Angular Pressing followed by Cryorolling,
Raj Bahadur Singh, N. K. Mukhopadhyay, G. V. S. Sastry and R. Manna, in Advanced High Strength steel, ed T. K. Roy et al. , Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd, 2018, pp103-113
9. Conference Proceedings
7. Bulk Ultrafine-Grained AA3003 Alloy Processed By Equal-Channel Angular Pressing,
Rajnish Kumar, G. V. S. Sastry and R. Manna,
Proceeding in Heat Treatment & Surface Engineering Conference & Expo 2013 (HT&SE 2013,) 16-18 May 2013, Chennai Trade Centre, Chennai, pp 453-464
6.Ultra high strength interstitial free steel through equal channel angular pressing followed by cryo-rolling and flash annealing
Deepa Verma, G.V. S. Sastry and R. Manna, Proceeding in International Conference on    
 Rolling and Finishing Technology of Steel October 4-6, 2012, Ispat Bhawan, Ranchi, India p1-10
5.Development of ultrafine-grained interstitial-free steels produced by cryorolling followed by flash annealing,
Nitin Kumar Sharma, Sandeep Fonia, Santhoshi Sushma Buddhiraju, DeepaVerma,
R. K. Mandal, G.V. S. Sastry and R. Manna,  Proceeding in International Conference on Rolling and Finishing Technology of Steel October 4-6, 2012, Ispat Bhawan, Ranchi,
India p1-10
4.Equal channel angular extrusion of Al alloy AA 7075:  A comparison of ECAP with
conventional extrusion process.
Rajnish Kumar, G.V.S.Sastry, R. Manna
Proc 15th Intl conf on non-ferrous metals, Hotel Oberoi Grand, Kolkata, 8-9th July,
2011, P- Tech-4/1-Tech -4/9
3.Dynamic recrystallization of All-Mg alloys during  equal channel angular pressing
R. Manna,  N.K. Mukhopadhyay and G.V.S. Sastry,
Proc Intl conf. on Advances in Analytical Techniques and Characterization of
Materials, RDCIS, Ranchi, India, 5-7th July, 2011
2.  Mechanism of microstructural refinement operative during equal channel angular
pressing ofaluminum zinc alloys
R. Manna, N. K. Mukhopadhyay and G.V. S. Sastry
Proc 30thRisøIntl Sym on Mater Sc:Nanostructured metals-Fundamentals to
application, Risø National Laboratory, Denmark, 7-11th Sept, 2009, p245-252
1. Developmental studies on SiAlON bonded alumina
R. Manna and A L Shashi Mohan,
Proc of 3rdIndia International Refractory  Congress (IREFCON-98), Calcutta,    Vol-II (1998)307-312
10. Teaching Materials displayed in  website
3.Continuous Cooling Transformation Diagrams,
R. Manna, edited by H.K.D.H. Bhadeshia, in the website of Professor Bhadeshia-
www.msm.cam/phase-trans/2012/Manna/Part3.pdf, p1-33
The above file is also displayed in IIT BHU website in profile of Dr. Rampada Manna and  in http://tra-erf.org/part3.pdf
2.Time Temperature Transformation diagrams
R. Manna, edited by H.K.D.H. Bhadeshia, in the website of Professor Bhadeshia-
www.msm.cam/phase-trans/2012/Manna/Part2.pdf, p1-108
The above file is also displayed in IIT BHU website in profile of Dr. Rampada Manna and in  http://tra-erf.org/part2.pdf
1. Heat treatment,
R. Manna, edited by H.K.D.H. Bhadeshia,in the website of Professor Bhadeshia-
www.msm.cam/phase-trans/2012/Manna/Part1.pdf, p1-38
The above file is also displayed in IIT BHU website in profile of Dr. Rampada Manna and  in http://tra-erf.org/part1.pdf
11. List of Invited Lectures
    12. Effect of Flash Annealing on Ultra-fine Grained Low Carbon Steel Processed through  
       Equal-Channel Angular Pressing followed by Cryorolling, Raj Bahadur Singh, N. K.   
      Mukhopadhyay, G. V. S. Sastry and R. Manna, International conference on Developments in
      Advanced High Strength Steel Processing and Applications (AHSS-2017), February 22-23,
      2017, Jamshedpur, India.
11.Development of Ultra High Strength Steel Processed by Severe Plastic Deformation
Methods, R. Manna, NCETFF-2016, Nov 25-26, 2016, NIFFT, Ranchi

10. Bimodal Grain Size Distribution in Ultrafine-grained Low Carbon Steel Processed by Severe Plastic Deformation, Raj Bahadur Singh, N.K. Mukhopadhyay, G.V.S. Sastry and R. Manna,Intl Conf on Rolling and Finishing Technology of Steel,  September 8-10, 2015, IspatBhawan, Ranchi,India.
9. Ultra High Strength Interstitial-free Steel Processed By Equal-channel Angular Pressing    at Large Equivalent Strain, Deepa Verma, N. K. Mukhopadhyay, G. V. S. Sastry and R.   Manna, National conference on Thermomechanical processing of steels and 5th Gleeble  
user workshop in India (GUWI-2015), August 6-7, 2015, CSIR-NML, Jamshedpur, India
8. Scanning Electron Microscopy,  Summer School in Advances in Preparation &                                  
Characterisation of Heterogeneous Catalysts, Dept of Chemical Engg, Indian Institute  
of Technology(BHU), Varanasi, 11th June, 2015
7. Development of bulk ultrafine grained alloyswith high strength and high ductility
 R. Manna, NRC-M Symposium and Discussion Meeting on Severe Plastic Deformation   
 and Bulk Nano-structured Materials, Department of Materials Engineering, IISc,
 Bangalore, 12 - 14 May 2014
6.Microstructural Development by Equal Channel Angular Pressing of aluminum, aluminum alloys and steels, National Seminar on Microstructure and Diffraction, 2013, IIT-Bombay, Mumbai,19-20th April, 2013

5. Bulk nanostructured superbainite for armour application,DMRL Hyderabad 27th Dec, 2012
4. Mitigation of residual stress  in submarine hulls, DMRL Hyderabad 27th Dec, 2012
3. Bulk ultra high strength metals  by severe plastic deformation, DMRL Hyderabad26th Dec, 2012

