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- Conference Attended/Papers Presented/Invited Lect.
- Research Publications & Research Supervised
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Dr. Sunil Mohan
Professor and Head
Department of Metallurgical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi
Ph: 0542-7165617
Fax: 0542-2369478
Mobile: 9415920858
Area of Interest: Transport Processes, Composite Materials, Tribology of Materials and Tribology of Alloys and Composites.
- PhD 1990 in Metallurgy, Met. Engg., UOR/IITR in Tribology
- ME 1985 in Physical Metallurgy, Met. Engg., UOR/IITR
- BE 1983 in Metallurgy, Met. Engg., UOR/IITR
- Intermediate 1977, SSV college Hapur, UP
- High School 1975, GIC, Muzaffarnagar, UP
- Engineer Trainee, Saraswati Steels, Muzaffarnagar, 1985-86
- SRF, WRL, Mechanical Engineering, UOR, 1986-87
- SRF-CSIR, Metallurgical Engineering, UOR, 1987-91
- Scientist DST, Metallurgical Engineering, UOR, 1991-92
- Lecturer, Metallurgical Engineering, IT-BHU, 1992-96
- Sr. Lecturer,Metallurgical Engineering, IT-BHU, 1996-2001
- Reader, Metallurgical Engineering, IT-BHU, 2001-2006
- Assoc. Professor, Metallurgical Engineering, IT-BHU, 2006-09
- Professor, Metallurgical Engineering, IT-BHU, 2009-12
- Professor, Metallurgical Engineering, IIT (BHU), 2012 onwards
- Head of the Department since January 2021
- Jt. Chief Proctor
- Chairman JEE since 2018
- Chairman Ant plagiarism committee
- Chairman GATE 2016-2018)
- Chairman Council of Wardens IIT Hostels, IIT-BHU (2012 – 2015)
- Chairman Anti-ragging Squad (2012-2013)
- Proctor BHU (2001- 2002)
- Administrative Warden/Warden of IT-Hostel (1994 to 2000).
- Coordinator Industrial Metallurgy Division
- Fellow Institution of Engineers
- Life Member TSI (TSI)affiliated toITC
- Life Member Electron Microscope Society of India
- Adjunct Professor at SMVDU
- Member Advisory Committee, National conference on Innovative Trends in Mechanical Engineering (NCITME-2017) Organised by SMVDU, Jammu
- Member Technical Program Committee Int. Conf. Metal Materials and Engineering 2017
- Member Technical Program Committee Int. Conf. Metal Materials and Engineering 2016
- Member Technical Program Committee Int. Conf. Metal Materials and Engineering 2015
- Invited to write a chapter for Handbook on Anti Abrasive Nanocoatings, Elsevier and in Processing Techniques and Tribological Behavior of Composite Materials, IGI Global, USA,
- In Editorial board of “International Journal of Metals”
- Peer Reviewer, QNRF Projects
- PhD Examiner for several PhD thesis
- Expert Member Selection Committee at NITs and Universities
- Reviewer of many International Journals such as:
Tribology International
Tribology: Materials, Surfaces & Interfaces
Proceedings of IMechE PartA& C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science,
Proceedings of IMechE Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology
Open Journal of Composite Materials
Tribology Letters
Metallurgical Transaction A
Sadhana - Academy Proceedings in Engineering Science
Material Characterization
Member, Expert Member & Examiner
- Chairman evaluation committee of DRDO projects
- DRDO, Hyderabad Expert member, April, 2018
- NIT Raipur Expert member April, 2018
- Expert Member in several selection committees at NITs at Research labs
- Examiner of several PhD Thesis at IITR, MNITJ, NITR, PU etc
- MIDHANI, Hyderabad Visited as Expert
- Expert Member for DRDO assessment
- RDCIS Ranchi, Represented IIT BHU in Strengthening Industry Academia Interface (SIAI) at Ranchi
Conference Attended/Papers presented/contributed
- G. Gautam, N. Kumar, A. Mohan, S. Mohan, Tribological behavior of tri-aluminide reinforced insitu composites. National Tribology Conference2016 “NTC-2016, ”Organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT(BHU), Varanasi, India, 8-10 December, 2016, pp. 174-175.
- K. Devi, G. Gautam, N. Kumar, A. Mohan, S. Mohan, G.S. Mahobia, Effect of morphology of primary Si on the tribological behavior of hypereutectic Al-Si alloy. Proceeding of National Tribology Conference2016 “NTC-2016” Organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT(BHU), Varanasi, India, 8-10 December, 2016, pp. 176-177.
- Sandeep Kumar Singh, Narendra Kumar, Gaurav Gautam, Aditya Kumar Padap, Anita Mohan, Rakesh Kumar Gautam and Sunil Mohan, Dry Sliding Wear Characteristics of Aluminium alloy 8011/AlB2 in-situ Composite. National Tribology Conference2016 “NTC-2016” Organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT(BHU), Varanasi, India, 8-10 December, 2016, pp. 125-126.
- Narendra Kumar, Gaurav Gautam, Rakesh Kumar Gautam, Anita Mohan and Sunil Mohan, High Temperature Sliding Wear Characteristics of AA5052/TiB2insitu Composite. Proceeding of National Tribology Conference2016 “NTC-2016” Organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT (BHU), Varanasi, India, 8-10 December 2016, pp. 17-18.
- G. Gautam, N. Kumar, A. Mohan, S. Mohan, Effect of insitu formed nano size ZrB2 particles on aluminium metal matrix composite having trialuminide. Fourth International Conference on Nanostructured Materials and Nanocomposites (ICNM 2017) on 10, 11 and 12 February 2017 at Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, India.
