Specialization: Computational Materials Engineering

Gibbs energy description of the phase using Cluster Variation method, Phase diagram assessments

Major Achievements:

  • Algorithm development for configurational entropy based on "Cluster Variation method"


Recent Publications:

  • Singh, R., Sui, P. C., Wong, K. H., Kjeang, E., Knights, S., & Djilali, N.  Modeling the Effect of Chemical Membrane Degradation on PEMFC Performance. Journal of The Electrochemical Society , 165(6) (2018), F3328–F3336.
  • Vikas Jindal, B Nageswara Sarma, S Lele, “An improved CVM entropy functional for binary fcc alloys”, Computational Materials Science 84 (2014), 129-133.
  • Vikas Jindal, B Nageswara Sarma, S Lele, “An improvement of cluster variation method entropy functional for bcc alloys”, Calphad 43 (2013), 48-51.
  • Vikas Jindal, B Nageswara Sarma, S Lele, “A thermodynamic assessment of the Cr–Mo system using CE-CVM” Calphad 43 (2013), 80-85.