2. Martensitic Transformation, JNTU, Hyderabad, Dec, 2012
1. Bainitic Transformation, JNTU, Hyderabad, Dec, 2012

12. Research and Consultancy Projects

Sponsored research projects

S. No. Title Period Funding Agency Amount (Rs. in lakhs) Name of the Faculty Member
1 Development of  Bulk  Ultrafine-Grained Steel of High Strength and High Ductility through Severe Plastic Deformation 2011-2014 DST, Govt. of India 40.41 Dr. R. Manna(PI)
Prof. G. V. S. Sastry
Prof. N. K. Mukhopadhyay
2 Microstructural Modifications of High Strength Metals and Alloys for Ductilisation by Electropulsing 2015-2016 Sprouting Grant, (IITBHU) 17.575 Dr. R. Manna(PI)
Prof. G.V.S. Sastry
Prof. R. K. Pandey
3. Development of Electropulsing facility for Synthesis of Bulk Nanostructured Materials 2015-2017 BRNS, Dept of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India 26.484 Dr. R. Manna (PI)
Prof. R.K. Pandey (Electrical),                  Prof. S.N. Ojha,           Prof. G.V.S. Sastry
Dr. Archana Sharma (Collaborator)
4. Studies on Improvement in Stiffness of Aluminum Alloy Fibers 2016-18 DRDO, Govt. of India 40.11 Dr. R. Manna (PI)
Dr. K. Chattopadhyay
5. Setting up of Advanced Research Center for Iron and Steel at IIT(BHU), 2016-2021 Steel Development Fund, Ministry of Steel, Govt. of India 3098 Dr. R. Manna Coordinator
Other  teachers of the Dept.
6. Development of Bulk Nanostructured Materials 2017-2018 IITBHU Research Project 14.66 Dr. R. Manna(PI)

13. Industrial consultancy projects

S. No. Title Period Industry Amount (in lakhs of Rs.) Name of Faculty Member
3. Evaluation of SAILMA 550 grade steel, Examination of IIT Roorkee Report and
providing expert opinion on Penstock bursting.
2017-18 SAIL, RDCIS 20.72 Dr. R. Manna (PI),           Prof. S. N. Ojha,      Prof. R. K. Mandal,           Prof. N. K. Mukhopadhyay,       Prof. N. C. Santhi Srinivas,
Prof. B. N. Sarma,
Dr. K. Chattopadhyay,  Dr. J. Basu,                 Dr. S. K. Panda (Mec. Engg)

14. Ph. D. Research Guidance

S. No Name of Research Student Title of Thesis/Research Status-
1 Mrs. Deepa Verma Microstructural Evolution and Mechanical Properties of an Interstitial-Free Steel Processed by Equal-Channel Angular Pressing Awarded(2016) Dr. R. Manna (Supervisor)Prof. G.V.S. Sastry (Co-Supervisor)
2 Shri Raj Bahadur Singh Development of Ultrafine-Grained Low Carbon Steel through Equal-Channel Angular Pressing and Post Processing Submitted, 2018 Dr. R. Manna (Supervisor)
Prof. N. K. Mukhopadhyay(Co-Supervisor)
3 Shri P. C. Mani Effect of Microstructure on Erosion Resistance of Steels Registered Prof.  A. P. Harsha
Dr. R. Manna (Co-Supervisor)
4 Shri Debabrata Bhuyan Design, Development and Characterization of Bulk Nanostructured Steel Registered Dr. R. Manna (Supervisor)

15. Major Achievements

  1. Developed  and Commercialized Super Strength Cordierite  Technology.
  2. Developed Severe Plastic Deformation Facility, at 60-100 MT, DST funded
  3. Established Electropulsing Laboratory, 200KA at 10-15kV, BRNS funded
  4. Established and Shaped Advanced Research Centre for Iron and Steel, SDF funded, Ministry of Steel

Where following facilities are created

Name Location Remarks.
  1. Vacuum Induction Melting Furnace
ARCIS, IITBHU Melting and casting 2 kg ferrous alloys
  1. X-ray Diffractometer with Texture Analysis
ARCIS, IITBHU High resolution XRD for powder and solid samples with bulk texture facility and residual stress mesurement
  1. EBSD Detector with software
ARCIS, IITBHU TEAM EBSD software, Microtexture analysis
  1. Upgradation of ThemoCalc Software with steel database
ARCIS, IITBHU Thermodynamic calculations on steel
  1. Controlled Atmosphere Furnace
ARCIS, IITBHU 1250oC, in vacuum heat treatment facility
  1. Software for Fe based alloys, Computer Server with desktops
ARCIS, IITBHU Installed JMATPRO software, calculation of TTA, TTT and CCT diagrams
  1. Controlled Atmosphere Oven
ARCIS, IITBHU 650oC, isothermal treatment in controlled atmosphere