- G. Gautam, N. Kumar, A. Mohan, S. Mohan, D. Singh, ZrB2Nanparticles Dispersion Effect in Al Alloy Composites, Indian Institute of Metals NMD ATM 2017, 55th National Metallurgists’ Day, 71th Annual Technical Meeting and International Symposium on Lightweighting Defence, Aerospace and Transportation, 11-14 November, 2017 held at BITS, Pilani KK Birla Goa Campus, India.
- G. Gautam, N. Kumar, A. Mohan, S. Mohan, D. Singh, Synthesis and Characterization of Al Based Functionally Graded insitu Composites, International Conferenceon Advances in Materials & Processing: Challenges & Opportunities (AMPCO’17) Organized by Department of Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Engineering, IIT, Roorkee. 30 Nov to 2 Dec., 2017.
- G. Gautam, N. Kumar, A. Mohan, S. Mohan, D. Singh, Microstructure and Wear Behaviour of Al Based insitu Hybrid Composites, International Conferenceon Advances in Materials & Processing: Challenges & Opportunities (AMPCO’17) Organized by Department of Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Engineering, IIT, Roorkee. 30 Nov to 2 Dec., 2017.
- N. Kumar, G. Gautam, A.K. Padap, D. Singh, M. Kapoor, A. Mohan, S. Mohan, Parametric Modelling of Drilling Parameters for Surface Roughness of Hole in Al 6082 Alloy, International Conference on Computational and Experimental Methods in Mechanical Engineering (ICCEMME-2017), Organised by G.L. Bajaj Institute of Technology and Management, Greater Noida, UP, India, 8-9th December, 2017, ISBBN: 978-93-86171-85-6, pp. 525-531.
- V. Singh, N. Kumar, G. Gautam, A. Mohan, S. Mohan, Performance and Emission Analysis of Diesel Engine Fuelled with Blends of Canola oil Methyl Ester, International Conference on Computational and Experimental Methods in Mechanical Engineering (ICCEMME-2017), Organised by G.L. Bajaj Institute of Technology and Management, Greater Noida, UP, India, 8-9th December, 2017, ISBBN: 978-93-86171-85-6, pp. 148-154.
- S. Mohan, G. Gautam, N. Kumar, A. Mohan, Enhancing Strength of Materials with Reinforcement, 2018 International Conference on Material Strength and Applied Mechanics (MSAM 2018), Kitakyushu, Japan, April 10-13, 2018.
- Khushubo Devi and Sunil Mohan, Effect of nitrogen purging on mechanical and wear properties of hypereutectic Al-Si alloy, EMSI-2016, Int. Conf. on Electron Microscopy, XXXVII Annual Meeting of the Electron Microscope Society of India, June 2-4, 2016, Organised by Deptt of Met. Engg., IIT (BHU), Varanasi and Electron Microscope Society of India
- Narendra Kumar, Rakesh Kumar Gautam and Sunil Mohan, “Effect of in-situ developed ZrB2 particles on microstructural and mechanical properties of AA5052 metal–matrix composites”, 52nd National Metallurgists’ Day, 68th Annual Technical Meeting of The Indian Institute of Metals 12-15 November, 2014, College of Engineering, Pune, India
- Narendra Kumar, Rakesh Kumar Gautam and Sunil Mohan, “Microstructure and Tensile Behavior of AA5052/ZrB2 in-situ Composites”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Multifunctional Materials, Structures and Applications (ICMMSA-2014), In Collaboration with University of Missouri (MU), Columbia, MO 65211, USA, Organized by Centre for Interdisciplinary Research (CIR), Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad-211004, India. December 22-24, 2014, ISBN (13):978-93-392-2019-8, pp 21-25
- Narendra Kumar, Gaurav Gautam, Rakesh Kumar Gautam, Sunil Mohan, “Effect of Temperature on Tensile Properties of AA5052-6Vol% ZrB2 in-situ Composite, Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Materials, Manufacturing and Applications (AmmA-2015). NIT, Tiruchirappalli.,9-11 April, 2015. Published in Bonfring Digital Library, ISBN 978-93-84743-68-0 pp. 1046-1051.
- G. Gautam, N. Kumar, A. Mohan, S. Mohan, R. K. Gautam, “Synthesis and tribological properties of AA5052 base insitu composites”, Proceeding of Malaysian International Tribology Conference 2015, Organized by Malasian Tribology Society (MYTRIBOS), Kuala lumpur, Malaysia, pp.-117-119, 16-17 November 2015, ISBN 978-967-13625-0-1.
- S. Mohan, G. Gautam, N. Kumar, R. K. Gautam, A. Mohan, A. K. Jaiswal, “Dry sliding wear behaviour of Al-SiO2 composites” Proceeding of Malaysian International Tribology Conference 2015, Organized by Malasian Tribology Society (MYTRIBOS), Kuala lumpur, Malaysia, pp.-115-116, 16-17 November 2015, ISBN 978-967-13625-0-1
- R. K. Gautam, Manvandra Kumar Singh, Anita Mohan and Sunil Mohan, “Development of Copper Based Tungsten Carbide (WC) Nano - Composite and their Mechanical and Tribological Properties” 4th International Conference on Recent Advances in Composite Materials (ICRACM), February 18-21, 2013 at International Centre, Goa, India.
- Manvandra Kumar Singh, R. K. Gautam, Anita Mohan and Sunil Mohan, “Tribological and Mechanical properties of Copper Based Tungsten Carbide (WC) Composites” 8th International Conference on Industrial Tribology, (ICIT-12), 7 – 9 December, 2012, The Westin Koregaon Park, Pune, India
- Member organizing committee National Seminar on Emerging Trends in Iron & Steel Technology, 11-12 December 2010, Jointly Organised by Dept. of Met. Engg., Inst. of Tech. BHU & Corporate Monitor
- Fourth International Conference on Non-Ferrous Metals 2010, July 9-10, 2010, 8thInternational Conference on Industrial Tribology, (ICIT-12), 7 – 9 December, 2012, The Westin Koregaon Park Organised by Corporate Monitor in association with Met.Engg., Inst. of Tech. BHU
- S. Srivastava, S. Mohan&R.C.Gupta,”Fabrication and characterisation of Al-Fe composites”, National Seminar on Emerging Trends in Metallurgy, Met. Emgg. Dept., BHU-IT, Varanasi, March 21-22, (2005).
- R.K.Gautam, J.P.Pathak, S.Mohan “Wear Characteristics of Carbon- Carbon Composite Under Dry and Semi-Dry Conditions, XIII National Conference of Indian Society of Mechanical Engineers,IITR,Dec 30-31 (2003).
- J.P. Pathak and S. Mohan “Development of Aluminium Lead Alloy forPlain Bearing Applications”, Int. Conf. on Nonferrous Metals 2002, NFTDC, Hyderabad, June 28-29(2002).
- J.P. Pathak, S. Mohan and R.C. Gupta “Corrosive Wear Behaviour of Nitrogen Stainless Steel”, 55th ATM of IIM, Bhubaneshwar, Nov. 18-21 (2001).
- J.P. Pathak, Sunil Mohan and Vakil Singh, 'Robotic Automation in Metal Casting', National Conference on Manufacturing Challenges in 21st Century, Mechanical Engg. Department, BHU, Jan. 8-9(2000).
- Sunil Mohan and J.P. Pathak, 'Metal Matrix Ceramic Particulate Composite:Preparation and Properties. National Seminar on Ceramic Engineering Challenges of 21st Century, Ceramic Engg. Department, BHU, Feb. 18-19(1999).
- Ved Prakash, Sunil Mohan and J.P. Pathak, 'Wear Behavior of HSLA Steel'. 53 Annual Technical Meeting of Indian Institute of Metals, Kanpur, Nov. 13-16(1999).
- Sunil Mohan, V. Agarwala, R.C. Agarwala and K.G. Satyanarayana, 'WearCharacteristics of Aluminium Metal-Matrix Composites reinforced with steel wires' presented in Platinum Jubilee Celebration, Met. Engg. BHU, Varanasi (1998).
- J.P. Pathak and Sunil Mohan, 'Influence of Basic Properties on the Wear Characteristics of Manganese-Silicon Pearlitic Steels', Presented in 51st ATM. International Symposium on Neon Net Shape Casting of Steels, Jamshedpur, Nov. 14-17(1997).
- Sunil Mohan, V. Agarwala and R.C. Agarwala, 'Liquid-Liquid Dispersion forFabrication of Al-Pb Metal -Metal Composites', Presented in the Symposium 'Innovative Inorganic Composites, Sponsored by ASM-AIME Composites Committee, USA (1990).
- Sunil Mohan, V. Agarwala and S. Ray, 'Metal-Matrix Composites I: Other Metals',Presented in ASM Conf. on Tribological Properties at 'Cincinnati, June (1990).
- Sunil Mohan, V. Agarwala and S. Ray, 'Novel Casting Techniques in theProduction of Leaded Aluminium Alloys', Presented in International Conference on Recrystallization in Metallic Materials, RECRYSTALLIZATION' 90, Univ. of Wollongong, Wollongong, Australia, Jan. 21-24 (1990).
- Sunil Mohan, Vijaya Agarwala and Subrata Ray, 'Friction and WearCharacteristics of Stircast Al-Pb Alloys', Presented in the Seminar MET-MATS 89 on Materials Engineering at K.R.E.C., Surathkal, Karnataka, April 24-25 (1989).
- Sunil Mohan and S.K. Nath, 'Effect of Intercritical Annealing Temperature on theStructure of Dual-Phase Steel', Presented in the Seminar on Alloy Design and Development, Metallurgical Engineering Department, University of Roorkee, March 10-11 (1989).
- Sunil Mohan, V. Agarwala and S. Ray, 'Effect of Stirring Speeds on the WearCharacteristics of the Stir Cast Leaded Aluminium Alloys', presented in the Seminar on Alloy Design and Development, Met. Engg. Department, University of Roorkee, Roorkee, March 10-11 (1989).
General Article
- A.K. Singh, Md. Naseem & S. Mohan, “Siver Coins from Imlidih Khurd, Dt. Gorakhpur A Technical Study”, Journal of Numismatic Society of India, 69(2007) pp.43-46
Invited Lectures
- “Composites for Wear Applications”, AICTE Staff Development Programme onFundamentals of Tribology and Materials for Tribological Applications, 27 February to 11 March, 2006, Dept. of Mech. Engg., Inst. of Tech., BHU, Varanasi (2006).
- “Production of Al-Fe Composites for Piston Applications”, AICTE Staff Development Programme on Fundamentals of Tribology and Materials for Tribological Applications, 27 February to 11 March, 2006, Dept. of Mech. Engg., Inst. of Tech., BHU, Varanasi (2006).