16. List of Conference Presentations
42. Development of Ductile Ultrafine-Grained Low Carbon Steel Processed by Electropulsing, Debabrata Bhuyan,  Raj Bahadur Singh, R. K. Pandey, S. N. Ojha, G. V. S. Sastry, Archana Sharma and R. Manna, Internation conference, Asia Steel, 2018, 6-9Feb, 2018, Bhuvaneswar
41. Development of Texture in Ultrafine-Grained Low Carbon Steel Processed through Equal-Channel Angular Pressing, Raj Bahadur Singh, Deepa Verma, N. K. Mukhopadhyay, G. V. S. Sastry and R. Manna, Nanomaterials by Severe Plastic Deformation (NanoSPD7), Sydney, Australia, July 2 -7, 2017.       
40. Effect of Flash Annealing on Ultra-fine Grained Low Carbon Steel Processed through Equal-Channel Angular Pressing followed by Cryorolling, Raj Bahadur Singh, N. K. Mukhopadhyay, G. V. S. Sastry and R. Manna, International conference on Developments in Advanced High Strength Steel Processing and Applications (AHSS-2017), February 22-23, 2017, Jamshedpur, India.
39. Development of Ultra High Strength Steel Processed by Severe Plastic Deformation Methods, R. Manna, NCETFF-2016, Nov 25-26, 2016, NIFFT, Ranchi
38. Effect of Flash Annealing on Ultrafine-Grained Low Carbon Steel,  Raj Bahadur Singh, N. K. Mukhopadhyay,
G. V. S. Sastry and  R. Manna, 4th International Conference on Thermo-mechanical Simulation
and Processing of Steels (SimPro’16), February 10 - 12, 2016, RDCIS, SAIL, Ranchi
37. Bimodal Grain Size Distribution in Ultrafine-grained Low Carbon Steel Processed by Severe Plastic Deformation, Raj Bahadur Singh, N.K. Mukhopadhyay, G.V.S. Sastry and R. Manna,Intl Conf on Rolling and Finishing Technology of Steel,  September 8-10, 2015, IspatBhawan, Ranchi,India
36. Ultra High Strength Interstitial-free Steel Processed By Equal-channel Angular Pressing   
at Large Equivalent Strain, Deepa Verma, N. K. Mukhopadhyay, G. V. S. Sastry and R.  
Manna, National conference on Thermomechanical processing of steels and 5th Gleeble  
 user workshop in India (GUWI-2015), August 6-7, 2015, CSIR-NML, Jamshedpur, India
35.Microstructural Refinement of Interstitial-free Steel at Large Plastic Strain by Equal-Channel Angular Pressing, DeepaVerma, G. V. S. Sastry and R. Manna, Nanomaterials by Severe Plastic Deformation (NANOSPD6), Metz, France, June 30 - July 4, 2014
34.Development of ultrafine grained microstructure in Al-Cu-Mg alloy (V65 grade) through Equal-Channel Angular Pressing, Danam Sai Anuhya,  Ashutosh Gupta, Niraj Nayan, S.V.S. Narayana Murty,  R.  Manna and G.V.S. Sastry, Nanomaterials by Severe Plastic Deformation (NANOSPD6), Metz, France, June 30 - July 4, 2014  
33. Development of bulk ultrafine grained alloyswith high strength and high ductility
R. Manna, NRC-M Symposium and Discussion Meeting on Severe Plastic Deformation and Bulk Nano-structured Materials, Department of Materials Engineering, IISc, Bangalore, 12 - 14 May 2014
32. Microstructural Refinement of  Aluminium Alloys and Steels by Severe Plastic Deformation, R. Manna, 51st NMD and 67th ATM at IIT, BHU, Varanasi, 12-15th Nov, 2013
31.Microstructural Development by Equal Channel Angular Pressing ofaluminum, aluminum alloys and steels
R. Manna,  National Seminar on Microstructure and Diffraction, 2013, IIT-Bombay, Mumbai, 19-20th April, 2013
30. Development of Bulk Ultrafine-grained Cold Reducible Grade Low Carbon Steel produced by Equal-channel Angular Pressing
Rajpal Singh, Santosh Kumar, N. K. Mukhopadhyay, G. V. S. Sastry, R. Manna
3rd International Conference on  Thermo-mechanical Simulation and Processing of Steels, December 12-14, 2012, IspatBhawan, Ranchi, India
29.  Ultra high strength interstitial free steel through equal channel angular pressing followed
by cryo-rolling and flash annealing
Deepa Verma, G.V. S. Sastry and R. Manna, Proceeding in International Conference on    
Rolling and Finishing Technology of Steel October 4-6, 2012, IspatBhawan, Ranchi,   
     India p1-10
28.Development of ultrafine-grained interstitial-free steels produced by cryorolling followed
by flash annealing,
Nitin Kumar Sharma, SandeepFonia, Santhoshi Sushma Buddhiraju, DeepaVerma,
R. K. Mandal, G.V. S. Sastry and R. Manna,  Proceeding in International Conference on
Rolling and Finishing Technology of Steel October 4-6, 2012, IspatBhawan, Ranchi,
27. Ultra high strength Interstitial Free Steel through Equal Channel Angular Pressing
followed by Cryo Rolling
DeepaVerma,  G. V.  S. Sastry and R. Manna
16th International Conference on strength of materials, Bangalore, India, August 19-24,
26.Bulk ultra fine grained AA3003 alloy processed by equal channel angular  
     pressing, Rajnish Kumar, G.V.S.Sastry, R. Manna
Proc 15th Intl conf on non-ferrous metals, Hotel Oberoi Grand, Kolkata, 8-9th July,
25.Dynamic recrystallization of Al-Mg alloys during  equal channel angular pressing
R. Manna,  N.K. Mukhopadhyay and G.V.S. Sastry,
     Intl conf. on Advances in Analytical Techniques and Characterization of  Materials   
     RDCIS, Ranchi, India, 5-7th July, 2011
24. Mechanical properties of Bulk Ultra Fine Grained Aluminum Alloys
  R. Manna, N. K. Mukhopadhyay  and  G. V. S. Sastry
  48th NMD and 64rd ATM of IIM, Bangalore, 14-16th Nov, 2010
  23. Mechanical Properties of Bulk Ultra FineGrainned Metallic Alloys
  R. Manna, N. K. Mukhopadhyayand G. V. S. Sastry
  National Conference on Physical Simulation & 2ndGleeble User Workshop
  (GUWI-10) RDCIS,Ranchi,16-17th March, 2010