- Impact of Corrosion On Water Supply Schemes, Lecture Series for Foreign Students, 1 June 2007, IITR Roorkee (2007)
- Remedial Measures of Corrosion in Water Supply Schemes, Lecture Series for Foreign Students, 1 June 2007, IITR Roorkee (2007)
- Effect of Corrosion on Ground Water Wells, Lecture Series for Foreign Students, 2 June 2007, IITR Roorkee (2007)
- Remedial Measures of Corrosion In Ground Water Wells, Lecture Series for Foreign Students, 2 June 2007, IITR Roorkee (2007)
- Environmental Hazards of Wear, Designing Planning of Specific strategies for Network Initiative Towards Revitalization of Community Health Can System, A workshop sponsored by Indo-Global Social Service Society, New Delhi and Organised by MavavAvam Prakriti Unnayan Samiti in collaboration with Integrated Rural Development, BHU, Varanasi, 19-20th December 2007
- Hazards of Wear: How to Combat, Different Dimensions of Rural Development, Organised by MavavAvam Prakriti Unnayan Samiti in collaboration with Integrated Rural Development, BHU, Varanasi, 19-20th December 2007
- Wear and Friction in Composites, Department of Mechanical Engineering NIT Srinagar (2011)
- Tribology of composites, Lecture series at SMVDU, Katra
- Strengthening of Composites at Kitakyushu, Japan, April, 2018
Research Reports
- A Study on the wear characteristics of rheocast leaded aluminium alloys, CSIR Technical Report, p. 25-62, Sept. (1993).
- The effect of heat-treatment on MS wire reinforced aluminium alloy, CSIR– Technical Report, p. 13-31, Jan. (1994).
Books & Chapters
- S.K. Chourasiya, G. Gautam, N. Kumar, A. Mohan, S. Mohan. Tribology of Spray Formed Aluminium Alloys and their Composites. In: C.I. Pruncu, A. Aherwar (eds). Tribology, Lubrication and Surface Engineering: Research vs. Applications, Taylor & Francis/ CRC Press, USA, 2020, Accepted.
- A. Mohan, G. Gautam, N. Kumar, S. Mohan. Sustainable Materials for Tribological Applications. In Encyclopedia of Renewable and Sustainable Materials, Elsevier, 2020. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-813195-4.11162-9.
- G. Gautam, N. Kumar, A. Mohan, S. Mohan. Tribology of Aluminium Matrix Composites.In: J.P. Davim, ed. Wear of Composite Materials, Germany, DE Gruyter, 2018, pp. 65-80. DOI: 10.1515/9783110352986-004.
- Sunil Mohan and Anita Mohan, ‘Wear, Friction and Prevention of Tribo-Surfaces by Coatings/Nanocoatings’in Anti-Abrasive Nanocoatings: Current and Future Applications, Elsevier pp. 3-22 (2015)
- Sunil Mohan, Rakesh Kr. Gautam and Anita Mohan‘Tribology and Aluminium Matrix Composites’, in Processing Techniques and Tribological Behavior of Composite Materials, IGI Global, USA, pp.126-48 (2015)
- R.C. Gupta, editor S.N. Ojha, J.P. Pathak and S. Mohan Associate editor, Proceeding of Int. Conf. Environmental Management in Metallurgical Industries Allied Publishers, 2000.
Research Papers Published
- Mishra, A., Behera, C.K., Mohan, S.,Mohan, A., Dhananjay Pradhan High Temperature erosion behaviour of Type AISI 446 stainless steel under the combined effect of surface modification and pre hot-corrosionEngineering Failure Analysis (2020), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engfailanal.2020.104873
- Ankit, Vineet Kumar, Ankitendran Mishra, Sunil Mohan, K.K.Singh, Anita Mohan, The effect of titanium carbide particles on microstructure and mechanical properties of copper/graphite composites prepared by flake powder metallurgy route.Materials Today Proceedings, Volume 26 (2020), p. 1140-1144
- S. K. Singh, N. Kumar, G. Gautam, A. K. Padap, A. Mohan, R. K. Gautam, and S. Mohan Sliding Wear Characteristics of Aluminium Alloy 8011/AlB2 Insitu Composite, Indian Journal of Tribology, Volume 7, (2019), p 1-3.ISSN 2347-3037.
- M.R. Kumar, C.K. Behra, S. Mohan, Measurement of Electrical Properties of Sn-Bi-In Alloys, Journal of Electronic Materials, Volume 48, (2019), 9 6561-6569.
- Hemant Nautiyal, Prabhat Srivastava, Om Prakash Khatri, Sunil Mohan, Rajnesh Tyagi, Wear and friction behavior of copper based nano hybrid composites fabricated by spark plasma sintering, Materials Research Express 6 (2019), p. 1-15
- MR Kumar, CK Behera, S. Mohan, S. Aich, Synthesis and Characterization of Titanium and Titanium Nitride Deposition on High Speed Steel Substrate, Materials Today Proceeding 18 (2019), p. 5416-5420.
- Monika Gautam, Gaurav Gautam, Anita Mohan, Sunil Mohan, Enhancing the performance of Aluminium by Chromium Oxide Materials Research Express, Volume 6, Number 12(2019) ,
- Vineet Kumar, Ankitendran Mishra, S. Mohan and A. Mohan, Fabrication of stircast ZA/ZrB2 reinforced in-situ composites, Materials Research Express, Volume 6, Number 12(2019)
- Gaurav Gautam, Narendra Kumar, Anita Mohan, Sunil Mohan, Devendra Singh, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, (2019)
- A. Mishra, Dhananjay Pradhan, C.K. Behera, S. Mohan and A. Mohan, Modeling and optimization of parameters for high-temperature solid particle erosion of the AISI 446SS using RSM and ANN, Materials Research Express, Volume 6 (2), 026513, (2019).