  22. Mechanical Properties of Bulk Ultra FineGrainned Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys
  R. Manna, N. K. Mukhopadhyay and G. V. S. Sastry
  National Symposium on Synthesis, Characterization and Applications of Technologically Important Materials, SSCATIM-2010, Varanasi, 5-6th      January, 2010
 21. Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Bulk Ultra FineGrainned Aluminum Alloys
 R. Manna, N. K. Mukhopadhyay and G. V. S. Sastry
 47th NMD and 63rd ATM of IIM, Kolkata, 14-17th Nov, 2009
 20. Bulk Ultra FineGrainned AA3003 Alloy Processed by Equal Channel AngularPressing
Rajnish Kumar, R. J. Singh, G. V. S. Sastry and R. Manna
 47th NMD and 63rdATM of IIM, Kolkata, 14-17th Nov, 2009
19. Synthesis of Bulk Nanostructured and Amorphous Al-Mg Alloys by Mechanical
Milling andSpark Plasma Sintering
D. Mukherjee, R. Manna, B. Basu, K. Madhav Reddy and N. K. Mukhopadhyay
 47thNMD and 63rdATM of IIM, Kolkata, 14-17th Nov, 2009
 18. Properties of Ultra Fine Grained Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys Processed by 
   Equal ChannelAngular Pressing of Aluminum Alloys.
  R. Manna, N. K. Mukhopadhyay and G. V. S. Sastry
 VI International conference on Mechanochemistry and Mechanical Alloying     
 (INCOME 2008) NML, Jamshedpur, India, 1-4th Dec, 2008
 17. Recrystallisation Mechanisms Operative during Equal Channel AngularPressing
  of Aluminum alloys.
  R. Manna, N. K. Mukhopadhyay and G. V. S. Sastry
  International conference on Metals and Alloys: Past, Present and Future       
 (Metallo 2007) Kanpur, India, 7th -10th Dec, 2007
 16. Grain Refinement Mechanisms operative in Commercial Purity Aluminum
 Processed by Equal Channel Angular Pressing
 R. Manna, N. K. Mukhopadhyay and G. V. S. Sastry
 45th NMD and 61st  ATM of IIM, Mumbai, 13-16th Nov, 2007
15. An investigation on Equal Channel Angular Pressing of Al-Mg Alloys 
 R. Manna, N. K. Mukhopadhyay and G. V. S. Sastry
  45th NMD and 61st  ATM of IIM, Mumbai, 13-16th Nov, 2007
14. Grain Refinement Mechanisms in Commercial Purity Aluminum Processed by
 Equal Channel Angular Pressing
 R. Manna, N. K. Mukhopadhyay and G. V. S. Sastry
 International symposium on Advances in Material Engineering, Indian 
 Institute of Science, Bangalore July 4-6, 2007.
13. Effect of Equal Channel Angular Pressing on Grain Refinement and Mechanical
  Properties of Aluminium-Magnesium Alloys
R. Manna, N. K. Mukhopadhyay and G. V. S. Sastry
International conference on Material Behaviour: Far From Equilibrium 
(MBFE 2006), Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, India, Dec12-16, 2006
12. Synthesis and Characterization of Al-Cu-Fe, Al-Cr-Cu and Al-Cr-Fe γ-Brass
  Alloys by non-equilibrium Processing Techniques
D. Mukherjee, S. Dutta, R. Manna, I. Manna and N. K. Mukhopadhyay
International conference on Material Behaviour: Far-From Equilibrium (MBFE
2006), Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, India Dec12-16, 2006
11. Grain Refinement of Commercial pure Aluminium by Equal Channel Angular 
  Pressing followed by Cryo-Rolling
R. Manna, N. K. Mukhopadhyay and G. V. S. Sastry
44th NMD and 60th ATM of IIM, Jamshedpur, 15-16th Nov, 2006
10. Synthesis and Characterization of (Cu9Al4)94.5Cr5.5 Gamma Brass type Alloy by     
 non-equilibrium Processing
 S. Dutta,  D. Mukherjee, R. Manna, I. Manna and N. K. Mukhopadhyay
44th NMD and 60th ATM of IIM, Jamshedpur, 15-16th Nov, 2006
9.Effect of Equal Channel Angular Pressing on Grain Refinement and Mechanical    
 Properties of Commercial Purity Aluminium
 R. Manna, N. K. Mukhopadhyay and G. V. S. Sastry
8th International Conference on Nanostuctured Materials (Nano-2006)
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore August20-25th 2006
8.Equal Channel Angular Pressing of Commercial Purity Aluminum
R. Manna, N. K. Mukhopadhyay and G. V. S. Sastry
National seminar on Emerging Trends in Material Processing and Tribology  
(ETMPT-2006), Banaras Hindu University,Varanasi, March24-25, 2006
7. Synthesis and Characterization of Nano γ-brass Alloys
D. Mukherjee, R. Manna, I. Manna and N. K. Mukhopadhyay
43rd NMD and 59th ATM of IIM, Chennai, 14-16th Nov, 2005
6. Transformation characteristics of Cu-Zn-Al Shape Memory Alloys
 R. Manna, PulkitAgrawal, Sushant Joshi, N. K. Mukhopadhyay and G. V. S.Sastry
 National seminar on Emerging Trends in Metallurgy (ETM-2005),
 Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, March 21-22, 2005
5. Synthesis and Characterization on Nano γ-brass Alloys after Mechanical Milling
D. Mukherjee, R. Manna, I. Manna and N. K. Mukhopadhyay
42nd NMD and 58th ATM of IIM, Trivandrum, 17-19th Nov, 2004
4. Grain Refinement of Cu-Zn-Al based shape memory alloys by Equal Channel    
 Angular Pressing : Physical Modeling by Plasticine
 R. Manna, Pulkit Agrawal, Sushant Joshi, Basavakumar K. Mudda, N. K.   
 Mukhopadhyay and G. V. S. Sastry
 42nd NMD and 58th ATM of IIM, Trivandrum, 17-19th Nov, 2004
3. SiAlON bonded Refractories
 R. Manna and A L Shashi Mohan
 National seminar on ceramic Engineering Challenges of 21st Century       
 Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Feb 18-19,1999
2. Development of cordierite based Refractory Composites,
 R. Manna, L K Sharma and A L Shashi  Mohan, 62nd Annual session of In      
 Ceram Soc., Jamshedpur, December 5-6,1998.
1. Studies on SiAlON  bonded SiC compositions
    R. Manna and A L Shashi Mohan, Proceeding of 3rd India International         
    Refractory Congress, IREFCON-98, Calcutta, Feb11-13,1998