- A. Mishra, Dhananjay Pradhan, C.K. Behera, S. Mohan and A. Mohan. Effect of pre-hot corrosion on erosion behavior of high chromium ferritic steel for heatexchangers, ASME Journal of Tribology,APRIL 2019, Vol. 141 / 041607-1:10.1115/1.4042391 (2019).
- MR Kumar, S. Mohan, CK Behera, Thermodynamic accessment experimentally on Bi-Sn System by Calorimeter, Materials Today Proceeding 5 (2018), p. 27777-27785.
- Ankitendran Mishra, C. K. Behera, S. Mohan and A. Mohan, Erosive wear of 446SS ferritic steel: a potential material for heat exchangers application, Mater. Res. Express 5 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1088/2053-1591/aadb55
- M. R. Kumar, C. K. Behera and S. Mohan, Drop Calorimetric Measurements on Binary Bi–In System, International Journal of Thermophysics (2018) 39:101, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10765-018-2427-7
- N. Kumar, S. K. Singh, G. Gautam, A. K. Padap, A. Mohan, S. Mohan, Synthesis and statistical modelling of dry sliding wear of Al 8011/6 vol. % AlB2insitu composite, Materials Research Express 4 (2017).DOI: 10.1088/2053-1591/aa8dbe.
- K. Tiwari, G. Gautam, N. Kumar, A. Mohan, S. Mohan, Effect of Primary Silicon Refinement on Mechanical and Wear Properties of a Hypereutectic Al-Si Alloy, Silicon 10 (2018), pp. 2227-2239.
- N. Kumar, G. Gautam, A. Mohan, S. Mohan, High Temperature Tensile and Strain Hardening Behaviour of AA5052/9 vol. %ZrB2 insitu Composite, Materials Research 21 (2018). DOI: 10.1590/1980-5373-MR-2017-0860.
- N. Kumar, G. Gautam, A.K. Padap, D. Singh, M. Kapoor, A. Mohan, S. Mohan Parametric Modelling of Drilling Parameters for Surface Roughness of Hole in Al 6082 Alloy, International Journal of Advance Research in Science and Engineering 6 (2017), pp. 525-531.
- V. Singh, N. Kumar, G. Gautam, A. Mohan, S. Mohan, Performance and Emission Analysis of Diesel Engine Fuelled with Blends of Canola oil Methyl Ester, International Journal of Advance Research in Science and Engineering 6 (2017), pp. 148-154.
- G. Gautam, N. Kumar, A. Mohan, R. K. Gautam, S. Mohan, “Synthesis and Characterization of Tri-aluminide insitu Composites”,Journal of Material Science 51, (2016), pp. 8055-8074.
- N. Kumar, G. Gautam, R. K. Gautam, A. Mohan, S. Mohan. “A Study on Mechanical Properties and Strengthening Mechanisms of AA5052/ ZrB2insitu Composite”, Journal of Engineering Mat. and Technol.-Transaction of ASME 139 (2017), pp. 011002-1-011002-8.
- G. Gautam, N. Kumar, A. Mohan, R. K. Gautam, S. Mohan, “High Temperature Tensile and Tribological Behaviour of Hybrid (ZrB2+Al3Zr)/ AA5052 insitu Composite”, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 47 A (2016), pp. 4709-4720.
- G. Gautam, N. Kumar, A. Mohan, R. K. Gautam, S. Mohan, “Tribology and Surface Topography of tri-aluminide reinforced composites”,Tribology International 97 (2016),pp. 49–58.
- M. R. Kumar, S. Mohan, C. K. Behera “Measurement of Activity of Indium in Liquid Bi-In-Sn Alloys by EMF Method” Journal of Electronic Materials (JEMS) 45 (2016), pp. 4314-4323.
- N. Kumar, G. Gautam, R. K. Gautam, A. Mohan, S. Mohan. “Synthesis and Characterization of TiB2 Reinforced Aluminium Matrix composites: A Review”. Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India) - Series D97 (2015),pp. 233-253.
- G. Gautam, N. Kumar, A. Mohan, R. K. Gautam, S. Mohan, “Strengthening Mechanisms of (Al3Zrmp+ZrB2np)/AA5052 Hybrid Composites”,Journal of Composite Materials 50 (2016), pp. 4123-4133.
- N. Kumar, G. Gautam, R. K. Gautam, A. Mohan, S. Mohan. “Wear,Friction and Profilometer Studies of insitu AA5052/ZrB2 Composites”, Tribology International 97 (2016), pp. 313–326.
- Anita Mohan, Gaurav Gautam, Narendra Kumar, Sunil Mohan, R. K. Gautam, “Synthesis and tribological properties of AA5052 base insitu composites”,Composite Interfaces 23(6) (2016) pp.503-518
- S. Mohan, G. Gautam, N. Kumar, R. K. Gautam, A. Mohan, A. K. Jaiswal, “Dry sliding wear behaviour of Al-SiO2 composites”, Composite Interfaces 23(6) (2016) pp.493-502
- N. Kumar, G. Gautam, R. K. Gautam, A. Mohan, S. Mohan. “High Temperature Tribology of AA5052/ZrB2 PAMCs”,Journal of Tribology-Transaction of ASME ASME139(2017), pp. 011601-1-011601-12.
- N. Kumar, R.K. Gautam, S. Mohan, Composites under Dry Sliding Conditions”.Tribology in Industry, 37(2) (2015), pp. 244-256
- Narendra Kumar, Rakesh Kumar Gautam, Sunil Mohan. “In-situ Development of ZrB2 Particles and Their Effect on Microstructure and Mechanical properties of AA5052 Metal-Matrix Composites”.Materials and Design, 80 (2015) pp.129-136
- Rahul Agarwal, Anita Mohan, Sunil Mohan& Rakesh Kr. Gautam, “Synthesis and Characterization of Al/Al3Fe Nanocomposite for Tribological Applications” ASME journal of Tribology, 136 (2014) pp. 012001-1 – 9
- S. Sarkar, S. Tripathyand S. Mohan, “Effect of Si and Mg Addition on Dry Sliding Wear of Al-Fly Ash Metal Matrix Composite” International Journal of Material and Mechanical Engineering (IJMME) 3(2) (2014), pp. 31-37
- R. K. Gautam, Manvandra Kumar Singh, Anita Mohan and Sunil Mohan “Development of Copper Based Tungsten Carbide (WC) Nano - Composite and their Mechanical and Tribological Properties”Book: Recent Advances in Composite Materials, Ed. V.K.Srivastava, First edition, Bloomsbury Publishing India Pvt.Ltd., (2013) pp. 301-09
- R.K.Gautam, Anita Mohan and Sunil Mohan, “Fabrication and Characterisation of Al-Al2O3 Composite by Mechanical Alloying” Materials Science Forum, 736 (2013) pp. 81-97.
- S. Srivastava, S. Mohan, Yogesh Srivastava and Aman J. Shukla “Study of Wear and Friction Behaviour of Immiscible as-cast Al-Sn/Graphite Composite” Int. Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER), 2(2) (2012), pp. 25-42
- S. Srivastava and S. Mohan “Study of Wear and Friction of Al-Fe Metal-Matrix Composite Produced by Liquid Metallurgical Method” Tribology in Industry, 33(3), (2011) pp. 128-137.
- R.K.Gautam, Sandeep Dan, Sunil Mohan and Anita Mohan “Tribological behavior of Cast Al/Fe Composite Prepared by Stir Casting Route” Proceedings of National Tribology Conference – 2011” IIT Roorkee, December 8-10, (2011) pp. 28
- S.Sarkar, S.Sen , S.C.Mishra, M.K.Kudelwar, S.Mohan “Studies on Aluminium– Fly ash Composites Produced by Impeller Mixing”, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 29 (2010) pp. 144-48.
- S. Sarkar, A. Mohan, C. K. Behera and S. Mohan, “Comparative study of Sliding Wear Characteristics of Ni- and N-Austenitic Steels”,Tribology- Materials, Surfaces and Interfaces 3(2009) pp.92-96.
- S. Mohan and J.P. Pathak & R.K. Gautam “Tribological Behaviour of Carbon - Carbon Composite”,Tribology- Materials, Surfaces and Interfaces 1(4) (2008), pp. 190-196.
- S. Mohan, J. P. Pathak, S. Sarkar, and Nitin Chander, “Surface Studies of Centrifugally Cast Aluminium based Lead Bearing Alloys”,Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 27(13) (2008) pp. 1461-72.
- S.Sarkar, S.C. Panigrahi, S.Mohan, “Effect of Particle Distribution on the Properties of Aluminium Matrix in- situ Particulate Composites”Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 27(11) (2008) pp. 1177-87.
- S.Mohanand S.Srivastava “Surface Behaviour of As-Cast Al-Fe Intermetallic Composite”,Tribology Letters 22(1) (2006) pp. 45-51.
- J.P.Pathak, S.Mohan, J.K.Singh and S.N.Ojha “Centrifugal casting of Leaded Aluminium Alloys”,Int. J. of Cast Metal Research October issue 19(5) (2006) pp. 283-28
- J.P.Pathak, J.K.Singh and S.Mohan, “Synt hesis and characterization of aluminium-silicon- silicon carbide composites”,Indian Journal of Engineering and Material Sciences June (2006) pp. 238-246.
- J.P. Pathak, S.Mohan and D. Rai, “Dry Sliding Wear Behaviour of Martensitic Ni-Cr-Mo-V Steel under Different Operating Loads”,Metals Materials & Processes 17(1), (2005) pp. 43-54.
- J.P.Pathak, S. Sarkar and S. Mohan, “Fabrication and Characterization of Graphitic aluminium-silicon Composite”,Abstract in Trans. IIM 58(5) (2005).
- J.P. Pathak and S. Mohan ‘Wear of Conventional and Experimental Aluminium Bearing Alloys Sliding Under Lubrication’,Metallkunde 96 (2005) pp. 297-303.
- J.P.Pathak, S.Mohan, K.K.Sahoo and R.C.Gupta, “Synthesis and Characterisation of Graphitic Aluminium Composites”,Proc. Int. Conf. on Recent Advances in Composite Materials, Mech. Engg. Dept., Banaras Hindu University, India, 17-19 Dec. (2004) pp. 410-416.
- S.Srivastava, S.Mohan and R.C.Gupta, “Production of Al-Fe composites by liquid metallurgy for tribological applications”,Proc. of 4th International Conference on Industrial Tribology, ICIT’04 held on 15-18 December, 2004 in Mumbai, Organised by IOCL, BPCL, HPCL and L&T Ltd. Under the aegis of Tribological Society of India (2004) pp. 428-433.
- S.Mohanand J.P.Pathak, “Substitution of Tin by Lead in Commercial Al-Base Alloys to Improve Seizure Resistance”,Indian Journal of Tribology 3(1-2) (2004) pp. 9-12.