Teaching Experience: 16 Years

4. Associate Professor, Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Indian Institute
of Technology (Banaras Hindu University), Varanasi, from 16.10.2015 to till date
3.Assistant Professor, Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Indian Institute
of Technology (Banaras Hindu University), Varanasi, from 29.06.2012 to 15.10.2015
2.Assistant Professor, Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Indian Institute
of Technology (Banaras Hindu University), Varanasi, from 01.01.2006  to 28.06.2012
1.Lecturer, Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Institute
of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, from 13.11.2002  to 31.12.2005
Courses Taught
Post graduate and Ph. D.:  Heat Treatment of Advanced Ferrous alloys, Industrial Heat Treatment, Alloy Design and Development, Material Characterization Techniques, Practicals- Material Characterization and Materials Processing.
Graduate: Phase Transformations, Heat Treatment, Metallographic Techniques, Materials Selection and Design, Advanced Processing Technologies,  Practicals -Heat Treatment and Physical Metallurgy. 
Coures Developed
Heat Treatment of Advanced Ferrous alloys, Industrial Heat Treatment, Phase Transformations, Heat Treatment
Teaching Labs developed
Heat Treatment
Organized  Workshops:
1.Three – Day Workshop on Metallurgy for Non-Metallurgists (MNM-2015), Organised by IITBHU- Department of Metallurgical Engineering and TR Anantharaman Education And Research Foundation, Hyderabad, (December 08-10, 2015; at Department of Metallurgical Engineering, IIT -BHU, Varanasi, India), Chairman-Prof. R. K. Mandal, Conveners- Dr. R. Manna and Dr. K. Chattopadhyay.
Organized Short Term Courses:
1.Pre-Conference Workshop on Basics of Electron Back Scattered Diffraction (EBSD), Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (EELS) and Electron Diffraction in Materials Science:  (30th May-1st June, 2016), Venue: LT-1, Prof N. P. Gandhi Memorial Hall, jointly organized by Department of Metallurgical Engineering, IIT(BHU), Varanasi and under Electron Microscope Society of India - Dr. R. Manna, IIT (BHU), Dr. Abu Shaz, BHU, and Dr. B. Mukherjee.
2.QIP sponsored short term course and continuing education programme on Steel Technologies: The Department of Metallurgical Engineering, IITBHU, Varanasi in association with Advanced Research Centre for Iron and Steel of the Institute, has conducted a QIP sponsored short term course and continuing education programme on Steel Technologies on 2-9th March, 2017. Course Coordinator: Dr. R. Manna

International Journals
17. Development of High Strength Bulk Ultrafine-Grained Low Carbon Steel Produced by Equal-Channel Angular Pressing, Raj Bahadur Singh, N.K. Mukhopadhyay, G.V.S. Sastry, R. Manna, Metall Mater Trans A, 2017, 48A, 5449-5466
16. Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ultrafine-grained Interstitial-Free Steel Processed by ECAP. Deepa Verma, N.K. Mukhopadhyay, G. V. S. Sastry and R. Manna, Trans IIM, 2017, 70(4), 917-926
 15.Recovery of Ductility in Ultrafine-Grained Low Carbon Steel Processed through Equal-Channel Angular Pressing followed by Cold Rolling and Flash Annealing, Raj Bahadur Singh, N.K. Mukhopadhyay, G.V.S. Sastry and R. Manna, Metall Mater Trans A, 2017, 48A (3) (2017) 1189-1203.
14.Development of Bulk Ultrafine-Grained Interstitial Free Steel By Equal-Channel Angular Pressing Followed by Flash Annealing. Deepa Verma, Anushka  Bansal, Anushka  Pandey, Shobhit A., N.K. Mukhopadhyay, G.V.S. Sastry, and R, Manna J.l of Maters Eng and Performance 2016,  25(12), 5157-5166
13. Development of Texture in Interstitial-Free Steel Processed by Equal-Channel Angular Pressing, Deepa Verma, Satish Kumar Shekhawat, N.K. Mukhopadhyay, G.V. S. Sastry and R. Manna, J Mater Eng and Performance, 25(3)(2016) 820-830
12. Ultra High Strength Interstitial-Free Steel Processed by Equal-Channel Angular Pressing at Large Equivalent Strain, Deepa Verma, N. K. Mukhopadhyay, G. V. S. Sastry and R. Manna, Metall Mater Trans A, 47(4)(2016)1803-1817
11. Development of Ultrafine-grained Microstructure in Al-Cu-Mg Alloy (V65 grade) through Equal-Channel Angular Pressing, S A Danam, A Gupta, N Nayan, S V S Narayana Murty, R Manna and G V S Sastry, IOP conf series: Mater Sci Eng, 63(2014) p1-9, 012082, doi.10.1088/1757-899X/63/1/012082
 10. Development of Bulk Ultrafine-grained Cold Reducible Grade Low Carbon Steel produced by Equal-channel Angular Pressing, Rajpal Singh, Santosh Kumar, N. K. Mukhopadhyay, G. V. S. Sastry, R. Manna, Intll J of Met Eng 2(1) (2013) 62-68
9. Strengthening behavior of bulk ultra finegrained aluminum alloys, R. Manna, N. K. Mukhopadhyay and G.V.S. Sastry, Mater Sci. Forum, 710 (2012)241-246.
8. Grain refinement mechanisms operative during equal channel angular pressing of
Aluminum, R. Manna, N. K. Mukhopadhyay and G.V. S. Sastry, Mater Sci. Forum, 702-703(2012)135-138
 7. Formation of nanostructured and amorphous β-Al3Mg2 based alloys by rapid
solidification andmechanical milling, D. Mukherjee, V. Ande,R. Manna, B.S. Murty and N. K. Mukhopadhyay,  Mater Sci & Eng A, 527(20)(2010)5078-5083
6.Effect of equal channel angular pressing on microstructure and mechanical    properties of commercial purity  aluminum, R. Manna, N. K. Mukhopadhyay and G. V. S. Sastry, Metall. Mater. Trans. A, 39A (2008)1525-34
5. Synthesis and characterization of nano-structured Cu-Zn  γ-brass alloy, N.K  Mukhopadhyay, D. Mukherjee, S.Bera, I. Manna,R. Manna, Mater..Sci. Eng.A, 485(2008)673-680
4. Synthesis and characterization of nanocrystalline and amorphous Al4Cu9)94.5Cr5.5
γ-brass alloy by rapid solidification and mechanical milling, N. K.  Mukhopadhyay,  D. Mukherjee, S. Dutta, R. Manna, D. H. Kim, I. Manna, J. Alloys and Compounds, 457(2008)177-184
3. Physical Modeling of equal channel angular pressing using plasticine, R. Manna, PulkitAgrawal, Sushant Joshi, Basavakumar K. Mudda, N. K. Mukhopadhyay and G. V. S. Sastry, Scripta Mater, 53 (2005)1357-1361
2. Microstructure control and wear of Al2O3-SiC-(Al, Si) composites made by melt
Oxidation, VikramJayaram, Rampada Manna, Manjunath G Khetrapal and Sanjay K. Biswas
J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 79 (1996)770-72
1. Effects of second phase precipitates on recovery and recrystallisation behaviour of      
    cold-worked Al2024-SiCp composites, R. Manna, J. Sarkar and M. K. Surappa,
    J. Mater. Sci., 31(1996)1625-31
 Book Chapter
Effect of Flash Annealing on Ultra-fine Grained Low Carbon Steel Processed through Equal Channel Angular Pressing followed by Cryorolling,
Raj Bahadur Singh, N. K. Mukhopadhyay, G. V. S. Sastry and R. Manna, in Advanced High Strength steel, ed T. K. Roy et al. , Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd, 2018, pp103-113
Conference Proceedings
7. Bulk Ultrafine-Grained AA3003 Alloy Processed By Equal-Channel Angular Pressing,
Rajnish Kumar, G. V. S. Sastry and R. Manna,
Proceeding in Heat Treatment & Surface Engineering Conference & Expo 2013 (HT&SE 2013,) 16-18 May 2013, Chennai Trade Centre, Chennai, pp 453-464
6.Ultra high strength interstitial free steel through equal channel angular pressing followed by cryo-rolling and flash annealing
Deepa Verma, G.V. S. Sastry and R. Manna, Proceeding in International Conference on    
 Rolling and Finishing Technology of Steel October 4-6, 2012, Ispat Bhawan, Ranchi, India p1-10
5.Development of ultrafine-grained interstitial-free steels produced by cryorolling followed by flash annealing,Nitin Kumar Sharma, Sandeep Fonia, Santhoshi Sushma Buddhiraju, DeepaVerma, R. K. Mandal, G.V. S. Sastry and R. Manna,  Proceeding in International Conference on Rolling and Finishing Technology of Steel October 4-6, 2012, Ispat Bhawan, Ranchi,
India p1-10
4.Equal channel angular extrusion of Al alloy AA 7075:  A comparison of ECAP with conventional extrusion process, Rajnish Kumar, G.V.S.Sastry, R. Manna, Proc 15th Intl conf on non-ferrous metals, Hotel Oberoi Grand, Kolkata, 8-9th July, 2011, P- Tech-4/1-Tech -4/9
3.Dynamic recrystallization of All-Mg alloys during  equal channel angular pressing, R. Manna,  N.K. Mukhopadhyay and G.V.S. Sastry,
Proc Intl conf. on Advances in Analytical Techniques and Characterization of Materials, RDCIS, Ranchi, India, 5-7th July, 2011
 2.  Mechanism of microstructural refinement operative during equal channel angular pressing ofaluminum zinc alloys, R. Manna, N. K. Mukhopadhyay and G.V. S. Sastry, Proc 30thRisøIntl Sym on Mater Sc:Nanostructured metals-Fundamentals to
application, Risø National Laboratory, Denmark, 7-11th Sept, 2009, p245-252
1. Developmental studies on SiAlON bonded alumina, R. Manna and A L Shashi Mohan,Proc of 3rdIndia International Refractory  Congress (IREFCON-98), Calcutta,    Vol-II (1998)307-312
Teaching Materials displayed in  website
3.Continuous Cooling Transformation Diagrams,
R. Manna, edited by H.K.D.H. Bhadeshia, in the website of Professor Bhadeshia-
www.msm.cam/phase-trans/2012/Manna/Part3.pdf, p1-33
The above file is also displayed in IIT BHU website in profile of Dr. Rampada Manna and  in http://tra-erf.org/part3.pdf
2.Time Temperature Transformation diagrams
R. Manna, edited by H.K.D.H. Bhadeshia, in the website of Professor Bhadeshia-
www.msm.cam/phase-trans/2012/Manna/Part2.pdf, p1-108
The above file is also displayed in IIT BHU website in profile of Dr. Rampada Manna and in  http://tra-erf.org/part2.pdf
1. Heat treatment,
R. Manna, edited by H.K.D.H. Bhadeshia,in the website of Professor Bhadeshia-
www.msm.cam/phase-trans/2012/Manna/Part1.pdf, p1-38
The above file is also displayed in IIT BHU website in profile of Dr. Rampada Manna and  in http://tra-erf.org/part1.pdf

Sponsored research projects

S. No. Title Period Funding Agency Amount (Rs. in lakhs) Name of the Faculty Member
1 Development of  Bulk  Ultrafine-Grained Steel of High Strength and High Ductility through Severe Plastic Deformation 2011-2014 DST, Govt. of India 40.41 Dr. R. Manna(PI)
Prof. G. V. S. Sastry
Prof. N. K. Mukhopadhyay
2 Microstructural Modifications of High Strength Metals and Alloys for Ductilisation by Electropulsing 2015-2016 Sprouting Grant, (IITBHU) 17.575 Dr. R. Manna(PI)
Prof. G.V.S. Sastry
Prof. R. K. Pandey
3. Development of Electropulsing facility for Synthesis of Bulk Nanostructured Materials 2015-2017 BRNS, Dept of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India 26.484 Dr. R. Manna (PI)
Prof. R.K. Pandey (Electrical),                  Prof. S.N. Ojha,           Prof. G.V.S. Sastry
Dr. Archana Sharma (Collaborator)
4. Studies on Improvement in Stiffness of Aluminum Alloy Fibers 2016-18 DRDO, Govt. of India 40.11 Dr. R. Manna (PI)
Dr. K. Chattopadhyay
5. Setting up of Advanced Research Center for Iron and Steel at IIT(BHU), 2016-2021 Steel Development Fund, Ministry of Steel, Govt. of India 3098 Dr. R. Manna- Coordinator
Investigators -Teachers of the Dept.
6. Development of Bulk Nanostructured Materials 2017-2018 IITBHU Research Project 14.66 Dr. R. Manna(PI)