- J.P. Pathak and S. Mohan “Tribological Behaviour of Conventional Al-Sn and Equivalent Al-Pb Alloys Under Lubrication”,Bull. Mat. Sci. 26(2003) pp. 315-20.
- R.C. Gupta, J.P. Gautam and S. Mohan “Water Hycinth Char Addition in Iron Ore Pellet: An Exploratory Study”,ISIJ 43(2) (2003) pp. 259-61.
- R.K.Gautam, J.P.Pathak and S.Mohan,” “Wear Characteristics of Carbon-Carbon Composite under Dry and Semi-Dry Conditions”,XIII National Conference of Indian Society of Mechanical Engineers, IITR (2003) pp. MD-079/1-7.
- J.P.Pathak, G.B.Rudrakshi,S.Mohan and S.N.Ojha, “A Comparative Study on Tribology of Some Commercial and Experimental Bearing Alloys”,Proc. Int.Conf. on Non-Ferrous Metals,Organised by Corporate Monitor and Met. Engg. Dept., BHU, (2003) pp. 13/1-13/7.
- J.P.Pathak, B.K.Haldar, G.B.Rudrakshi, S.Mohan and S.N.Ojha, “Leaded Copper and Leaded Aluminium Copper Bearing Alloys”,Proc. National Seminar on Advances in Materials and Their Processing (AMTP), BasoveshwarEngg. College, Bagalkot, (2003) 71.
- S. Mohan, J.P. Pathak, R.C. Gupta and S. Srivastava “Wear Behaviour of Graphitic Aluminium Composite Sliding Under Dry Conditions”,Z. Metallkunde, 93 (2002) pp. 1245-51.
- S. Mohan, V. Prakash, J.P. Pathak, “Wear Characteristics of HSLA Steel”,Wear 252 (2002) pp.16-25.
- J.P. Pathak, S. Mohan and R.C.Gupta “Advances in Near Net Shape Components Manufacturing Foundry Techniques”,Proc. XIV National Convention of Production Engineering, Mech. Engg. Dept. BHU, Varanasi, (2002) pp. 389-396.
- J.P.Pathak and S.Mohan “Development of Aluminium Lead Alloys for Plain Bearing Applications”,Proc.Int. Conf. On Non-Ferrous Metals, Mech. 2002, Nonferrous Materials Tech. Dev. Centre, Hyderabad, (2002) pp. 96-101.
- J.P. Pathak and Sunil Mohan, “Wear Behaviour of Ni-Cr-Mo-V Steel Under Dry Sliding”,Z. Metalukunde, 93 (2002) pp. 1140-45.
- J.P. Pathak and S. Mohan “Preparation and Properties of Aluminium-1wt.% Copper-Ferritic Gray Iron Particulate Composites”Aluminium in India, 2 (2002) pp. 3-7.
- J.P. Pathak, S. Mohan and V. Singh, “Wear Behaviour of Titanium Alloy GTM-900 under Dry Sliding”,Indian J. Engg. and Mat.Sci.,9(2002) pp. 351-58.
- S. Mohan and J.P. Pathak “Sliding Wear Behaviour of Ni-Cr-Mo Steel”,Proc. National Seminar on Adv. in Materials and Processing, Dept. of Met. and Mat. Engg. IIT, Roorkee, (2001) pp. 72-77.
- J.P. Pathak, S. Mohan and V. Singh, “Robotic Automation in Metal Casting”,Proc. National Conference on Manufacturing Challenges in 21st Century, Mechanical Engineering (2000) pp. S-IV B5.1-10.
- O.P. Sinha, S. Mohan, R.C. Gupta, “Laboratory Plasma Arc Melting System Fabrication and Characterization - A Less Noise Generating System’,Proceeding International Conference on Environmental Management in Metallurgical Industries, Met. Engg., IT-BHU (2000) pp.353-59.
- Sunil Mohan and J.P. Pathak, “Metals-Ceramic Particulate Composites: Preparation and Characterisation”,Aluminium India, 17 (2000) pp.26-30.
- M.K. Srivastava,R.K. Mandal, Sunil Mohan, J.P. Pathak and S.N. Ojha, “Wear Characteristics of Al-Al2O3 Composite Produced by Powder Metallurgy Process”,Indian Journal of Engineering and Materials Sciences, 6 (1999) pp. 27-33.
- J.P. Pathak, Sunil Mohan and V. Singh, “Evaluation of Wear Resistance of Al-Li Alloy under Dry Sliding”,Aluminium India, 15(1998) pp. 9-11.
- J.P. Pathak and Sunil Mohan, “Abrasive Wear Characteristics of As-Cast Aluminium Silicon Alloys under Dry Sliding against Corundum Disc”,Indian Foundry Journal, (1998) pp. TP-5-10.
- Sunil Mohan and J.P. Pathak, “Aluminium-Lead Alloy as the Potential Bearing Material of the 21st Century”,Proc. of the International Conference on Aluminium, INCAL'98; New Delhi, Eds. D.H. Sastry, S. Subramanian, K.S.S. Murthy and K.P. Abraham, Vol. 2 (1998) pp. 321-26.
- J.P. Pathak, Sunil Mohan and D. Rai, “Influence of Basic Properties on the Wear Characteristics of C-Mn-Si Pearlitic Steel”,Tool and Alloy Steels, (1997) pp. 27-33.
- A.K. Ghose, J. Pal, N. Prasad, S. Singh and S. Mohan, “A Mathematical Model for Reblow of Basic Oxygen Steelmaking Furnace”,Tool and Alloy Steel, 31(8) (1997) 20.