Industrial consultancy projects
S. No. Title Period Industry Amount (in lakhs of Rs.) Name of Faculty Member
3. Evaluation of SAILMA 550 grade steel, Examination of IIT Roorkee Report and
providing expert opinion on Penstock bursting.
2017-18 SAIL, RDCIS 20.72 Dr. R. Manna (PI),           Prof. S. N. Ojha,      Prof. R. K. Mandal,           Prof. N. K. Mukhopadhyay,       Prof. N. C. Santhi Srinivas,
Prof. B. N. Sarma,
Dr. K. Chattopadhyay,  Dr. J. Basu,                 Dr. S. K. Panda (Mec. Engg)

Research Guidance
Supervisor:  Dr. Rampada Manna

SNo Name of the Research Student Title of the Thesis/ Research Status
Awarded/Registered etc.
1 Dr. (Mrs.) Deepa Verma Microstructural Evolution and Mechanical Properties of an Interstitial-Free Steel Processed by Equal-Channel Angular Pressing Awarded (2016)
2 Shri Raj Bahadur Singh Development of Ultrafine-Grained Low Carbon Steel through Equal-Channel Angular Pressing and Post Processing Submitted, 2018
3 Shri Debabrata Bhuyan Design, Development and Characterization of Bulk Nanostructured Steel Registered,
In Progress

Co-Supervisor:  Dr. Rampada Manna

SNo Name of the Research Student Title of the Thesis/ Research Status
Awarded/Registered etc.
1 Shri P. C. Mani Effect of Microstructure on Erosion Resistance of Steels Registered
In Progress



Details for Specialization: Dr. Rampada Manna

Specialization Phase Transformations, Design of Steels, Heat treatment of Metals, Ultrafine-grained and bulk nanostructured Materials, Severe Plastic Deformation,  Electropulsing, Steel Technologies
Specialization deals with refinement of materials by adopting principles of phase transformations, severe plastic deformation and electropulsing for design of bulk ultrafine-grained, bulk nanostructured metallic alloys specially advanced steels for strong structure, wear resistant parts and impact resistant applications. The development of refined materials  are for ultrahigh strength structures with high hardness, ductility and toughness.  Alloy compositions are designed by JMATPRO, ThermoCalc,  melted by Vacuum induction melting,  processed by controlled rolling and various heat treatment processes. The materials are characterized for microstructure  and fracture surfaces by optical and electron microscopies, microtexture by EBSD, bulk texture, identification and quantification of phases and residual stress  by X-ray diffraction. Mechanical properties are measured by both bulk and micro indentation techniques, tensile testing, impact testing, wear and erosion testing.
Major Achievements:
  1. Developed and Commercialized Super Strength Cordierite Technology.
  2. Developed Severe Plastic Deformation Facility, at 60-100 MT, DST funded. Produced ultrafine-grained superstrength alloys, interstitial-free steel and low carbon steel
  3. Established Electropulsing Laboratory, 200KA at 10-15kV, BRNS funded. Produced ductile and tough ultrafine-grained steel of low residual stress 
  4. Established and Shaped Advanced Research Centre for Iron and Steel, SDF funded

Where following facilities are created

  • Vacuum Induction Melting Furnace, Melting and casting of  2 kg ferrous alloys,
  • X-ray Diffractometer with Texture Analysis High resolution XRD for powder and solid samples with bulk texture facility and residual stress measurement,
  • EBSD Detector with software,  TEAM EBSD software, Microtexture analysis,
  •  Software for Fe based alloys, JMATPRO software, calculation of TTA, TTT and CCT diagrams
  1. Produced bulk nanostructured steels
Recent Publications
1. Effects of second phase precipitates on recovery and recrystallisation behaviour of  cold-worked Al2024-SiCp composites
R. Manna, J. Sarkar and M. K. Surappa, J. Mater. Sci., 31(1996)1625-31
2. Microstructure control and wear of Al2O3-SiC-(Al, Si) composites made by melt oxidation
VikramJayaram, Rampada Manna, Manjunath G Khetrapal and Sanjay K. Biswas
J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 79 (1996)770-72
3. Physical Modeling of equal channel angular pressing using plasticine
R. Manna, PulkitAgrawal, Sushant Joshi, Basavakumar K. Mudda, N. K. Mukhopadhyay  and G. V. S. Sastry, Scripta Mater, 53 (2005)1357-1361
4. Synthesis and characterization of nanocrystalline and amorphous Al4Cu9)94.5Cr5.5 γ-brass alloy by rapid solidification and mechanical milling
N. K.  Mukhopadhyay,  D. Mukherjee, S. Dutta, R. Manna, D. H. Kim, I. Manna, J. Alloys and Compounds, 457(2008)177-184
5. Synthesis and characterization of nano-structured Cu-Zn  γ-brass alloy
N.K  Mukhopadhyay, D. Mukherjee, S.Bera, I. Manna,R. Manna
Mater..Sci. Eng.A, 485(2008)673-680
6.Effect of equal channel angular pressing on microstructure and mechanical    properties of commercial purity  aluminum
R. Manna, N. K. Mukhopadhyay and G. V. S. Sastry
Metall. Mater. Trans. A, 39A (2008)1525-34
7. Formation of nanostructured and amorphous β-Al3Mg2 based alloys by rapid solidification andmechanical milling
D. Mukherjee, V. Ande,R. Manna, B.S. Murty and N. K. Mukhopadhyay Mater Sci & Eng A, 527(20)(2010)5078-5083
 8. Grain refinement mechanisms operative during equal channel angular pressing of aluminum, R. Manna, N. K. Mukhopadhyay and G.V. S. Sastry, Mater Sci. Forum, 702-703(2012)135-138
9. Strengthening behavior of bulk ultra finegrained aluminum alloys
R. Manna, N. K. Mukhopadhyay and G.V.S. Sastry,
Mater Sci. Forum, 710 (2012)241-246.
10. Development of Bulk Ultrafine-grained Cold Reducible Grade Low Carbon Steel produced by Equal-channel Angular Pressing
Rajpal Singh, Santosh Kumar#, N. K. Mukhopadhyay, G. V. S. Sastry, R. Manna, Intll J of Met Eng 2(1) (2013) 62-68
11. Development of Ultrafine-grained Microstructure in Al-Cu-Mg Alloy (V65 grade) through Equal-Channel Angular Pressing,
S A Danam, A Gupta, N Nayan, S V S Narayana Murty, R Manna and G V S Sastry, IOP conf series: Mater Sci Eng, 63(2014) p1-9, 012082, doi.10.1088/1757-899X/63/1/012082
12. Ultra High Strength Interstitial-Free Steel Processed by Equal-Channel Angular Pressing at Large Equivalent Strain, Deepa Verma, N. K. Mukhopadhyay, G. V. S. Sastry and R. Manna, Metall Mater Trans A, 47(4)(2016)1803-1817
13. Development of Texture in Interstitial-Free Steel Processed by Equal-Channel Angular Pressing, Deepa Verma, Satish Kumar Shekhawat, N.K. Mukhopadhyay, G.V. S. Sastry and R. Manna, J Mater Eng and Performance, 25(3)(2016) 820-830

14.Development of Bulk Ultrafine-Grained Interstitial Free Steel By Equal-Channel Angular Pressing Followed by Flash Annealing.
Deepa Verma, N.K. Mukhopadhyay, G.V.S. Sastry, and R, Manna J.l of Maters Eng and Performance 2016,  25(12), 5157-5166

15.Recovery of Ductility in Ultrafine-Grained Low Carbon Steel Processed through Equal-Channel Angular Pressing followed by Cold Rolling and Flash Annealing, Raj Bahadur Singh, N.K. Mukhopadhyay, G.V.S. Sastry and R. Manna, Metall Mater Trans A, 2017, 48A (3) (2017) 1189-1203.
16. Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ultrafine-grained Interstitial-Free Steel Processed by ECAP.
Deepa Verma, N.K. Mukhopadhyay, G. V. S. Sastry and R. Manna
 Trans IIM, 2017, 70(4), 917-926
17. Development of High Strength Bulk Ultrafine-Grained Low Carbon Steel Produced by Equal-Channel Angular Pressing
Raj Bahadur Singh, N.K. Mukhopadhyay, G.V.S. Sastry, R. Manna
Metall Mater Trans A, 2017, 48A, 5449-5466

  •  Dr. Rampada Manna
  • Professor N. K. Mukhopadhyay
  • Professor G. V. S. Sastry
  • Professor R. K. Pandey (Electrical)
  • Professor A. P. Harsha (Mechanical)
News Updates
  • Vacuum Induction Melting Furnace for melting Steel
  • Tilting type pit furnace for melting aluminum alloys
  • Vacuum and Controlled atmosphere Furnace, 1300oC
  • Controlled atmosphere Oven, 650oC
  • Number of muffle furnaces ranging from 900-1400oC
  • Hydraulic Press, 100 MT
  • Electropulsing Facility, 200 kA, 15kV
  • High Speed Swing Type complete hydraulic Band Saw Machine Model SBM 300 H
  • Dual Cut Diamond sectioning   Machine
  • Automatic Polisher
  • Bulk Electropolishing, Lectropol 5
  • Scanning Electron Microscope, Quanta 200F, with EDS and EBSD
  • X-ray Diffractometer with Texture Analysis -Empyrean model, High resolution XRD for powder and solid samples with bulk texture facility and residual stress measurement
  • ThermocalC Software for Fe based alloys, JMATPRO software, calculation of TTA, TTT and CCT diagrams
Research Scholars
  • Deepa Verma
  • Raj Bahadur Singh
  • P C Mani
  •  Debabrata Bhuyan
Quick links

1. Name of the lab1; Advanced Research Centre for Iron and Steel

  • Server with PCs and JMATPRO software for calculation of TTA, TTT and CCT diagrams
  • Vacuum Induction Melting Furnace for melting 2 kg ferrous alloys
  • Vacuum and Controlled atmosphere Furnace, 1300oC for vacuum annealing, austenitisation
  • Controlled atmosphere Oven 650oC for isothermal heat treatment specially in bainitic range
  • Swing type Band Saw Hydraulic Machine SBM300H
  • Texture Analysis Laboratory X-ray Diffractometer with Texture Analysis -Empyrean model, High resolution XRD for powder and solid samples with bulk texture facility and residual stress measurement

Server with PCs and JMATPRO software for calculation of TTA, TTT and CCT diagrams

Vacuum Induction Melting Furnace for melting 2 kg ferrous alloys

Swing type Band Saw Hydraulic Machine SBM300H
Vacuum and Controlled atmosphere Furnace, 1300oC for vacuum annealing, austenitisation


Controlled atmosphere Oven 650oC for isothermal heat treatment specially in bainitic range

Texture Analysis Laboratory X-ray Diffractometer with Texture Analysis -Empyrean model, High resolution XRD for powder and solid samples with bulk texture facility and residual stress measurement

2. Name of the lab2; Severe Plastic Deformation

  • Hydraulic Press, 100MT for Equal Channel Angular Pressing, with furnace 700oC


Equal-Channel Angular  Pressing Die

3. Name of the lab3; Electropulsing Laboratory

  • Electropulsing set up, 15kV, 200kA
  • Automatic Polisher

Electropulsing set up, 15kV, 200kA, Capacitor Charging Power Supply

 Electropulsing set up, 15kV, 200kA, Capacitor Bank, back side
4. Name of the lab4; Heat Treatment Laboratory
Muffle furnaces of Kanthal heating elements, 900oC
Muffle furnaces of SiC Heating Elements, 1300oC
Muffle Furnaces of MoSi2 heating element, 1450oC
Pit furnaces of kanthal heating elements, 900oC
Salt bath furnace-700oC
Tilting type Pit furnace for melting Al and Cu Alloys, 1200oC
Muffle furnaces of Kanthal heating elements, 900oC


Muffle Furnaces of MoSi2 heating elements, 1450oC

Tilting type Pit furnace for melting Al and Cu Alloys, 1200oC

5. Name of the lab5; Sample Preparation unit

Dual Cut Diamond sectioning Machine for bulk sectioning   for   EBSD   sample and thin slices for TEM sample Preparation

Twin jet Electropolisher for electropolishing of TEM sample

Bulk Electropolishing, Lectropol 5 for electropolishing of bulk sample for EBSD with cryo arrangement

Scanning Electron Microscope, Quanta 200F, with field emission gun, environmental modeEDS and EBSD for microstructure, analysis of fracture surface, area composition analysis, microtexture analysis