- Sunil Mohan and J.P. Pathak, “Friction in Metals and Alloys”,Banaras Metallurgist, 14-15 (1997) pp. 217-20.
- P. Rajeev, Sunil Mohan, V. Agarwala and R.C. Agarwala, “High Temperature Deformation Characterisation of Titanium Aluminides”,BHM 141 (1996) pp. 122-24.
- P. Rajeev, Sunil Mohan, V. Agarwala and R.C. Agarwala, “Mathematical Modelling for High Temperature Deformation Characteristics of Ti-50 at. % Al Intermetallics”,BHM 140 (1995).
- S. Srivastava, Sunil Mohan, V. Agarwala and R.C. Agarwala, “The Effect of Ageing in Rheocast Leaded Aluminium Alloy”,Metallkunde, 85(1994) pp.513-17.
- S. Srivastava, Sunil Mohan, V. Agarwala and R.C. Agarwala, “The Effect of Aging on Wear Characteristics of the Rheocast-Leaded Aluminium Alloys”Met. Trans. 25A (1994) pp. 851-56.
- Rajnish Garg, Sunil Mohan, V. Agarwala and Ramesh C. Agarwala, “Wear Characteristics of a Rheocast Leaded Aluminium Metal-Metal Composite”,Z. Metallkunde, 84 (1993) pp. 721-24.
- Sunil Mohan, V. Agarwala and S. Ray, “Production of Al-Pb Composites”,Banaras Metallurgist, 12-13 (1993) pp. 67-71.
- Sunil Mohan, V. Agarwala and S. Ray, “Microstructure of Stircast Al-Pb Metal-Metal Composites”,Material Trans. JIM 33 (1992) pp.1057-62.
- Sunil Mohan, V. Agarwala and S. Ray, “Microstructure and Wear Characteristics of Rheocast Al-Pb Bearing Alloys”,Material Trans. JIM 33 (1992) pp.861-69.
- Sunil Mohan, V. Agarwala and S. Ray, “Fabrication of Cast Leaded Aluminium Alloys”,BHM 137 (1992) pp. 430-34.
- Anita Srivastava, Sunil Mohan, V. Agarwala and R.C. Agarwala, “On the Crystallization Behaviour of Ni-17.8 at. % B Electroless Deposit,Metallkunde, 83 (1992) pp. 254-57.
- Anita Srivastava, Sunil Mohan, V. Agarwala and R.C. Agarwala, “Factors Influencing the Deposition Rate of Ni-B Electroless Films”,Z. Metallkunde, 83 (1992) pp. 251-153.
- Sunil Mohan, Vijaya Agarwala and Subrata Ray, “Friction Characteristics of Stircast Al-Pb Alloys”,Wear 157 (1992) pp. 9-17.
- Sunil Mohan, Vijaya Agarwala and Subrata Ray, “Liquid-Liquid Dispersion for Fabrication of Al-Pb Metal-Metal Composites”,Materials Sci. and Engg. A144 (1991) pp.215-19.
- Sunil Mohan, Vijaya Agarwala and Subrata Ray, “The Effect of Lead Content on the Wear Characteristics of a Stir-Cast Aluminium-Lead Alloy”,Wear, 140 (1990) pp. 83-92. Cited in Metals Handbook, vol. 18, 10th ed., ASM, Materials Park, OH, 1992, pp. 741–757.
- Sunil Mohan, V. Agarwala and S. Ray, “Novel Casting Techniques in the Production of Leaded Aluminium Alloys”,International Conference on Recrystallization in Metallic Materials, RECRYSTALLIZATION' 90, The University of Wollongong, Australia, Conf. Proc. Editor T. Chandra TMS Publication (1990) pp. 629-35.
- Sunil Mohan, V. Agarwala and S. Ray, “Wear Characteristics of Rheocast and Stircast Al-Pb Metal -Metal Composites”,Edited by P.K. ROHATGI, P.J. Blau& C.S. Yust, Conference Proceedings, Tribology of Composite Materials, ASM International. The Materials Information Society (1990) pp. 189-93.
- Sunil Mohan, Vijaya Agarwala and Subrata Ray, “Wear Characteristics of Stircast Aluminium-Lead Alloys”,Z. Metallkunde, 80 (1989) pp. 904-08.
- Sunil Mohan, Vijaya Agarwala and Subrata Ray, “Dispersion of Liquid-Lead in Molten Aluminium by Stirring”,Z. Metallkunde, 80 (1989) pp. 439-43.
- Sunil Mohan, Vijaya Agarwala and Subrata Ray, “Hypereutectic Al-Si Rheocast Alloys Part II: Tensile Properties”,Z. Metallkunde, 79 (1988) pp. 407-09.
- Sunil Mohan, Vijaya Agarwala and Subrata Ray, “Hypereutectic Al-Si Rheocast Alloys Part I: Microstructural Features”,Z. Metallkunde, 79 (1988) pp. 403-06.
Research Supervised/Supervising : M. Tech. 55
PhD 11
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- Member Technical Committee, National Tribology Conference 2016 “NTC-2016” Organized by IIT(BHU), Varanasi
- Session Chair in National Tribology Conference 2016 “NTC-2016” Organized by IIT(BHU), Varanasi
- Member Technical Program Committee Int. Conf. Metal Materials and Engineering 2016
- Member Technical Program Committee Int. Conf. Metal Materials and Engineering 2015
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- Chairman ANVESHAN: A techno-management All India fest of students (2010)
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